split the default markets out into commoditymarkets_fantasy, leaving only the API

This commit is contained in:
FaceDeer 2020-01-19 11:27:35 -07:00
parent a00904abe4
commit 43121763ab
24 changed files with 135 additions and 1795 deletions

View File

@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
local default_modpath = minetest.get_modpath("default")
if not default_modpath then return end
-- internationalization boilerplate
local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")
-- Only register gold coins once, if required
local gold_coins_registered = false
local register_gold_coins = function()
if not gold_coins_registered then
minetest.register_craftitem("commoditymarket:gold_coins", {
description = S("Gold Coins"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("A gold ingot is far too valuable to use as a basic unit of value, so it has become common practice to divide the standard gold bar into one thousand small disks to make trade easier."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Gold coins can be deposited and withdrawn from markets that accept them as currency. These markets can make change if you have a thousand coins and would like them back in ingot form again."),
inventory_image = "commoditymarket_gold_coins.png",
stack_max = 1000,
gold_coins_registered = true
local default_items = {"default:axe_bronze","default:axe_diamond","default:axe_mese","default:axe_steel","default:axe_steel","default:axe_stone","default:axe_wood","default:pick_bronze","default:pick_diamond","default:pick_mese","default:pick_steel","default:pick_stone","default:pick_wood","default:shovel_bronze","default:shovel_diamond","default:shovel_mese","default:shovel_steel","default:shovel_stone","default:shovel_wood","default:sword_bronze","default:sword_diamond","default:sword_mese","default:sword_steel","default:sword_stone","default:sword_wood", "default:blueberries", "default:book", "default:bronze_ingot", "default:clay_brick", "default:clay_lump", "default:coal_lump", "default:copper_ingot", "default:copper_lump", "default:diamond", "default:flint", "default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_lump", "default:iron_lump", "default:mese_crystal", "default:mese_crystal_fragment", "default:obsidian_shard", "default:paper", "default:steel_ingot", "default:stick", "default:tin_ingot", "default:tin_lump", "default:acacia_tree", "default:acacia_wood", "default:apple", "default:aspen_tree", "default:aspen_wood", "default:blueberry_bush_sapling", "default:bookshelf", "default:brick", "default:bronzeblock", "default:bush_sapling", "default:cactus", "default:clay", "default:coalblock", "default:cobble", "default:copperblock", "default:desert_cobble", "default:desert_sand", "default:desert_sandstone", "default:desert_sandstone_block", "default:desert_sandstone_brick", "default:desert_stone", "default:desert_stone_block", "default:desert_stonebrick", "default:diamondblock", "default:dirt", "default:glass", "default:goldblock", "default:gravel", "default:ice", "default:junglegrass", "default:junglesapling", "default:jungletree", "default:junglewood", "default:ladder_steel", "default:ladder_wood", "default:large_cactus_seedling", "default:mese", "default:mese_post_light", "default:meselamp", "default:mossycobble", "default:obsidian", "default:obsidian_block", "default:obsidian_glass", "default:obsidianbrick", "default:papyrus", "default:pine_sapling", "default:pine_tree", "default:pine_wood", "default:sand", "default:sandstone", "default:sandstone_block", "default:sandstonebrick", "default:sapling", "default:silver_sand", "default:silver_sandstone", "default:silver_sandstone_block", "default:silver_sandstone_brick", "default:snow", "default:snowblock", "default:steelblock", "default:stone", "default:stone_block", "default:stonebrick", "default:tinblock", "default:tree", "default:wood",}
local usage_help = S("Right-click on this to open the market interface.")
-- King's Market
if minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_enable_kings_market") then
local kings_def = {
description = S("King's Market"),
long_description = S("The largest and most accessible market for the common man, the King's Market uses gold coins as its medium of exchange (or the equivalent in gold ingots - 1000 coins to the ingot). However, as a respectable institution of the surface world, the King's Market operates only during the hours of daylight. The purchase and sale of swords and explosives is prohibited in the King's Market. Gold coins are represented by a '☼' symbol."),
currency = {
["default:gold_ingot"] = 1000,
["commoditymarket:gold_coins"] = 1
currency_symbol = "", -- "\u{263C}" Alchemical symbol for gold
allow_item = function(item)
if item:sub(1,13) == "default:sword" or item:sub(1,4) == "tnt:" then
return false
return true
inventory_limit = 100000,
--sell_limit =, -- no sell limit for the King's Market
initial_items = default_items,
commoditymarket.register_market("kings", kings_def)
local kings_protect = minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_protect_kings_market", true)
local on_blast
if kings_protect then
on_blast = function() end
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:kings_market", {
description = kings_def.description,
_doc_items_longdesc = kings_def.long_description,
_doc_items_usagehelp = usage_help,
tiles = {"default_chest_top.png","default_chest_top.png",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1,},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
local timeofday = minetest.get_timeofday()
if timeofday > 0.2 and timeofday < 0.8 then
commoditymarket.show_market("kings", clicker:get_player_name())
minetest.chat_send_player(clicker:get_player_name(), S("At this time of day the King's Market is closed."))
minetest.sound_play({name = "commoditymarket_error", gain = 0.1}, {to_player=clicker:get_player_name()})
can_dig = function(pos, player)
return not kings_protect or minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass")
on_blast = on_blast,
-- Night Market
if minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_enable_night_market") then
local night_def = {
description = S("Night Market"),
long_description = "When the sun sets and the stalls of the King's Market close, other vendors are just waking up to share their wares. The Night Market is not as voluminous as the King's Market but accepts a wider range of wares. It accepts the same gold coinage of the realm, one thousand coins to the gold ingot.",
currency = {
["default:gold_ingot"] = 1000,
["commoditymarket:gold_coins"] = 1
currency_symbol = "", --"\u{263C}"
inventory_limit = 10000,
--sell_limit =, -- no sell limit for the Night Market
initial_items = default_items,
anonymous = true,
commoditymarket.register_market("night", night_def)
local night_protect = minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_protect_night_market", true)
local on_blast
if night_protect then
on_blast = function() end
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:night_market", {
description = night_def.description,
_doc_items_longdesc = night_def.long_description,
_doc_items_usagehelp = usage_help,
tiles = {"default_chest_top.png","default_chest_top.png",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1,},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
local timeofday = minetest.get_timeofday()
if timeofday < 0.2 or timeofday > 0.8 then
commoditymarket.show_market("night", clicker:get_player_name())
minetest.chat_send_player(clicker:get_player_name(), S("At this time of day the Night Market is closed."))
minetest.sound_play({name = "commoditymarket_error", gain = 0.1}, {to_player=clicker:get_player_name()})
can_dig = function(pos, player)
return not night_protect or minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass")
on_blast = on_blast,
if minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_enable_caravan_market", true) then
-- "Trader's Caravan" - small-capacity market that players can summon
local time_until_caravan = 120 -- caravan arrives in two minutes
local dwell_time = 600 -- caravan leaves ten minutes after last usage
local caravan_def = {
description = S("Trader's Caravan"),
long_description = S("Unlike most markets that have well-known fixed locations that travelers congregate to, the network of Trader's Caravans is fluid and dynamic in their locations. A Trader's Caravan can show up anywhere, make modest trades, and then be gone the next time you visit them. These caravans accept gold and gold coins as a currency (one gold ingot to one thousand gold coins exchange rate). Any reasonably-wealthy person can create a signpost marking a location where Trader's Caravans will make a stop."),
currency = {
["default:gold_ingot"] = 1000,
["commoditymarket:gold_coins"] = 1
currency_symbol = "", --"\u{263C}"
inventory_limit = 1000,
sell_limit = 1000,
initial_items = default_items,
output = "commoditymarket:caravan_post",
recipe = {
{'group:wood', 'group:wood', ''},
{'group:wood', "default:gold_ingot", ''},
{'group:wood', "default:chest_locked", ''},
commoditymarket.register_market("caravan", caravan_def)
local create_caravan_def = function(override_table)
local def = {
description = caravan_def.description,
_doc_items_longdesc = caravan_def.long_description,
_doc_items_usagehelp = usage_help,
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "commoditymarket_wagon.obj",
tiles = {
{ name = "commoditymarket_door_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- door
{ name = "default_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- base wood
{ name = "default_fence_rail_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel sides
{ name = "default_coal_block.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel tyre
{ name = "commoditymarket_shingles_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- roof
{ name = "default_junglewood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- corner wood
collision_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.75, -0.5, -1.25, 0.75, 1.5, 1.25},
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.75, -0.5, -1.25, 0.75, 1.5, 1.25},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drop = "",
groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
commoditymarket.show_market("caravan", clicker:get_player_name())
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
after_destruct = function(pos, oldnode)
local facedir = oldnode.param2
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facedir)
local target = vector.add(pos, vector.multiply(dir,-3))
local target_node = minetest.get_node(target)
if target_node.name == "commoditymarket:caravan_post" then
local meta = minetest.get_meta(target)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Right-click to summon a trader's caravan"))
on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
minetest.set_node(pos, {name="air"})
minetest.sound_play("commoditymarket_register_closed", {
pos = pos,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default, uses an euclidean metric
if override_table then
for k, v in pairs(override_table) do
def[k] = v
return def
-- Create five caravans with different textures, randomly pick which one shows up.
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:caravan_market_1", create_caravan_def())
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:caravan_market_2", create_caravan_def({
tiles = {
