mckaygerhard e96fc05124 mobs and mobs_jam that mixed and resume mobs_animal+mobs_monster+mobs_doomed
* spawn tune up, more animals in the world and more monters in undergrounds
* penguin spawns more (was pretty rare found one) also permit to spawn in higer grounds
* rats spawns more but pretty more down, basically only in dungeons
* sheep spawns more due we need more lana, autodetect ethereal and put nodes to spawn
* tortoise spawns more
* wardog spawns more
* panda spawn not only in ethereal, also spawn in normal mods
* kitty spawn more frecuently, less rare
* mese monster and lava flan spwans more
* owl spawn more
* fire spirit can spawn now in lava also, and cave realms if detected
* cow spawns more
* more chicken and als permit to spawn ar the sea level too
* bee spawn little more but in more high levels
* bunny spawns more
2023-08-06 22:14:48 -04:00

51 lines
583 B

# textdomain:mobs_jam
#@1 Sheep=
#Bucket of Milk=
#Cheese Block=
#Chicken Egg=
#Cooked Chicken=
#Cooked Mutton=
#Cooked Porkchop=
#Cooked Rabbit=
#Cooked Rat=
#Cow already milked!=
#Dark Green=
#Dark Grey=
#Fried Egg=
#Glass of Milk=
#Honey Block=
#Rabbit Hide=
#Raw Chicken=
#Raw Mutton=
#Raw Porkchop=
#Raw Rabbit=
#[MOD] Mobs Redo Animals loaded=