Minetest inventory with focus on very much items.
The mod is organized in multiple pages, each page does have own focus. There is a cached classification system implented that allow fast searching and browsing trough available items.
Crafting page
The vision is to not affect the gameplay trough crafting helpers. The helper should display currently relevant craft recipes only.
- Contains the usual player-, and crafting inventory
- Additional view of "craftable items" based on players inventory content
- Dynamic grouping of craftable items for better overview
- Lookup field to get all recipes with item in it - with filter for revealed items if the doc system is used
- Search field - with filter for revealed items if the doc system is used
- Compress - use the stack max size in inventory
- Sweep - move content of crafting inventory back to the main inventory
Optional support for other mods
doc_items - if the doc system is found the crafting page shows only items craftable by known (revealed) items. A lookup button is available on already known items to jump to the documntation entry
Creative page
The vision is to get items fast searchable and gettable
- 3 dynamic filters + text search field for fast items search
- cleanup of inventory trough "delete" field
- just click to the item to get it in inventory
- Grouping out mass-generated shaped nodes to own group to keep klarity. "shape_type" enhancement required. "shape_type" is implemented already in ,carpets. Prepared (locally, not pulled yet till mtg patch is clarified): ts_doors, moreblocks/stairsplus. minetest_game patch
Player page
The vision is to get all skins and player customizations visual exposed
In creative mode there are all armor items available for 3d_armor support. The players inventory is not used in this mode. In survival only the armor from players inventory is shown
tested with my fork But it should be work with any fork that uses skins.skins[] and have *_preview.png files
License: LGPL-3