{ name = "commoditymarket_door_wood.png^[multiply:#CCCCFF", backface_culling = true }, -- door
{ name = "default_acacia_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- base wood
{ name = "default_fence_rail_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel sides
{ name = "default_copper_block.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel tyre
{ name = "commoditymarket_shingles_wood.png^[multiply:#CC8888", backface_culling = true }, -- roof
{ name = "default_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- corner wood
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:caravan_market_3", create_caravan_def({
tiles = {
{ name = "commoditymarket_door_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- door
{ name = "default_aspen_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- base wood
{ name = "default_fence_aspen_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel sides
{ name = "default_cobble.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel tyre
{ name = "default_stone_brick.png", backface_culling = true }, -- roof
{ name = "default_pine_tree.png", backface_culling = true }, -- corner wood
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:caravan_market_4", create_caravan_def({
tiles = {
{ name = "commoditymarket_door_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- door
{ name = "default_junglewood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- base wood
{ name = "default_fence_rail_junglewood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel sides
{ name = "default_obsidian.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel tyre
{ name = "commoditymarket_shingles_wood.png^[multiply:#88FF88", backface_culling = true }, -- roof
{ name = "default_tree.png", backface_culling = true }, -- corner wood
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:caravan_market_5", create_caravan_def({
tiles = {
{ name = "commoditymarket_door_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- door
{ name = "default_pine_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- base wood
{ name = "default_chest_lock.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel sides
{ name = "default_chest_top.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel tyre
{ name = "default_furnace_top.png", backface_culling = true }, -- roof
{ name = "default_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- corner wood
local caravan_protect = minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_protect_caravan_market", true)
local on_blast
if caravan_protect then
on_blast = function() end
-- This one doesn't delete itself, server admins can place a permanent instance of it that way. Maybe inside towns next to bigger stationary markets.
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:caravan_market_permanent", {
description = caravan_def.description,
_doc_items_longdesc = caravan_def.long_description,
_doc_items_usagehelp = usage_help,
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "commoditymarket_wagon.obj",
tiles = {
{ name = "commoditymarket_door_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- door
{ name = "default_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- base wood
{ name = "default_fence_rail_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel sides
{ name = "default_coal_block.png", backface_culling = true }, -- wheel tyre
{ name = "commoditymarket_shingles_wood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- roof
{ name = "default_junglewood.png", backface_culling = true }, -- corner wood
collision_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.75, -0.5, -1.25, 0.75, 1.5, 1.25},
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.75, -0.5, -1.25, 0.75, 1.5, 1.25},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1,},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
commoditymarket.show_market("caravan", clicker:get_player_name())
can_dig = function(pos, player)
return not caravan_protect or minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass")
on_blast = on_blast,
-- is a 5x3 area centered around pos clear of obstruction and has usable ground?
local is_suitable_caravan_space = function(pos, facedir)
local x_dim = 2
local z_dim = 2
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facedir)
if dir.x ~= 0 then
z_dim = 1
elseif dir.z ~= 0 then
x_dim = 1
-- walkable ground?
for x = pos.x - x_dim, pos.x + x_dim, 1 do
for z = pos.z - z_dim, pos.z + z_dim, 1 do
local node = minetest.get_node({x=x, y=pos.y-1, z=z})
local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if node_def == nil or node_def.walkable ~= true then return false end
-- buildable_to in the rest?
for y = pos.y, pos.y+2, 1 do
for x = pos.x - x_dim, pos.x + x_dim, 1 do
for z = pos.z - z_dim, pos.z + z_dim, 1 do
local node = minetest.get_node({x=x, y=y, z=z})
local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if node_def == nil or node_def.buildable_to ~= true then return false end
return true
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:caravan_post", {
description = S("Trading Post"),
_long_items_longdesc = S("This post signals passing caravan traders that customers can be found here, and signals to customers that caravan traders can be found here. If no caravan is present, right-click to summon one."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("The trader's caravan requires a suitable open space next to the trading post for it to arrive, and takes some time to arrive after being summoned. The post gives a countdown to the caravan's arrival when moused over."),
tiles = {"commoditymarket_sign.png^[transformR90", "commoditymarket_sign.png^[transformR270",
"commoditymarket_sign.png^commoditymarket_caravan_sign.png", "commoditymarket_sign.png^commoditymarket_caravan_sign.png^[transformFX",
"commoditymarket_sign_post.png", "commoditymarket_sign_post.png"},
groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1,},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
inventory_image = "commoditymarket_caravan_sign_inventory.png",
paramtype= "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drawtype = "nodebox",
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
on_construct = function(pos)
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if node.name ~= "commoditymarket:caravan_post" then
return -- the node was removed
local facedir = node.param2
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facedir)
local target = vector.add(pos, vector.multiply(dir,3))
local target_node = minetest.get_node(target)
if target_node.name:sub(1,string.len("commoditymarket:caravan_market")) == "commoditymarket:caravan_market" then
-- It's already here somehow, shut down timer.
meta:set_string("infotext", "")
meta:set_float("wait_time", 0)
local is_suitable_space = is_suitable_caravan_space(target, facedir)
if not is_suitable_space then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Indicated parking area isn't suitable.\nA 5x3 open space with solid ground\nis required for a caravan."))
meta:set_float("wait_time", 0)
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
local wait_time = (meta:get_float("wait_time") or 0) + elapsed
meta:set_float("wait_time", wait_time)
if wait_time < time_until_caravan then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Caravan summoned\nETA: @1 seconds.", math.floor(time_until_caravan - wait_time)))
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
-- spawn the caravan. We've already established that the target pos is clear.
minetest.set_node(target, {name="commoditymarket:caravan_market_"..math.random(1,5), param2=facedir})
minetest.sound_play("commoditymarket_register_opened", {
pos = target,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default, uses an euclidean metric
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(target)
meta:set_string("infotext", "")
meta:set_float("wait_time", 0)
-- "Goblin Exchange"
if minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_enable_goblin_market") then
local goblin_def = {
description = S("Goblin Exchange"),
long_description = S("One does not usually associate Goblins with the sort of sophistication that running a market requires. Usually one just associates Goblins with savagery and violence. But they understand the principle of tit-for-tat exchange, and if approached correctly they actually respect the concepts of ownership and debt. However, for some peculiar reason they understand this concept in the context of coal lumps. Goblins deal in the standard coal lump as their form of currency, conceptually divided into 100 coal centilumps (though Goblin brokers prefer to \"keep the change\" when giving back actual coal lumps)."),
currency = {
["default:coal_lump"] = 100
currency_symbol = "¢", --"\u{00A2}" cent symbol
inventory_limit = 1000,
--sell_limit =, -- no sell limit
commoditymarket.register_market("goblin", goblin_def)
local goblin_protect = minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_protect_goblin_market", true)
local on_blast
if goblin_protect then
on_blast = function() end
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:goblin_market", {
description = goblin_def.description,
_doc_items_longdesc = goblin_def.long_description,
_doc_items_usagehelp = usage_help,
tiles = {"default_chest_top.png^(default_coal_block.png^[opacity:128)","default_chest_top.png^(default_coal_block.png^[opacity:128)",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1,},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
commoditymarket.show_market("goblin", clicker:get_player_name())
can_dig = function(pos, player)
return not goblin_protect or minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass")
on_blast = on_blast,
if minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_enable_under_market") then
local undermarket_def = {
description = S("Undermarket"),
long_description = S("Deep in the bowels of the world, below even the goblin-infested warrens and ancient delvings of the dwarves, dark and mysterious beings once dwelled. A few still linger to this day, and facilitate barter for those brave souls willing to travel in their lost realms. The Undermarket uses Mese chips ('₥') as a currency - twenty chips to the Mese fragment. Though traders are loathe to physically break Mese crystals up into units that small, as it renders it useless for other purposes."),
currency = {
["default:mese"] = 9*9*20,
["default:mese_crystal"] = 9*20,
["default:mese_crystal_fragment"] = 20
currency_symbol = "", --"\u{20A5}" mill sign
inventory_limit = 10000,
--sell_limit =, -- no sell limit
commoditymarket.register_market("under", undermarket_def)
local under_protect = minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_protect_under_market", true)
local on_blast
if under_protect then
on_blast = function() end
minetest.register_node("commoditymarket:under_market", {
description = undermarket_def.description,
_doc_items_longdesc = undermarket_def.long_description,
_doc_items_usagehelp = usage_help,
tiles = {"commoditymarket_under_top.png","commoditymarket_under_top.png",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1,},
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
commoditymarket.show_market("under", clicker:get_player_name())
can_dig = function(pos, player)
return not under_protect or minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass")
on_blast = on_blast,

