Simplify Signal Aspect Table (H#132) [breaks compatibility with signal API]

This commit is contained in:
orwell96 2020-01-30 08:45:16 +01:00
parent 573d6b06b2
commit 119a09b784
8 changed files with 146 additions and 190 deletions

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@ -12,18 +12,10 @@ end
local function aspect(b)
return {
main = {
free = b,
speed = -1,
shunt = {
free = false,
proceed_as_main = true
dst = {
free = true,
speed = -1,
main = (not b) and 0, -- b ? false : 0
shunt = false,
proceed_as_main = true,
dst = false,
info = {}
@ -81,7 +73,7 @@ for r,f in pairs({on={as="off", ls="green", als="red"}, off={as="on", ls="red",
-- new signal API
advtrains = {
set_aspect = function(pos, node, asp)
if then
if asp.main != 0 then
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name = "advtrains:retrosignal_on"..rotation, param2 = node.param2}, true)
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name = "advtrains:retrosignal_off"..rotation, param2 = node.param2}, true)
@ -140,7 +132,7 @@ for r,f in pairs({on={as="off", ls="green", als="red"}, off={as="on", ls="red",
-- new signal API
advtrains = {
set_aspect = function(pos, node, asp)
if then
if asp.main != 0 then
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name = "advtrains:signal_on"..rotation, param2 = node.param2}, true)
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name = "advtrains:signal_off"..rotation, param2 = node.param2}, true)
@ -208,7 +200,7 @@ for r,f in pairs({on={as="off", ls="green", als="red"}, off={as="on", ls="red",
-- new signal API
advtrains = {
set_aspect = function(pos, node, asp)
if then
if asp.main != 0 then
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name = "advtrains:signal_wall_"..loc.."_on", param2 = node.param2}, true)
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name = "advtrains:signal_wall_"..loc.."_off", param2 = node.param2}, true)

View File

@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ advtrains.tnc_register_on_approach(function(pos, id, train, index, has_entered,
--interpreting aspect and determining speed to proceed
if travsht then
--shunt move
if then
if asp.shunt then
elseif asp.shunt.proceed_as_main and then
nspd = asp.main.speed
elseif asp.shunt.proceed_as_main and asp.main != 0 then
nspd = asp.main
travsht = false
--train move
if then
nspd = asp.main.speed
elseif then
if asp.main != 0 then
nspd = asp.main
elseif asp.shunt then
travsht = true

View File

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
local setaspect = function(pos, node, asp)
if not then
if asp.main == 0 then
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_interlocking:ds_danger"})
if and asp.main.speed == -1 then
if asp.dst != 0 and asp.main == -1 then
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_interlocking:ds_free"})
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_interlocking:ds_slow"})
@ -22,18 +22,10 @@ local setaspect = function(pos, node, asp)
local suppasp = {
main = {
free = nil,
speed = {6, -1},
dst = {
free = nil,
speed = nil,
shunt = {
free = false,
main = {0, 6, -1},
dst = {0, false},
shunt = false,
proceed_as_main = true,
info = {
call_on = false,
dead_end = false,
@ -74,10 +66,7 @@ minetest.register_node("advtrains_interlocking:ds_free", {
supported_aspects = suppasp,
get_aspect = function(pos, node)
return {
main = {
free = true,
speed = -1,
main = -1,
@ -98,10 +87,7 @@ minetest.register_node("advtrains_interlocking:ds_slow", {
supported_aspects = suppasp,
get_aspect = function(pos, node)
return {
main = {
free = true,
speed = 6,
main = 6,

View File

@ -7,17 +7,9 @@ local function sigd_to_string(sigd)
local asp_generic_free = {
main = {
free = true,
speed = -1,
shunt = {
free = false,
dst = {
free = true,
speed = -1,
main = -1,
shunt = false,
dst = false,
info = {}

