mg_villages and cottages updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,23 @@ end
-- (i.e. in combination with realtest)
-- add to this table what you want the handmill to convert;
-- add a stack size if you want a higher yield
cottages.handmill_product = {};
cottages.handmill_product[ cottages.craftitem_seed_wheat ] = 'farming:flour 1';
--[[ some examples:
cottages.handmill_product[ 'default:cobble' ] = 'default:gravel';
cottages.handmill_product[ 'default:gravel' ] = 'default:sand';
cottages.handmill_product[ 'default:sand' ] = 'default:dirt 2';
cottages.handmill_product[ 'flowers:rose' ] = 'dye:red 6';
cottages.handmill_product[ 'default:cactus' ] = 'dye:green 6';
cottages.handmill_product[ 'default:coal_lump'] = 'dye:black 6';
-- process that many inputs per turn
cottages.handmill_max_per_turn = 20;
cottages.handmill_min_per_turn = 0;
-- uncomment parts you do not want
@ -343,52 +343,45 @@ minetest.register_node("cottages:threshing_floor", {
local cottages_handmill_formspec = "size[8,8]"..
"label[0,0.5;"..S("Wheat seeds:").."]"..
"label[0,2.5;"..S("Punch this hand-driven mill").."]"..
"label[0,3.0;"..S("to convert wheat seeds into flour.").."]"..
minetest.register_node("cottages:handmill", {
drawtype = "nodebox",
description = S("Mill, powered by punching"),
tiles = {"default_stone.png"},
description = S("mill, powered by punching"),
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "cottages_handmill.obj",
tiles = {"cottages_stone.png"},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {cracky=2},
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
-- taken from 3dfornitures tree redefinition
{-0.35,-0.50,-0.4, 0.35,-0.32,0.4},
{-0.4, -0.50,-0.35, 0.4, -0.32,0.35},
{-0.25,-0.50,-0.45, 0.25,-0.32,0.45},
{-0.45,-0.50,-0.25, 0.45,-0.32,0.25},
{-0.15,-0.50,-0.5, 0.15,-0.32,0.5},
{-0.5, -0.50,-0.15, 0.5, -0.32,0.15},
-- upper mill wheel
{-0.35,-0.27,-0.4, 0.35,-0.05,0.4},
{-0.4, -0.27,-0.35, 0.4, -0.05,0.35},
{-0.25,-0.27,-0.45, 0.25,-0.05,0.45},
{-0.45,-0.27,-0.25, 0.45,-0.05,0.25},
{-0.15,-0.27,-0.5, 0.15,-0.05,0.5},
{-0.5, -0.27,-0.15, 0.5, -0.05,0.15},
-- middle axis
{-0.05,-0.50,-0.05, 0.05, 0.15,0.05},
-- handle
{-0.35,-0.05,-0.35,-0.25, 0.25,-0.25},
is_ground_content = false,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.50, -0.5,-0.50, 0.50, 0.25, 0.50},
collision_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.50, -0.5,-0.50, 0.50, 0.25, 0.50},
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos);
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Mill, powered by punching"));
local inv = meta:get_inventory();
inv:set_size("seeds", 1);
inv:set_size("flour", 4);
meta:set_string("formspec", cottages_handmill_formspec );
after_place_node = function(pos, placer)
@ -396,16 +389,8 @@ minetest.register_node("cottages:handmill", {
meta:set_string("owner", placer:get_player_name() or "");
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Mill, powered by punching (owned by %s)"):format(meta:get_string("owner") or ""));
"label[0,0.5;"..S("Grind This:").."]"..
"label[4,0.5;"..S("Ground Object:").."]"..
"label[2.5,0.1;"..S("Owner: %s"):format(meta:get_string('owner') or "").."]"..
"label[0,2.5;"..S("Punch this hand-driven mill").."]"..
"label[0,3.0;"..S("to grind various items.").."]"..
"label[2.5,-0.5;"..S("Owner: %s"):format(meta:get_string('owner') or "").."]" );
can_dig = function(pos,player)
@ -426,7 +411,7 @@ minetest.register_node("cottages:handmill", {
allow_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if( player and player:get_player_name() ~= meta:get_string('owner' )) then
if( not( cottages_can_use( meta, player ))) then
return 0
return count;
@ -434,7 +419,13 @@ minetest.register_node("cottages:handmill", {
allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if( player and player:get_player_name() ~= meta:get_string('owner' )) then
-- only accept input the threshing floor can use/process
if( listname=='flour'
or (listname=='seeds' and stack and not( cottages.handmill_product[ stack:get_name()] ))) then
return 0;
if( not( cottages_can_use( meta, player ))) then
return 0
return stack:get_count()
@ -442,7 +433,7 @@ minetest.register_node("cottages:handmill", {
allow_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if( player and player:get_player_name() ~= meta:get_string('owner' )) then
if( not( cottages_can_use( meta, player ))) then
return 0
return stack:get_count()
@ -456,28 +447,49 @@ minetest.register_node("cottages:handmill", {
local name = puncher:get_player_name();
local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos);
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
local inv = meta:get_inventory();
local input = inv:get_list('seeds');
local stack1 = inv:get_stack( 'seeds', 1);
if( ( stack1:is_empty()) or( not( stack1:is_empty()) and stack1:get_definition().ground == nil )) then
if( ( stack1:is_empty())
or( not( stack1:is_empty())
and not( cottages.handmill_product[ stack1:get_name() ] ))) then
if not( stack1:is_empty() ) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name,"Nothing happens...")
