
108 lines
3.0 KiB

#include <Python.h>
#include "pygobject.h"
#include "pygtk/pygtk.h"
#include "mooterm/mooterm.h"
#include "mooterm/mootermwindow.h"
#include "mooterm/mooterm-text.h"
#include "mooutils/mooutils-python.h"
#include "moopython/moo-pygtk.h"
static GdkAtom
atom_from_pyobject(PyObject *object)
if (object == NULL)
return NULL;
if (PyString_Check(object))
return gdk_atom_intern(PyString_AsString(object), FALSE);
if (PyGdkAtom_Check(object))
return PyGdkAtom_Get(object);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "unable to convert argument to GdkAtom");
return NULL;
modulename _moo_term
import gtk.Widget as PyGtkWidget_Type
import gtk.Adjustment as PyGtkAdjustment_Type
import gobject.GObject as PyGObject_Type
import _moo_utils.Window as PyMooWindow_Type
override moo_term_new kwargs
static int
_wrap_moo_term_new (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
static char *kwlist[] = {NULL};
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwargs, ":Term", kwlist))
return -1;
self->obj = g_object_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM, NULL);
pygobject_register_wrapper ((PyObject*)self);
return 0;
override moo_term_fork_command_line kwargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_fork_command_line (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
static char *kwlist[] = {(char*) "cmd", (char*) "working_dir", NULL};
const char *cmd = NULL;
const char *working_dir = NULL;
gboolean result;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwargs, (char*) "s|s:Term.fork_command",
kwlist, &cmd, &working_dir))
return NULL;
result = moo_term_fork_command_line (MOO_TERM (self->obj), cmd,
working_dir, NULL, NULL);
return_Bool (result);
override moo_term_copy_clipboard kwargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_copy_clipboard (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
static char *kwlist[] = { (char*) "selection", NULL };
PyObject *py_selection = NULL;
GdkAtom selection;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, (char*) "O:MooTerm.copy_clipboard", kwlist, &py_selection))
return NULL;
selection = atom_from_pyobject(py_selection);
if (PyErr_Occurred())
return NULL;
moo_term_copy_clipboard(MOO_TERM(self->obj), selection);
return Py_None;
override moo_term_paste_clipboard kwargs
static PyObject *
_wrap_moo_term_paste_clipboard(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
static char *kwlist[] = { (char*) "selection", NULL };
PyObject *py_selection = NULL;
GdkAtom selection;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, (char*) "O:MooTerm.paste_clipboard", kwlist, &py_selection))
return NULL;
selection = atom_from_pyobject(py_selection);
if (PyErr_Occurred())
return NULL;
moo_term_paste_clipboard(MOO_TERM(self->obj), selection);
return Py_None;