Rework on messages displayed
Co-authored-by: SmallJoker <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("protect", {
minetest.register_chatcommand("set_owner", {
params = S("<PlayerName>").." "..S("<AreaName>"),
description = S("Protect an area beetween two positions and give"
description = S("Protect an area between two positions and give"
.." a player access to it without setting the parent of the"
.." area to any existing area"),
privs = areas.adminPrivs,
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("add_owner", {
minetest.register_chatcommand("rename_area", {
params = S("<ID>").." "..S("<newName>"),
description = S("Rename a area that you own"),
description = S("Rename an area that you own"),
func = function(name, param)
local id, newName = param:match("^(%d+)%s(.+)$")
if not id then
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("rename_area", {
minetest.register_chatcommand("find_areas", {
params = S("<regexp>"),
params = "<regexp>",
description = S("Find areas using a Lua regular expression"),
privs = areas.adminPrivs,
func = function(name, param)
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("list_areas", {
minetest.register_chatcommand("recursive_remove_areas", {
params = S("<ID>"),
description = S("Recursively remove areas using an id"),
description = S("Recursively remove areas using an ID"),
func = function(name, param)
local id = tonumber(param)
if not id then
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("recursive_remove_areas", {
minetest.register_chatcommand("remove_area", {
params = S("<ID>"),
description = S("Remove an area using an id"),
description = S("Remove an area using an ID"),
func = function(name, param)
local id = tonumber(param)
if not id then
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("remove_area", {
minetest.register_chatcommand("change_owner", {
params = S("<ID>").." "..S("<NewOwner>"),
description = S("Change the owner of an area using it's ID"),
description = S("Change the owner of an area using its ID"),
func = function(name, param)
local id, newOwner = param:match("^(%d+)%s(%S+)$")
if not id then
@ -361,27 +361,15 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("area_info", {
local max_size = has_high_limit and
size_limit_high or size_limit
-- Privilege information
local self_prot_line = (self_prot and prot_priv) and
(has_prot_priv and
(self_prot and
S("Self protection is enabled and you have the "..
"necessary privilege (\"@1\").", prot_priv) or
S("Self protection is disabled and you have the "..
"necessary privilege (\"@1\").", prot_priv)
) or
(self_prot and
S("Self protection is enabled but you don't have the "..
"necessary privilege (\"@1\").", prot_priv) or
S("Self protection is disabled but you don't have the "..
"necessary privilege (\"@1\").", prot_priv)
) or
(self_prot and
S("Self protection is enabled.") or
S("Self protection is disabled.")
-- Self protection information
local self_prot_line = self_prot and S("Self protection is enabled.") or
S("Self protection is disabled.")
table.insert(lines, self_prot_line)
-- Privilege information
local priv_line = has_prot_priv and
S("You have the necessary privilege (\"@1\").", prot_priv) or
S("You don't have the necessary privilege (\"@1\").", prot_priv)
table.insert(lines, priv_line)
if privs.areas then
table.insert(lines, S("You are an area"..
" administrator (\"areas\" privilege)."))
@ -398,25 +386,13 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("area_info", {
area_num = area_num + 1
local count_line = privs.areas and
((area_num <= 1) and
S("You have @1 area and have no area "..
"protection limits.", area_num) or
S("You have @1 areas and have no area "..
"protection limits.", area_num)
) or
(can_prot and (
(area_num <= 1) and
S("You have @1 area, out of a "..
"maximum of @2.", area_num, max_count) or
S("You have @1 areas, out of a "..
"maximum of @2.", area_num, max_count)
) or
(area_num <= 1) and
S("You have @1 area.", area_num) or
S("You have @1 areas.", area_num)
table.insert(lines, count_line)
table.insert(lines, S("You have @1 areas.", area_num))
-- Area limit
local area_limit_line = privs.areas and
S("Limit: no area count limit") or
S("Limit: @1 areas", max_count)
table.insert(lines, area_limit_line)
-- Area size limits
local function size_info(str, size)
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 vous a donné le contrôle de la zone "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 s’étendant jusqu’à @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Une expression régulière est requise.
@ -21,13 +20,15 @@ Area opened.=Zone ouverte.
Area protected. ID: @1=Zone protégée. ID : @1
Area renamed.=Zone renommée.
Area successfully moved.=Zone déplacée avec succès.
Change the owner of an area using it's ID=Change le propriétaire d’une zone en utilisant son ID.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Change le propriétaire d’une zone en utilisant son ID.
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Trouve les zones en utilisant une expression régulière Lua.
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Obtient des informations sur la configuration des zones et l’utilisation des zones.
Give a player access to a sub-area beetween two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Donne au joueur accès aux sous-zones entre deux positions qui ont déjà été protégées ; utilisez set_owner si vous ne voulez pas que la zone pricipale soit définie.
Invalid regular expression.=Expression régulière invalide.
Limit: @1 areas=Limite: @1 zones.
Limit: no area count limit=Limite: pas de limite de nombre de zones.
List your areas, or all areas if you are an admin.=Liste vos zones, ou toutes les zones si vous êtes administrateur.
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Déplace (ou redimensionne) une zone aux positions actuelles.
No matches found.=Aucun résultat.
