switch to native translator

This commit is contained in:
FaceDeer 2020-02-17 23:07:10 -07:00
parent ab10a93181
commit df13b27260
12 changed files with 250 additions and 204 deletions

i18n.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Script to generate the template file and update the translation files.
# Copy the script into the mod or modpack root folder and run it there.
# Copyright (C) 2019 Joachim Stolberg
# LGPLv2.1+
from __future__ import print_function
import os, fnmatch, re, shutil, errno
#group 2 will be the string, groups 1 and 3 will be the delimiters (" or ')
#See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46967465/regex-match-text-in-either-single-or-double-quote
#TODO: support [[]] delimiters
pattern_lua = re.compile(r'[\.=^\t,{\(\s]N?S\(\s*(["\'])((?:\\\1|(?:(?!\1)).)*)(\1)[\s,\)]', re.DOTALL)
# Handles "concatenation" .. " of strings"
pattern_concat = re.compile(r'["\'][\s]*\.\.[\s]*["\']', re.DOTALL)
pattern_tr = re.compile(r'(.+?[^@])=(.+)')
pattern_name = re.compile(r'^name[ ]*=[ ]*([^ \n]*)')
pattern_tr_filename = re.compile(r'\.tr$')
pattern_po_language_code = re.compile(r'(.*)\.po$')
#attempt to read the mod's name from the mod.conf file. Returns None on failure
def get_modname(folder):
with open(folder + "mod.conf", "r", encoding='utf-8') as mod_conf:
for line in mod_conf:
match = pattern_name.match(line)
if match:
return match.group(1)
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
#If there are already .tr files in /locale, returns a list of their names
def get_existing_tr_files(folder):
out = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder + 'locale/'):
for name in files:
if pattern_tr_filename.search(name):
return out
# A series of search and replaces that massage a .po file's contents into
# a .tr file's equivalent
def process_po_file(text):
# The first three items are for unused matches
text = re.sub(r'#~ msgid "', "", text)
text = re.sub(r'"\n#~ msgstr ""\n"', "=", text)
text = re.sub(r'"\n#~ msgstr "', "=", text)
# comment lines
text = re.sub(r'#.*\n', "", text)
# converting msg pairs into "=" pairs
text = re.sub(r'msgid "', "", text)
text = re.sub(r'"\nmsgstr ""\n"', "=", text)
text = re.sub(r'"\nmsgstr "', "=", text)
# various line breaks and escape codes
text = re.sub(r'"\n"', "", text)
text = re.sub(r'"\n', "\n", text)
text = re.sub(r'\\"', '"', text)
text = re.sub(r'\\n', '@n', text)
# remove header text
text = re.sub(r'=Project-Id-Version:.*\n', "", text)
# remove double-spaced lines
text = re.sub(r'\n\n', '\n', text)
return text
# Go through existing .po files and, if a .tr file for that language
# *doesn't* exist, convert it and create it.
# The .tr file that results will subsequently be reprocessed so
# any "no longer used" strings will be preserved.
# Note that "fuzzy" tags will be lost in this process.
def process_po_files(folder, modname):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder + 'locale/'):
for name in files:
code_match = pattern_po_language_code.match(name)
if code_match == None:
language_code = code_match.group(1)
tr_name = modname + "." + language_code + ".tr"
tr_file = os.path.join(root, tr_name)
if os.path.exists(tr_file):
print(tr_name + " already exists, ignoring " + name)
fname = os.path.join(root, name)
with open(fname, "r", encoding='utf-8') as po_file:
print("Importing translations from " + name)
text = process_po_file(po_file.read())
with open(tr_file, "wt", encoding='utf-8') as tr_out:
# from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/600268/mkdir-p-functionality-in-python/600612#600612
# Creates a directory if it doesn't exist, silently does
# nothing if it already exists
def mkdir_p(path):
except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):
else: raise
# Writes a template.txt file
def write_template(templ_file, lkeyStrings):
lOut = []
for s in lkeyStrings:
lOut.append("%s=" % s)
with open(templ_file, "wt", encoding='utf-8') as template_file:
# Gets all translatable strings from a lua file
def read_lua_file_strings(lua_file):
lOut = []
with open(lua_file, encoding='utf-8') as text_file:
text = text_file.read()
text = re.sub(pattern_concat, "", text)
for s in pattern_lua.findall(text):
s = s[1]
s = re.sub(r'"\.\.\s+"', "", s)
s = re.sub("@[^@=0-9]", "@@", s)
s = s.replace('\\"', '"')
s = s.replace("\\'", "'")
s = s.replace("\n", "@n")
s = s.replace("\\n", "@n")
s = s.replace("=", "@=")
return lOut
# Gets strings from an existing translation file
def import_tr_file(tr_file):
dOut = {}
if os.path.exists(tr_file):
with open(tr_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as existing_file :
for line in existing_file.readlines():
s = line.strip()
if s == "" or s[0] == "#":
match = pattern_tr.match(s)
if match:
dOut[match.group(1)] = match.group(2)
return dOut
# Walks all lua files in the mod folder, collects translatable strings,
# and writes it to a template.txt file
def generate_template(folder):
lOut = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
for name in files:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, "*.lua"):
fname = os.path.join(root, name)
found = read_lua_file_strings(fname)
print(fname + ": " + str(len(found)) + " translatable strings")
lOut = list(set(lOut))
if len(lOut) == 0:
return None
templ_file = folder + "locale/template.txt"
write_template(templ_file, lOut)
return lOut
# Updates an existing .tr file, copying the old one to a ".old" file
def update_tr_file(lNew, mod_name, tr_file):
print("updating " + tr_file)
lOut = ["# textdomain: %s\n" % mod_name]
#TODO only make a .old if there are actual changes from the old file
if os.path.exists(tr_file):
shutil.copyfile(tr_file, tr_file+".old")
dOld = import_tr_file(tr_file)
for key in lNew:
val = dOld.get(key, "")
lOut.append("%s=%s" % (key, val))
lOut.append("##### not used anymore #####")
for key in dOld:
if key not in lNew:
lOut.append("%s=%s" % (key, dOld[key]))
with open(tr_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as new_tr_file:
# Updates translation files for the mod in the given folder
def update_mod(folder):
modname = get_modname(folder)
if modname is not None:
process_po_files(folder, modname)
print("Updating translations for " + modname)
data = generate_template(folder)
if data == None:
print("No translatable strings found in " + modname)
for tr_file in get_existing_tr_files(folder):
update_tr_file(data, modname, folder + "locale/" + tr_file)
print("Unable to find modname in folder " + folder)
def update_folder(folder):
is_modpack = os.path.exists(folder+"modpack.txt") or os.path.exists(folder+"modpack.conf")
if is_modpack:
subfolders = [f.path for f in os.scandir(folder) if f.is_dir()]
for subfolder in subfolders:
update_mod(subfolder + "/")
# Runs this script on each sub-folder in the parent folder.
# I'm using this for testing this script on all installed mods.
#for modfolder in [f.path for f in os.scandir("../") if f.is_dir()]:
# update_folder(modfolder + "/")

