add some workarounds for mods that generate bad item icons

This commit is contained in:
FaceDeer 2020-01-15 11:01:31 -07:00
parent 078c555fbd
commit 7ce1abfd95
2 changed files with 140 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -2,8 +2,19 @@
local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")
-- Large textures can screw with the formspecs.
-- See for a feature request that would simplify and improve icon generation, if supported.
-- In the meantime, here's some methods for overriding item icons to manually work around this:
local override_item_icon = {}
commoditymarket.override_item_icon = function(item_name, new_icon_texture)
override_item_icon[item_name] = new_icon_texture
local override_image_icon = {}
commoditymarket.override_image_icon = function(old_icon_texture, new_icon_texture)
override_image_icon[old_icon_texture] = new_icon_texture
-- And a setting for disabling icons entirely:
local global_enable_item_icons = minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_enable_item_icons", true)
--Escaping does not apply here and `^` is replaced by `&` in texture names instead.
@ -30,6 +41,11 @@ local get_icon = function(item)
return returnstring
local override = override_item_icon[item]
if override then
return override
local inventory_image = def.inventory_image
if inventory_image and inventory_image ~= "" then
returnstring = inventory_image
@ -57,6 +73,11 @@ local get_icon = function(item)
returnstring = returnstring:sub(1, found_caret-1)
override = override_image_icon[returnstring]
if override then
return override
return minetest.formspec_escape(returnstring)
-- Exposed so that the purge_unknowns command can use it.
@ -78,12 +99,16 @@ local inventory_desc_comp = function(invitem1, invitem2) return invitem1.descrip
local get_account_formspec = function(market, account)
local show_itemnames = account.show_itemnames == "true"
local show_icons = global_enable_item_icons and ((account.show_icons or "true") == "true")
local market_def = market.def
local inventory = {}
local inventory_count = 0
for item, quantity in pairs(account.inventory) do
local icon = get_icon(item)
local icon
if show_icons then
icon = get_icon(item)
table.insert(inventory, {item=item, quantity=quantity, icon=icon, description=get_item_description(item)})
inventory_count = inventory_count + quantity
@ -97,34 +122,50 @@ local get_account_formspec = function(market, account)
.."tabheader[0,0;tabs;"..market_def.description..","..S("Your Inventory")..","..S("Market Orders")..";2;false;true]"
formspec[#formspec+1] = "tablecolumns[image"
formspec[#formspec+1] = "tablecolumns["
if show_icons then
formspec[#formspec+1] = "image"
for i=1, #inventory, 2 do
formspec[#formspec+1] = ","..i.."="..inventory[i].icon
if show_itemnames then
formspec[#formspec+1] = ";text"
formspec[#formspec+1] = ";"
formspec[#formspec+1] = ";text;text,align=center;image"
if show_itemnames then
formspec[#formspec+1] = "text;"
formspec[#formspec+1] = "text;text,align=center"
if show_icons then
formspec[#formspec+1] = ";image"
for i=2, #inventory, 2 do
formspec[#formspec+1] = ","..i.."="..inventory[i].icon
if show_itemnames then
formspec[#formspec+1] = ";text"
formspec[#formspec+1] = ";text;text,align=center]"
.."tooltip[inventory;"..S("All the items you've transfered to the market to sell and the items you've\npurchased with buy orders. Double-click on an item to bring it back into your\npersonal inventory.").."]"
