* lib - class.validator > fix validator class for required and non required in class.validator when many parameters are sent.. the validator if you used required only validate the last one.. fix so if this is not required and the first one is required, let the validation pass or do not pass any * lib - class.validator > support for GET and POST autodetection validator allows to send and assigation of the array vars validations this allows to you to use also PUT for api calls.. autodetection of the type, if will be GET or POST array if no speciall call is given.. * lib - class.model > mkid autoincrement string/key for ODBC/sql ansi DBMS Create PICCORO's crazy ID posta is not crazy.. allows to use autoincremnet no matter if database support it or not this permit that you can create a simpel nont dependendant database. with this you identify several things, full date, where when inserted it sorts itself since it will never give a smaller number * editor config, set to 0 spaces ini files * ignore shit of mocosoft vscode
1995 lines
51 KiB
1995 lines
51 KiB
# Parsedown
# (c) Emanuil Rusev
# For the full license information, view the LICENSE file that was distributed
# with this source code.
class Parsedown
# ~
const version = '1.8.0-beta-7';
# ~
function text($text)
$Elements = $this->textElements($text);
# convert to markup
$markup = $this->elements($Elements);
# trim line breaks
$markup = trim($markup, "\n");
return $markup;
protected function textElements($text)
# make sure no definitions are set
$this->DefinitionData = array();
# standardize line breaks
$text = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $text);
# remove surrounding line breaks
$text = trim($text, "\n");
# split text into lines
$lines = explode("\n", $text);
# iterate through lines to identify blocks
return $this->linesElements($lines);
# Setters
function setBreaksEnabled($breaksEnabled)
$this->breaksEnabled = $breaksEnabled;
return $this;
protected $breaksEnabled;
function setMarkupEscaped($markupEscaped)
$this->markupEscaped = $markupEscaped;
return $this;
protected $markupEscaped;
function setUrlsLinked($urlsLinked)
$this->urlsLinked = $urlsLinked;
return $this;
protected $urlsLinked = true;
function setSafeMode($safeMode)
$this->safeMode = (bool) $safeMode;
return $this;
protected $safeMode;
function setStrictMode($strictMode)
$this->strictMode = (bool) $strictMode;
return $this;
protected $strictMode;
protected $safeLinksWhitelist = array(
# Lines
protected $BlockTypes = array(
'#' => array('Header'),
'*' => array('Rule', 'List'),
'+' => array('List'),
'-' => array('SetextHeader', 'Table', 'Rule', 'List'),
'0' => array('List'),
'1' => array('List'),
'2' => array('List'),
'3' => array('List'),
'4' => array('List'),
'5' => array('List'),
'6' => array('List'),
'7' => array('List'),
'8' => array('List'),
'9' => array('List'),
':' => array('Table'),
'<' => array('Comment', 'Markup'),
'=' => array('SetextHeader'),
'>' => array('Quote'),
'[' => array('Reference'),
'_' => array('Rule'),
'`' => array('FencedCode'),
'|' => array('Table'),
'~' => array('FencedCode'),
# ~
protected $unmarkedBlockTypes = array(
# Blocks
protected function lines(array $lines)
return $this->elements($this->linesElements($lines));
protected function linesElements(array $lines)
$Elements = array();
$CurrentBlock = null;
foreach ($lines as $line)
if (chop($line) === '')
if (isset($CurrentBlock))
$CurrentBlock['interrupted'] = (isset($CurrentBlock['interrupted'])
? $CurrentBlock['interrupted'] + 1 : 1
while (($beforeTab = strstr($line, "\t", true)) !== false)
$shortage = 4 - mb_strlen($beforeTab, 'utf-8') % 4;
$line = $beforeTab
. str_repeat(' ', $shortage)
. substr($line, strlen($beforeTab) + 1)
$indent = strspn($line, ' ');
$text = $indent > 0 ? substr($line, $indent) : $line;
# ~
$Line = array('body' => $line, 'indent' => $indent, 'text' => $text);
