
259 lines
7.8 KiB

import re
import time
import string # For string.ascii_lowercase (detecting CAPS floods)
import supybot.conf as conf
import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
import supybot.ircdb as ircdb
from supybot.commands import *
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
import supybot.schedule as schedule
from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization, internationalizeDocstring
_ = PluginInternationalization('FloodProtector')
class FloodProtector(callbacks.Plugin):
"""Kicks/Bans users for flooding"""
regexs = {} # Mass highlight
offenses = {}
# Users are immune for three secconds to prevent double kicks and bans
immunities = {}
repetitionRegex = re.compile(r"(.+?)\1+")
def inFilter(self, irc, msg):
if msg.command in ("PRIVMSG", "NOTICE", "JOIN", "PART", "QUIT"):
channel = msg.args[0]
if ircutils.isChannel(channel) and\
self.registryValue("enabled", channel):
if msg.command in ("PRIVMSG", "NOTICE"):
self.checkMessageFlood(irc, msg)
elif msg.command in ("JOIN", "PART", "QUIT"):
self.checkJoinFlood(irc, msg)
return msg
def generateRecent(self, irc, msg, commands, maxNeeded = 5):
recent = []
# Sorted in order of arival
for item in reversed(irc.state.history):
if item.command in commands and\
item.nick == msg.nick and\
item.args[0] == msg.args[0]:
recent.insert(0, item)
if len(recent) >= maxNeeded:
return recent
def checkJoinFlood(self, irc, msg):
channel = msg.args[0]
recentJoins = self.generateRecent(irc, msg, ("JOIN", "PART", "QUIT"), 6)
# Flaping connection
if len(recentJoins) >= 6 and\
recentJoins[-1].receivedAt - recentJoins[-6].receivedAt < 240:
self.banForward(irc, msg, "#fix_your_connection")
def checkMessageFlood(self, irc, msg):
channel = msg.args[0]
message = ircutils.stripFormatting(msg.args[1])
recentMessages = self.generateRecent(irc, msg, ("PRIVMSG", "NOTICE"))
# Regular message flood
if len(recentMessages) >= 5:
if (recentMessages[-1].receivedAt -\
recentMessages[-5].receivedAt) <= 6:
self.floodPunish(irc, msg, "Message", dummy = False)
# Message repitition flood
if len(recentMessages) >= 3:
firstTime = recentMessages[-3].receivedAt
curTime = recentMessages[-1].receivedAt
if (recentMessages[-3].args[1] ==\
recentMessages[-2].args[1] ==\
recentMessages[-1].args[1]) and\
curTime - firstTime < 60:
self.floodPunish(irc, msg, "Message repetition", dummy = False)
# Repitition
#def repetitions(r, s):
# for match in r.finditer(s):
# yield((, len( / len(
#repetitionList = list(repetitions(self.repetitionRegex,
# recentMessages[-1].args[1]))
#for rep in repetitionList:
# if rep[1] > 10:
# self.floodPunish(irc, msg, "Repetition", dummy = True)
# return
# Paste flood
typedTooFast = lambda recent, old:\
len(recent.args[1]) > (recent.receivedAt - old.receivedAt) * 30
if len(recentMessages) >= 4 and\
typedTooFast(recentMessages[-1], recentMessages[-2]) and\
typedTooFast(recentMessages[-2], recentMessages[-3]) and\
typedTooFast(recentMessages[-3], recentMessages[-4]):
self.floodPunish(irc, msg, "Paste", dummy = False)
# Slap flood
isSlap = lambda x: ircmsgs.isAction(x) and x.args[1][8:13] == "slaps"
if len(recentMessages) > 3 and\
isSlap(recentMessages[-1]) and\
isSlap(recentMessages[-2]) and\
isSlap(recentMessages[-3]) and\
(recentMessages[-1].receivedAt - recentMessages[-3].receivedAt) < 30:
self.floodPunish(irc, msg, "Slap")
# Mass highlight
if in self.regexs and\
channel in self.regexs[]:
matches = self.regexs[][channel].findall(message)
if len(matches) > 10:
self.floodPunish(irc, msg, "Highlight")
#def tooManyCaps(s):
