Stage 5: Unpack of 0.4 Making v0.4 branch here. Unpacking completed.
59 lines
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59 lines
2.3 KiB
minetest.register_craftitem("rangedweapons:thrown_javelin", {
wield_scale = {x=2.0,y=2.0,z=1.0},
inventory_image = "rangedweapons_thrown_javelin.png",
minetest.register_tool("rangedweapons:javelin", {
description = "" ..core.colorize("#35cdff","Javelin\n") ..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "Melee damage: 8\n") ..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "Melee range: 4.5\n")..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "Full punch interval: 1.25\n") ..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "Ranged damage: 9\n") ..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "Accuracy: 92%\n") ..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "knockback: 10\n") ..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "Critical chance: 11%\n") ..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "Critical efficiency: 2.5x\n") ..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "Projectile gravity: 6\n") ..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "Projectile velocity: 35\n") ..core.colorize("#FFFFFF", "Enemy penetration: 50%\n") ..core.colorize("#ffc000", "Right-click to throw, Left-click to stab\n")..core.colorize("#ffc000", "Throwing wears the javelin out 5x faster than stabbing.") ,
wield_scale = {x=2.0,y=2.0,z=1.0},
range = 4.5,
inventory_image = "rangedweapons_javelin.png",
tool_capabilities = {
full_punch_interval = 1.25,
max_drop_level = 0,
groupcaps = {
stabby = {times={[1]=0.25, [2]=0.50, [3]=0.75}, uses=66.6, maxlevel=2},
damage_groups = {fleshy=8,knockback=10},
RW_throw_capabilities = {
throw_damage = {fleshy=9,knockback=10},
throw_crit = 11,
throw_critEffc = 2.5,
throw_skill = {"throw_skill",20},
throw_velocity = 40,
throw_accuracy = 92,
throw_cooldown = 0.0,
throw_projectiles = 1,
throw_gravity = 6,
throw_sound = "rangedweapons_throw",
throw_dps = 0,
throw_mob_penetration = 50,
throw_node_penetration = 0,
throw_entity = "rangedweapons:shot_bullet",
throw_visual = "wielditem",
throw_texture = "rangedweapons:thrown_javelin",
throw_projectile_size = 0.15,
throw_glass_breaking = 1,
has_sparks = 1,
ignites_explosives = 0,
throw_door_breaking = 0,
OnCollision = function(player,bullet,target)
local throwDur = 40
if bullet.wear+(65535/throwDur) < 65535 then
javStack = {name="rangedweapons:javelin",wear=(bullet.wear)+(65535/throwDur)}
minetest.add_item(bullet.object:get_pos(),javStack) end end,
on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
rangedweapons_yeet(itemstack, user)
return itemstack