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2021-04-02 06:11:27 +00:00
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  | | (_| | (__  | |\  | (_| | |_| | | | |
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							  |___/        ~By GreenDimond	

Nyan Cat, sadly, is no longer a part of MTG. I don't really know if this mod even works any more. Feel free to use it, however :)

This mod adds Nyan Cat's evil twin, Tac Nayn. Tac Nayn is a black cat. Instead of poptarts, Tac Nayn has waffles. It's "rainbow" is grayscale. Tac Nayn generates the same way as a Nyan Cat. If the waffles mod is enabled, you can craft Tac Nayn and it's rainbows.

Mod Contains:

  • Tac Nayn
  • Tac Nayn Rainbow

Crafting (only applies if the waffle mod is enabled):

  • Tac Nayn: B = Black Dye W = Large Waffle N = Nyan Cat |B||W||B| |W||N||W| |B||W||B|

  • Tac Nayn Rainbow B = Black Dye D = Dark Grey Dye G = Grey Dye R = Nyan Cat Rainbow |B||D||G| |D||R||D| |G||D||B| (reverse works as well)