View File

@ -210,10 +210,19 @@ end
-- Market formspec
-- I hate that I need this function
local ESCAPE_CHAR = string.char(0x1b)
local strip_localization_markup = function(localized)
local compare_market_item = function(mkt1, mkt2)
return mkt1.item < mkt2.item
local compare_market_desc = function(mkt1, mkt2)
-- Strip localization escape characters for sorting.
-- This means it will only sort correctly in English, but what else can I do?
-- Otherwise sorting is broken in *all* languages.
return get_item_description(mkt1.item) < get_item_description(mkt2.item)
local compare_buy_volume = function(mkt1, mkt2)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,3 @@ local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())

View File

@ -8,144 +8,15 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-31 14:12-0700\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-01-18 16:58-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:13
msgid "Gold Coins"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:14
msgid ""
"A gold ingot is far too valuable to use as a basic unit of value, so it has "
"become common practice to divide the standard gold bar into one thousand "
"small disks to make trade easier."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:15
msgid ""
"Gold coins can be deposited and withdrawn from markets that accept them as "
"currency. These markets can make change if you have a thousand coins and "
"would like them back in ingot form again."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:25
msgid "Right-click on this to open the market interface."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:33
msgid "King's Market"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:34
msgid ""
"The largest and most accessible market for the common man, the King's Market "
"uses gold coins as its medium of exchange (or the equivalent in gold ingots "
"- 1000 coins to the ingot). However, as a respectable institution of the "
"surface world, the King's Market operates only during the hours of daylight. "
"The purchase and sale of swords and explosives is prohibited in the King's "
"Market. Gold coins are represented by a '☼' symbol."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:77
msgid "At this time of day the King's Market is closed."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:92
msgid "Night Market"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:131
msgid "At this time of day the Night Market is closed."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:150
msgid "Trader's Caravan"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:151
msgid ""
"Unlike most markets that have well-known fixed locations that travelers "
"congregate to, the network of Trader's Caravans is fluid and dynamic in "
"their locations. A Trader's Caravan can show up anywhere, make modest "
"trades, and then be gone the next time you visit them. These caravans accept "
"gold and gold coins as a currency (one gold ingot to one thousand gold coins "
"exchange rate). Any reasonably-wealthy person can create a signpost marking "
"a location where Trader's Caravans will make a stop."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:219
msgid "Right-click to summon a trader's caravan"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:362
msgid "Trading Post"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:363
msgid ""
"This post signals passing caravan traders that customers can be found here, "
"and signals to customers that caravan traders can be found here. If no "
"caravan is present, right-click to summon one."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:364
msgid ""
"The trader's caravan requires a suitable open space next to the trading post "
"for it to arrive, and takes some time to arrive after being summoned. The "
"post gives a countdown to the caravan's arrival when moused over."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:411
msgid ""
"Indicated parking area isn't suitable.\n"
"A 5x3 open space with solid ground\n"
"is required for a caravan."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:421
msgid ""
"Caravan summoned\n"
"ETA: @1 seconds."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:447
msgid "Goblin Exchange"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:448
msgid ""
"One does not usually associate Goblins with the sort of sophistication that "
"running a market requires. Usually one just associates Goblins with savagery "
"and violence. But they understand the principle of tit-for-tat exchange, and "
"if approached correctly they actually respect the concepts of ownership and "
"debt. However, for some peculiar reason they understand this concept in the "
"context of coal lumps. Goblins deal in the standard coal lump as their form "
"of currency, conceptually divided into 100 coal centilumps (though Goblin "
"brokers prefer to \"keep the change\" when giving back actual coal lumps)."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:489
msgid "Undermarket"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\default_markets.lua:490
msgid ""
"Deep in the bowels of the world, below even the goblin-infested warrens and "
"ancient delvings of the dwarves, dark and mysterious beings once dwelled. A "
"few still linger to this day, and facilitate barter for those brave souls "
"willing to travel in their lost realms. The Undermarket uses Mese chips "
"('₥') as a currency - twenty chips to the Mese fragment. Though traders are "
"loathe to physically break Mese crystals up into units that small, as it "
"renders it useless for other purposes."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\doc.lua:11
msgid "Commodity Markets"
msgstr ""
@ -244,26 +115,24 @@ msgid ""
"but if you cancel your order you will get those items back."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:43
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:137
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:275
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:323
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:104
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:424
msgid "Unknown Item"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:71
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:225
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:448
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:136
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:333
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:547
msgid "Your Inventory"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:71
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:225
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:448
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:136
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:333
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:547
msgid "Market Orders"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:88
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:161
msgid ""
"All the items you've transfered to the market to sell and the items you've\n"
"purchased with buy orders. Double-click on an item to bring it back into "
@ -271,35 +140,35 @@ msgid ""
"personal inventory."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:91
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:95
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:167
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:174
msgid "Item"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:93
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:97
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:253
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:169
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:176
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:365
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:93
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:97
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:347
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:359
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:169
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:176
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:448
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:459
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:109
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:190
msgid ""
"Drop items here to\n"
"add to your account"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:113
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:194
msgid "Inventory limit:"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:114
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:195
msgid ""
"You can still receive purchased items if you've exceeded your inventory "
@ -307,214 +176,218 @@ msgid ""
"the market until you've emptied it back down below the limit again."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:119
msgid "Withdraw"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:120
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:198
msgid ""
"Enter the amount of currency you'd like to withdraw then click the "
"button to convert it into items and transfer it to your personal inventory."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:239
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:201
msgid "Withdraw"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:349
msgid "Number of items there's demand for in the market."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:240
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:350
msgid "Maximum price being offered to buy one of these."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:242
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:352
msgid "Number of items available for sale in the market."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:243
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:353
msgid "Minimum price being demanded to sell one of these."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:244
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:354
msgid "Price paid for one of these the last time one was sold."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:245
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:355
msgid "Quantity of this item that you have in your inventory ready to sell."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:253
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:365
msgid "Buy Vol"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:253
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:365
msgid "Buy Max"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:254
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:366
msgid "Sell Vol"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:254
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:366
msgid "Sell Min"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:254
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:366
msgid "Last Price"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:254
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:366
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:308
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:409
msgid "My orders"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:309
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:410
msgid ""
"Select this to show only the markets where you have either a buy or a sell "
"order pending."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:310
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:411
msgid "Enter substring to search item identifiers for."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:311
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:412
msgid "Apply search to outputs."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:312
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:413
msgid "Clear search."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:328
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:429
msgid "In inventory:"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:329
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:430
msgid "Balance:"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:342
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:443
msgid "Sell limit:"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:343
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:444
msgid ""
"This market limits the total number of items a given seller can have for "
"sale at a time.\n"
"You have @1 items remaining. Cancel old sell orders to free up space."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:346
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:447
msgid "Use these fields to enter buy and sell orders for the selected item."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:347
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:378
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:448
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:478
msgid "Buy"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:348
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:449
msgid "Price per"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:353
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:454
msgid "The price per item in this order."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:354
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:455
msgid "The total amount of items in this particular order."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:355
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:456
msgid ""
"The total amount of items available at this price accounting for the other "
"orders also currently being offered."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:356
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:457
msgid ""
"The name of the player who placed this order.\n"
"Double-click your own orders to cancel them."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:357
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:458
msgid "How many days ago this order was placed."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:359
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:459
msgid "Order"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:359
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:459
msgid "Price"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:359
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:459
msgid "Total Volume"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:359
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:459
msgid "Player"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:359
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:459
msgid "Days Old"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:363
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:463
msgid "Sell"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:387
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:487
msgid "Select an item to view or place orders."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:402
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:503
msgid "yourself"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:404
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:412
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:505
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:513
msgid "someone"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:406
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:414
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:507
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:515
msgid "you"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:439
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:538
msgid "On day @1 @2 sold @3 @4 to @5 at @6@7 each for a total of @6@8."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:449
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:548
msgid "Description:"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:450
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:549
msgid "Your Recent Purchases and Sales:"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:463
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:562
msgid "Mark logs as read"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:464
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:563
msgid ""
"Log entries in yellow are new since last time you marked your log as read."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:467
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:566
msgid "No logged activites in this market yet."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:472
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:570
msgid "Show Itemnames"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\formspecs.lua:574
msgid "Show Icons"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:198
msgid ""
"You have too many items listed for sale in this market, please cancel some "
@ -546,34 +419,60 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You can't afford that many of this item."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:474
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:385
msgid "show market formspec"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:397
msgid "list all registered markets"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:426
msgid "remove item from market. All existing buys and sells will be canceled."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:445
msgid ""
"removes all unknown items from all markets. All existing buys and sells for "
"those items will be canceled."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:457
msgid "Purging item: @1 from market: @2"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:471
msgid "Add all registered items to the provided market"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:531
msgid "1 @1 = @2@3"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:478
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:535
msgid "Market inventory is limited to @1 items."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:480
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:537
msgid "Market has unlimited inventory space."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:485
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:542
msgid "Total pending sell orders are limited to @1 items."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:487
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:544
msgid "Market supports unlimited pending sell orders."
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:494
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:551
msgid "Currency item values:"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:509
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:566
msgid "Market"
msgstr ""
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:510
#: commoditymarket\market.lua:567
msgid "A market where orders to buy or sell items can be placed and fulfilled."
msgstr ""

