Optimized and improved after_use function

Piezo_ 2019-04-09 23:01:13 -07:00
parent 80a255c873
commit 54cbe000e9
1 changed files with 50 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -182,50 +182,58 @@ instant_ores.register_armorset = function(
instant_ores.after_use = function(itemstack, user, node)
-- Use this hack instead of the insane default which is impossible to work with.
local tool = itemstack:get_tool_capabilities()
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
local meta = itemstack:get_meta()
local worn = meta:get_int("worn") or 0
-- Using this hack allows tools to have more than 65535 uses, and still behave correctly.
local uses
if not (ndef and tool) then return end
local wear = 0
if ndef.groups.cracky and tool.groupcaps.cracky then
uses = tool.groupcaps.cracky.uses
wear = (4-ndef.groups.cracky)
elseif ndef.groups.choppy and tool.groupcaps.choppy then
uses = tool.groupcaps.choppy.uses
wear = (4-ndef.groups.choppy)
elseif ndef.groups.crumbly and tool.groupcaps.crumbly then
uses = tool.groupcaps.crumbly.uses
wear = (4-ndef.groups.crumbly)
elseif ndef.groups.snappy and tool.groupcaps.snappy then
uses = tool.groupcaps.snappy.uses
wear = (4-ndef.groups.snappy)
if itemstack:get_wear() ~= math.floor(worn * (65536/uses)) then
-- Something tried to change the wear value, adjust the true value to compensate.
worn = math.floor((uses*itemstack:get_wear()/65536) + 0.5)
worn = worn + wear
local breaksound = itemstack:get_definition().sound.breaks
if uses then itemstack:set_wear(math.floor(worn * (65536/uses))) end
if itemstack:get_count() == 0 and breaksound then
minetest.sound_play(breaksound, {pos=user:get_pos(), max_hear_distance=6, gain=0.5})
meta:set_int("worn", worn)
return itemstack
instant_ores.null_function = function() end
instant_ores.register_toolset = function(mod, name, desc, color, level, ingredient, --[[ Parameters after this can be omitted ]] optional_durability, optional_speed, infinite_use)
local durability = optional_durability or (20*level*level*level)
local afteruse = infinite_use and (function() end) or (
function(itemstack, user, node)
-- Use this hack instead of the insane default which is impossible to work with.
local tool = itemstack:get_tool_capabilities()
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
local meta = itemstack:get_meta()
local worn = meta:get_int("worn") or 0
-- Using this hack allows tools to have more than 65535 uses, and still behave correctly.
local uses
if not (ndef and tool) then return end
local wear = 0
if ndef.groups.cracky and tool.groupcaps.cracky then
uses = tool.groupcaps.cracky.uses
worn = worn + (4-ndef.groups.cracky)
elseif ndef.groups.choppy and tool.groupcaps.choppy then
uses = tool.groupcaps.choppy.uses
worn = worn + (4-ndef.groups.choppy)
elseif ndef.groups.crumbly and tool.groupcaps.crumbly then
uses = tool.groupcaps.crumbly.uses
worn = worn + (4-ndef.groups.crumbly)
elseif ndef.groups.snappy and tool.groupcaps.snappy then
uses = tool.groupcaps.snappy.uses
worn = worn + (4-ndef.groups.snappy)
local breaksound = itemstack:get_definition().sound.breaks
if uses then itemstack:set_wear(math.floor(worn * (65536/uses))) end
if itemstack:get_count() == 0 and breaksound then
minetest.sound_play(breaksound, {pos=user:get_pos(), max_hear_distance=6, gain=0.5})
meta:set_int("worn", worn)
return itemstack
local afteruse = infinite_use and instant_ores.null_function or instant_ores.after_use
local maketool = infinite_use and
function(name, def)