View File

@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ dynamic_liquid.registered_liquid_neighbors = {}
local water_level = tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("water_level"))
-- internationalization boilerplate
local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname)
local S = minetest.get_translator(modname)
-- By making this giant table of all possible permutations of horizontal direction we can avoid
-- lots of redundant calculations.

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-- Fallback functions for when `intllib` is not installed.
-- Code released under Unlicense <http://unlicense.org>.
-- Get the latest version of this file at:
-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minetest-mods/intllib/master/lib/intllib.lua
local function format(str, ...)
local args = { ... }
local function repl(escape, open, num, close)
if escape == "" then
local replacement = tostring(args[tonumber(num)])
if open == "" then
replacement = replacement..close
return replacement
return "@"..open..num..close
return (str:gsub("(@?)@(%(?)(%d+)(%)?)", repl))
local gettext, ngettext
if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then
if intllib.make_gettext_pair then
-- New method using gettext.
gettext, ngettext = intllib.make_gettext_pair()
-- Old method using text files.
gettext = intllib.Getter()
-- Fill in missing functions.
gettext = gettext or function(msgid, ...)
return format(msgid, ...)
ngettext = ngettext or function(msgid, msgid_plural, n, ...)
return format(n==1 and msgid or msgid_plural, ...)
return gettext, ngettext