if show_itemnames then
formspec[#formspec+1] = ","..S("Item")
if show_icons then
formspec[#formspec+1] = "0,"
if show_itemnames then
formspec[#formspec+1] = S("Item")..","
formspec[#formspec+1] = S("Description")..","..S("Quantity")
if show_icons then
formspec[#formspec+1] = ",0"
formspec[#formspec+1] = ","..S("Description")..","..S("Quantity")..",0"
if show_itemnames then
formspec[#formspec+1] = ","..S("Item")
formspec[#formspec+1] = ","..S("Description")..","..S("Quantity")
for i, entry in ipairs(inventory) do
if show_icons then
formspec[#formspec+1] = "," .. i
if show_itemnames then
formspec[#formspec+1] = "," .. entry.item
@ -148,6 +189,7 @@ local get_account_formspec = function(market, account)
return table.concat(formspec)
@ -174,25 +216,37 @@ end
local compare_last_price = function(mkt1, mkt2) return (mkt1.last_price or 2^31) < (mkt2.last_price or 2^31) end
local sort_marketlist = function(item_list, account)
-- I think tonumber is now redundant here, leaving it in in case upgrading a world that has text recorded in this field for an existing player account
local sort_by = tonumber(account.sort_markets_by_column)
if sort_by == nil then return end
local show_itemnames = account.show_itemnames == "true"
local sort_by = tonumber(account.sort_markets_by_column) or -1
if show_itemnames then sort_by = sort_by - 1 end -- displace columns 1 if itemnames are enabled
local show_icons = global_enable_item_icons and ((account.show_icons or "true") == "true")
local icon_displace = 0
if show_icons then
icon_displace = 1
local itemname_displace = 0
if show_itemnames then
itemname_displace = 1
-- "Icon,Item,Description,#00FF00,Buy Vol,Buy Max,#FF0000,Sell Vol,Sell Min,Last Price"
if sort_by == 1 and show_itemnames then
if sort_by == 1 + icon_displace and show_itemnames then
table.sort(item_list, compare_market_item)
elseif sort_by == 2 then
elseif sort_by == 1 + icon_displace + itemname_displace then
table.sort(item_list, compare_market_desc)
elseif sort_by == 4 then
elseif sort_by == 3 + icon_displace + itemname_displace then
table.sort(item_list, compare_buy_volume)
elseif sort_by == 5 then
elseif sort_by == 4 + icon_displace + itemname_displace then
table.sort(item_list, compare_buy_max)
elseif sort_by == 7 then
elseif sort_by == 6 + icon_displace + itemname_displace then
table.sort(item_list, compare_sell_volume)
elseif sort_by == 8 then
elseif sort_by == 7 + icon_displace + itemname_displace then
table.sort(item_list, compare_sell_min)
elseif sort_by == 9 then
elseif sort_by == 8 + icon_displace + itemname_displace then
table.sort(item_list, compare_last_price)
elseif sort_by == 10 then
elseif sort_by == 9 + icon_displace + itemname_displace then
table.sort(item_list, function(mkt1, mkt2)
-- Define locally so that account is available
return (account.inventory[mkt1.item] or 0) > (account.inventory[mkt2.item] or 0)
@ -245,20 +299,23 @@ local get_market_formspec = function(market, account)
local selected = account.selected
local market_list = make_marketlist(market, account)
local show_itemnames = account.show_itemnames == "true"
local show_icons = global_enable_item_icons and ((account.show_icons or "true") == "true")
local anonymous = market_def.anonymous
local formspec = {
.."tabheader[0,0;tabs;"..market_def.description..","..S("Your Inventory")..","..S("Market Orders")..";3;false;true]"
.."tablecolumns[image" -- icon
-- column definitions
formspec[#formspec+1] = "tablecolumns["
if show_icons then
formspec[#formspec+1] = "image" -- icon
for i, row in ipairs(market_list) do
formspec[#formspec+1] = "," .. i .. "=" .. get_icon(row.item)
formspec[#formspec+1] = ";"
if show_itemnames then
end if show_itemnames then
formspec[#formspec+1] = "text;" -- itemname
formspec[#formspec+1] = "text;" -- description
@ -271,13 +328,15 @@ local get_market_formspec = function(market, account)
.."text,align=right,tooltip="..S("Price paid for one of these the last time one was sold.")..";"
.."text,align=right,tooltip="..S("Quantity of this item that you have in your inventory ready to sell.").."]"
.."0"-- icon
if show_icons then
formspec[#formspec+1] = "0,"-- icon
-- header row
if show_itemnames then
formspec[#formspec+1] = ",Item" -- itemname
formspec[#formspec+1] = "Item," -- itemname
formspec[#formspec+1] = ","..S("Description")..",#00FF00,"..S("Buy Vol")..","..S("Buy Max")
formspec[#formspec+1] = S("Description")..",#00FF00,"..S("Buy Vol")..","..S("Buy Max")
..",#FF0000,"..S("Sell Vol")..","..S("Sell Min")..","..S("Last Price")..","..S("Inventory")
local selected_idx
@ -286,10 +345,11 @@ local get_market_formspec = function(market, account)
local truncate_length
-- If we're not showing item names we can be more generous in allowed description length
if show_itemnames then truncate_length = truncate_item_names_to else truncate_length = truncate_item_names_to * 2 end
-- Show list of item market summaries
for i, row in ipairs(market_list) do
if show_icons then
formspec[#formspec+1] = ","..i -- icon
if show_itemnames then
local item_display = row.item
@ -382,7 +442,6 @@ local get_market_formspec = function(market, account)
.."text,align=right,tooltip="..S("The total amount of items available at this price accounting for the other orders also currently being offered.")..";"
.."text,tooltip="..S("The name of the player who placed this order.\nDouble-click your own orders to cancel them.")..";"
.."text,align=right,tooltip="..S("How many days ago this order was placed.").."]"
