mckaygerhard f05fb09554 add armors.. from the minuenux compatible to all engines
* use 3d_armors with shields and globes included
  cos with NSSM this will be necesary
2023-01-10 18:02:36 -04:00

minetest mod 3d_armor

ARMOR for players


Adds craftable armor that is visible to other players that allows players to equip making them less vulnerable to weapons, takes damage when a player is hurt but also offers a percentage chance of healing.


Technical info

This mod is named 3d_armor and each armor item worn contributes to a player's armor group level Armor Overall level is boosted by 10% when wearing a full matching set.

Fire protection added by TenPlus1 when using crystal armor if Ethereal mod active, level 1 protects against torches, level 2 for crystal spike, level 3 for fire, level 5 for lava.


  • default

Following are need to manage armors on the player:

  • sfinv
  • unified_inventory
  • smart_inventory

You must use only one.

Optional depends

  • player_monoids
  • armor_monoid
  • fire
  • ethereal
  • nether
  • moreores


Override the following default settings by adding them to your minetest.conf file.

Setting type default descripton
armor_material_wood bool true Set false to disable wood armors
armor_material_cactus bool true Set false to disable cactus armor
armor_material_steel bool true Set false to disable steel armor
armor_material_bronze bool true Set false to disable bronze armor
armor_material_diamond bool true Set false to disable diamond armor
armor_material_gold bool true Set false to disable gold armor
armor_material_mithril bool true Set false to disable mitrhil armor
armor_material_crystal bool true Set false to disable crystal armors
armor_material_nether bool true Set false to disable nether armor
armor_init_delay int 1 Increase it if get glitches when a player first joins
armor_init_times int 1 Number of initialization attempts if previous still happnes
armor_bones_delay int 1 Increase it if armor is not getting into bones due to server lag.
armor_update_time int 1 How often player armor items are updated
armor_drop bool true If false will be into bones,otherwise Drop armor when a player dies
armor_destroy bool false Pulverise armor when a player dies, overrides armor_drop
armor_level_multiplier int 1 level to increaseeffects, 0.5 will reduce armor by half
armor_heal_multiplier int 1 increase or decrease overall armor healing, 0 disable it
armor_water_protect bool true water protection (periodically restores breath when activated)
armor_punch_damage bool true Enable punch damage effects.
armor_migrate_old_inventory bool true Enable migration of old armor inventories
armor_fire_protect bool false fire protection (defaults true if using ethereal mod)
armor_fire_protect_torch bool false allows you to disable fire damage from torches


Armor Registration:

armor:register_armor(name, def)

Wrapper function for minetest.register_tool, while registering armor as a tool item is still supported, this may be deprecated in future so new code should use this method.

Additional fields supported by 3d_armor:

	texture = <filename>
	preview = <filename>
	armor_groups = <table>
	damage_groups = <table>
	reciprocate_damage = <bool>
	on_equip = <function>
	on_unequip = <function>
	on_destroy = <function>
	on_damage = <function>
	on_punch = <function>

armor:register_armor_group(group, base)


armor:register_armor_group("radiation", 100)

armor:register_armor("mod_name:speed_boots", {
	description = "Speed Boots",
	inventory_image = "mod_name_speed_boots_inv.png",
	texture = "mod_name_speed_boots.png",
	preview = "mod_name_speed_boots_preview.png",
	groups = {armor_feet=1, armor_use=500, physics_speed=1.2, flammable=1},
	armor_groups = {fleshy=10, radiation=10},
	damage_groups = {cracky=3, snappy=3, choppy=3, crumbly=3, level=1},
	reciprocate_damage = true,
	on_destroy = function(player, index, stack)
		local pos = player:getpos()
		if pos then
				name = "mod_name_break_sound",
				pos = pos,
				gain = 0.5,

See armor.lua, technic_armor and shields mods for more examples.

Default groups:

Elements: armor_head, armor_torso, armor_legs, armor_feet Attributes: armor_heal, armor_fire, armor_water Physics: physics_jump, physics_speed, physics_gravity Durability: armor_use, flammable


Elements may be modified by dependent mods, eg shields adds armor_shield. Attributes and physics values are 'stackable', durability is determined by the level of armor_use, total uses == approx (65535/armor_use), non-fleshy damage groups need to be defined in the tool/weapon used against the player.

Reciprocal tool damage will be done only by the first armor inventory item with reciprocate_damage = true

Armor Functions:


Primarily an internal function but can be called externally to apply any changes that might not otherwise get handled.

armor:punch(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities)

Used to apply damage to all equipped armor based on the damage groups of each individual item.hitter, time_from_last_punch and tool_capabilities are optional but should be valid if included.

armor:damage(player, index, stack, use)

Adds wear to a single armor itemstack, triggers on_damage callbacks and updates the necessary inventories. Also handles item destruction callbacks and so should NOT be called from on_unequip to avoid an infinite loop.


Removes all armors from the player's inventory without triggering any callback.

armor:equip(player, armor_name)

Equip the armor, removing the itemstack from the main inventory if there's one.

armor:unequip(player, armor_name)

Unequip the armor, adding the itemstack to the main inventory.


Triggers a skin update with the same action as if a field with skins_set was submitted.

Item Callbacks:

on_equip = func(player, index, stack) on_unequip = func(player, index, stack) on_destroy = func(player, index, stack) on_damage = func(player, index, stack) on_punch = func(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities)


on_punch is called every time a player is punched or takes damage, hitter, time_from_last_punch and tool_capabilities can be nil and will be in the case of fall damage, etc. When fire protection is enabled, hitter == "fire" in the event of fire damage. Return false to override armor damage effects. When armor is destroyed stack will contain a copy of the previous stack.

Global Callbacks:

armor:register_on_update(func(player)) armor:register_on_equip(func(player, index, stack)) armor:register_on_unequip(func(player, index, stack)) armor:register_on_destroy(func(player, index, stack))

Global Callback Example:

	print(player:get_player_name().." armor updated!")


License Source Code: (C) 2012-2017 Stuart Jones - LGPL v2.1

License Textures: Copyright (C) 2017 davidthecreator - CC-BY-SA 3.0