
287 lines
9.4 KiB

-- You dont have time to understand this? oh well too bad then ... it was hard to make so it should be hard to read.
-- Dont expect others to do hard work for you and then pass it as your own.
function someFunc0(INPUT_VAR_0_)
local var_0_2 = INPUT_VAR_0_
local var_0_1 = minetest.get_node(var_0_2)
var_0_2 = true --var_0_2 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
if ~= "air" then
--jump to 0015 (if previous if statement is false)
if unknown0 == nil then
--jump to 0015 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0015
if not true then
--jump to 0047 (if previous if statement is false)
local var_0_4 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_0_4.x = INPUT_VAR_0_.x - 1
var_0_4.y = INPUT_VAR_0_.y - 1
var_0_4.z = INPUT_VAR_0_.z - 1
local var_0_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_0_5.x = INPUT_VAR_0_.x + 1
var_0_5.y = INPUT_VAR_0_.y + 1
var_0_5.z = INPUT_VAR_0_.z + 1
local var_0_6 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
local var_0_3 = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(var_0_4, var_0_5, var_0_6)
LEN unhandled at 0041
if var_0_4 == 1 then
--jump to 0046 (if previous if statement is false)
return false
--location 0046
--location 0047
return true
function someFunc1(INPUT_VAR_0_)
local var_1_2 = INPUT_VAR_0_
local var_1_1 = minetest.get_node(var_1_2)
if == "air" then
--jump to 0022 (if previous if statement is false)
var_1_2 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_1_2.x = INPUT_VAR_0_.x
var_1_2.y = INPUT_VAR_0_.y - 1
var_1_2.z = INPUT_VAR_0_.z
var_1_1 = minetest.get_node(var_1_2)
if ~= "air" then
--jump to 0024 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0022
var_1_1 = false --var_1_1 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
--jump to 0025 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0024
--location 0025
if not true then
--jump to 0029 (if previous if statement is false)
return true
--location 0029
local var_1_3 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_1_3.x = INPUT_VAR_0_.x - 1
var_1_3.y = INPUT_VAR_0_.y - 1
var_1_3.z = INPUT_VAR_0_.z - 1
local var_1_4 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_1_4.x = INPUT_VAR_0_.x + 1
var_1_4.y = INPUT_VAR_0_.y
var_1_4.z = INPUT_VAR_0_.z + 1
local var_1_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_1_2 = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(var_1_3, var_1_4, var_1_5)
LEN unhandled at 0052
if var_1_3 == 1 then
--jump to 0058 (if previous if statement is false)
return false
--jump to 0060 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0058
return true
--location 0060
function someFunc2(INPUT_VAR_0_)
if 0 < INPUT_VAR_0_ then
--jump to 0009 (if previous if statement is false)
return math.floor( INPUT_VAR_0_ + 0.5 )
--jump to 0016 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0009
UNM unhandled at 0011
local var_2_1 = math.floor( var_2_2 + 0.5 )
UNM unhandled at 0014
return var_2_1
--location 0016
function someFunc3()
unknown1.count = 0
local var_3_0 = check_noclip(pos)
if not var_3_0 then
--jump to 0016 (if previous if statement is false)
--jump to 0028 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0016
unknown2.count = 0
unknown3.cheattype = 0
--location 0028
function someFunc4()
unknown4.count = 0
local var_4_0 = check_fly(pos)
if not var_4_0 then
--jump to 0016 (if previous if statement is false)
--jump to 0028 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0016
unknown5.count = 0
unknown6.cheattype = 0
--location 0028
function someFunc5(INPUT_VAR_0_)
local var_5_2 = INPUT_VAR_0_
local var_5_1 = INPUT_VAR_0_.get_player_name(var_5_2)
local var_5_3 = var_5_1
var_5_2 = minetest.get_player_privs(var_5_3)
if var_5_2.kick then
--jump to 0012 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0012
if unknown7 then
--jump to 0018 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0018
local var_5_4 = INPUT_VAR_0_
var_5_3 = INPUT_VAR_0_.getpos(var_5_4)
var_5_4 = round( var_5_3.x * 10 )
var_5_3.x = var_5_4 / 10
var_5_4 = round( var_5_3.z * 10 )
var_5_3.z = var_5_4 / 10
var_5_4 = round( var_5_3.y * 10 )
var_5_3.y = var_5_4 / 10
if var_5_3.y < 0 then
--jump to 0046 (if previous if statement is false)
var_5_3.y = var_5_3.y + 1
--location 0046
local var_5_5 = var_5_3
var_5_4 = minetest.get_node(var_5_5)
var_5_5 = true --var_5_5 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
if ~= "air" then
--jump to 0060 (if previous if statement is false)
if unknown8 == nil then
--jump to 0060 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0060
if == "air" then
--jump to 0076 (if previous if statement is false)
local var_5_7 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_5_7.x = var_5_3.x