@ -35,25 +36,15 @@ No visible areas.=Pas de zone visible.
Owner changed.=Propriétaire changé.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Les joueurs avec le privilège "@1" peuvent protéger jusqu’à @2 zones
Protect an area beetween two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Protège une zone entre deux positions et donne à un joueur accès à cette zone sans définir la zone principale de cette zone ni aucune zone existante.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Protège une zone entre deux positions et donne à un joueur accès à cette zone sans définir la zone principale de cette zone ni aucune zone existante.
Protect your own area=Protège votre zone.
Recursively remove areas using an id=Supprime les zones récursivement en utilisant un ID.
Remove an area using an id=Supprime une zone en utilisant son ID.
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Supprime les zones récursivement en utilisant un ID.
Remove an area using an ID=Supprime une zone en utilisant son ID.
Removed area @1=Zone @1 supprimée.
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Zone @1 et ses sous-zones supprimées.
Rename a area that you own=Renomme une zone qui vous appartient.
Self protection is disabled and you have the necessary privilege ("@1").=L’autoprotection est désactivée et vous avez le privilège nécessaire ("@1").
Self protection is disabled but you don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=L’autoprotection est désactivée mais vous n’avez pas le privilège nécessaire ("@1").
Rename an area that you own=Renomme une zone qui vous appartient.
Self protection is disabled.=L’autoprotection est désactivée.
Self protection is enabled and you have the necessary privilege ("@1").=L’autoprotection est activée et vous avez le privilège nécessaire ("@1").
Self protection is enabled but you don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=L’autoprotection est activée mais vous n’avez pas le privilège nécessaire ("@1").
Self protection is enabled.=L’autoprotection est activée.
That area doesn't exist.=La zone n’existe pas.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Le joueur "@1" n’existe pas.
@ -63,18 +54,15 @@ You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Vous êtes un administrateur
You can protect areas=Vous pouvez protéger des zones.
You can't protect that area.=Vous ne pouvez pas protéger cette zone.
You can't protect that area: @1=Vous ne pouvez pas protéger cette zone : @1.
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Vous n’avez pas le privilège nécessaire ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Vous ne possédez pas cette zone.
You have @1 area and have no area protection limits.=Vous avez @1 zone et n’avez pas de limite de protection de zones.
You have @1 area, out of a maximum of @2.=Vous avez @1 zone sur un maximum de @2.
You have @1 area.=Vous avez @1 zone.
You have @1 areas and have no area protection limits.=Vous avez @1 zones et n’avez pas de limite de protection de zones.
You have @1 areas, out of a maximum of @2.=Vous avez @1 zones sur un maximum de @2.
You have @1 areas.=Vous avez @1 zones.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Vous avez reçu l’autorisation de contrôler la zone #@1.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Votre limite de protection de zones est étendue (privilège "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Vous avez le privilège nécessaire ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Vous devez sélectionner une zone d’abord.
### chatcommands.lua ###
@ -124,7 +112,7 @@ Area @1 selected.=Zone @1 sélectionnée.
Area position @1 set to @2=Position @1 de la zone définie à @2.
Position @1 set to @2=Position @1 définie à @2.
Position @1: =Position @1 :
Select a area by id.=Sélectionnez une zone par son ID.
Select an area by ID.=Sélectionnez une zone par son ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Sélectionnez une position en frappant un bloc.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Sélectionnez une position en frappant deux blocs.
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=
A regular expression is required.=
@ -21,13 +20,15 @@ Area opened.=
Area protected. ID: @1=
Area renamed.=
Area successfully moved.=
Change the owner of an area using it's ID=
Change the owner of an area using its ID=
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=
Get information about area configuration and usage.=
Give a player access to a sub-area beetween two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=
Invalid regular expression.=
Limit: @1 areas=
Limit: no area count limit=
List your areas, or all areas if you are an admin.=
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=
No matches found.=
@ -35,25 +36,15 @@ No visible areas.=
Owner changed.=
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=
Protect an area beetween two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=
Protect your own area=
Recursively remove areas using an id=
Remove an area using an id=
Recursively remove areas using an ID=
Remove an area using an ID=
Removed area @1=
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=
Rename a area that you own=
Self protection is disabled and you have the necessary privilege ("@1").=
Self protection is disabled but you don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=
Rename an area that you own=
Self protection is disabled.=
Self protection is enabled and you have the necessary privilege ("@1").=
Self protection is enabled but you don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=
Self protection is enabled.=
That area doesn't exist.=
The player "@1" does not exist.=
@ -63,18 +54,15 @@ You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=
You can protect areas=
You can't protect that area.=
You can't protect that area: @1=
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=
You don't own that area.=
You have @1 area and have no area protection limits.=
You have @1 area, out of a maximum of @2.=
You have @1 area.=
You have @1 areas and have no area protection limits.=
You have @1 areas, out of a maximum of @2.=
You have @1 areas.=
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=
You need to select an area first.=
### chatcommands.lua ###
@ -124,7 +112,7 @@ Area @1 selected.=
Area position @1 set to @2=
Position @1 set to @2=
Position @1: =
Select a area by id.=
Select an area by ID.=
Select position @1 by punching a node.=
Select positions by punching two nodes.=
Reference in New Issue
Block a user