View File

@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
local goblin_enabled = minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_enable_goblin_market")
local under_enabled = minetest.settings:get_bool("commoditymarket_enable_under_market")
local goblin_prob = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("commoditymarket_goblin_market_dungeon_prob")) or 0.25
local under_prob = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("commoditymarket_under_market_dungeon_prob")) or 0.1
local goblin_max = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("commoditymarket_goblin_market_dungeon_max")) or 100
local goblin_min = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("commoditymarket_goblin_market_dungeon_min")) or -400
local under_max = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("commoditymarket_under_market_dungeon_max")) or -500
local under_min = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("commoditymarket_under_market_dungeon_min")) or -31000
local bad_goblin_range = goblin_min >= goblin_max
local bad_under_range = under_min >= under_max
if bad_goblin_range then
minetest.log("error", "[commoditymarket] Goblin market dungeon generation range has a higher minimum y than maximum y")
if bad_under_range then
minetest.log("error", "[commoditymarket] Undermarket dungeon generation range has a higher minimum y than maximum y")
local gen_goblin = goblin_enabled and goblin_prob > 0 and not bad_goblin_range
local gen_under = under_enabled and under_prob > 0 and not bad_under_range
if not (gen_goblin or gen_under) then
-- The following is shamelessly copied from dungeon_loot and tweaked for placing markets instead of chests
--Licensed under the MIT License (MIT) Copyright (C) 2017 sfan5
minetest.set_gen_notify({dungeon = true, temple = true})
local function noise3d_integer(noise, pos)
return math.abs(math.floor(noise:get_3d(pos) * 0x7fffffff))
local is_wall = function(node)
return node.name ~= "air" and node.name ~= "ignore"
local function find_walls(cpos)
local dirs = {{x=1, z=0}, {x=-1, z=0}, {x=0, z=1}, {x=0, z=-1}}
local get_node = minetest.get_node
local ret = {}
local mindist = {x=0, z=0}
local min = function(a, b) return a ~= 0 and math.min(a, b) or b end
for _, dir in ipairs(dirs) do
for i = 1, 9 do -- 9 = max room size / 2
local pos = vector.add(cpos, {x=dir.x*i, y=0, z=dir.z*i})
-- continue in that direction until we find a wall-like node
local node = get_node(pos)
if is_wall(node) then
local front_below = vector.subtract(pos, {x=dir.x, y=1, z=dir.z})
local above = vector.add(pos, {x=0, y=1, z=0})
-- check that it:
--- is at least 2 nodes high (not a staircase)
--- has a floor
if is_wall(get_node(front_below)) and is_wall(get_node(above)) then
pos = vector.subtract(pos, {x=dir.x, y=0, z=dir.z}) -- move goblin markets one node away from the wall
table.insert(ret, {pos = pos, facing = {x=-dir.x, y=0, z=-dir.z}})
if dir.z == 0 then
mindist.x = min(mindist.x, i-1)
mindist.z = min(mindist.z, i-1)
-- abort even if it wasn't a wall cause something is in the way
return {
walls = ret,
size = {x=mindist.x*2, z=mindist.z*2},
cpos = cpos,
minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, blockseed)
local min_y = minp.y
local max_y = maxp.y
local gen_goblin_range = gen_goblin and not (min_y > goblin_max or max_y < goblin_min)
local gen_under_range = gen_under and not (min_y > under_max or max_y < under_min)
if not (gen_goblin_range or gen_under_range) then
-- out of both ranges
local gennotify = minetest.get_mapgen_object("gennotify")
local poslist = gennotify["dungeon"] or {}
for _, entry in ipairs(gennotify["temple"] or {}) do
table.insert(poslist, entry)
if #poslist == 0 then return end
local noise = minetest.get_perlin(151994, 4, 0.5, 1)
local rand = PcgRandom(noise3d_integer(noise, poslist[1]))
local rooms = {}
-- process at most 8 rooms to keep runtime of this predictable
local num_process = math.min(#poslist, 8)
for i = 1, num_process do
local room = find_walls(poslist[i])
-- skip small rooms and everything that doesn't at least have 3 walls
if math.min(room.size.x, room.size.z) >= 4 and #room.walls >= 3 then
table.insert(rooms, room)
if #rooms == 0 then return end
if gen_under_range and rand:next(0, 2147483647)/2147483647 < under_prob then
-- choose a random room
local room = rooms[rand:next(1, #rooms)]
local under_loc = room.cpos
-- put undermarkets in the center of the room
if minetest.get_node(under_loc).name == "air"
and is_wall(vector.subtract(under_loc, {x=0, y=1, z=0})) then
minetest.add_node(under_loc, {name="commoditymarket:under_market"})
if gen_goblin_range and rand:next(0, 2147483647)/2147483647 < goblin_prob then
-- choose a random room
local room = rooms[rand:next(1, #rooms)]
-- choose place somewhere in front of any of the walls
local wall = room.walls[rand:next(1, #room.walls)]
local v, vi -- vector / axis that runs alongside the wall
if wall.facing.x ~= 0 then
v, vi = {x=0, y=0, z=1}, "z"
v, vi = {x=1, y=0, z=0}, "x"
local marketpos = vector.add(wall.pos, wall.facing)
local off = rand:next(-room.size[vi]/2 + 1, room.size[vi]/2 - 1)
marketpos = vector.add(marketpos, vector.multiply(v, off))
if minetest.get_node(marketpos).name == "air" then
-- make it face inwards to the room
local facedir = minetest.dir_to_facedir(vector.multiply(wall.facing, -1))
minetest.add_node(marketpos, {name = "commoditymarket:goblin_market", param2 = facedir})

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
name = commoditymarket
description = Provides support for various in-world commodity markets
optional_depends = default, doc
description = Provides API support for various in-world commodity markets
optional_depends = doc