View File

@ -4,28 +4,38 @@
Signal aspect table:
asp = {
main = {
free = <boolean>,
speed = <int km/h>,
shunt = {
free = <boolean>,
main = <int speed>,
-- Main signal aspect, tells state and permitted speed of next section
-- 0 = section is blocked
-- >0 = section is free, speed limit is this value
-- -1 = section is free, maximum speed permitted
-- false = Signal doesn't provide main signal information, retain current speed limit.
shunt = <boolean>,
-- Whether train may proceed as shunt move, on sight
-- main aspect takes precedence over this
-- When main==0, train switches to shunt move and is restricted to speed 8
proceed_as_main = <boolean>,
-- If an approaching train is a shunt move and "" is set,
-- If an approaching train is a shunt move and 'shunt' is false,
-- the train may proceed as a train move under the "main" aspect
-- if the main aspect permits it (i.e. main!=0)
-- If this is not set, shunt moves are NOT allowed to switch to
-- a train move, and must stop even if "" is set.
-- a train move, and must stop even if "main" would permit passing.
-- This is intended to be used for "Halt for shunt moves" signs.
dst = {
free = <boolean>,
speed = <int km/h>,
dst = <int speed>,
-- Distant signal aspect, tells state and permitted speed of the section after next section
-- The character of these information is purely informational
-- At this time, this field is not actively used
-- 0 = section is blocked
-- >0 = section is free, speed limit is this value
-- -1 = section is free, maximum speed permitted
-- false = Signal doesn't provide distant signal information.
info = {
-- the character of call_on and dead_end is purely informative
call_on = <boolean>, -- Call-on route, expect train in track ahead (not implemented yet)
dead_end = <boolean>, -- Route ends on a dead end (e.g. bumper) (not implemented yet)
w_speed = <integer>,
-- "Warning speed restriction". Supposed for short-term speed
-- restrictions which always override any other restrictions
@ -33,12 +43,6 @@ asp = {
-- (Example: german Langsamfahrstellen-Signale)
-- For "speed" and "w_speed" fields, a value of -1 means that the
-- restriction is lifted. If they are omitted, the value imposed at
-- the last aspect received remains valid.
-- The "dst" subtable can be completely omitted when no explicit dst
-- aspect should be signalled to the train. In this case, the last
-- signalled dst aspect remains valid.
== How signals actually work in here ==
Each signal (in the advtrains universe) is some node that has at least the
@ -87,22 +91,18 @@ advtrains = {
false: always shows "blocked", unchangable
true: always shows "free", unchangable
-- Any of the "speed" fields should contain a list of possible values
-- to be set as restriction. If omitted, this signal should never
-- set the corresponding "speed" field in the aspect, which means
-- that the previous speed limit stays valid
-- to be set as restriction. If omitted, the value of the described
-- field is always assumed to be false (no information)
-- A speed of 0 means that the signal can show a "blocked" aspect
-- (which is probably the case for most signals)
-- If the signal can signal "no information" on one of the fields
-- (thus false is an acceptable value), include false in the list
-- If your signal can only display a single speed (may it be -1),
-- always enclose that single value into a list. (such as {-1})
main = {
free = <boolean/nil>,
speed = {<speed1>, ..., <speedn>} or nil,
dst = {
free = <boolean/nil>,
speed = {<speed1>, ..., <speedn>} or nil,
shunt = {
free = <boolean/nil>,
main = {<speed1>, ..., <speedn>} or nil,
dst = {<speed1>, ..., <speedn>} or nil,
shunt = <boolean/nil>,
info = {
call_on = <boolean/nil>,
dead_end = <boolean/nil>,
@ -110,28 +110,36 @@ advtrains = {
Example for supported_aspects:
supported_aspects = {
main = {0, 6, -1}, -- can show either "Section blocked", "Proceed at speed 6" or "Proceed at maximum speed"
dst = {0, false}, -- can show only if next signal shows "blocked", no other information.
shunt = false, -- shunting by this signal is never allowed.
info = {
call_on = false,
dead_end = false,
w_speed = nil,
} -- none of the information can be shown by the signal
get_aspect = function(pos, node)
-- This function gets called by the train safety system. It
should return the aspect that this signal actually displays,
not preferably the input of set_aspect.
-- For regular, full-featured light signals, they will probably
honor all entries in the original aspect, however, e.g.
simple shunt signals always return regardless of
simple shunt signals always return main=false regardless of
the set_aspect input because they can not signal "Halt" to
train moves.
-- advtrains.interlocking.DANGER contains a default "all-danger" aspect.
-- If your signal does not cover certain sub-tables of the aspect,
the following reasonable defaults are automatically assumed:
main = {
free = true,
dst = {
free = true,
shunt = {
free = false,
proceed_as_main = false,
main = false (unchanged)
dst = false (unchanged)
shunt = false (shunting not allowed)
info = {} (no further information)
on_rightclick = advtrains.interlocking.signal_rc_handler
@ -155,48 +163,14 @@ This function will query get_aspect to retrieve the new aspect.
local DANGER = {
main = {
free = false,
speed = 0,
shunt = {
free = false,
dst = {
free = false,
speed = 0,
main = 0,
dst = false,
shunt = false,
info = {}
advtrains.interlocking.DANGER = DANGER
local function fillout_aspect(asp)
if not asp.main then
asp.main = {
free = true,
elseif type(asp.main) ~= "table" then
asp.main = {
free = asp.main~=0,
speed = asp.main,
if not asp.dst then
asp.dst = {
free = true,
if not asp.shunt then
asp.shunt = {
free = false,
proceed_as_main = false,
elseif type(asp.shunt) ~= "table" then
asp.shunt = {
free = asp.shunt,
proceed_as_main = asp.proceed_as_main,
if not then = {}
@ -458,8 +432,10 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.show_signal_aspect_selector(pname, p_suppasp, p_
local form = "size[7,5]label[0.5,0.5;Select Signal Aspect:]"
form = form.."label[0.5,1;"..purpose.."]"
form = form.."label[0.5,1.5;== Main Signal ==]"
if == nil then
if suppasp.main == 0 then
local st = 2
if isasp and not then st=1 end
form = form.."dropdown[0.5,2;2;main_free;danger,free;""]"