# if len(s) == 0: return False
# numNotCaps = 0
# for c in s:
# if c in string.ascii_lowercase:
# numNotCaps += 1
# return numNotCaps / len(s) < 0.25
#if len(recentMessages) >= 3:
# if tooManyCaps(recentMessages[-1].args[1]) and\
# tooManyCaps(recentMessages[-2].args[1]) and\
# tooManyCaps(recentMessages[-3].args[1]):
# self.floodPunish(irc, msg, "CAPS", dummy = True)
# return
def banForward(self, irc, msg, channel):
hostmask = irc.state.nickToHostmask(msg.nick)
banmaskstyle = conf.supybot.protocols.irc.banmask
banmask = banmaskstyle.makeBanmask(hostmask)
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.mode(msg.args[0], ("+b", banmask + "$" + channel)))
self.log.warning("Ban-forwarded %s (%s) from %s to %s.",
banmask, msg.nick, msg.args[0], channel)
def floodPunish(self, irc, msg, floodType, dummy = False):
channel = msg.args[0]
if (not irc.nick in irc.state.channels[channel].ops) and\
(not irc.nick in irc.state.channels[channel].halfops):
self.log.warning("%s flooded in %s, but not opped.",\
msg.nick, channel)
if msg.nick in self.immunities:
self.log.debug("Not punnishing %s, they are immune.",
if msg.nick in irc.state.channels[channel].ops or\
msg.nick in irc.state.channels[channel].halfops or\
msg.nick in irc.state.channels[channel].voices:
self.log.debug("%s flooded in %s. But"\
+ " I will not punish them because they have"\
+ " special access.", msg.nick, channel)
if ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, 'trusted') or\
ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, 'admin') or\
ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, channel + ',op'):
self.log.debug("%s flooded in %s. But"\
+ " I will not punish them because they are"\
+ " trusted.", msg.nick, channel)
if in self.offenses and self.offenses[] > 2:
hostmask = irc.state.nickToHostmask(msg.nick)
banmaskstyle = conf.supybot.protocols.irc.banmask
banmask = banmaskstyle.makeBanmask(hostmask)
if not dummy:
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.ban(channel, banmask))
self.log.warning("Banned %s (%s) from %s for repeated"\
+ " flooding.", banmask, msg.nick, channel)
reason = floodType + " flood detected."
if floodType == "Paste":
reason += " Use a pastebin like or"
if not dummy:
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.kick(channel, msg.nick, reason))
self.log.warning("Kicked %s from %s for %s flooding.",\
msg.nick, channel, floodType)
# Don't schedule the same nick twice
if not ( in self.offenses):
schedule.addEvent(self.clearOffenses, time.time()+300,
self.offenses[] = 0 # Incremented below
self.offenses[] += 1
self.immunities[msg.nick] = True
schedule.addEvent(self.unImmunify, time.time()+3,
def clearOffenses(self, host):
if self.offenses[host] > 1:
self.offenses[host] -= 1
schedule.addEvent(self.clearOffenses, time.time()+300,
del self.offenses[host]
def unImmunify(self, nick):
del self.immunities[nick]
def makeRegexp(self, irc, channel):
if channel is None:
channels = irc.state.channels.keys()
channels = [channel]
for channelName in channels:
longNicks = [x for x in\
irc.state.channels[channelName].users if len(x) > 3]
s = r"|".join(map(re.escape, longNicks))
if not in self.regexs:
self.regexs[] = {}
self.regexs[][channel] =\
re.compile(s, re.IGNORECASE)
def doJoin(self, irc, msg):
for channel in msg.args[0].split(","):
self.makeRegexp(irc, channel)
def doPart(self, irc, msg):
if msg.nick == irc.nick: return
for channel in msg.args[0].split(","):
self.makeRegexp(irc, channel)
def doQuit(self, irc, msg):
if msg.nick == irc.nick: return
self.makeRegexp(irc, None)
def doKick(self, irc, msg):
if msg.nick == irc.nick: return
self.makeRegexp(irc, msg.args[0])
def doNick(self, irc, msg):
self.makeRegexp(irc, None)
Class = FloodProtector