View File

@ -1,852 +0,0 @@
# Blender v2.79 (sub 0) OBJ File: 'wagon.blend'
# www.blender.org
g Cube.004_Cube.012
v 0.234629 1.147573 -1.166732
v -0.234629 1.147573 -1.166732
v 0.234629 0.678315 -1.166732
v -0.234629 0.678315 -1.166732
v 0.731823 1.147573 -0.234629
v 0.731823 1.147573 0.234629
v 0.731823 0.678315 -0.234629
v 0.731823 0.678315 0.234629
v -0.731823 1.147573 0.234629
v -0.731823 1.147573 -0.234629
v -0.731823 0.678315 0.234629
v -0.731823 0.678315 -0.234629
v -0.259667 0.016670 1.168107
v 0.259668 0.016670 1.168107
v -0.259667 1.170112 1.168107
v 0.259668 1.170112 1.168107
vt 0.000000 0.533333
vt 0.000000 1.000000
vt 1.000000 1.000000
vt 1.000000 0.533333
vt -0.000000 0.533333
vt 1.000000 0.533333
vt 1.000000 1.000000
vt -0.000000 1.000000
vt 0.000000 0.533333
vt 1.000000 0.533333
vt 1.000000 1.000000
vt 0.000000 1.000000
vt 0.000000 0.000000
vt 1.000000 0.000000
vt 1.000000 1.000000
vt 0.000000 1.000000
vn 0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000
vn 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
vn -1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
vn 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
s off
f 4/1/1 2/2/1 1/3/1 3/4/1
f 8/5/2 7/6/2 5/7/2 6/8/2
f 12/9/3 11/10/3 9/11/3 10/12/3
f 13/13/4 14/14/4 16/15/4 15/16/4
g Cube.003_Cube.011
v -0.720902 -0.096672 1.153442
v -0.720901 -0.096672 -1.153443
v -0.720902 1.200951 1.153442
v -0.720902 1.200951 -1.153443
v -0.509754 1.608755 -1.153443
v -0.509754 1.608755 1.153443
v -0.792992 1.200951 -1.268787
v -0.792992 1.200951 1.268787
v -0.560730 1.649535 -1.268787
v -0.560730 1.649535 1.268787
v -0.726391 1.178882 -1.268787
v -0.726391 1.178882 1.268787
v -0.509756 1.608756 -1.268787
v -0.509756 1.608756 1.268787
v -0.692620 0.037741 -1.018928
v -0.692620 0.163735 -1.089024
v -0.692620 -0.523026 -2.026881
v -0.692620 -0.397032 -2.096977
v -0.512394 0.037741 -1.018928
v -0.512394 0.163735 -1.089024
v -0.512394 -0.523026 -2.026881
v -0.512394 -0.397032 -2.096977
v -0.324406 0.582331 -1.134006
v -0.324406 0.654421 -1.134006
v -0.324406 0.582331 -1.441803
v -0.324406 0.654421 -1.441803
v 0.720901 -0.096672 -1.153443
v 0.720902 -0.096672 1.153442
v -0.000000 1.200951 1.153443
v 0.720902 1.200951 1.153442
v -0.000000 1.200951 -1.153443
v -0.000000 1.777673 -1.153443
v -0.000000 1.777673 1.153443
v 0.720902 1.200951 -1.153443
v 0.509754 1.608755 -1.153443
v 0.509754 1.608755 1.153443
v -0.000000 1.835345 1.268787
v -0.000000 1.835345 -1.268787
v 0.792992 1.200951 -1.268787
v 0.792992 1.200951 1.268787
v 0.560730 1.649535 -1.268787
v 0.560730 1.649535 1.268787
v -0.000000 1.777673 1.268787
v -0.000000 1.777673 -1.268787
v 0.726391 1.178882 -1.268787
v 0.726391 1.178882 1.268787
v 0.509756 1.608756 -1.268787
v 0.509756 1.608756 1.268787
v 0.692620 0.037741 -1.018928
v 0.692620 0.163735 -1.089024
v 0.692620 -0.523026 -2.026881
v 0.692620 -0.397032 -2.096977
v 0.512394 0.037741 -1.018928
v 0.512394 0.163735 -1.089024
v 0.512394 -0.523026 -2.026881
v 0.512394 -0.397032 -2.096977
v 0.324406 0.582331 -1.134006
v 0.324406 0.654421 -1.134006
v 0.324406 0.582331 -1.441803
v 0.324406 0.654421 -1.441803
vt -1.425823 3.001615
vt -1.425823 2.882734
vt -0.355896 2.882734
vt -0.355896 3.001615
vt 0.375155 -3.373241
vt 0.375155 -2.579424
vt -3.809447 -2.579426
vt -3.809447 -3.373241
vt 0.375154 -1.693858
vt -3.809447 -1.693859
vt 0.381165 -0.154615
vt 4.565710 -0.154608
vt 4.565710 -0.038908
vt 0.381165 -0.038908
vt -0.235621 2.375158
vt -0.235621 3.208172
vt -0.341187 3.187105
vt -0.349886 2.393338
vt 2.764791 -0.422899
vt 2.764791 -1.255914
vt 2.879056 -1.237734
vt 2.870357 -0.443966
vt -1.425823 3.804063
vt -0.451704 3.804062
vt -0.481619 3.894339
vt -1.367183 3.894337
vt -0.451699 3.798052
vt -1.425823 3.798051
vt -1.367184 3.707779
vt -0.481614 3.707775
vt 2.764791 -2.832267
vt 2.764791 -3.070028
vt 4.666879 -3.070028
vt 4.666879 -2.832265
vt 2.885066 -1.553966
vt 2.885066 -1.791727
vt 3.182267 -1.791727
vt 3.182267 -1.553966
vt 4.666881 -2.826254
vt 4.666881 -2.588493
vt 2.764791 -2.588493
vt 2.764791 -2.826255
vt 3.182267 -1.547955
vt 3.182267 -1.310194
vt 2.885066 -1.310194
vt 2.885066 -1.547955
vt 1.902838 4.586475
vt 1.902838 4.883677
vt 0.000747 4.883678
vt 0.000747 4.586475
vt 1.902835 4.283262
vt 1.902835 4.580463
vt 0.000747 4.580466
vt 0.000747 4.283262
vt 2.764791 -0.298008
vt 2.764791 -0.416888
vt 3.272367 -0.416888
vt 3.272367 -0.298008
vt -1.425823 2.375158
vt -0.355896 2.375158
vt -0.355896 3.509191
vt -1.425823 3.509191
vt -3.809448 2.369149
vt -3.809448 -0.008467
vt -0.005263 -0.008466
vt -0.005264 2.369148
vt 0.375154 -0.014477
vt -3.809448 -0.014477
vt -3.809448 -0.808292
vt 0.375154 -0.808291
vt 0.381165 -0.160630
vt 0.381165 -0.276331
vt 4.565711 -0.276331
vt 4.565711 -0.160625
vt 2.764791 -2.094939
vt 2.879056 -2.076759
vt 2.870358 -1.282992
vt 2.764791 -1.261924
vt -0.115346 3.208172
vt -0.220912 3.187105
vt -0.229611 2.393338
vt -0.115346 2.375158
vt -0.451703 3.515201
vt -0.510342 3.605475
vt -1.395907 3.605478
vt -1.425823 3.515201
vt -1.425823 3.701766
vt -1.395907 3.611488
vt -0.510338 3.611492
vt -0.451699 3.701765
vt 2.764791 -2.338711
vt 4.666883 -2.338711
vt 4.666883 -2.100949
vt 2.764791 -2.100949
vt 3.122827 -2.094939
vt 3.122827 -1.797738
vt 2.885066 -1.797738
vt 2.885066 -2.094939
vt 4.666883 -2.344721
vt 2.764791 -2.344721
vt 2.764791 -2.582482
vt 4.666883 -2.582483
vt -0.349886 3.214182
vt -0.052684 3.214182
vt -0.052684 3.451943
vt -0.349886 3.451943
vt 4.666882 -3.076038
vt 2.764791 -3.076038
vt 2.764791 -3.373240
vt 4.666883 -3.373241
vt 3.810932 4.580466
vt 1.908845 4.580463
vt 1.908845 4.283263
vt 3.810934 4.283262
vt 2.885066 -1.304184
vt 3.392642 -1.304184
vt 3.392642 -1.185303
vt 2.885066 -1.185303
vt 0.061193 0.029274
vt 2.438806 0.029274
vt 2.438807 2.169126
vt 1.250000 2.169127
vt 0.061193 2.169127
vt 2.438741 0.029448
vt 2.438741 2.169301
vt 6.242925 2.169302
vt 6.242926 0.029448
vt 2.090614 2.841618
vt 1.250000 2.169127
vt 0.409386 2.841618
vt 0.061192 2.169127
vt 1.250000 3.120173
vt 1.250000 3.120173
vt 2.438532 0.029230
vt 6.242717 0.029228
vt 6.242717 2.169081
vt 2.438534 2.169083
vt 0.409386 2.841618
vt 2.438807 2.169127
vt 2.090614 2.841617
vt 0.061193 0.029273
vt 2.438807 0.029273
vn 0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000
vn 0.8930 -0.4500 -0.0000
vn 0.3145 -0.9492 0.0000
vn -0.3145 -0.9492 0.0000
vn 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
vn -1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
vn 0.0000 -0.4862 -0.8739
vn 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000
vn 0.0000 0.4862 0.8739
vn 0.0000 -0.8739 0.4862
vn 0.0000 0.8739 -0.4862
vn 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
vn 0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000
vn -0.8930 -0.4500 -0.0000
s off
f 41/17/5 42/18/5 76/19/5 75/20/5
f 27/21/6 29/22/6 30/23/6 28/24/6
f 29/22/7 60/25/7 59/26/7 30/23/7
f 24/27/8 23/28/8 27/29/8 28/30/8
f 23/31/5 25/32/5 29/33/5 27/34/5
f 26/35/9 24/36/9 28/37/9 30/38/9
f 25/39/5 54/40/5 60/41/5 29/42/5
f 53/43/9 26/44/9 30/45/9 59/46/9
f 31/47/10 32/48/10 34/49/10 33/50/10
f 33/51/11 34/52/11 38/53/11 37/54/11
f 37/55/12 38/56/12 36/57/12 35/58/12
f 35/59/13 36/60/13 32/61/13 31/62/13
f 33/63/14 37/64/14 35/65/14 31/66/14
f 38/67/15 34/68/15 32/69/15 36/70/15