View File

@ -95,24 +95,47 @@ Cancels the route that is set from the signal at pos. Has the same effect as cli
Returns the signal aspect of the signal at pos. A signal aspect has the following format:
aspect = {
main = { -- the next track section in line. Shows blocked for shunt routes
free = <boolean>,
speed = <int km/h>,
shunt = { -- whether a "shunting allowed" aspect should be shown
free = <boolean>,
dst = { -- the aspect of the next main signal on (at end of) route
free = <boolean>,
speed = <int km/h>,
asp = {
main = <int speed>,
-- Main signal aspect, tells state and permitted speed of next section
-- 0 = section is blocked
-- >0 = section is free, speed limit is this value
-- -1 = section is free, maximum speed permitted
-- false = Signal doesn't provide main signal information, retain current speed limit.
shunt = <boolean>,
-- Whether train may proceed as shunt move, on sight
-- main aspect takes precedence over this
-- When main==0, train switches to shunt move and is restricted to speed 8
proceed_as_main = <boolean>,
-- If an approaching train is a shunt move and 'shunt' is false,
-- the train may proceed as a train move under the "main" aspect
-- if the main aspect permits it (i.e. main!=0)
-- If this is not set, shunt moves are NOT allowed to switch to
-- a train move, and must stop even if "main" would permit passing.
-- This is intended to be used for "Halt for shunt moves" signs.
dst = <int speed>,
-- Distant signal aspect, tells state and permitted speed of the section after next section
-- The character of these information is purely informational
-- At this time, this field is not actively used
-- 0 = section is blocked
-- >0 = section is free, speed limit is this value
-- -1 = section is free, maximum speed permitted
-- false = Signal doesn't provide distant signal information.
info = {
call_on = <boolean>, -- Call-on route, expect train in track ahead
dead_end = <boolean>, -- Route ends on a dead end (e.g. bumper)
-- the character of call_on and dead_end is purely informative
call_on = <boolean>, -- Call-on route, expect train in track ahead (not implemented yet)
dead_end = <boolean>, -- Route ends on a dead end (e.g. bumper) (not implemented yet)
w_speed = <integer>,
-- "Warning speed restriction". Supposed for short-term speed
-- restrictions which always override any other restrictions
-- imposed by "speed" fields, until lifted by a value of -1
-- (Example: german Langsamfahrstellen-Signale)
As of August 2018, only the field is ever used by the interlocking system.
As of January 2020, the 'dst', 'call_on' and 'dead_end' fields are not used.
# Lines

