247 lines
8.7 KiB
247 lines
8.7 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2019 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Collection of extractors for various imagehosts"""
from .common import Extractor, Message, SharedConfigMixin
from .. import text, exception
from ..cache import memcache
from os.path import splitext
class ImagehostImageExtractor(SharedConfigMixin, Extractor):
"""Base class for single-image extractors for various imagehosts"""
basecategory = "imagehost"
subcategory = "image"
archive_fmt = "{token}"
https = False
method = "post"
params = "simple"
cookies = None
encoding = None
def __init__(self, match):
Extractor.__init__(self, match)
self.page_url = "http{}://{}".format(
"s" if self.https else "", match.group(1))
self.token = match.group(2)
if self.params == "simple":
self.params = {
"imgContinue": "Continue+to+image+...+",
elif self.params == "complex":
self.params = {
"op": "view",
"id": self.token,
"pre": "1",
"adb": "1",
"next": "Continue+to+image+...+",
self.params = {}
self.method = "get"
def items(self):
page = self.request(
url, filename = self.get_info(page)
data = text.nameext_from_url(filename, {"token": self.token})
if self.https and url.startswith("http:"):
url = "https:" + url[5:]
yield Message.Version, 1
yield Message.Directory, data
yield Message.Url, url, data
def get_info(self, page):
"""Find image-url and string to get filename from"""
class ImxtoImageExtractor(ImagehostImageExtractor):
"""Extractor for single images from imx.to"""
category = "imxto"
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?((?:imx\.to|img\.yt)"
test = (
("https://imx.to/i/1qdeva", { # new-style URL
"url": "ab2173088a6cdef631d7a47dec4a5da1c6a00130",
"keyword": "7bb48a2327561ae04ea7a6d4e18e715379e2f497",
"content": "0c8768055e4e20e7c7259608b67799171b691140",
("https://imx.to/img-57a2050547b97.html", { # old-style URL
"url": "a83fe6ef1909a318c4d49fcf2caf62f36c3f9204",
"keyword": "451ad3d4745489c2e663acb1281d89c36ada940a",
"content": "54592f2635674c25677c6872db3709d343cdf92f",
("https://img.yt/img-57a2050547b97.html", { # img.yt domain
"url": "a83fe6ef1909a318c4d49fcf2caf62f36c3f9204",
("https://imx.to/img-57a2050547b98.html", {
"exception": exception.NotFoundError,
https = True
encoding = "utf-8"
def __init__(self, match):
ImagehostImageExtractor.__init__(self, match)
if "/img-" in self.page_url:
self.page_url = self.page_url.replace("img.yt", "imx.to")
self.url_ext = True
self.url_ext = False
def get_info(self, page):
url, pos = text.extract(
page, '<div style="text-align:center;"><a href="', '"')
if not url:
raise exception.NotFoundError("image")
filename, pos = text.extract(page, ' title="', '"', pos)
if self.url_ext and filename:
filename += splitext(url)[1]
return url, filename or url
class AcidimgImageExtractor(ImagehostImageExtractor):
"""Extractor for single images from acidimg.cc"""
category = "acidimg"
pattern = r"(?:https?://)?((?:www\.)?acidimg\.cc/img-([a-z0-9]+)\.html)"
test = ("https://acidimg.cc/img-5acb6b9de4640.html", {
"url": "f132a630006e8d84f52d59555191ed82b3b64c04",
"keyword": "183098c59d9244650f666b6cb4df96d76d2aeae8",
"content": "0c8768055e4e20e7c7259608b67799171b691140",
https = True
encoding = "utf-8"
def get_info(self, page):
url, pos = text.extract(page, "<img class='centred' src='", "'")
if not url:
raise exception.NotFoundError("image")
filename, pos = text.extract(page, " alt='", "'", pos)
return url, (filename + splitext(url)[1]) if filename else url
class ImagevenueImageExtractor(ImagehostImageExtractor):
"""Extractor for single images from imagevenue.com"""