f 39/71/10 40/72/10 42/73/10 41/74/10
f 76/19/16 42/18/16 40/75/16 74/76/16
f 41/17/17 75/20/17 73/77/17 39/78/17
f 44/79/17 17/80/17 18/81/17 43/82/17
f 61/83/18 62/84/18 64/85/18 63/86/18
f 63/86/8 64/85/8 59/26/8 60/25/8
f 56/87/7 62/88/7 61/89/7 55/90/7
f 55/91/5 61/92/5 63/93/5 57/94/5
f 58/95/9 64/96/9 62/97/9 56/98/9
f 57/99/5 63/100/5 60/101/5 54/102/5
f 53/103/9 59/104/9 64/105/9 58/106/9
f 65/107/12 67/108/12 68/109/12 66/110/12
f 67/111/11 71/112/11 72/113/11 68/114/11
f 71/115/10 69/116/10 70/117/10 72/118/10
f 69/119/13 65/120/13 66/121/13 70/122/13
f 67/123/14 65/124/14 69/125/14 71/126/14
f 72/127/15 70/128/15 66/129/15 68/130/15
f 73/131/12 75/132/12 76/133/12 74/134/12
f 43/135/5 18/136/5 20/137/5 47/138/5 50/139/5
f 17/140/10 19/141/10 20/142/10 18/143/10
f 47/138/5 20/137/5 21/144/5
f 45/145/9 22/146/9 19/147/9
f 47/138/5 21/144/5 48/148/5
f 45/145/9 49/149/9 22/146/9
f 44/150/12 43/151/12 50/152/12 46/153/12
f 47/138/5 51/154/5 50/139/5
f 45/145/9 46/155/9 52/156/9
f 47/138/5 48/148/5 51/154/5
f 45/145/9 52/156/9 49/149/9
f 45/145/9 19/147/9 17/157/9 44/158/9 46/155/9
g Cube.002_Cube.010
v -0.901127 0.047509 -0.576721
v -0.720902 0.047509 -0.576721
v -0.901127 0.268210 -1.109542
v -0.720902 0.268210 -1.109542
v -0.901127 -0.173193 -1.109542
v -0.720902 -0.173193 -1.109542
v -0.901127 -0.485312 -0.797423
v -0.720902 -0.485312 -0.797423
v -0.901127 -0.485312 -0.356020
v -0.720902 -0.485312 -0.356020
v -0.901127 -0.173193 -0.043900
v -0.720902 -0.173193 -0.043900
v -0.901127 0.268210 -0.043900
v -0.720902 0.268210 -0.043900
v -0.901127 0.580330 -0.356020
v -0.720902 0.580330 -0.356020
v -0.901127 0.580330 -0.797423
v -0.720902 0.580330 -0.797423
v -0.901127 0.047509 0.576721
v -0.720902 0.047509 0.576721
v -0.901127 0.268210 0.043900
v -0.720902 0.268210 0.043900
v -0.901127 -0.173193 0.043900
v -0.720902 -0.173193 0.043900
v -0.901127 -0.485312 0.356020
v -0.720902 -0.485312 0.356020
v -0.901127 -0.485312 0.797423
v -0.720902 -0.485312 0.797423
v -0.901127 -0.173193 1.109542
v -0.720902 -0.173193 1.109542
v -0.901127 0.268210 1.109542
v -0.720902 0.268210 1.109542
v -0.901127 0.580330 0.797423
v -0.720902 0.580330 0.797423
v -0.901127 0.580330 0.356020
v -0.720902 0.580330 0.356020
v 0.901127 0.047509 -0.576721
v 0.720902 0.047509 -0.576721
v 0.901127 0.268210 -1.109542
v 0.720902 0.268210 -1.109542
v 0.901127 -0.173193 -1.109542
v 0.720902 -0.173193 -1.109542
v 0.901127 -0.485312 -0.797423
v 0.720902 -0.485312 -0.797423
v 0.901127 -0.485312 -0.356020
v 0.720902 -0.485312 -0.356020
v 0.901127 -0.173193 -0.043900
v 0.720902 -0.173193 -0.043900
v 0.901127 0.268210 -0.043900
v 0.720902 0.268210 -0.043900
v 0.901127 0.580330 -0.356020
v 0.720902 0.580330 -0.356020
v 0.901127 0.580330 -0.797423
v 0.720902 0.580330 -0.797423
v 0.901127 0.047509 0.576721
v 0.720902 0.047509 0.576721
v 0.901127 0.268210 0.043900
v 0.720902 0.268210 0.043900
v 0.901127 -0.173193 0.043900
v 0.720902 -0.173193 0.043900
v 0.901127 -0.485312 0.356020
v 0.720902 -0.485312 0.356020
v 0.901127 -0.485312 0.797423
v 0.720902 -0.485312 0.797423
v 0.901127 -0.173193 1.109542
v 0.720902 -0.173193 1.109542
v 0.901127 0.268210 1.109542
v 0.720902 0.268210 1.109542
v 0.901127 0.580330 0.797423
v 0.720902 0.580330 0.797423
v 0.901127 0.580330 0.356020
v 0.720902 0.580330 0.356020
vt 0.499873 0.992213
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.499873 0.992213
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.499873 0.992213
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.499873 0.992213
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
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vt 0.499873 0.992213
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vt 0.914261 -0.008208
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vt 0.499873 0.992213
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vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.499873 0.992213
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
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vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
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vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.914261 -0.008208
vt 0.085485 -0.008208
vn -1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
vn 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
s off
f 77/159/19 79/160/19 81/161/19
f 78/162/20 82/163/20 80/164/20
f 77/159/19 81/165/19 83/166/19
f 78/162/20 84/167/20 82/168/20
f 77/159/19 83/169/19 85/170/19
f 78/162/20 86/171/20 84/172/20
f 77/159/19 85/173/19 87/174/19
f 78/162/20 88/175/20 86/176/20
f 77/159/19 87/177/19 89/178/19
f 78/162/20 90/179/20 88/180/20
f 77/159/19 89/181/19 91/182/19
f 78/162/20 92/183/20 90/184/20
f 77/159/19 91/185/19 93/186/19
f 78/162/20 94/187/20 92/188/20
f 77/159/19 93/189/19 79/190/19
f 78/162/20 80/191/20 94/192/20
f 95/193/19 97/194/19 99/195/19
f 96/196/20 100/197/20 98/198/20
f 95/193/19 99/199/19 101/200/19
f 96/196/20 102/201/20 100/202/20
f 95/193/19 101/203/19 103/204/19
f 96/196/20 104/205/20 102/206/20
f 95/193/19 103/207/19 105/208/19
f 96/196/20 106/209/20 104/210/20
f 95/193/19 105/211/19 107/212/19
f 96/196/20 108/213/20 106/214/20
f 95/193/19 107/215/19 109/216/19
f 96/196/20 110/217/20 108/218/20
f 95/193/19 109/219/19 111/220/19
f 96/196/20 112/221/20 110/222/20
f 95/193/19 111/223/19 97/224/19
f 96/196/20 98/225/20 112/226/20
f 113/227/20 117/228/20 115/229/20
f 114/230/19 116/231/19 118/232/19
f 113/227/20 119/233/20 117/234/20
f 114/230/19 118/235/19 120/236/19
f 113/227/20 121/237/20 119/238/20
f 114/230/19 120/239/19 122/240/19
f 113/227/20 123/241/20 121/242/20
f 114/230/19 122/243/19 124/244/19
f 113/227/20 125/245/20 123/246/20
f 114/230/19 124/247/19 126/248/19
f 113/227/20 127/249/20 125/250/20
f 114/230/19 126/251/19 128/252/19
f 113/227/20 129/253/20 127/254/20
f 114/230/19 128/255/19 130/256/19
f 113/227/20 115/257/20 129/258/20
f 114/230/19 130/259/19 116/260/19
f 131/261/20 135/262/20 133/263/20
f 132/264/19 134/265/19 136/266/19
f 131/261/20 137/267/20 135/268/20
f 132/264/19 136/269/19 138/270/19
f 131/261/20 139/271/20 137/272/20
f 132/264/19 138/273/19 140/274/19
f 131/261/20 141/275/20 139/276/20
f 132/264/19 140/277/19 142/278/19
f 131/261/20 143/279/20 141/280/20
f 132/264/19 142/281/19 144/282/19
f 131/261/20 145/283/20 143/284/20
f 132/264/19 144/285/19 146/286/19
f 131/261/20 147/287/20 145/288/20
f 132/264/19 146/289/19 148/290/19
f 131/261/20 133/291/20 147/292/20
f 132/264/19 148/293/19 134/294/19
g Cube.001_Cube.009
v -0.901127 0.268210 -1.109542
v -0.720902 0.268210 -1.109542
v -0.901127 -0.173193 -1.109542
v -0.720902 -0.173193 -1.109542
v -0.901127 -0.485312 -0.797423
v -0.720902 -0.485312 -0.797423
v -0.901127 -0.485312 -0.356020
v -0.720902 -0.485312 -0.356020
v -0.901127 -0.173193 -0.043900
v -0.720902 -0.173193 -0.043900
v -0.901127 0.268210 -0.043900
v -0.720902 0.268210 -0.043900
v -0.901127 0.580330 -0.356020
v -0.720902 0.580330 -0.356020
v -0.901127 0.580330 -0.797423
v -0.720902 0.580330 -0.797423
v -0.901127 0.268210 0.043900
v -0.720902 0.268210 0.043900
v -0.901127 -0.173193 0.043900
v -0.720902 -0.173193 0.043900
v -0.901127 -0.485312 0.356020
v -0.720902 -0.485312 0.356020