-- update the formspec
"label[2.5,-0.5;"..S("Owner: %s"):format(meta:get_string('owner') or "").."]" );
local anz = 1 + math.random( 0, 3 );
-- turning the mill is a slow process; 1-21 flour are generated per turn
local anz = 1 + math.random( cottages.handmill_min_per_turn, cottages.handmill_max_per_turn );
-- we already made sure there is only wheat inside
local found = stack1:get_count();
if( inv:room_for_item('flour',stack1:get_definition().ground.." "..tostring(anz))) then
-- do not process more wheat than present in the input slots
if( found < anz ) then
anz = found;
inv:add_item("flour", stack1:get_definition().ground.." "..tostring(anz) );
inv:remove_item("seeds", stack1:get_name());
local product_stack = ItemStack( cottages.handmill_product[ stack1:get_name() ]);
local anz_result = anz;
-- items that produce more
if( product_stack:get_count()> 1 ) then
anz_result = anz * product_stack:get_count();
local anz_left = found - 1;
if( inv:room_for_item('flour', product_stack:get_name()..' '..tostring( anz_result ))) then
inv:add_item( 'flour', product_stack:get_name()..' '..tostring( anz_result ));
inv:remove_item( 'seeds', stack1:get_name()..' '..tostring( anz ));
local anz_left = found - anz;
if( anz_left > 0 ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( name, S('You have ground a %s (%s are left).'):format(stack1:get_definition().description,(anz_left)));
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ print('FILE SIZE: '..tostring( string.len( data_string ))); -- TODO
-- print a few warning messages in case something goes wrong - but do not exaggerate
if( not( new_node[2] and max_msg>0)) then
print('[handle_schematics:schematic] MISSING param2: '..minetest.serialize( new_node ));
-- print('[handle_schematics:schematic] MISSING param2: '..minetest.serialize( new_node ));
@ -762,7 +762,14 @@ mirror = nil;
build_chest.stages_on_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, player, meta);
meta:set_string( 'formspec', build_chest.update_formspec( pos, 'main', player, fields ));
local formspec = build_chest.update_formspec( pos, 'main', player, fields );
-- add the position information so that we can show the formspec directly and still find out
-- which build chest was responsible
formspec = formspec.."field[20,20;0.1,0.1;pos2str;Pos;"..minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).."]";
-- save the formspec data to the chest
meta:set_string( 'formspec', formspec );
-- show the formspec directly to the player to make it react more smoothly
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "handle_schematics:build", formspec );
@ -844,6 +851,7 @@ minetest.register_node("handle_schematics:build", { --TODO
if( stage==nil or stage < 6 ) then
build_chest.update_needed_list( pos, stage+1 ); -- request the material for the very first building step
-- TODO: show this update directly to the player via minetest.show_formspec( pname, formname, formspec );
meta:set_string( 'formspec', build_chest.update_formspec( pos, 'finished', player, {} ));
@ -856,3 +864,13 @@ minetest.register_node("handle_schematics:build", { --TODO
-- a player clicked on something in a formspec he was shown
handle_schematics.form_input_handler = function( player, formname, fields)
if(formname == "handle_schematics:build" and fields and fields.pos2str) then
local pos = minetest.string_to_pos( fields.pos2str );
build_chest.on_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, player);
-- make sure we receive player input; needed for showing formspecs directly (which is in turn faster than just updating the node)
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields( handle_schematics.form_input_handler );
@ -79,10 +79,33 @@ end
local build_chest_check_all_directories = function()
-- find the name of the directory directly above the current worldpath
local worldpath = minetest.get_worldpath();
local p = 1;
local last_found = 1;
while( last_found ) do
p = last_found;
last_found = string.find( worldpath, '/', last_found+1 );
-- abort on Windows
if( p == 1 ) then
worldpath = string.sub( worldpath, 1, p );
local p = 1;
while( not( string.find( worldpath, '/', -1*p ))) do
p = p+1;
local found = 1;
for p=string.len( worldpath ),1,-1 do
if( p>found
and (string.byte( worldpath, p )=='/'
or string.byte( worldpath, p )=='\\')) then
found = p;
worldpath = string.sub( worldpath, 1, string.len( worldpath )-p );
@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ dofile(handle_schematics.modpath.."/replacements_get_table.lua")
-- uses build_chest.* namespace
-- a chest for spawning buildings manually
-- makes the replacements from replacements_group.* available to the build chest
-- creates 2d previews of the schematic from left/right/back/front/top
-- reads a file and adds the files listed there as menu entries
-- locate schematics through directories
-- the main functionality of the mod;
-- provides the function handle_schematics.place_building_from_file