# ~
if (isset($CurrentBlock['continuable']))
$methodName = 'block' . $CurrentBlock['type'] . 'Continue';
$Block = $this->$methodName($Line, $CurrentBlock);
if (isset($Block))
$CurrentBlock = $Block;
if ($this->isBlockCompletable($CurrentBlock['type']))
$methodName = 'block' . $CurrentBlock['type'] . 'Complete';
$CurrentBlock = $this->$methodName($CurrentBlock);
# ~
$marker = $text[0];
# ~
$blockTypes = $this->unmarkedBlockTypes;
if (isset($this->BlockTypes[$marker]))
foreach ($this->BlockTypes[$marker] as $blockType)
$blockTypes []= $blockType;
# ~
foreach ($blockTypes as $blockType)
$Block = $this->{"block$blockType"}($Line, $CurrentBlock);
if (isset($Block))
$Block['type'] = $blockType;
if ( ! isset($Block['identified']))
if (isset($CurrentBlock))
$Elements[] = $this->extractElement($CurrentBlock);
$Block['identified'] = true;
if ($this->isBlockContinuable($blockType))
$Block['continuable'] = true;
$CurrentBlock = $Block;
continue 2;
# ~
if (isset($CurrentBlock) and $CurrentBlock['type'] === 'Paragraph')
$Block = $this->paragraphContinue($Line, $CurrentBlock);
if (isset($Block))
$CurrentBlock = $Block;
if (isset($CurrentBlock))
$Elements[] = $this->extractElement($CurrentBlock);
$CurrentBlock = $this->paragraph($Line);
$CurrentBlock['identified'] = true;
# ~
if (isset($CurrentBlock['continuable']) and $this->isBlockCompletable($CurrentBlock['type']))
$methodName = 'block' . $CurrentBlock['type'] . 'Complete';
$CurrentBlock = $this->$methodName($CurrentBlock);
# ~
if (isset($CurrentBlock))
$Elements[] = $this->extractElement($CurrentBlock);
# ~
return $Elements;
protected function extractElement(array $Component)
if ( ! isset($Component['element']))
if (isset($Component['markup']))
$Component['element'] = array('rawHtml' => $Component['markup']);
elseif (isset($Component['hidden']))
$Component['element'] = array();
return $Component['element'];
protected function isBlockContinuable($Type)
return method_exists($this, 'block' . $Type . 'Continue');
protected function isBlockCompletable($Type)
return method_exists($this, 'block' . $Type . 'Complete');
# Code
protected function blockCode($Line, $Block = null)
if (isset($Block) and $Block['type'] === 'Paragraph' and ! isset($Block['interrupted']))
if ($Line['indent'] >= 4)
$text = substr($Line['body'], 4);
$Block = array(
'element' => array(
'name' => 'pre',
'element' => array(
'name' => 'code',
'text' => $text,
return $Block;
protected function blockCodeContinue($Line, $Block)
if ($Line['indent'] >= 4)
if (isset($Block['interrupted']))
$Block['element']['element']['text'] .= str_repeat("\n", $Block['interrupted']);
$Block['element']['element']['text'] .= "\n";
$text = substr($Line['body'], 4);
$Block['element']['element']['text'] .= $text;
return $Block;
protected function blockCodeComplete($Block)
return $Block;
# Comment
protected function blockComment($Line)
if ($this->markupEscaped or $this->safeMode)
if (strpos($Line['text'], '<!--') === 0)
$Block = array(
'element' => array(
'rawHtml' => $Line['body'],
'autobreak' => true,
if (strpos($Line['text'], '-->') !== false)
$Block['closed'] = true;
return $Block;
protected function blockCommentContinue($Line, array $Block)
if (isset($Block['closed']))
$Block['element']['rawHtml'] .= "\n" . $Line['body'];
if (strpos($Line['text'], '-->') !== false)
$Block['closed'] = true;
return $Block;
# Fenced Code
protected function blockFencedCode($Line)
$marker = $Line['text'][0];
$openerLength = strspn($Line['text'], $marker);
if ($openerLength < 3)
$infostring = trim(substr($Line['text'], $openerLength), "\t ");
if (strpos($infostring, '`') !== false)
$Element = array(
'name' => 'code',
'text' => '',
if ($infostring !== '')
* Every HTML element may have a class attribute specified.
* The attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a set
* of space-separated tokens representing the various classes
* that the element belongs to.
* [...]
