164 lines
5.3 KiB

Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "mapgen.h"
#include "mapgen_v6.h"
#include "cavegen.h"
float farscale(float scale, float z);
float farscale(float scale, float x, float z);
float farscale(float scale, float x, float y, float z);
struct NoiseIndevParams : public NoiseParams {
float farscale;
float farspread;
NoiseIndevParams() {}
NoiseIndevParams(float offset_, float scale_, v3f spread_,
int seed_, int octaves_, float persist_,
float farscale_ = 1, float farspread_ = 1)
offset = offset_;
scale = scale_;
spread = spread_;
seed = seed_;
octaves = octaves_;
persist = persist_;
farscale = farscale_;
farspread = farspread_;
~NoiseIndevParams() {}
#define getNoiseIndevParams(x, y) getStruct((x), "f,f,v3,s32,s32,f,f,f", &(y), sizeof(y))
#define setNoiseIndevParams(x, y) setStruct((x), "f,f,v3,s32,s32,f,f,f", &(y))
class NoiseIndev : public Noise {
NoiseIndevParams *npindev;
virtual ~NoiseIndev() {};
NoiseIndev(NoiseIndevParams *np, int seed, int sx, int sy);
NoiseIndev(NoiseIndevParams *np, int seed, int sx, int sy, int sz);
void init(NoiseIndevParams *np, int seed, int sx, int sy, int sz);
void transformNoiseMapFarScale(float xx = 0, float yy = 0, float zz = 0);
extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def;
extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def_terrain_base;
extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def_terrain_higher;
extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def_steepness;
//extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def_height_select;
//extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def_trees;
extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def_mud;
//extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def_beach;
extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def_biome;
//extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def_cave;
extern NoiseIndevParams nparams_indev_def_float_islands;
struct MapgenIndevParams : public MapgenV6Params {
NoiseIndevParams npindev_terrain_base;
NoiseIndevParams npindev_terrain_higher;
NoiseIndevParams npindev_steepness;
//NoiseParams *np_height_select;
//NoiseParams *np_trees;
NoiseIndevParams npindev_mud;
//NoiseParams *np_beach;
NoiseIndevParams npindev_biome;
//NoiseParams *np_cave;
NoiseIndevParams npindev_float_islands1;
NoiseIndevParams npindev_float_islands2;
NoiseIndevParams npindev_float_islands3;
MapgenIndevParams() {
//freq_desert = 0.45;
//freq_beach = 0.15;
npindev_terrain_base = nparams_indev_def; //&nparams_indev_def_terrain_base;
npindev_terrain_higher = nparams_indev_def; //&nparams_indev_def_terrain_higher;
npindev_steepness = nparams_indev_def; //&nparams_indev_def_steepness;
//np_height_select = &nparams_v6_def_height_select;
//np_trees = &nparams_v6_def_trees;
npindev_mud = nparams_indev_def; //&nparams_indev_def_mud;
//np_beach = &nparams_v6_def_beach;
npindev_biome = nparams_indev_def; //&nparams_indev_def_biome;
//np_cave = &nparams_v6_def_cave;
npindev_float_islands1 = nparams_indev_def; //&nparams_indev_def_float_islands;
npindev_float_islands2 = nparams_indev_def; //&nparams_indev_def_float_islands;
npindev_float_islands3 = nparams_indev_def; //&nparams_indev_def_float_islands;
bool readParams(Settings *settings);
void writeParams(Settings *settings);
class MapgenIndev : public MapgenV6 {
NoiseIndev *noiseindev_terrain_base;
NoiseIndev *noiseindev_terrain_higher;
NoiseIndev *noiseindev_steepness;
//NoiseIndev *noise_height_select;
//NoiseIndev *noise_trees;
NoiseIndev *noiseindev_mud;
//NoiseIndev *noise_beach;
NoiseIndev *noiseindev_biome;
//NoiseIndevParams *np_cave;
NoiseIndev *noiseindev_float_islands1;
NoiseIndev *noiseindev_float_islands2;
NoiseIndev *noiseindev_float_islands3;
MapgenIndev(int mapgenid, MapgenIndevParams *params, EmergeManager *emerge);
void calculateNoise();
float baseTerrainLevelFromNoise(v2s16 p);
float baseTerrainLevelFromMap(int index);
float getMudAmount(int index);
void generateCaves(int max_stone_y);
//void defineCave(Cave & cave, PseudoRandom ps, v3s16 node_min, bool large_cave);
void generateExperimental();
void generateFloatIslands(int min_y);
struct MapgenFactoryIndev : public MapgenFactoryV6 {
Mapgen *createMapgen(int mgid, MapgenParams *params, EmergeManager *emerge) {
return new MapgenIndev(mgid, (MapgenIndevParams *)params, emerge);
MapgenParams *createMapgenParams() {
return new MapgenIndevParams();
class CaveIndev : public CaveV6 {
CaveIndev(MapgenIndev *mg, PseudoRandom *ps, PseudoRandom *ps2,
v3s16 node_min, bool is_large_cave);