v -0.901127 -0.485312 0.797423
v -0.720902 -0.485312 0.797423
v -0.901127 -0.173193 1.109542
v -0.720902 -0.173193 1.109542
v -0.901127 0.268210 1.109542
v -0.720902 0.268210 1.109542
v -0.901127 0.580330 0.797423
v -0.720902 0.580330 0.797423
v -0.901127 0.580330 0.356020
v -0.720902 0.580330 0.356020
v 0.901127 0.268210 -1.109542
v 0.720902 0.268210 -1.109542
v 0.901127 -0.173193 -1.109542
v 0.720902 -0.173193 -1.109542
v 0.901127 -0.485312 -0.797423
v 0.720902 -0.485312 -0.797423
v 0.901127 -0.485312 -0.356020
v 0.720902 -0.485312 -0.356020
v 0.901127 -0.173193 -0.043900
v 0.720902 -0.173193 -0.043900
v 0.901127 0.268210 -0.043900
v 0.720902 0.268210 -0.043900
v 0.901127 0.580330 -0.356020
v 0.720902 0.580330 -0.356020
v 0.901127 0.580330 -0.797423
v 0.720902 0.580330 -0.797423
v 0.901127 0.268210 0.043900
v 0.720902 0.268210 0.043900
v 0.901127 -0.173193 0.043900
v 0.720902 -0.173193 0.043900
v 0.901127 -0.485312 0.356020
v 0.720902 -0.485312 0.356020
v 0.901127 -0.485312 0.797423
v 0.720902 -0.485312 0.797423
v 0.901127 -0.173193 1.109542
v 0.720902 -0.173193 1.109542
v 0.901127 0.268210 1.109542
v 0.720902 0.268210 1.109542
v 0.901127 0.580330 0.797423
v 0.720902 0.580330 0.797423
v 0.901127 0.580330 0.356020
v 0.720902 0.580330 0.356020
vt 0.279164 0.493799
vt 0.072560 0.493799
vt 0.072560 -0.012210
vt 0.279164 -0.012210
vt 0.072559 -0.518219
vt 0.279163 -0.518219
vt 0.072559 -1.024229
vt 0.279163 -1.024229
vt 0.072559 -1.530238
vt 0.279163 -1.530238
vt 0.279165 2.517837
vt 0.072561 2.517837
vt 0.072561 2.011827
vt 0.279165 2.011827
vt 0.072561 1.505818
vt 0.279165 1.505818
vt 0.072560 0.999809
vt 0.279165 0.999809
vt 0.694571 2.011827
vt 0.901175 2.011827
vt 0.901175 2.517837
vt 0.694571 2.517837
vt 0.694571 -1.530238
vt 0.901175 -1.530238
vt 0.901175 -1.024228
vt 0.694571 -1.024228
vt 0.901175 -0.518219
vt 0.694571 -0.518219
vt 0.901175 -0.012210
vt 0.694571 -0.012210
vt 0.901174 0.493799
vt 0.694570 0.493799
vt 0.901174 0.999809
vt 0.694570 0.999809
vt 0.901175 1.505817
vt 0.694570 1.505818
vt 0.279897 0.493799
vt 0.279898 -0.012210
vt 0.486502 -0.012210
vt 0.486501 0.493799
vt 0.279898 -0.518219
vt 0.486502 -0.518219
vt 0.279898 -1.024228
vt 0.486502 -1.024229
vt 0.279898 -1.530238
vt 0.486502 -1.530238
vt 0.279897 2.517837
vt 0.279897 2.011827
vt 0.486501 2.011827
vt 0.486501 2.517837
vt 0.279897 1.505818
vt 0.486501 1.505818
vt 0.279897 0.999809
vt 0.486501 0.999809
vt 0.693838 2.011827
vt 0.693838 2.517837
vt 0.487234 2.517837
vt 0.487234 2.011827
vt 0.693839 -1.530238
vt 0.693838 -1.024229
vt 0.487234 -1.024229
vt 0.487234 -1.530238
vt 0.693838 -0.518220
vt 0.487234 -0.518220
vt 0.693838 -0.012210
vt 0.487234 -0.012210
vt 0.693838 0.493800
vt 0.487234 0.493800
vt 0.693838 0.999809
vt 0.487234 0.999809
vt 0.693838 1.505818
vt 0.487234 1.505818
vn 0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000
vn -0.0000 -0.7071 -0.7071
vn -0.0000 -1.0000 -0.0000
vn -0.0000 -0.7071 0.7071
vn 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
vn 0.0000 0.7071 0.7071
vn 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
vn 0.0000 0.7071 -0.7071
s off
f 149/295/21 150/296/21 152/297/21 151/298/21
f 151/298/22 152/297/22 154/299/22 153/300/22
f 153/300/23 154/299/23 156/301/23 155/302/23
f 155/302/24 156/301/24 158/303/24 157/304/24
f 157/305/25 158/306/25 160/307/25 159/308/25
f 159/308/26 160/307/26 162/309/26 161/310/26
f 161/310/27 162/309/27 164/311/27 163/312/27
f 163/312/28 164/311/28 150/296/28 149/295/28
f 165/313/21 166/314/21 168/315/21 167/316/21
f 167/317/22 168/318/22 170/319/22 169/320/22
f 169/320/23 170/319/23 172/321/23 171/322/23
f 171/322/24 172/321/24 174/323/24 173/324/24
f 173/324/25 174/323/25 176/325/25 175/326/25
f 175/326/26 176/325/26 178/327/26 177/328/26
f 177/328/27 178/327/27 180/329/27 179/330/27
f 179/330/28 180/329/28 166/314/28 165/313/28
f 181/331/21 183/332/21 184/333/21 182/334/21
f 183/332/22 185/335/22 186/336/22 184/333/22
f 185/335/23 187/337/23 188/338/23 186/336/23
f 187/337/24 189/339/24 190/340/24 188/338/24
f 189/341/25 191/342/25 192/343/25 190/344/25
f 191/342/26 193/345/26 194/346/26 192/343/26
f 193/345/27 195/347/27 196/348/27 194/346/27
f 195/347/28 181/331/28 182/334/28 196/348/28
f 197/349/21 199/350/21 200/351/21 198/352/21
f 199/353/22 201/354/22 202/355/22 200/356/22
f 201/354/23 203/357/23 204/358/23 202/355/23
f 203/357/24 205/359/24 206/360/24 204/358/24
f 205/359/25 207/361/25 208/362/25 206/360/25
f 207/361/26 209/363/26 210/364/26 208/362/26
f 209/363/27 211/365/27 212/366/27 210/364/27
f 211/365/28 197/349/28 198/352/28 212/366/28
g Cube.000_Cube.008
v -0.792992 1.200951 -1.268787
v -0.792992 1.200951 1.268787
v -0.560730 1.649535 -1.268787
v -0.560730 1.649535 1.268787
v -0.000000 1.835345 1.268787
v -0.000000 1.835345 -1.268787
v 0.792992 1.200951 -1.268787
v 0.792992 1.200951 1.268787
v 0.560730 1.649535 -1.268787
v 0.560730 1.649535 1.268787
vt 3.173871 2.353881
vt -2.391578 2.353881
vt -2.391578 1.288979
vt 3.173871 1.288979
vt -2.391578 0.224077
vt 3.173871 0.224077
vt 3.173871 -1.905729
vt 3.173871 -0.840826
vt -2.391578 -0.840826
vt -2.391578 -1.905728
vn -0.8880 0.4598 0.0000
vn -0.3146 0.9492 0.0000
vn 0.8880 0.4598 0.0000
vn 0.3146 0.9492 0.0000
s off
f 213/367/29 214/368/29 216/369/29 215/370/29
f 215/370/30 216/369/30 217/371/30 218/372/30
f 219/373/31 221/374/31 222/375/31 220/376/31
f 221/374/32 218/372/32 217/371/32 222/375/32
g Cube.006_Cube.007
v -0.722861 -0.094866 1.158711
v -0.722861 1.240430 1.158711
v -0.722861 -0.094866 1.059710
v -0.722861 1.240430 1.059710
v -0.623860 -0.094866 1.158711
v -0.623860 1.240430 1.158711
v -0.725927 -0.094866 -1.158643
v -0.725927 1.240430 -1.158643
v -0.725927 -0.094866 -1.059642
v -0.725927 1.240430 -1.059642
v -0.626926 -0.094866 -1.158643
v -0.626926 1.240430 -1.158643
v 0.722861 -0.094866 1.158711
v 0.722861 1.240430 1.158711
v 0.722861 -0.094866 1.059710
v 0.722861 1.240430 1.059710
v 0.623860 -0.094866 1.158711
v 0.623860 1.240430 1.158711
v 0.725927 -0.094866 -1.158643
v 0.725927 1.240430 -1.158643
v 0.725927 -0.094866 -1.059642
v 0.725927 1.240430 -1.059642
v 0.626926 -0.094866 -1.158643
v 0.626926 1.240430 -1.158643
vt -0.339657 0.628705
vt 1.340090 0.628704
vt 1.340090 0.753243
vt -0.339657 0.753243
vt -0.339658 0.504167
vt 1.340090 0.504165
vt -0.339657 0.129512
vt -0.339657 0.004973
vt 1.340090 0.004973
vt 1.340090 0.129512
vt -0.339657 0.254051
vt 1.340090 0.254050
vt -0.339658 0.878300
vt -0.339658 0.753761
vt 1.340090 0.753762
vt 1.340090 0.878300
vt -0.339657 1.002839
vt 1.340090 1.002838
vt -0.339657 0.379109
vt 1.340090 0.379108
vt 1.340090 0.503647
vt -0.339657 0.503647
vt -0.339658 0.254571
vt 1.340090 0.254569
vn -1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
vn 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
vn 0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000
vn 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
s off
f 223/377/33 224/378/33 226/379/33 225/380/33
f 227/381/34 228/382/34 224/378/34 223/377/34
f 229/383/33 231/384/33 232/385/33 230/386/33
f 233/387/35 229/383/35 230/386/35 234/388/35
f 235/389/36 237/390/36 238/391/36 236/392/36
f 239/393/34 235/389/34 236/392/34 240/394/34
f 241/395/36 242/396/36 244/397/36 243/398/36
f 245/399/35 246/400/35 242/396/35 241/395/35