* The space characters, for the purposes of this specification,
* are U+0020 SPACE, U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (tab),
* U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000C FORM FEED (FF), and
$language = substr($infostring, 0, strcspn($infostring, " \t\n\f\r"));
$Element['attributes'] = array('class' => "language-$language");
$Block = array(
'char' => $marker,
'openerLength' => $openerLength,
'element' => array(
'name' => 'pre',
'element' => $Element,
return $Block;
protected function blockFencedCodeContinue($Line, $Block)
if (isset($Block['complete']))
if (isset($Block['interrupted']))
$Block['element']['element']['text'] .= str_repeat("\n", $Block['interrupted']);
if (($len = strspn($Line['text'], $Block['char'])) >= $Block['openerLength']
and chop(substr($Line['text'], $len), ' ') === ''
) {
$Block['element']['element']['text'] = substr($Block['element']['element']['text'], 1);
$Block['complete'] = true;
return $Block;
$Block['element']['element']['text'] .= "\n" . $Line['body'];
return $Block;
protected function blockFencedCodeComplete($Block)
return $Block;
# Header
protected function blockHeader($Line)
$level = strspn($Line['text'], '#');
if ($level > 6)
$text = trim($Line['text'], '#');
if ($this->strictMode and isset($text[0]) and $text[0] !== ' ')
$text = trim($text, ' ');
$Block = array(
'element' => array(
'name' => 'h' . $level,
'handler' => array(
'function' => 'lineElements',
'argument' => $text,
'destination' => 'elements',
return $Block;
# List
protected function blockList($Line, array $CurrentBlock = null)
list($name, $pattern) = $Line['text'][0] <= '-' ? array('ul', '[*+-]') : array('ol', '[0-9]{1,9}+[.\)]');
if (preg_match('/^('.$pattern.'([ ]++|$))(.*+)/', $Line['text'], $matches))
$contentIndent = strlen($matches[2]);
if ($contentIndent >= 5)
$contentIndent -= 1;
$matches[1] = substr($matches[1], 0, -$contentIndent);
$matches[3] = str_repeat(' ', $contentIndent) . $matches[3];
elseif ($contentIndent === 0)
$matches[1] .= ' ';
$markerWithoutWhitespace = strstr($matches[1], ' ', true);
$Block = array(
'indent' => $Line['indent'],
'pattern' => $pattern,
'data' => array(
'type' => $name,
'marker' => $matches[1],
'markerType' => ($name === 'ul' ? $markerWithoutWhitespace : substr($markerWithoutWhitespace, -1)),
'element' => array(
'name' => $name,
'elements' => array(),
$Block['data']['markerTypeRegex'] = preg_quote($Block['data']['markerType'], '/');
if ($name === 'ol')
$listStart = ltrim(strstr($matches[1], $Block['data']['markerType'], true), '0') ?: '0';
if ($listStart !== '1')
if (
and $CurrentBlock['type'] === 'Paragraph'
and ! isset($CurrentBlock['interrupted'])
) {
$Block['element']['attributes'] = array('start' => $listStart);
$Block['li'] = array(
'name' => 'li',
'handler' => array(
'function' => 'li',
'argument' => !empty($matches[3]) ? array($matches[3]) : array(),
'destination' => 'elements'
$Block['element']['elements'] []= & $Block['li'];
return $Block;
protected function blockListContinue($Line, array $Block)
if (isset($Block['interrupted']) and empty($Block['li']['handler']['argument']))
return null;
$requiredIndent = ($Block['indent'] + strlen($Block['data']['marker']));
if ($Line['indent'] < $requiredIndent
and (
$Block['data']['type'] === 'ol'
and preg_match('/^[0-9]++'.$Block['data']['markerTypeRegex'].'(?:[ ]++(.*)|$)/', $Line['text'], $matches)
) or (
$Block['data']['type'] === 'ul'
and preg_match('/^'.$Block['data']['markerTypeRegex'].'(?:[ ]++(.*)|$)/', $Line['text'], $matches)
) {
if (isset($Block['interrupted']))
$Block['li']['handler']['argument'] []= '';
$Block['loose'] = true;
$text = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '';
$Block['indent'] = $Line['indent'];
$Block['li'] = array(
'name' => 'li',
'handler' => array(
'function' => 'li',
'argument' => array($text),
'destination' => 'elements'
$Block['element']['elements'] []= & $Block['li'];
return $Block;
elseif ($Line['indent'] < $requiredIndent and $this->blockList($Line))
return null;
if ($Line['text'][0] === '[' and $this->blockReference($Line))
return $Block;
if ($Line['indent'] >= $requiredIndent)
if (isset($Block['interrupted']))
$Block['li']['handler']['argument'] []= '';
$Block['loose'] = true;
$text = substr($Line['body'], $requiredIndent);
$Block['li']['handler']['argument'] []= $text;
return $Block;
if ( ! isset($Block['interrupted']))
$text = preg_replace('/^[ ]{0,'.$requiredIndent.'}+/', '', $Line['body']);
$Block['li']['handler']['argument'] []= $text;
return $Block;
protected function blockListComplete(array $Block)
if (isset($Block['loose']))
foreach ($Block['element']['elements'] as &$li)