category = "imagevenue"
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?(img\d+\.imagevenue\.com"
test = (("http://img28116.imagevenue.com/img.php"
"?image=th_52709_test_122_64lo.jpg"), {
"url": "46812995d557f2c6adf0ebd0e631e6e4e45facde",
"content": "59ec819cbd972dd9a71f25866fbfc416f2f215b3",
params = None
def get_info(self, page):
url = text.extract(page, "SRC='", "'")[0]
return text.urljoin(self.page_url, url), url
class ImagetwistImageExtractor(ImagehostImageExtractor):
"""Extractor for single images from imagetwist.com"""
category = "imagetwist"
pattern = r"(?:https?://)?((?:www\.)?imagetwist\.com/([a-z0-9]{12}))"
test = ("https://imagetwist.com/4e46hv31tu0q/test.jpg", {
"url": "c999dc1a5dec0525ac9eb8c092f173dfe6dba0b0",
"keyword": "30dd34dcb06b5b51c6cfff199c610b24edb7b9bc",
"content": "96b1fd099b06faad5879fce23a7e4eb8290d8810",
https = True
params = None
def cookies(self):
return self.request(self.page_url).cookies
def get_info(self, page):
url , pos = text.extract(page, 'center;"><img src="', '"')
filename, pos = text.extract(page, ' alt="', '"', pos)
return url, filename
class ImgspiceImageExtractor(ImagehostImageExtractor):
"""Extractor for single images from imgspice.com"""
category = "imgspice"
pattern = r"(?:https?://)?((?:www\.)?imgspice\.com/([^/?&#]+))"
test = ("https://imgspice.com/zop38mvvq29u/", {
"url": "a45833733c02b64d105363ffd8fd19f06992a2f7",
https = True
params = None
def get_info(self, page):
filename, pos = text.extract(page, '<td nowrap>', '</td>')
url , pos = text.extract(page, '<img src="https://img', '"', pos)
return "https://img" + url, text.unescape(filename)
class PixhostImageExtractor(ImagehostImageExtractor):
"""Extractor for single images from pixhost.to"""
category = "pixhost"
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?((?:www\.)?pixhost\.(?:to|org)"
test = ("https://pixhost.to/show/224/96246707_test-.png", {
"url": "8f3d41fdd2dbec4c844e5ee45bf49961fbd79c67",
"keyword": "d7b19630acf8da39036581d3d5597f97da883626",
"content": "0c8768055e4e20e7c7259608b67799171b691140",
https = True
params = None
cookies = {"pixhostads": "1", "pixhosttest": "1"}
def get_info(self, page):
url , pos = text.extract(page, "class=\"image-img\" src=\"", "\"")
filename, pos = text.extract(page, "alt=\"", "\"", pos)
return url, filename
class PostimgImageExtractor(ImagehostImageExtractor):
"""Extractor for single images from postimages.org"""
category = "postimg"
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?((?:www\.)?(?:postimg|pixxxels)\.(?:cc|org)"
test = ("https://postimg.cc/Wtn2b3hC", {
"url": "0794cfda9b8951a8ac3aa692472484200254ab86",
"keyword": "dd8822e7d359c33dba85280fe31bea7d098cd1d1",
"content": "cfaa8def53ed1a575e0c665c9d6d8cf2aac7a0ee",
https = True
params = None
def get_info(self, page):
url , pos = text.extract(page, 'id="main-image" src="', '"')
filename, pos = text.extract(page, 'class="imagename">', '<', pos)
return url, text.unescape(filename)
class TurboimagehostImageExtractor(ImagehostImageExtractor):
"""Extractor for single images from www.turboimagehost.com"""
category = "turboimagehost"
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?((?:www\.)?turboimagehost\.com"
test = ("https://www.turboimagehost.com/p/39078423/test--.png.html", {
"url": "b94de43612318771ced924cb5085976f13b3b90e",
"keyword": "c1391465dc7b590b0eb8ea2a8cd235733c6fce2b",
"content": "0c8768055e4e20e7c7259608b67799171b691140",
https = True
params = None
def get_info(self, page):
url = text.extract(page, 'src="', '"', page.index("<img "))[0]
return url, url