var_5_7.y = var_5_3.y - 1
var_5_7.z = var_5_3.z
local var_5_6 = minetest.get_node(var_5_7)
if ~= "air" then
--jump to 0078 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0076
var_5_6 = false --var_5_6 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
--jump to 0079 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0078
--location 0079
if unknown9.count == 2 then
--jump to 0093 (if previous if statement is false)
unknown10.clearpos = unknown11.lastpos
--location 0093
if not true then
--jump to 0161 (if previous if statement is false)
if unknown12.lastpos.x == var_5_3.x then
--jump to 0121 (if previous if statement is false)
if unknown13.lastpos.y == var_5_3.y then
--jump to 0121 (if previous if statement is false)
if unknown14.lastpos.z == var_5_3.z then
--jump to 0121 (if previous if statement is false)
var_5_7 = false --var_5_7 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
--jump to 0122 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0121
--location 0122
if true then
--jump to 0161 (if previous if statement is false)
if unknown15.count == 2 then
--jump to 0134 (if previous if statement is false)
unknown16.cheatpos = var_5_3
--location 0134
if unknown17.count == 2 then
--jump to 0145 (if previous if statement is false)
local randomFunction0 = function() end -- starts at anticheat_source.lua:91
minetest.after(CHECK_AGAIN, randomFunction0)
--location 0145
if unknown18.count == 2 then
--jump to 0161 (if previous if statement is false)
unknown19.count = 1
unknown20.cheattype = 1
--location 0161
if true then
--jump to 0297 (if previous if statement is false)
var_5_7 = nil --var_5_7 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
local var_5_9 = var_5_3
local var_5_10 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_5_10.x = var_5_3.x
var_5_10.y = var_5_3.y - 4
var_5_10.z = var_5_3.z
local var_5_8, var_5_9 = minetest.line_of_sight(var_5_9, var_5_10, 1 )
var_5_7 = var_5_9
var_5_6 = var_5_8
if var_5_6 then
--jump to 0297 (if previous if statement is false)
var_5_9 = INPUT_VAR_0_
local var_5_8 = INPUT_VAR_0_.get_player_control(var_5_9)
if var_5_8.sneak then
--jump to 0215 (if previous if statement is false)
var_5_9 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_5_9.x = var_5_3.x - 1
var_5_9.y = var_5_3.y - 1
var_5_9.z = var_5_3.z - 1
var_5_10 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_5_10.x = var_5_3.x + 1
var_5_10.y = var_5_3.y
var_5_10.z = var_5_3.z + 1
local var_5_11 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_5_8 = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(var_5_9, var_5_10, var_5_11)
LEN unhandled at 0210
if var_5_9 < 18 then
--jump to 0215 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0215
if unknown21.lastpos.y <= var_5_3.y then
--jump to 0297 (if previous if statement is false)
if false then
--jump to 0297 (if previous if statement is false)
var_5_10 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_5_10.x = unknown22.lastpos.x - 1
var_5_10.y = unknown22.lastpos.y - 1
var_5_10.z = unknown22.lastpos.z - 1
var_5_11 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_5_11.x = unknown22.lastpos.x + 1
var_5_11.y = unknown22.lastpos.y
var_5_11.z = unknown22.lastpos.z + 1
local var_5_12 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
var_5_9 = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(var_5_10, var_5_11, var_5_12)
LEN unhandled at 0252
if var_5_10 == 4 then
--jump to 0257 (if previous if statement is false)
var_5_6 = true --var_5_6 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
--jump to 0258 (if previous if statement is false)
--location 0257
--location 0258
if false then
--jump to 0297 (if previous if statement is false)
if unknown23.count == 2 then
--jump to 0270 (if previous if statement is false)
unknown24.cheatpos = var_5_3
--location 0270
if unknown25.count == 2 then
--jump to 0281 (if previous if statement is false)
local randomFunction1 = function() end -- starts at anticheat_source.lua:138
minetest.after(CHECK_AGAIN, randomFunction1)
--location 0281
if unknown26.count == 2 then
--jump to 0297 (if previous if statement is false)
unknown27.count = 1
unknown28.cheattype = 2
--location 0297
unknown29.lastpos = var_5_3
function someFunc6()
local randomFunction2 = function() end -- starts at anticheat_source.lua:18
local randomFunction3 = function() end -- starts at anticheat_source.lua:35
local randomFunction4 = function() end -- starts at anticheat_source.lua:48
local randomFunction5 = function() end -- starts at anticheat_source.lua:57
local var_6_8 = randomFunction2
local var_6_9 = randomFunction3
local var_6_10 = randomFunction5
return var_6_8, var_6_9, var_6_10