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# Dynamic liquid Minetest mod.
# Copyright (C) 2017
# This file is distributed under the same license as the dynamic_liquid package.
# FaceDeer
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-12 12:55-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: init.lua:141
msgid "Damp Clay"
msgstr "Feuchten Lehm"
#: init.lua:197
msgid "Spring"
msgstr "Quelle"
#: init.lua:198
msgid ""
"A natural spring that generates an endless stream of water source blocks"
msgstr ""
#: init.lua:199
msgid ""
"Generates one source block of water directly on top of itself once per "
"second, provided the space is clear. If this natural spring is dug out the "
"flow stops and it is turned into ordinary cobble."
msgstr ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# textdomain: dynamic_liquid
A natural spring that generates an endless stream of water source blocks=
Damp Clay=Feuchten Lehm
Generates one source block of water directly on top of itself once per second, provided the space is clear. If this natural spring is dug out the flow stops and it is turned into ordinary cobble.=
##### not used anymore #####

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# textdomain: dynamic_liquid
A natural spring that generates an endless stream of water source blocks=Un manantial natural que genera un flujo sin fín de bloques fuente de agua
Damp Clay=Arcilla húmeda
Generates one source block of water directly on top of itself once per second, provided the space is clear. If this natural spring is dug out the flow stops and it is turned into ordinary cobble.=Genera un bloque fuente de agua directamente encima de sí mismo una vez por segundo, en tanto el espacio esté libre. Si éste manantial natural es excavado el flujo se detiene y se convierte en adoquines comúnes.
##### not used anymore #####

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# textdomain: dynamic_liquid
A natural spring that generates an endless stream of water source blocks=
Damp Clay=Argile humide
Generates one source block of water directly on top of itself once per second, provided the space is clear. If this natural spring is dug out the flow stops and it is turned into ordinary cobble.=
##### not used anymore #####

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# Spanish translations for PACKAGE package
# Traducciones al español para el paquete PACKAGE.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Diego Martínez <kaeza@kaeza-desktop>, 2017.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-12 12:55-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-02-24 00:13-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Diego Martínez <kaeza@kaeza-desktop>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish\n"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: init.lua:141
msgid "Damp Clay"
msgstr "Arcilla húmeda"
#: init.lua:197
msgid "Spring"
msgstr "Manantial"
#: init.lua:198
msgid ""
"A natural spring that generates an endless stream of water source blocks"
msgstr ""
"Un manantial natural que genera un flujo sin fín de bloques fuente de agua"
#: init.lua:199
msgid ""
"Generates one source block of water directly on top of itself once per "
"second, provided the space is clear. If this natural spring is dug out the "
"flow stops and it is turned into ordinary cobble."
msgstr ""
"Genera un bloque fuente de agua directamente encima de sí mismo una vez por "
"segundo, en tanto el espacio esté libre. Si éste manantial natural es "
"excavado el flujo se detiene y se convierte en adoquines comúnes."

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# Dynamic liquid Minetest mod.
# Copyright (C) 2017
# This file is distributed under the same license as the dynamic_liquid package.
# FaceDeer
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-12 12:55-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: init.lua:141
msgid "Damp Clay"
msgstr "Argile humide"
#: init.lua:197
msgid "Spring"
msgstr "Source"
#: init.lua:198
msgid ""
"A natural spring that generates an endless stream of water source blocks"
msgstr ""
#: init.lua:199
msgid ""
"Generates one source block of water directly on top of itself once per "
"second, provided the space is clear. If this natural spring is dug out the "
"flow stops and it is turned into ordinary cobble."
msgstr ""

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-12 12:55-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: init.lua:141
msgid "Damp Clay"
msgstr ""
#: init.lua:197
msgid "Spring"
msgstr ""
#: init.lua:198
msgid ""
"A natural spring that generates an endless stream of water source blocks"
msgstr ""
#: init.lua:199
msgid ""
"Generates one source block of water directly on top of itself once per "
"second, provided the space is clear. If this natural spring is dug out the "
"flow stops and it is turned into ordinary cobble."
msgstr ""

locale/template.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
A natural spring that generates an endless stream of water source blocks=
Damp Clay=
Generates one source block of water directly on top of itself once per second, provided the space is clear. If this natural spring is dug out the flow stops and it is turned into ordinary cobble.=

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
name = dynamic_liquid
name = dynamic_liquid
optional_depends = default, doc, xpanes, carts
description = Flowing dynamic liquids and ocean-maintenance springs.