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ replacements_group['farming'].add_material = function( fruit, fruit_item, prefix
if( is_loaded and mobf_trader and mobf_trader.add_trader ) then
if( is_loaded and minetest.get_modpath('mobf_trader') and mobf_trader and mobf_trader.add_trader ) then
-- TODO: use replacements for the payments where needed
local goods = {
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ replacements_group['farming'].add_material = function( fruit, fruit_item, prefix
{ "farmer" },
{'kuhhaendler.png', 'bauer_in_sonntagskleidung.png', 'baeuerin.png', 'wheat_farmer_by_addi.png', 'tomatenhaendler.png'}
replacements_group['farming'].traders[ fruit_item ] = fruit..'_farmer_v';
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ replacements_group['wood'].add_material = function( candidate_list, mod_prefix,
if( is_loaded and mobf_trader and mobf_trader.add_trader ) then
if( is_loaded and minetest.get_modpath('mobf_trader') and mobf_trader and mobf_trader.add_trader ) then
-- TODO: check if all offered payments exist
local goods = {
{ data[3].." 4", "default:dirt 24", "default:cobble 24"},
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ replacements_group['wood'].add_material = function( candidate_list, mod_prefix,
{ "lumberjack" },
{ 'holzfaeller.png' }
replacements_group['wood'].traders[ wood_name ] = v..'_wood_v';
@ -209,26 +209,6 @@ local buildings = {
-- the hotel seems to be only the middle section of the building; it's build for another spawning algorithm
-- {scm="default_town_hotel", yoff= -1, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house', weight={taoki=1/5}},
-- include houses from LadyMacBeth, originally created for Mauvebics mm2 modpack; the houses seem to be in canadian village style
{scm="c_bank", yoff= 1, orients={2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shop', weight={canadian=1}, inh=-2},
{scm="c_bank2", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shop', weight={canadian=1}, inh=-2},
{scm="c_bar", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tavern', weight={canadian=1}, inh=-2},
{scm="c_hotel", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tavern', weight={canadian=1}, inh=-2},
{scm="c_postoffice", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shop', weight={canadian=1}, pervillage=1, inh=-2},
{scm="c_bordello", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tavern', weight={canadian=1}, pervillage=1, inh=-2},
{scm="c_library", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='secular', weight={canadian=1}, pervillage=1, inh=-2},
{scm="g_observatory", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='secular', weight={canadian=1}, pervillage=1, inh=-2},
{scm="g_court", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='secular', weight={canadian=1}, pervillage=1, inh=-2},
{scm="g_prefecture", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='secular', weight={canadian=1}, pervillage=1, inh=-2},
{scm="g_townhall", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='secular', weight={canadian=1}, pervillage=1, inh=-2},
{scm="g_park2", yoff= -1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='secular', weight={canadian=2},},
{scm="r_apartments", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house_large', weight={canadian=4}, inh=20},
{scm="r_rowhouses", yoff= 1, orients={2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house_large', weight={canadian=4}, inh=16},
{scm="r_manorhouse", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house_large', weight={canadian=3}, inh=4},
{scm="r_triplex", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house_large', weight={canadian=3}, inh=10},
{scm="tent_tiny_1", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tent', weight={tent=1, single=1}, inh=1},
{scm="tent_tiny_2", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tent', weight={tent=1, single=1}, inh=1},
{scm="tent_big_1", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tent', weight={tent=1, single=1}}, -- no sleeping place
@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ mg_villages.ENABLE_PROTECTION = true;
-- the first village - the one the player spawns in - will be of this type
mg_villages.FIRST_VILLAGE_TYPE = 'medieval';
-- the mapgen will disregard mapchunks where min.y > mg_villages.MAX_HEIGHT_TREATED;
-- you can set this value to 64 if you have a slow machine and a mapgen which does not create extreme mountains
-- (or if you don't care if extreme mountains may create burried villages occasionally)
mg_villages.MAX_HEIGHT_TREATED = 200;
-- choose the debug level you want
mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL = mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE
@ -49,6 +54,8 @@ end
-- currently not really used; does not look as good as expected
mg_villages.medieval_subtype = false;
-- set this to true if you want to use normal lava - but beware: charachoal villages may cause bushfires!