if (end($li['handler']['argument']) !== '')
$li['handler']['argument'] []= '';
return $Block;
# Quote
protected function blockQuote($Line)
if (preg_match('/^>[ ]?+(.*+)/', $Line['text'], $matches))
$Block = array(
'element' => array(
'name' => 'blockquote',
'handler' => array(
'function' => 'linesElements',
'argument' => (array) $matches[1],
'destination' => 'elements',
return $Block;
protected function blockQuoteContinue($Line, array $Block)
if (isset($Block['interrupted']))
if ($Line['text'][0] === '>' and preg_match('/^>[ ]?+(.*+)/', $Line['text'], $matches))
$Block['element']['handler']['argument'] []= $matches[1];
return $Block;
if ( ! isset($Block['interrupted']))
$Block['element']['handler']['argument'] []= $Line['text'];
return $Block;
# Rule
protected function blockRule($Line)
$marker = $Line['text'][0];
if (substr_count($Line['text'], $marker) >= 3 and chop($Line['text'], " $marker") === '')
$Block = array(
'element' => array(
'name' => 'hr',
return $Block;
# Setext
protected function blockSetextHeader($Line, array $Block = null)
if ( ! isset($Block) or $Block['type'] !== 'Paragraph' or isset($Block['interrupted']))
if ($Line['indent'] < 4 and chop(chop($Line['text'], ' '), $Line['text'][0]) === '')
$Block['element']['name'] = $Line['text'][0] === '=' ? 'h1' : 'h2';
return $Block;
# Markup
protected function blockMarkup($Line)
if ($this->markupEscaped or $this->safeMode)
if (preg_match('/^<[\/]?+(\w*)(?:[ ]*+'.$this->regexHtmlAttribute.')*+[ ]*+(\/)?>/', $Line['text'], $matches))
$element = strtolower($matches[1]);
if (in_array($element, $this->textLevelElements))
$Block = array(
'name' => $matches[1],
'element' => array(
'rawHtml' => $Line['text'],
'autobreak' => true,
return $Block;
protected function blockMarkupContinue($Line, array $Block)
if (isset($Block['closed']) or isset($Block['interrupted']))
$Block['element']['rawHtml'] .= "\n" . $Line['body'];
return $Block;
# Reference
protected function blockReference($Line)
if (strpos($Line['text'], ']') !== false
and preg_match('/^\[(.+?)\]:[ ]*+<?(\S+?)>?(?:[ ]+["\'(](.+)["\')])?[ ]*+$/', $Line['text'], $matches)
) {
$id = strtolower($matches[1]);
$Data = array(
'url' => $matches[2],
'title' => isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : null,
$this->DefinitionData['Reference'][$id] = $Data;
$Block = array(
'element' => array(),
return $Block;
# Table
protected function blockTable($Line, array $Block = null)
if ( ! isset($Block) or $Block['type'] !== 'Paragraph' or isset($Block['interrupted']))
if (
strpos($Block['element']['handler']['argument'], '|') === false
and strpos($Line['text'], '|') === false
and strpos($Line['text'], ':') === false
or strpos($Block['element']['handler']['argument'], "\n") !== false
) {
if (chop($Line['text'], ' -:|') !== '')
$alignments = array();
$divider = $Line['text'];
$divider = trim($divider);
$divider = trim($divider, '|');
$dividerCells = explode('|', $divider);
foreach ($dividerCells as $dividerCell)
$dividerCell = trim($dividerCell);
if ($dividerCell === '')
$alignment = null;
if ($dividerCell[0] === ':')
$alignment = 'left';
if (substr($dividerCell, - 1) === ':')
$alignment = $alignment === 'left' ? 'center' : 'right';
$alignments []= $alignment;
# ~
$HeaderElements = array();
$header = $Block['element']['handler']['argument'];
$header = trim($header);
$header = trim($header, '|');
$headerCells = explode('|', $header);
if (count($headerCells) !== count($alignments))
foreach ($headerCells as $index => $headerCell)
$headerCell = trim($headerCell);
$HeaderElement = array(
'name' => 'th',
'handler' => array(
'function' => 'lineElements',
'argument' => $headerCell,
'destination' => 'elements',
if (isset($alignments[$index]))
$alignment = $alignments[$index];
$HeaderElement['attributes'] = array(
'style' => "text-align: $alignment;",
$HeaderElements []= $HeaderElement;
# ~
$Block = array(
'alignments' => $alignments,
'identified' => true,
'element' => array(
'name' => 'table',
'elements' => array(),
$Block['element']['elements'] []= array(
'name' => 'thead',
$Block['element']['elements'] []= array(
'name' => 'tbody',
'elements' => array(),
$Block['element']['elements'][0]['elements'] []= array(
'name' => 'tr',
'elements' => $HeaderElements,
return $Block;
protected function blockTableContinue($Line, array $Block)
if (isset($Block['interrupted']))
if (count($Block['alignments']) === 1 or $Line['text'][0] === '|' or strpos($Line['text'], '|'))
$Elements = array();
$row = $Line['text'];
$row = trim($row);
$row = trim($row, '|');
preg_match_all('/(?:(\\\\[|])|[^|`]|`[^`]++`|`)++/', $row, $matches);
$cells = array_slice($matches[0], 0, count($Block['alignments']));
