219 lines
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219 lines
8.9 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2019 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for https://members.luscious.net/"""
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import text, exception
class LusciousExtractor(Extractor):
"""Base class for luscious extractors"""
category = "luscious"
cookiedomain = ".luscious.net"
root = "https://members.luscious.net"
def _graphql(self, op, variables, query):
data = {
"id" : 1,
"operationName": op,
"query" : query,
"variables" : variables,
response = self.request(
"{}/graphql/nobatch/?operationName={}".format(self.root, op),
method="POST", json=data, fatal=False,
if response.status_code >= 400:
self.log.debug("Server response: %s", response.text)
raise exception.StopExtraction(
"GraphQL query failed ('%s %s')",
response.status_code, response.reason)
return response.json()["data"]
class LusciousAlbumExtractor(LusciousExtractor):
"""Extractor for image albums from luscious.net"""
subcategory = "album"
filename_fmt = "{category}_{album[id]}_{num:>03}.{extension}"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{album[id]} {album[title]}")
archive_fmt = "{album[id]}_{id}"
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.|members\.)?luscious\.net"
test = (
("https://luscious.net/albums/okinami-no-koigokoro_277031/", {
"url": "7e4984a271a1072ac6483e4228a045895aff86f3",
# "keyword": "07c0b915f2ab1cc3bbf28b76e7950fccee1213f3",
# "content": "b3a747a6464509440bd0ff6d1267e6959f8d6ff3",
("https://luscious.net/albums/virgin-killer-sweater_282582/", {
"url": "21cc68a7548f4d71dfd67d8caf96349dde7e791c",
# "keyword": "e1202078b504adeccd521aa932f456a5a85479a0",
("https://luscious.net/albums/not-found_277035/", {
"exception": exception.NotFoundError,
("https://members.luscious.net/albums/login-required_323871/", {
"count": 78,
def __init__(self, match):
LusciousExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.album_id = match.group(1)
def items(self):
album = self.metadata()
yield Message.Version, 1
yield Message.Directory, {"album": album}
for num, image in enumerate(self.images(), 1):
image["num"] = num
image["album"] = album
image["thumbnail"] = image.pop("thumbnails")[0]["url"]
image["tags"] = [item["text"] for item in image["tags"]]
image["date"] = text.parse_timestamp(image["created"])
image["id"] = text.parse_int(image["id"])
url = image["url_to_video"] or image["url_to_original"]
yield Message.Url, url, text.nameext_from_url(url, image)
def metadata(self):
variables = {
"id": self.album_id,
query = (
"query AlbumGet($id: ID!) { album { get(id: $id) { ... on Album { "
"...AlbumStandard } ... on MutationError { errors { code message }"
" } } } } fragment AlbumStandard on Album { __typename id title la"
"bels description created modified like_status number_of_favorites"
" rating status marked_for_deletion marked_for_processing number_o"
"f_pictures number_of_animated_pictures slug is_manga url download"
"_url permissions cover { width height size url } created_by { id "
"name display_name user_title name display_name avatar { url size "
"} url } content { id title url } language { id title url } tags {"
" id category slug text url count } genres { id title slug url } a"
"udiences { id title url url } last_viewed_picture { id position u"
"rl } }"
album = self._graphql("AlbumGet", variables, query)["album"]["get"]
if "errors" in album:
raise exception.NotFoundError("album")
album["audiences"] = [item["title"] for item in album["audiences"]]
album["genres"] = [item["title"] for item in album["genres"]]
album["tags"] = [item["text"] for item in album["tags"]]
album["cover"] = album["cover"]["url"]
album["content"] = album["content"]["title"]
album["language"] = album["language"]["title"].partition(" ")[0]
album["created_by"] = album["created_by"]["display_name"]
album["id"] = text.parse_int(album["id"])
album["date"] = text.parse_timestamp(album["created"])
return album
def images(self):
variables = {
"input": {
"filters": [{
"name" : "album_id",
"value": self.album_id,
"display": "position",
"page" : 1,
query = (
"query AlbumListOwnPictures($input: PictureListInput!) { picture {"
" list(input: $input) { info { ...FacetCollectionInfo } items { .."
".PictureStandardWithoutAlbum } } } } fragment FacetCollectionInfo"
" on FacetCollectionInfo { page has_next_page has_previous_page to"
"tal_items total_pages items_per_page url_complete url_filters_onl"
"y } fragment PictureStandardWithoutAlbum on Picture { __typename "
"id title created like_status number_of_comments number_of_favorit"
"es status width height resolution aspect_ratio url_to_original ur"
"l_to_video is_animated position tags { id category slug text url "
"} permissions url thumbnails { width height size url } }"
while True:
data = self._graphql("AlbumListOwnPictures", variables, query)
yield from data["picture"]["list"]["items"]
if not data["picture"]["list"]["info"]["has_next_page"]:
variables["input"]["page"] += 1
class LusciousSearchExtractor(LusciousExtractor):
"""Extractor for album searches on luscious.net"""
subcategory = "search"
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.|members\.)?luscious\.net"
test = (
"?display=date_newest&language_ids=%2B1&tagged=+full_color&page=1", {
"pattern": LusciousAlbumExtractor.pattern,
"range": "41-60",
"count": 20,
def __init__(self, match):
LusciousExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.query = match.group(1)
def items(self):
query = text.parse_query(self.query)
display = query.pop("display", "date_newest")
page = query.pop("page", None)
variables = {
"input": {
"display": display,
"filters": [{"name": n, "value": v} for n, v in query.items()],
"page": text.parse_int(page, 1),
query = (
"query AlbumListWithPeek($input: AlbumListInput!) { album { list(i"
"nput: $input) { info { ...FacetCollectionInfo } items { ...AlbumM"
"inimal peek_thumbnails { width height size url } } } } } fragment"
" FacetCollectionInfo on FacetCollectionInfo { page has_next_page "
"has_previous_page total_items total_pages items_per_page url_comp"
"lete url_filters_only } fragment AlbumMinimal on Album { __typena"
"me id title labels description created modified number_of_favorit"
"es number_of_pictures slug is_manga url download_url cover { widt"
"h height size url } content { id title url } language { id title "
"url } tags { id category slug text url count } genres { id title "
"slug url } audiences { id title url } }"
yield Message.Version, 1
while True:
data = self._graphql("AlbumListWithPeek", variables, query)
for album in data["album"]["list"]["items"]:
album["url"] = self.root + album["url"]
album["_extractor"] = LusciousAlbumExtractor
yield Message.Queue, album["url"], album
if not data["album"]["list"]["info"]["has_next_page"]:
variables["input"]["page"] += 1