--mg_villages.use_normal_unsafe_lava = false;
-- decrese these values slightly if you want MORE trees around your villages;
@ -145,10 +145,35 @@ mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, min
local ptree = false;
local old_height = maxp.y;
local y = maxp.y;
local look_for_snow = true;
if( cid.c_snow==cid.c_ignore or cid.c_snow==cid.c_air
or cid.c_ice ==cid.c_ignore or cid.c_ice ==cid.c_air ) then
look_for_snow = nil;
-- if we are working on a mapchunk above, set all to air;
-- any terrain blending happens in the mapchunk below
if( minp.y > vh ) then
local air_counted = 0;
for y=minp.y, minp.y+16 do
if( data[a:index( x, y, z )] == cid.c_air ) then
air_counted = air_counted + 1;
if( air_counted > 3 or blend==0) then
for y=minp.y+15, maxp.y do
data[a:index( x, y, z)] = cid.c_air;
-- else do nothing
-- search for a surface and set everything above target_height to air
while( y > minp.y) do
local ci = data[a:index(x, y, z)];
if( ci == cid.c_snow or ci == cid.c_ice ) then
if( look_for_snow and (ci == cid.c_snow or ci == cid.c_ice or ci == cid.c_snowblock)) then
has_snow = true;
elseif( ci == cid.c_tree ) then
tree = true;
@ -162,7 +187,7 @@ mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, min
-- we have found a surface of some kind
surface_node = ci;
old_height = y;
if( surface_node == cid.c_dirt_with_snow ) then
if( look_for_snow and surface_node == cid.c_dirt_with_snow and cid.c_dirt_with_snow~=cid.c_ignore) then
has_snow = true;
@ -186,7 +211,7 @@ mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, min
if( not( surface_node ) or surface_node == cid.c_dirt) then
surface_node = cid.c_dirt_with_grass;
if( has_snow and surface_node == cid.c_dirt_with_grass and target_height > 1) then
if( look_for_snow and has_snow and surface_node == cid.c_dirt_with_grass and target_height > 1) then
surface_node = cid.c_dirt_with_snow;
local below_1 = cid.c_dirt;
@ -211,7 +236,7 @@ mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, min
-- do terrain blending; target_height has to be calculated based on old_height
if( target_height == maxp.y ) then
if( target_height == maxp.y and old_height < maxp.y ) then
local yblend = old_height;
if blend > 0 then -- leave some cliffs unblended
yblend = math.floor(vh + blend * (old_height - vh))
@ -219,7 +244,7 @@ mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, min
target_height = old_height;
for y = yblend, maxp.y do
for y = math.max( minp.y, yblend), maxp.y do
-- keep ice
if( data[a:index( x, y, z )] ~= cid.c_ice ) then
@ -231,6 +256,8 @@ mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, min
-- only place the surface node if it is actually contained in this node
if( target_height >= minp.y and target_height < maxp.y ) then
if( target_height < 1 ) then
-- no trees or snow below water level
elseif( tree and not( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) and treepos) then
@ -249,12 +276,13 @@ mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, min
if( target_height-1 >= minp.y ) then
data[ a:index( x, target_height-1, z)] = below_1;
-- not every column will get a coal block; some may get two
local coal_height1 = math.random( minp.y, maxp.y );
local coal_height2 = math.random( minp.y, maxp.y );
y = target_height-2;
while( y > minp.y and y > target_height-40 ) do
while( y > minp.y and y > target_height-40 and y <=maxp.y) do
local old_node = data[a:index( x, y, z)];
-- abort as soon as we hit anything other than air
if( old_node == cid.c_air or old_node == cid.c_water ) then
@ -318,7 +346,44 @@ end
-- TODO: limit this function to the shell in order to speed things up
-- repair mapgen griefings
mg_villages.repair_outer_shell = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid )
mg_villages.repair_outer_shell = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid, edge_min, edge_max )
-- find out if this part of the shell has already been generated or not
if( data[a:index(minp.x,minp.y,minp.z)] == cid.c_ignore
and data[a:index(maxp.x,minp.y,minp.z)] == cid.c_ignore
and data[a:index(minp.x,maxp.y,minp.z)] == cid.c_ignore
and data[a:index(minp.x,minp.y,maxp.z)] == cid.c_ignore
and data[a:index(maxp.x,maxp.y,maxp.z)] == cid.c_ignore
and data[a:index(maxp.x,maxp.y,minp.z)] == cid.c_ignore
and data[a:index(maxp.x,minp.y,maxp.z)] == cid.c_ignore
and data[a:index(minp.x,maxp.y,maxp.z)] == cid.c_ignore ) then
-- no - none of the edges has been created yet; no point to place anything there
if( minp.x < edge_min.x ) then
edge_min.x = minp.x;
if( minp.y < edge_min.y ) then
edge_min.y = minp.y;
if( minp.z < edge_min.z ) then
edge_min.z = minp.z;
if( maxp.x > edge_max.x ) then
edge_max.x = maxp.x;
if( maxp.y > edge_max.y ) then
edge_max.y = maxp.y;
if( maxp.z > edge_max.z ) then
edge_max.z = maxp.z;
for z = minp.z, maxp.z do
for x = minp.x, maxp.x do
-- inside a village
@ -645,6 +710,10 @@ end
-- places trees and plants at empty spaces
mg_villages.village_area_fill_with_plants = function( village_area, villages, minp, maxp, data, param2_data, a, cid )
-- do not place any plants if we are working on the mapchunk above
if( minp.y > 0 ) then
-- trees which require grow functions to be called
cid.c_savannasapling = minetest.get_content_id( 'mg:savannasapling');
cid.c_pinesapling = minetest.get_content_id( 'mg:pinesapling');
@ -692,7 +761,7 @@ mg_villages.village_area_fill_with_plants = function( village_area, villages, mi
local plant_selected = false;