foreach ($cells as $index => $cell)
$cell = trim($cell);
$Element = array(
'name' => 'td',
'handler' => array(
'function' => 'lineElements',
'argument' => $cell,
'destination' => 'elements',
if (isset($Block['alignments'][$index]))
$Element['attributes'] = array(
'style' => 'text-align: ' . $Block['alignments'][$index] . ';',
$Elements []= $Element;
$Element = array(
'name' => 'tr',
'elements' => $Elements,
$Block['element']['elements'][1]['elements'] []= $Element;
return $Block;
# ~
protected function paragraph($Line)
return array(
'type' => 'Paragraph',
'element' => array(
'name' => 'p',
'handler' => array(
'function' => 'lineElements',
'argument' => $Line['text'],
'destination' => 'elements',
protected function paragraphContinue($Line, array $Block)
if (isset($Block['interrupted']))
$Block['element']['handler']['argument'] .= "\n".$Line['text'];
return $Block;
# Inline Elements
protected $InlineTypes = array(
'!' => array('Image'),
'&' => array('SpecialCharacter'),
'*' => array('Emphasis'),
':' => array('Url'),
'<' => array('UrlTag', 'EmailTag', 'Markup'),
'[' => array('Link'),
'_' => array('Emphasis'),
'`' => array('Code'),
'~' => array('Strikethrough'),
'\\' => array('EscapeSequence'),
# ~
protected $inlineMarkerList = '!*_&[:<`~\\';
# ~
public function line($text, $nonNestables = array())
return $this->elements($this->lineElements($text, $nonNestables));
protected function lineElements($text, $nonNestables = array())
# standardize line breaks
$text = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $text);
$Elements = array();
$nonNestables = (empty($nonNestables)
? array()
: array_combine($nonNestables, $nonNestables)
# $excerpt is based on the first occurrence of a marker
while ($excerpt = strpbrk($text, $this->inlineMarkerList))
$marker = $excerpt[0];
$markerPosition = strlen($text) - strlen($excerpt);
$Excerpt = array('text' => $excerpt, 'context' => $text);
foreach ($this->InlineTypes[$marker] as $inlineType)
# check to see if the current inline type is nestable in the current context
if (isset($nonNestables[$inlineType]))
$Inline = $this->{"inline$inlineType"}($Excerpt);
if ( ! isset($Inline))
# makes sure that the inline belongs to "our" marker
if (isset($Inline['position']) and $Inline['position'] > $markerPosition)
# sets a default inline position
if ( ! isset($Inline['position']))
$Inline['position'] = $markerPosition;
# cause the new element to 'inherit' our non nestables
$Inline['element']['nonNestables'] = isset($Inline['element']['nonNestables'])
? array_merge($Inline['element']['nonNestables'], $nonNestables)
: $nonNestables
# the text that comes before the inline
$unmarkedText = substr($text, 0, $Inline['position']);
# compile the unmarked text
$InlineText = $this->inlineText($unmarkedText);
$Elements[] = $InlineText['element'];
# compile the inline
$Elements[] = $this->extractElement($Inline);
# remove the examined text
$text = substr($text, $Inline['position'] + $Inline['extent']);
continue 2;
# the marker does not belong to an inline
$unmarkedText = substr($text, 0, $markerPosition + 1);
$InlineText = $this->inlineText($unmarkedText);
$Elements[] = $InlineText['element'];
$text = substr($text, $markerPosition + 1);
$InlineText = $this->inlineText($text);
$Elements[] = $InlineText['element'];
foreach ($Elements as &$Element)
if ( ! isset($Element['autobreak']))
$Element['autobreak'] = false;
return $Elements;
# ~
protected function inlineText($text)
$Inline = array(
'extent' => strlen($text),
'element' => array(),
$Inline['element']['elements'] = self::pregReplaceElements(
$this->breaksEnabled ? '/[ ]*+\n/' : '/(?:[ ]*+\\\\|[ ]{2,}+)\n/',
array('name' => 'br'),
array('text' => "\n"),
return $Inline;
protected function inlineCode($Excerpt)
$marker = $Excerpt['text'][0];
if (preg_match('/^(['.$marker.']++)[ ]*+(.+?)[ ]*+(?<!['.$marker.'])\1(?!'.$marker.')/s', $Excerpt['text'], $matches))
$text = $matches[2];
$text = preg_replace('/[ ]*+\n/', ' ', $text);
return array(
'extent' => strlen($matches[0]),
'element' => array(
'name' => 'code',
'text' => $text,
protected function inlineEmailTag($Excerpt)
$hostnameLabel = '[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?';
$commonMarkEmail = '[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]++@'
. $hostnameLabel . '(?:\.' . $hostnameLabel . ')*';
if (strpos($Excerpt['text'], '>') !== false
and preg_match("/^<((mailto:)?$commonMarkEmail)>/i", $Excerpt['text'], $matches)
$url = $matches[1];
if ( ! isset($matches[2]))
$url = "mailto:$url";
return array(
'extent' => strlen($matches[0]),
'element' => array(
'name' => 'a',
'text' => $matches[1],