View File

@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
local setaspectf = function(rot)
return function(pos, node, asp)
if not then
if then
if asp.main == 0 then
if asp.shunt then
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_signals_ks:hs_shunt_"..rot, param2 = node.param2})
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_signals_ks:hs_danger_"..rot, param2 = node.param2})
if and asp.main.speed == -1 then
if asp.dst != 0 and asp.main == -1 then
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_signals_ks:hs_free_"..rot, param2 = node.param2})
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_signals_ks:hs_slow_"..rot, param2 = node.param2})
@ -22,19 +22,12 @@ local setaspectf = function(rot)
local suppasp = {
main = {
free = nil,
speed = {6, -1},
dst = {
free = nil,
speed = nil,
shunt = {
free = nil,
main = {0, 6, -1},
dst = {0, false},
shunt = nil,
proceed_as_main = true,
info = {
call_on = false,
dead_end = false,
@ -45,7 +38,7 @@ local suppasp = {
local setaspectf_ra = function(rot)
return function(pos, node, asp)
if then
if asp.shunt then
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_signals_ks:ra_shuntd_"..rot, param2 = node.param2})
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_signals_ks:ra_danger_"..rot, param2 = node.param2})
@ -58,17 +51,11 @@ local setaspectf_ra = function(rot)
local suppasp_ra = {
main = {
free = true,
dst = {
free = nil,
speed = nil,
shunt = {
free = nil,
main = { false },
dst = { false },
shunt = nil,
proceed_as_main = false,
info = {
call_on = false,
dead_end = false,
@ -90,9 +77,9 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
local rot = rtab.rot
for typ, prts in pairs({
danger = {asp = advtrains.interlocking.DANGER, n = "slow", ici=true},
slow = {asp = { main = { free = true, speed = 6 }, shunt = {proceed_as_main = true}} , n = "free"},
free = {asp = { main = { free = true, speed = -1 }, shunt = {proceed_as_main = true}} , n = "shunt"},
shunt = {asp = { main = {free = false}, shunt = {free = true} } , n = "danger"},
slow = {asp = { main = 6, proceed_as_main = true} , n = "free"},
free = {asp = { main = -1, proceed_as_main = true} , n = "shunt"},
shunt = {asp = { main = 0, shunt = true} , n = "danger"},
}) do
minetest.register_node("advtrains_signals_ks:hs_"..typ.."_"..rot, {
description = "Ks Main Signal",
@ -136,8 +123,8 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
for typ, prts in pairs({
danger = {asp = { main = {free = true}, shunt = {free = false} }, n = "shuntd", ici=true},
shuntd = {asp = { main = {free = true}, shunt = {free = true} } , n = "danger"},
danger = {asp = { main = false, shunt = false }, n = "shuntd", ici=true},
shuntd = {asp = { main = false, shunt = true } , n = "danger"},
}) do
minetest.register_node("advtrains_signals_ks:ra_"..typ.."_"..rot, {
description = "Ks Shunting Signal",
@ -181,13 +168,13 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
for typ, prts in pairs({
-- Speed restrictions:
["8"] = {asp = { main = {free = true, speed = 8}, shunt = {free = true} }, n = "12", ici=true},
["12"] = {asp = { main = {free = true, speed = 12}, shunt = {free = true} }, n = "16"},
["16"] = {asp = { main = {free = true, speed = 16}, shunt = {free = true} }, n = "e"},
["8"] = {asp = { main = 8, shunt = true }, n = "12", ici=true},
["12"] = {asp = { main = 12, shunt = true }, n = "16"},
["16"] = {asp = { main = 16, shunt = true }, n = "e"},
-- Speed restriction lifted
["e"] = {asp = { main = {free = true, speed = -1}, shunt = {free = true} }, n = "hfs"},
["e"] = {asp = { main = -1, shunt = true }, n = "hfs"},
-- Halt for shunt moves:
["hfs"] = {asp = { main = {free = true}, shunt = {free = false} }, n = "8"},
["hfs"] = {asp = { main = false, shunt = false }, n = "8"},
}) do
minetest.register_node("advtrains_signals_ks:sign_"..typ.."_"..rot, {
description = "Signal Sign",

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- Ks Signals for advtrains
-- will implement the advtrains signal API (which does not exist yet)
-- will implement the advtrains signal API
local function place_degrotate(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
local yaw = placer:get_look_horizontal()