local has_snow_cover = false;
for _,v in ipairs( village.to_add_data.plantlist ) do
if( plant_id == cid.c_snow or g==cid.c_dirt_with_snow) then
if( plant_id == cid.c_snow or g==cid.c_dirt_with_snow or g==cid.c_snowblock) then
has_snow_cover = true;
-- select the first plant that fits; if the node is not air, keep what is currently inside
@ -782,6 +851,7 @@ mg_villages.place_villages_via_voxelmanip = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm,
cid.c_stone = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:stone');
cid.c_dirt = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:dirt');
cid.c_snow = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:snow');
cid.c_snowblock = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:snowblock');
cid.c_dirt_with_snow = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:dirt_with_snow' );
cid.c_dirt_with_grass = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:dirt_with_grass' );
cid.c_desert_sand = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:desert_sand' ); -- PM v
@ -834,7 +904,7 @@ mg_villages.place_villages_via_voxelmanip = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm,
if( not( village.is_single_house )) then
-- only add artificial snow if the village has at least a size of 15 (else it might look too artificial)
if( not( village.artificial_snow ) and village.vs > 15) then
if( mg_villages.artificial_snow_probability and math.random( 1, mg_villages.artificial_snow_probability )==1
and minetest.registered_nodes['default:snow']) then
@ -843,7 +913,7 @@ mg_villages.place_villages_via_voxelmanip = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm,
village.artificial_snow = 0;
-- will set village_area to N where .. is:
-- 2: a building
-- 3: border around a building
@ -923,10 +993,12 @@ mg_villages.place_villages_via_voxelmanip = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm,
mg_villages.flatten_village_area( villages, tmin, tmax, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid );
t1 = time_elapsed( t1, 'flatten_village_area' );
-- repair cavegen griefings and mudflow which may have happened in the outer shell (which is part of other mapnodes)
mg_villages.repair_outer_shell( villages, {x=tmin.x, y=tmin.y,z=tmin.z}, {x=tmin.x+16, y=tmax.y, z=tmax.z}, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid );
mg_villages.repair_outer_shell( villages, {x=tmax.x-16,y=tmin.y,z=tmin.z}, {x=tmax.x, y=tmax.y, z=tmax.z}, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid );
mg_villages.repair_outer_shell( villages, {x=tmin.x+16,y=tmin.y,z=tmin.z}, {x=tmax.x-16, y=tmax.y, z=tmin.z+16}, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid );
mg_villages.repair_outer_shell( villages, {x=tmin.x+16,y=tmin.y,z=tmax.z-16}, {x=tmax.x-16, y=tmax.y, z=tmax.z}, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid );
local e1 = {x=minp.x,y=minp.y,z=minp.z};
local e2 = {x=maxp.x,y=maxp.y,z=maxp.z};
mg_villages.repair_outer_shell( villages, {x=tmin.x, y=tmin.y,z=tmin.z}, {x=tmin.x+16, y=tmax.y, z=tmax.z}, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid, e1, e2 );
mg_villages.repair_outer_shell( villages, {x=tmax.x-16,y=tmin.y,z=tmin.z}, {x=tmax.x, y=tmax.y, z=tmax.z}, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid, e1, e2 );
mg_villages.repair_outer_shell( villages, {x=tmin.x+16,y=tmin.y,z=tmin.z}, {x=tmax.x-16, y=tmax.y, z=tmin.z+16}, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid, e1, e2 );
mg_villages.repair_outer_shell( villages, {x=tmin.x+16,y=tmin.y,z=tmax.z-16}, {x=tmax.x-16, y=tmax.y, z=tmax.z}, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid, e1, e2 );
-- mg_villages.repair_outer_shell( villages, tmin, tmax, vm, data, param2_data, a, village_area, cid );
t1 = time_elapsed( t1, 'repair_outer_shell' );
@ -959,7 +1031,8 @@ mg_villages.place_villages_via_voxelmanip = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm,
t1 = time_elapsed( t1, 'vm data set' );
-- only update lighting where we actually placed the nodes
vm:calc_lighting( e1, e2 ); --minp, maxp ); --tmin, tmax)
t1 = time_elapsed( t1, 'vm calc lighting' );
@ -1050,7 +1123,7 @@ minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
-- print('STRUCTURES BY MAPGEN: '..minetest.serialize( structures ));
-- only generate village on the surface chunks
if( minp.y ~= -32 or minp.y < -32 or minp.y > 64) then
if( minp.y < -32 or minp.y > mg_villages.MAX_HEIGHT_TREATED) then --64
@ -99,3 +99,41 @@ minetest.register_node("mg_villages:plotmarker", {
-- default to safe lava
if( not( mg_villages.use_normal_unsafe_lava )) then
local lava = minetest.registered_nodes[ "default:lava_source"];
if( lava ) then
-- a deep copy for the table would be more helpful...but, well, ...
local new_def = minetest.deserialize( minetest.serialize( lava ));
-- this lava does not cause fire to spread
|||| = nil;
new_def.groups.lava = nil;
|||| = nil;
new_def.groups.igniter = nil;
new_def.groups.lava_tamed = 3;
new_def.description = "Lava Source (tame)";
new_def.liquid_alternative_flowing = "mg_villages:lava_flowing_tamed";
new_def.liquid_alternative_source = "mg_villages:lava_source_tamed";
-- we create a NEW type of lava for this
minetest.register_node( "mg_villages:lava_source_tamed", new_def );
-- take care of the flowing variant as well
lava = minetest.registered_nodes[ "default:lava_flowing"];
if( lava ) then
-- a deep copy for the table would be more helpful...but, well, ...