'attributes' => array(
'href' => $url,
protected function inlineEmphasis($Excerpt)
if ( ! isset($Excerpt['text'][1]))
$marker = $Excerpt['text'][0];
if ($Excerpt['text'][1] === $marker and preg_match($this->StrongRegex[$marker], $Excerpt['text'], $matches))
$emphasis = 'strong';
elseif (preg_match($this->EmRegex[$marker], $Excerpt['text'], $matches))
$emphasis = 'em';
return array(
'extent' => strlen($matches[0]),
'element' => array(
'name' => $emphasis,
'handler' => array(
'function' => 'lineElements',
'argument' => $matches[1],
'destination' => 'elements',
protected function inlineEscapeSequence($Excerpt)
if (isset($Excerpt['text'][1]) and in_array($Excerpt['text'][1], $this->specialCharacters))
return array(
'element' => array('rawHtml' => $Excerpt['text'][1]),
'extent' => 2,
protected function inlineImage($Excerpt)
if ( ! isset($Excerpt['text'][1]) or $Excerpt['text'][1] !== '[')
$Excerpt['text']= substr($Excerpt['text'], 1);
$Link = $this->inlineLink($Excerpt);
if ($Link === null)
$Inline = array(
'extent' => $Link['extent'] + 1,
'element' => array(
'name' => 'img',
'attributes' => array(
'src' => $Link['element']['attributes']['href'],
'alt' => $Link['element']['handler']['argument'],
'autobreak' => true,
$Inline['element']['attributes'] += $Link['element']['attributes'];
return $Inline;
protected function inlineLink($Excerpt)
$Element = array(
'name' => 'a',
'handler' => array(
'function' => 'lineElements',
'argument' => null,
'destination' => 'elements',
'nonNestables' => array('Url', 'Link'),
'attributes' => array(
'href' => null,
'title' => null,
$extent = 0;
$remainder = $Excerpt['text'];
if (preg_match('/\[((?:[^][]++|(?R))*+)\]/', $remainder, $matches))
$Element['handler']['argument'] = $matches[1];
$extent += strlen($matches[0]);
$remainder = substr($remainder, $extent);
if (preg_match('/^[(]\s*+((?:[^ ()]++|[(][^ )]+[)])++)(?:[ ]+("[^"]*+"|\'[^\']*+\'))?\s*+[)]/', $remainder, $matches))
$Element['attributes']['href'] = $matches[1];
if (isset($matches[2]))
$Element['attributes']['title'] = substr($matches[2], 1, - 1);
$extent += strlen($matches[0]);
if (preg_match('/^\s*\[(.*?)\]/', $remainder, $matches))
$definition = strlen($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : $Element['handler']['argument'];
$definition = strtolower($definition);
$extent += strlen($matches[0]);
$definition = strtolower($Element['handler']['argument']);
if ( ! isset($this->DefinitionData['Reference'][$definition]))
$Definition = $this->DefinitionData['Reference'][$definition];
$Element['attributes']['href'] = $Definition['url'];
$Element['attributes']['title'] = $Definition['title'];
return array(
'extent' => $extent,
'element' => $Element,
protected function inlineMarkup($Excerpt)
if ($this->markupEscaped or $this->safeMode or strpos($Excerpt['text'], '>') === false)
if ($Excerpt['text'][1] === '/' and preg_match('/^<\/\w[\w-]*+[ ]*+>/s', $Excerpt['text'], $matches))
return array(
'element' => array('rawHtml' => $matches[0]),
'extent' => strlen($matches[0]),
if ($Excerpt['text'][1] === '!' and preg_match('/^<!---?[^>-](?:-?+[^-])*-->/s', $Excerpt['text'], $matches))
return array(
'element' => array('rawHtml' => $matches[0]),
'extent' => strlen($matches[0]),
if ($Excerpt['text'][1] !== ' ' and preg_match('/^<\w[\w-]*+(?:[ ]*+'.$this->regexHtmlAttribute.')*+[ ]*+\/?>/s', $Excerpt['text'], $matches))
return array(
'element' => array('rawHtml' => $matches[0]),
'extent' => strlen($matches[0]),
protected function inlineSpecialCharacter($Excerpt)
if (substr($Excerpt['text'], 1, 1) !== ' ' and strpos($Excerpt['text'], ';') !== false
and preg_match('/^&(#?+[0-9a-zA-Z]++);/', $Excerpt['text'], $matches)
) {
return array(
'element' => array('rawHtml' => '&' . $matches[1] . ';'),
'extent' => strlen($matches[0]),
protected function inlineStrikethrough($Excerpt)
if ( ! isset($Excerpt['text'][1]))
if ($Excerpt['text'][1] === '~' and preg_match('/^~~(?=\S)(.+?)(?<=\S)~~/', $Excerpt['text'], $matches))
return array(
'extent' => strlen($matches[0]),
'element' => array(
'name' => 'del',
'handler' => array(
'function' => 'lineElements',
'argument' => $matches[1],
'destination' => 'elements',
protected function inlineUrl($Excerpt)
if ($this->urlsLinked !== true or ! isset($Excerpt['text'][2]) or $Excerpt['text'][2] !== '/')
if (strpos($Excerpt['context'], 'http') !== false
and preg_match('/\bhttps?+:[\/]{2}[^\s<]+\b\/*+/ui', $Excerpt['context'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)
) {
$url = $matches[0][0];
$Inline = array(
'extent' => strlen($matches[0][0]),
'position' => $matches[0][1],
'element' => array(
'name' => 'a',
'text' => $url,
'attributes' => array(