View File

@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ The basic market interface is the same across all markets and market types, but
Each market has one or more "currency" items defined that are treated differently from the other items that can be bought and sold there. Currency items are translated into a player's currency balance rather than being bought and sold directly.
For example, the default market offered by this mod has this currency definition:
For example, some of the markets offered by the "commoditymarket_fantasy" mod have this currency definition:
["default:gold_ingot"] = 1000,
["commoditymarket:gold_coin"] = 1
["commoditymarket_fantasy:gold_coin"] = 1
When a gold ingot is added to the player's market account it turns into 1000 units of currency. When a gold coin is added it turns into 1 unit of currency. You can't buy and sell gold directly in this market, it is instead the "standard" by which the value of other items is measured.
@ -53,13 +53,15 @@ Double-click on your order in the orders list to cancel it.
This mod has several commands that a server administrator can use:
* market.removeitem marketname item -- cancels all existing buy and sell orders for an item and removes its entry from the market tab. This is useful if you've changed what items are permitted in a particular market and need to clear out items that are no longer allowed.
* market.show marketname -- opens the market's formspec
* market.list -- lists the marketnames of all registered markets
* `market.removeitem marketname item` -- cancels all existing buy and sell orders for an item and removes its entry from the market tab. This is useful if you've changed what items are permitted in a particular market and need to clear out items that are no longer allowed.
* `market.show marketname` -- opens the market's formspec
* `market.list` -- lists the marketnames of all registered markets
* `market.purge_unknowns` -- executes "removeitem" for all markets on all items that don't have a definition. Useful for clearing out items that are no longer defined due to a mod being updated or removed.
* `market.addeverything marketname` - Adds all registered items to a market's listings. NOTE: this is intended as a debugging tool, not for use in a live server, as it doesn't filter out items that a player cannot actually harvest in-world.
## Registering a market
The file "default_markets.lua" contains a number of pre-defined markets that provide examples of what's possible with this mod. They can be enabled as-is with game settings and include:
The mod "[commoditymarket_fantasy](https://github.com/FaceDeer/commoditymarket_fantasy)" contains a number of pre-defined markets that provide examples of what's possible with this mod. They include:
* King's Market - a basic sort of "commoner's marketplace", only open during the day
* Night Market - the shadier side of commerce, only open during the night
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ The file "default_markets.lua" contains a number of pre-defined markets that pro
* Goblin Exchange - a strange marketplace that uses coal as a currency
* Undermarket - where dark powers make their trades, using Mese as a currency
All of these except for the Trader's Caravan are intended to be placed in specific locations by server administrators, they don't have crafting recipes. Modifying these markets or creating your own from scratch should hopefully be a fairly straightforward task.
All of these except for the Trader's Caravan are intended to be placed in specific locations by server administrators or mapgen, they don't have crafting recipes. Modifying these markets or creating your own from scratch should hopefully be a fairly straightforward task.
### Market definition API

View File

@ -6,25 +6,3 @@
#commoditymarket.override_image_icon(old_icon_texture, new_icon_texture)
#to override a troublesome image directly.
commoditymarket_enable_item_icons (Enable item icon images in market formspecs) bool true
[Enable default markets]
commoditymarket_enable_kings_market (Enable King's Market) bool false
commoditymarket_enable_night_market (Enable Night Market) bool false
commoditymarket_enable_caravan_market (Enable Trader's Caravan) bool true
commoditymarket_enable_goblin_market (Enable Goblin Exchange) bool false
commoditymarket_enable_under_market (Enable Undermarket) bool false
[Market node protection]
commoditymarket_protect_kings_market (Protect King's Market node) bool true
commoditymarket_protect_night_market (Protect Night Market node) bool true
commoditymarket_protect_caravan_market (Protect permanent Caravan node) bool true
commoditymarket_protect_goblin_market (Protect Goblin Market node) bool true
commoditymarket_protect_under_market (Protect Undermarket node) bool true
[Dungeon market generation]
commoditymarket_goblin_market_dungeon_prob (Goblin market probability per dungeon mapblock) float 0.25 0 1
commoditymarket_goblin_market_dungeon_max (Upper y limit of goblin markets) int 100
commoditymarket_goblin_market_dungeon_min (Lower y limit of goblin markets) int -400
commoditymarket_under_market_dungeon_prob (Undermarket probability per dungeon mapblock) float 0.1 0 1
commoditymarket_under_market_dungeon_max (Upper y limit of undermarkets) int -500
commoditymarket_under_market_dungeon_min (Lower y limit of undermarkets) int -31000

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@ -1,12 +1 @@
commoditymarket_gold_coins.png - from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Farm-Fresh_coins.png, by FatCow under the CC-BY 3.0 license
commoditymarket_crown.png - from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Farm-Fresh_crown_gold.png by FatCow under the CC-BY 3.0 Unported license
commoditymarket_moon.png - from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Luneta08.svg by Arturo D. Castillo —Zoram.hakaan— under the CC-BY 3.0 Unported license
commoditymarket_goblin.png - cropped from the "goblins" mod, Copyright 2015 by Francisco "FreeLikeGNU" Athens Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
commoditymarket_empty_shelf.png - from the moreblocks mod's "moreblocks_empty_shelf", under the zlib license by Hugo Locurcio and contributors
commoditymarket_search.png, commoditymarket_clear.png - Copyright © Diego Martínez (kaeza): CC BY-SA 3.0
commoditymarket_shingles_wood.png is cottages_homedecor_shingles_wood.png from the cottages mod by VanessaE (CC-by-SA 3.0)
commoditymarket_trade.png, commoditymarket_trade_flag.png, commoditymarket_under.png, and commoditymarket_under_top were created by FaceDeer and released under the CC0 public domain license
commoditymarket_sign_post.png and commoditymarket_sign.png are made from elements of default_tree.png and default_aspen_wood.png
commoditymarket_door_wood.png is doors_door_wood.png from the doors mod