local new_def = minetest.deserialize( minetest.serialize( lava ));
-- this lava does not cause fire to spread
|||| = nil;
new_def.groups.lava = nil;
|||| = nil;
new_def.groups.igniter = nil;
new_def.groups.lava_tamed = 3;
new_def.description = "Flowing Lava (tame)";
new_def.liquid_alternative_flowing = "mg_villages:lava_flowing_tamed";
new_def.liquid_alternative_source = "mg_villages:lava_source_tamed";
-- and a NEW type of flowing lava...
minetest.register_node( "mg_villages:lava_flowing_tamed", new_def );
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-- get the id of the village pos lies in (or nil if outside of villages)
mg_villages.get_town_id_at_pos = function( pos )
for id, v in pairs( mg_villages.all_villages ) do
@ -42,10 +41,26 @@ minetest.is_protected = function(pos, name)
if( village_id ) then
local is_houseowner = false;
for nr, p in ipairs( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos ) do
trustedusers = p.can_edit
trustedUser = false
if trustedusers ~= nil then
for _,trusted in ipairs(trustedusers) do
if trusted == name then
trustedUser = true
-- we have located the right plot; the player can build here if he owns this particular plot
if( p.x <= pos.x and (p.x + p.bsizex) >= pos.x
and p.z <= pos.z and (p.z + p.bsizez) >= pos.z) then
if( p.owner and p.owner == name ) then
-- If player has been trusted by owner, can build
if (trustedUser) then
return false;
-- If player is owner, can build
elseif( p.owner and p.owner == name ) then
return false;
-- the allmende can be used by all
elseif( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[p.btype] and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[p.btype].typ=="allmende" ) then
@ -55,7 +70,7 @@ minetest.is_protected = function(pos, name)
return true;
-- if the player just owns another plot in the village, check if it's one where villagers may live
elseif( p.owner and p.owner == name ) then
elseif( p.owner and p.owner == name or trustedUser) then
local btype = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ nr ].btype;
if( btype ~= 'road'
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype]
@ -100,96 +115,172 @@ mg_villages.plotmarker_formspec = function( pos, formname, fields, player )
-- if( not( mg_villages.ENABLE_PROTECTION )) then
-- return;
-- end
local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos );
if( not( meta )) then
local village_id = meta:get_string('village_id');
local plot_nr = meta:get_int( 'plot_nr');
local pname = player:get_player_name();
if( not( village_id ) or not( mg_villages.all_villages ) or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ] )
or not( plot_nr ) or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ] )) then
if( not( village_id )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ] )
or not( plot_nr )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ] )) then
minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Error. This plot marker is not configured correctly.'..minetest.serialize({village_id,plot_nr }));
local owner = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].owner;
local btype = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].btype;
local price = "default:gold_ingot 2";
if( btype ~= 'road'
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype]
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].price ) then
price = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].price;
elseif( btype ~= 'road'
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype]
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].typ
and mg_villages.prices[ mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].typ ] )then
price = mg_villages.prices[ mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].typ ];
--determine prcie depending on building type
local price_stack= ItemStack( price );
local plot_descr = 'Plot No. '..tostring( plot_nr ).. ' with '..tostring( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].scm);
--minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(),'DATA FOR '..tostring(plot_nr)..': '..minetest.serialize( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ] ));
local formspec = "size[8,3]"..
local original_formspec = "size[8,3]"..
"label[1.0,0.5;Plot No.: "..tostring( plot_nr ).."]"..
"label[3.5,0.5;"..tostring( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].scm ).."]"..
"field[20,20;0.1,0.1;pos2str;Pos;"..minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).."]";
if( owner == pname and fields['abandom'] ) then
formspec = formspec.."label[0,2;You have abandomed this plot.]";
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].owner = nil;
meta:set_string('infotext', plot_descr );
local formspec = "";
local ifinhabit = "";
elseif( (not(owner) or owner=='') and fields['buy'] ) then
-- Get Price
local price = "default:gold_ingot 2";
-- check if the price can be paid
if (btype ~= 'road' and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype]) then
local plot_descr = 'Plot No. '..tostring( plot_nr ).. ' with '..tostring( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].scm)
if (mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].price) then
price = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].price;
elseif (mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].typ and mg_villages.prices[ mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].typ ]) then
price = mg_villages.prices[ mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].typ ];
-- Get if is inhabitant house
if (mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].inh and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].inh > 0 ) then
ifinhabit = "label[1,1.5;Owners of this plot count as village inhabitants.]";
-- Determine price depending on building type
local price_stack= ItemStack( price );
-- If nobody owns the plot
if (not(owner) or owner=='') then
formspec = original_formspec ..
"label[1,1;You can buy this plot for]"..
"label[3.8,1;"..tostring( price_stack:get_count() ).." x ]"..
"item_image[4.3,0.8;1,1;"..( price_stack:get_name() ).."]"..
"button[2,2.5;1.5,0.5;buy;Buy plot]"..