'href' => $url,
return $Inline;
protected function inlineUrlTag($Excerpt)
if (strpos($Excerpt['text'], '>') !== false and preg_match('/^<(\w++:\/{2}[^ >]++)>/i', $Excerpt['text'], $matches))
$url = $matches[1];
return array(
'extent' => strlen($matches[0]),
'element' => array(
'name' => 'a',
'text' => $url,
'attributes' => array(
'href' => $url,
# ~
protected function unmarkedText($text)
$Inline = $this->inlineText($text);
return $this->element($Inline['element']);
# Handlers
protected function handle(array $Element)
if (isset($Element['handler']))
if (!isset($Element['nonNestables']))
$Element['nonNestables'] = array();
if (is_string($Element['handler']))
$function = $Element['handler'];
$argument = $Element['text'];
$destination = 'rawHtml';
$function = $Element['handler']['function'];
$argument = $Element['handler']['argument'];
$destination = $Element['handler']['destination'];
$Element[$destination] = $this->{$function}($argument, $Element['nonNestables']);
if ($destination === 'handler')
$Element = $this->handle($Element);
return $Element;
protected function handleElementRecursive(array $Element)
return $this->elementApplyRecursive(array($this, 'handle'), $Element);
protected function handleElementsRecursive(array $Elements)
return $this->elementsApplyRecursive(array($this, 'handle'), $Elements);
protected function elementApplyRecursive($closure, array $Element)
$Element = call_user_func($closure, $Element);
if (isset($Element['elements']))
$Element['elements'] = $this->elementsApplyRecursive($closure, $Element['elements']);
elseif (isset($Element['element']))
$Element['element'] = $this->elementApplyRecursive($closure, $Element['element']);
return $Element;
protected function elementApplyRecursiveDepthFirst($closure, array $Element)
if (isset($Element['elements']))
$Element['elements'] = $this->elementsApplyRecursiveDepthFirst($closure, $Element['elements']);
elseif (isset($Element['element']))
$Element['element'] = $this->elementsApplyRecursiveDepthFirst($closure, $Element['element']);
$Element = call_user_func($closure, $Element);
return $Element;
protected function elementsApplyRecursive($closure, array $Elements)
foreach ($Elements as &$Element)
$Element = $this->elementApplyRecursive($closure, $Element);
return $Elements;
protected function elementsApplyRecursiveDepthFirst($closure, array $Elements)
foreach ($Elements as &$Element)
$Element = $this->elementApplyRecursiveDepthFirst($closure, $Element);
return $Elements;
protected function element(array $Element)
if ($this->safeMode)
$Element = $this->sanitiseElement($Element);
# identity map if element has no handler
$Element = $this->handle($Element);
$hasName = isset($Element['name']);
$markup = '';
if ($hasName)
$markup .= '<' . $Element['name'];
if (isset($Element['attributes']))
foreach ($Element['attributes'] as $name => $value)
if ($value === null)
$markup .= " $name=\"".self::escape($value).'"';
$permitRawHtml = false;
if (isset($Element['text']))
$text = $Element['text'];
// very strongly consider an alternative if you're writing an
// extension
elseif (isset($Element['rawHtml']))
$text = $Element['rawHtml'];
$allowRawHtmlInSafeMode = isset($Element['allowRawHtmlInSafeMode']) && $Element['allowRawHtmlInSafeMode'];
$permitRawHtml = !$this->safeMode || $allowRawHtmlInSafeMode;
$hasContent = isset($text) || isset($Element['element']) || isset($Element['elements']);
if ($hasContent)
$markup .= $hasName ? '>' : '';
if (isset($Element['elements']))
$markup .= $this->elements($Element['elements']);
elseif (isset($Element['element']))
$markup .= $this->element($Element['element']);
if (!$permitRawHtml)
$markup .= self::escape($text, true);
$markup .= $text;
$markup .= $hasName ? '</' . $Element['name'] . '>' : '';
elseif ($hasName)
$markup .= ' />';
return $markup;
protected function elements(array $Elements)
$markup = '';
$autoBreak = true;
foreach ($Elements as $Element)
if (empty($Element))
$autoBreakNext = (isset($Element['autobreak'])
? $Element['autobreak'] : isset($Element['name'])
// (autobreak === false) covers both sides of an element
$autoBreak = !$autoBreak ? $autoBreak : $autoBreakNext;
$markup .= ($autoBreak ? "\n" : '') . $this->element($Element);
$autoBreak = $autoBreakNext;
$markup .= $autoBreak ? "\n" : '';
return $markup;
# ~
protected function li($lines)
$Elements = $this->linesElements($lines);
if ( ! in_array('', $lines)
and isset($Elements[0]) and isset($Elements[0]['name'])
and $Elements[0]['name'] === 'p'
) {
return $Elements;
# AST Convenience
* Replace occurrences $regexp with $Elements in $text. Return an array of
* elements representing the replacement.