.."table[0,6.5;9.75,3.5;orders;#FFFFFF,"..S("Order")..","..S("Price")..","..S("Quantity")..","..S("Total Volume")..","..S("Player")..","..S("Days Old")
local sell_volume = selected_row.sell_volume
@ -413,6 +472,7 @@ local get_market_formspec = function(market, account)
formspec[#formspec+1] = "label[0.1,5.1;"..S("Select an item to view or place orders.").."]"
return table.concat(formspec)
@ -442,7 +502,6 @@ local log_to_string = function(market, log_entry, account)
seller_name =
local colour
local new
local last_acknowledged = account.last_acknowledged or 0
@ -453,7 +512,6 @@ local log_to_string = function(market, log_entry, account)
colour = "#FFFFFF"
new = false
local show_itemnames = account.show_itemnames == "true"
local itemname = log_entry.item
if not show_itemnames then
@ -493,11 +551,15 @@ local get_info_formspec = function(market, account)
formspec[#formspec+1] = "#CCCCCC"..S("No logged activites in this market yet.").."]"
local show_itemnames = account.show_itemnames or "false"
formspec[#formspec+1] = "]container[0.5, 7.5]label[0,0;Settings:]checkbox[0,0.25;show_itemnames;"..S("Show Itemnames")..";"
if global_enable_item_icons then
local show_icons = account.show_icons or "true"
formspec[#formspec+1] = "checkbox[2,0.25;show_icons;"..S("Show Icons")..";"..show_icons.."]"
formspec[#formspec+1] = "container_end[]"
return table.concat(formspec)
@ -540,7 +602,6 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if formname_split[1] ~= "commoditymarket" then
return false
local market = commoditymarket.registered_markets[formname_split[2]]
if not market then
return false
@ -552,20 +613,23 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
local account = market:get_account(name)
local something_changed = false
local show_icons = global_enable_item_icons and ((account.show_icons or "true") == "true")
local something_changed = false
if fields.tabs then = tonumber(fields.tabs)
something_changed = true
-- player clicked on an item in the market summary table
if fields.summary then
local summaryevent = minetest.explode_table_event(fields.summary)
if summaryevent.type == "DCL" or summaryevent.type == "CHG" then
if summaryevent.row == 1 then
-- header clicked, sort by column
account.sort_markets_by_column = summaryevent.column
local column = tonumber(summaryevent.column)
if not (column == 1 and show_icons) then -- ignore clicks on the icon column header
account.sort_markets_by_column = column
-- item clicked, recreate the list to find out which one
local marketlist = make_marketlist(market, account)
@ -579,7 +643,6 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
something_changed = true
if fields.orders then
local ordersevent = minetest.explode_table_event(fields.orders)
if ordersevent.type == "DCL" and ordersevent.column > 0 then
@ -628,12 +691,13 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if fields.inventory then
local invevent = minetest.explode_table_event(fields.inventory)
if invevent.type == "DCL" and invevent.column > 0 then
local col_count
local col_count = 8
local show_itemnames = account.show_itemnames == "true"
if show_itemnames then
col_count = 8
col_count = 6
if not show_itemnames then
col_count = col_count - 2
if not show_icons then
col_count = col_count - 2
local index = math.floor(((invevent.row-1)*col_count + invevent.column - 1)/(col_count/2)) - 1
local account = market:get_account(name)
@ -698,6 +762,7 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if process_checkbox("filter_participating", fields, account) then something_changed = true end
if process_checkbox("show_itemnames", fields, account) then something_changed = true end
if process_checkbox("show_icons", fields, account) then something_changed = true end
if fields.acknowledge_log then
account.last_acknowledged = minetest.get_gametime()
@ -712,7 +777,6 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) = ""
something_changed = true
if something_changed then
minetest.show_formspec(name, formname, market:get_formspec(account))

View File

@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
#Some item images are very large and break the market formspec.
#Alternately, use:
#commoditymarket.override_item_icon(item_name, new_icon_texture)
#commoditymarket.override_image_icon(old_icon_texture, new_icon_texture)
#to override a troublesome image directly.
commoditymarket_enable_item_icons (Enable item icon images in market formspecs) bool true
[Enable default markets]
commoditymarket_enable_kings_market (Enable King's Market) bool false
commoditymarket_enable_night_market (Enable Night Market) bool false