-- On Press buy button
if (fields['buy']) then
local inv = player:get_inventory();
if( inv and inv:contains_item( 'main', price_stack )) then
formspec = formspec.."label[0,0;Congratulations! You have bought this plot.]";
if not mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist then
mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist = {}
-- Check if player already has a house in the village
if mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist[pname] then
formspec = formspec.."label[1,1.9;Sorry. You already have a plot in this village.]";
-- Check if the price can be paid
elseif( inv and inv:contains_item( 'main', price_stack )) then
formspec = original_formspec..
"label[1,1;Congratulations! You have bought this plot.]"..
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].owner = pname;
meta:set_string('infotext', plot_descr..' (owned by '..tostring( pname )..')');
if mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist then
mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist[pname] = true;
mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist[pname] = true;
meta:set_string('infotext', 'Plot No. '..tostring( plot_nr ).. ' with '..tostring( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].scm)..' (owned by '..tostring( pname )..')');
-- save the data so that it survives server restart
-- substract the price from the players inventory
inv:remove_item( 'main', price_stack );
formspec = formspec.."label[0,0;Sorry. You are not able to pay the price.]";
formspec = formspec.."label[1,1.9;Sorry. You are not able to pay the price.]";
-- update the owner information
owner = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].owner;
-- If player is the owner of the plot
elseif (owner==pname) then
if( owner == pname ) then
formspec = formspec.."label[1,1;This is your plot. You have bought it.]"..
"button_exit[2,2.5;2.0,0.5;abandom;Abandom plot]"..
elseif( not( owner ) or owner=="" ) then
formspec = formspec.."label[1,1;You can buy this plot for]"..
"label[3.8,1;"..tostring( price_stack:get_count() ).." x ]"..
"item_image[4.3,0.8;1,1;"..( price_stack:get_name() ).."]"..
"button_exit[2,2.5;1.5,0.5;buy;Buy plot]"..
formspec = formspec.."label[1,1;"..tostring( owner ).." owns this plot.]"..
-- Check if inhabitant house
if(btype ~= 'road'
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype]
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].inh
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].inh > 0 ) then
if( owner==pname ) then
formspec = formspec.."label[1,1.5;You are allowed to modify the common village area.]";
formspec = formspec.."label[1,1.5;Owners of this plot count as village inhabitants.]";
ifinhabit = "label[1,1.5;You are allowed to modify the common village area.]";
formspec = original_formspec.."size[8,3]"..
"label[1,1;This is your plot. You have bought it.]"..
"button[0.75,2.5;3,0.5;add_remove;Add/Remove Players]"..
"button_exit[3.75,2.5;2.0,0.5;abandon;Abandon plot]"..
-- If Player wants to abandon plot
if(fields['abandon'] ) then
formspec = original_formspec..
"label[1,1;You have abandoned this plot.]"..
mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist[pname] = nil;
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].can_edit = {}
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].owner = nil;
-- Return price to player
local inv = player:get_inventory();
inv:add_item( 'main', price_stack );
meta:set_string('infotext', 'Plot No. '..tostring( plot_nr ).. ' with '..tostring( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].scm) );
-- If Player wants to add/remove trusted players
if (fields['add_remove']) then
local previousTrustees = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].can_edit
local output = "";
if previousTrustees == nil then
previousTrustees = {}
for _, player in ipairs(previousTrustees) do
output = output..player.."\n"
formspec = "size[8,3]"..
"field[20,20;0.1,0.1;pos2str;Pos;"..minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).."]"..
"textarea[0.3,0.2;8,2.5;ownerplayers;Trusted Players;"..output.."]"..
-- Save trusted players
if (fields["savetrustees"] == "Save") then
if not mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].can_edit then
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].can_edit = {}
local x = 1;
for _, player in ipairs(fields.ownerplayers:split("\n")) do
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].can_edit[x] = player
x = x + 1
-- If A different Player owns plot
formspec = original_formspec.."label[1,1;"..tostring( owner ).." owns this plot.]"..
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:plotmarker", formspec );
@ -198,6 +289,7 @@ end
mg_villages.form_input_handler = function( player, formname, fields)
if( not( mg_villages.ENABLE_PROTECTION )) then
return false;
@ -467,61 +467,6 @@ mg_villages.replacements_lumberjack = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
mg_villages.replacements_canadian = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
table.insert( replacements, {'4seasons:slimtree_wood', 'default:fence_wood'});
if( true) then return replacements; end -- TODO
-- remove inner corners, wallpapers etc.