protected static function pregReplaceElements($regexp, $Elements, $text)
$newElements = array();
while (preg_match($regexp, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
$offset = $matches[0][1];
$before = substr($text, 0, $offset);
$after = substr($text, $offset + strlen($matches[0][0]));
$newElements[] = array('text' => $before);
foreach ($Elements as $Element)
$newElements[] = $Element;
$text = $after;
$newElements[] = array('text' => $text);
return $newElements;
# Deprecated Methods
function parse($text)
$markup = $this->text($text);
return $markup;
protected function sanitiseElement(array $Element)
static $goodAttribute = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*+$/';
static $safeUrlNameToAtt = array(
'a' => 'href',
'img' => 'src',
if ( ! isset($Element['name']))
return $Element;
if (isset($safeUrlNameToAtt[$Element['name']]))
$Element = $this->filterUnsafeUrlInAttribute($Element, $safeUrlNameToAtt[$Element['name']]);
if ( ! empty($Element['attributes']))
foreach ($Element['attributes'] as $att => $val)
# filter out badly parsed attribute
if ( ! preg_match($goodAttribute, $att))
# dump onevent attribute
elseif (self::striAtStart($att, 'on'))
return $Element;
protected function filterUnsafeUrlInAttribute(array $Element, $attribute)
foreach ($this->safeLinksWhitelist as $scheme)
if (self::striAtStart($Element['attributes'][$attribute], $scheme))
return $Element;
$Element['attributes'][$attribute] = str_replace(':', '%3A', $Element['attributes'][$attribute]);
return $Element;
# Static Methods
protected static function escape($text, $allowQuotes = false)
return htmlspecialchars($text, $allowQuotes ? ENT_NOQUOTES : ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
protected static function striAtStart($string, $needle)
$len = strlen($needle);
if ($len > strlen($string))
return false;
return strtolower(substr($string, 0, $len)) === strtolower($needle);
static function instance($name = 'default')
if (isset(self::$instances[$name]))
return self::$instances[$name];
$instance = new static();
self::$instances[$name] = $instance;
return $instance;
private static $instances = array();
# Fields
protected $DefinitionData;
# Read-Only
protected $specialCharacters = array(
'\\', '`', '*', '_', '{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', '>', '#', '+', '-', '.', '!', '|', '~'
protected $StrongRegex = array(
'*' => '/^[*]{2}((?:\\\\\*|[^*]|[*][^*]*+[*])+?)[*]{2}(?![*])/s',
'_' => '/^__((?:\\\\_|[^_]|_[^_]*+_)+?)__(?!_)/us',
protected $EmRegex = array(
'*' => '/^[*]((?:\\\\\*|[^*]|[*][*][^*]+?[*][*])+?)[*](?![*])/s',
'_' => '/^_((?:\\\\_|[^_]|__[^_]*__)+?)_(?!_)\b/us',
protected $regexHtmlAttribute = '[a-zA-Z_:][\w:.-]*+(?:\s*+=\s*+(?:[^"\'=<>`\s]+|"[^"]*+"|\'[^\']*+\'))?+';
protected $voidElements = array(
'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'command', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source',
protected $textLevelElements = array(
'a', 'br', 'bdo', 'abbr', 'blink', 'nextid', 'acronym', 'basefont',
'b', 'em', 'big', 'cite', 'small', 'spacer', 'listing',
'i', 'rp', 'del', 'code', 'strike', 'marquee',
'q', 'rt', 'ins', 'font', 'strong',
's', 'tt', 'kbd', 'mark',
'u', 'xm', 'sub', 'nobr',
'sup', 'ruby',
'var', 'span',
'wbr', 'time',