Mike Fährmann
share extractor and downloader sessions
There was never any "good" reason for the strict separation between extractors and downloaders. This change allows for reduced resource usage (probably unnoticeable) and less lines of code at the "cost" of tighter coupling.
========== gallery-dl ========== *gallery-dl* is a command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites such as pixiv.net, exhentai.org, gelbooru.com and several more (see `Supported Sites`_). It requires Python 3.3+ to run and works on Unix-like systems as well as on Windows. |pypi| |build| .. section-numbering:: Installation ============ Installation via pip -------------------- The stable releases of *gallery-dl* are distributed on PyPI_ and can be easily installed using pip_: .. code:: bash $ pip install gallery-dl Installing the latest dev-version directly from GitHub can be done via pip as well: .. code:: bash $ pip install https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/archive/master.zip Manual installation via Python ------------------------------ You can also install *gallery-dl* manually: Get the code by either * Downloading a stable_ or dev_ archive and unpacking it * Or via :code:`git clone` Navigate into the respective directory and run the :code:`setup.py` file. .. code:: bash $ wget https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/archive/master.zip $ unzip master.zip # or $ git clone https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl.git $ cd gallery-dl $ python setup.py install Standalone executable (Windows only) ------------------------------------ Windows users can download a `standalone executable`_, which comes with a Python interpreter and all required packages included. Put this file in your PATH or use it from the current directory and you are good to go, Usage ===== To use *gallery-dl* simply call it with the URLs you wish to download images from: .. code:: bash $ gallery-dl [OPTION]... URL... See also :code:`gallery-dl --help`. Examples -------- Download images; in this case from gelbooru via tag search for 'bonocho': .. code:: bash $ gallery-dl "http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=bonocho" Get the direct URL of an image from a site that requires authentication: .. code:: bash $ gallery-dl -g -u <username> -p <password> http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im3211703 | Search a remote resource for URLs and download images from them: | (URLs for which no extractor can be found will be silently ignored) .. code:: bash $ gallery-dl r:https://pastebin.com/raw/FLwrCYsT Supported Sites =============== * pixiv.net * seiga.nicovideo.jp * nijie.info * bato.to * mangastream.com * kissmanga.com * readcomiconline.to * danbooru.donmai.us * gelbooru.com * exhentai.org * nhentai.net * luscious.net * hentai-foundry.com * deviantart.com * tumblr.com * `Complete List`_ Configuration ============= Configuration files for *gallery-dl* use a JSON-based file format. For a (more or less) complete example, see gallery-dl.conf_. A list of all available configuration options and their descriptions can be found in configuration.rst_. *gallery-dl* searches for configuration files in the following paths: +--------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | Linux | Windows | +--------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+ |* ``/etc/gallery-dl.conf`` |* | |* ``${HOME}/.config/gallery-dl/config.json``|* ``%USERPROFILE%\gallery-dl\config.json``| |* ``${HOME}/.gallery-dl.conf`` |* ``%USERPROFILE%\gallery-dl.conf`` | +--------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+ (``%USERPROFILE%`` usually refers to the users home directory, i.e. ``C:\Users\<username>\``) Values in later configuration files will override previous ones. Authentication ============== Username & Password ------------------- Some extractors require you to provide valid login-credentials in the form of a username & password pair. This is necessary for ``pixiv``, ``nijie`` and ``seiga`` and optional (but strongly recommended) for ``exhentai`` and ``batoto``. You can set the necessary information in your configuration file (cf. gallery-dl.conf_) .. code:: { "extractor": { ... "pixiv": { "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>" } ... } } or you can provide them directly via the :code:`-u/--username` and :code:`-p/--password` or via the :code:`-o/--option` command-line options .. code:: bash $ gallery-dl -u <username> -p <password> URL $ gallery-dl -o username=<username> -o password=<password> URL OAuth ----- *gallery-dl* supports user authentication via OAuth_ for ``flickr`` and ``reddit``. This is entirely optional, but grants *gallery-dl* the ability to issue requests on your account's behalf and enables it to access resources which would otherwise be unavailable to a public user. To link your account to *gallery-dl*, start by invoking it with ``oauth:<site-name>`` as an argument. For example: .. code:: bash $ gallery-dl oauth:flickr You will be sent to the site's authorization page and asked to grant read access to *gallery-dl*. Authorize it and you will he shown one or more "tokens", which should be added to your configuration file. .. _gallery-dl.conf: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/docs/gallery-dl.conf .. _configuration.rst: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/docs/configuration.rst .. _Complete List: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/docs/supportedsites.rst .. _standalone executable: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/releases/download/v0.9.0/gallery-dl.exe .. _Python: https://www.python.org/downloads/ .. _Requests: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests/ .. _PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/ .. _stable: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/archive/v0.9.0.zip .. _dev: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/archive/master.zip .. _OAuth: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OAuth .. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/gallery-dl.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gallery-dl .. |build| image:: https://travis-ci.org/mikf/gallery-dl.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/mikf/gallery-dl