local to_air = { 38, 36, 68, 66, 69, 67, 77, 47, 44, 43, 37, 75, 45, 65, 71, 76, 46 };
for _,v in ipairs( to_air ) do
table.insert( replacements, {'hdb:'..tostring( v )..'_ic', 'air' });
to_air = { 49, 50, 52, 72, 73, 74 };
for _,v in ipairs( to_air ) do
table.insert( replacements, {'hdb:'..tostring( v )..'_edge', 'air' });
to_air = { 49, 50, 52, 72, 73, 74 };
for _,v in ipairs( to_air ) do
table.insert( replacements, {'hdb:'..tostring( v )..'_edgeic', 'air' });
-- thin slabs for covering walls
to_air = { 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 };
for _,v in ipairs( to_air ) do
table.insert( replacements, {'hdb:'..tostring( v ), 'air' });
-- these contain the majority of nodes used (junglewood is too dark)
local materials = {'default:wood', 'default:pinewood', 'mg:pinewood', 'mg:savannawood',
'default:clay', 'default:brick', 'default:sandstone',
'default:stonebrick', 'default:desert_stonebrick','default:sandstonebrick', 'default:sandstone','default:stone','default:desert_stone',
-- local change_groups = { {49, 16, 29, 33, 82, 8}, {19, 4, 83, 2}, { 5, 80, 35, 36, 3}, {10, 31}, {28, 78}, { 6, 52, 1}, {7}};
local change_groups = { {16, 29, 33, 82, 8}, {19, 4, 83, 2}, { 5, 80, 35, 3}, {10, 31}, {28, 78, 27}, { 6, 1}, {7}, {30,25,81,79},{64}};
for _,cg in ipairs( change_groups ) do
local m1 = materials[ pr:next( 1, #materials )];
for j,v in ipairs( cg ) do
table.insert( replacements, {'hdb:'..tostring( v ), m1 });
-- hdb:9_lh and hdb:86_lh are slabs
local materials_slab = {'stonebrick', 'stone', 'sandstone', 'cobble' };
local slab_group = {33,58};
for _, c in ipairs( slab_group ) do
local ms = materials_slab[ pr:next( 1, #materials_slab )];
table.insert( replacements, { 'hdb:'..tostring(c)..'_lh', 'stairs:slab_' });
table.insert( replacements, { 'hdb:'..tostring(c), 'default:' });
return replacements;
mg_villages.replacements_logcabin = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
-- for logcabins, wood is the most likely type of roof material
@ -943,6 +888,13 @@ mg_villages.get_replacement_table = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
-- it is very problematic if the torches on houses melt snow and cause flooding; thus, we use a torch that is not hot
table.insert( replacements, {'default:torch', 'mg_villages:torch'});
-- make charachoal villages safe from spreading fire
if( not( mg_villages.use_normal_unsafe_lava )) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:lava_source', 'mg_villages:lava_source_tamed'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:lava_flowing', 'mg_villages:lava_flowing_tamed'});
for i,v in ipairs( replacements ) do
if( v and #v == 2 ) then
rtable[ v[1] ] = v[2];
@ -1002,11 +954,7 @@ mg_villages.get_fruit_replacements = function( replacements, fruit)
-- this is mostly used by the voxelmanip based spawning of .we files
replacements.ids[ minetest.get_content_id( old_name )] = minetest.get_content_id( new_name );
-- this is used by the place_schematic based spawning
for i,v in ipairs( replacements.table ) do
if( v and #v and v[1]==old_name ) then
v[2] = new_name;
replacements.table[ old_name ] = new_name;
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ local village_type_data_list = {
replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_claytrader },
logcabin = { min = 15, max = 30, space_between_buildings=1, mods={'cottages'}, texture = 'default_wood.png',
replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_logcabin },
canadian = { min = 40, max = 110, space_between_buildings=1, mods={'hdb','nbu'}, texture = 'wool_white.png',
replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_canadian },
grasshut = { min = 10, max = 40, space_between_buildings=1, mods={'dryplants'}, texture = 'dryplants_reed.png',
replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_grasshut },
tent = { min = 5, max = 20, space_between_buildings=2, mods={'cottages'}, texture = 'wool_white.png', name_preifx = 'Tent at',
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ mg_villages.road_nr = 0;
local function generate_road(village, l, pr, roadsize_list, road_materials, rx, rz, rdx, rdz, vnoise, space_between_buildings, iteration_depth)
local roadsize = math.floor(roadsize_list[ iteration_depth ]/2);
if( not( roadsize )) then
if( not( roadsize ) or roadsize==0) then
roadsize = mg_villages.FIRST_ROADSIZE;
local roadsize_a = roadsize;
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ local function generate_road(village, l, pr, roadsize_list, road_materials, rx,
rxmax = rxmax+1;
l[#l+1] = {x = rxmin, y = vh, z = rzmin, btype = "road",
l[#l+1] = {x = rxmin+1, y = vh, z = rzmin, btype = "road",
bsizex = rxmax - rxmin + 1, bsizez = rzmax - rzmin + 1, brotate = 0, road_nr = mg_villages.road_nr}
if( road_materials and road_materials[ iteration_depth ] and minetest.registered_nodes[ road_materials[ iteration_depth ]] ) then
l[#l].road_material = minetest.get_content_id( road_materials[ iteration_depth ] );
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ local function generate_bpos(village, pr, vnoise, space_between_buildings)
-- the function below is recursive; we need a way to count roads
mg_villages.road_nr = 0;
local roadsize_list = {};
for i=1,mg_villages.FIRST_ROADSIZE do
for i=1,mg_villages.FIRST_ROADSIZE*2 do
roadsize_list[i] = i;
if( mg_villages.village_type_data[ village.village_type ].roadsize_list ) then
Reference in New Issue
Block a user