When two copy nodes are placed at opposite corners of an area, they select the area as show in figure 1. When an area is selected, it is copied and the two copy nodes are deleted.
The paste node is used for pasting the area copied by the copy node or a schematic loaded with the open node. When a paste node is placed, the copied area or schematic is placed at the corner of the paste node. In the case of a copied area, area is pasted relative to the position of the first placed copy node when it was copied. The copied area can be rotated when the paste preview is visible by pressing the sneak key and an arrow key.
Delete nodes are used to delete a 3D area. When two delete nodes are placed at opposite corners of an area, they select the area as show in figure 1. When an area is selected, it is deleted and the two delete nodes are removed as well.
Fill nodes are used to fill a 3D area with a certain item. Start by placing two fill nodes at opposite corners of the desired area. The selected area includes the positions of the fill nodes themselves as shown in figure 2.
Once a second fill node is placed, a dialog appears listing all items in the players inventory. Clicking an item will cause it to be used used for filling the selected area. Clicking on a blank slot will cause the selected area to be filled with air. To cancel the fill, press the "X".