Hidden / dashboard-only blogs are pretty straightforward and "only" require a valid 'access-token' and 'access-token-secret' for the given 'api-key' and 'api-secret', so that signed OAuth1.0 requests are possible. Private / password protected blogs on the other hand are a bit cumbersome. In addition to a valid 'access-token' and 'access-token-secret', they also require the account belonging to those tokens to be a member of the blog itself. Knowing the password and entering it in the website isn't enough to access a blog through the API. Following a private blog is also impossible, so that option can't work either.
406 lines
13 KiB
406 lines
13 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2018 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extract images from https://www.tumblr.com/"""
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import text, oauth, extractor, exception
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import re
import time
def _original_inline_image(url):
return re.sub(
r"https://\1_1280.\2", url
def _original_video(url):
return re.sub(
r"https://\1.\2", url
POST_TYPES = frozenset((
"text", "quote", "link", "answer", "video", "audio", "photo", "chat"))
class TumblrExtractor(Extractor):
"""Base class for tumblr extractors"""
category = "tumblr"
directory_fmt = ["{category}", "{name}"]
filename_fmt = "{category}_{blog_name}_{id}_{num:>02}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{id}_{num}"
def __init__(self, match):
self.blog = match.group(1) or match.group(2)
self.api = TumblrAPI(self)
self.types = self._setup_posttypes()
self.avatar = self.config("avatar", False)
self.inline = self.config("inline", True)
self.reblogs = self.config("reblogs", True)
self.external = self.config("external", False)
if len(self.types) == 1:
self.api.posts_type = next(iter(self.types))
elif not self.types:
self.log.warning("no valid post types selected")
if self.reblogs == "same-blog":
self._skip_reblog = self._skip_reblog_same_blog
def items(self):
blog = None
yield Message.Version, 1
for post in self.posts():
if post["type"] not in self.types:
if not blog:
blog = self.api.info(self.blog)
blog["uuid"] = self.blog
yield Message.Directory, blog.copy()
if self.avatar:
url = self.api.avatar(self.blog)
yield self._prepare_avatar(url, post.copy(), blog)
reblog = "reblogged_from_id" in post
if reblog and self._skip_reblog(post):
post["reblogged"] = reblog
post["blog"] = blog
post["num"] = 0
if "trail" in post:
del post["trail"]
if "photos" in post: # type "photo" or "link"
photos = post["photos"]
del post["photos"]
for photo in photos:
post["photo"] = photo
del photo["original_size"]
del photo["alt_sizes"]
yield self._prepare_image(photo["url"], post)
if "audio_url" in post: # type: "audio"
yield self._prepare(post["audio_url"], post)
if "video_url" in post: # type: "video"
yield self._prepare(_original_video(post["video_url"]), post)
if self.inline and "reblog" in post: # inline media
# only "chat" posts are missing a "reblog" key in their
# API response, but they can't contain images/videos anyway
body = post["reblog"]["comment"] + post["reblog"]["tree_html"]
for url in re.findall('<img src="([^"]+)"', body):
url = _original_inline_image(url)
yield self._prepare_image(url, post)
for url in re.findall('<source src="([^"]+)"', body):
url = _original_video(url)
yield self._prepare(url, post)
if self.external: # external links
post["extension"] = None
with extractor.blacklist(("tumblr",)):
for key in ("permalink_url", "url"):
if key in post:
yield Message.Queue, post[key], post
def posts(self):
"""Return an iterable containing all relevant posts"""
def _setup_posttypes(self):
types = self.config("posts", "all")
if types == "all":
elif not types:
return frozenset()
if isinstance(types, str):
types = types.split(",")
types = frozenset(types)
invalid = types - POST_TYPES
if invalid:
types = types & POST_TYPES
self.log.warning('invalid post types: "%s"',
'", "'.join(sorted(invalid)))
return types
def _prepare(url, post):
text.nameext_from_url(url, post)
post["num"] += 1
post["hash"] = post["name"].partition("_")[2]
return Message.Url, url, post
def _prepare_image(url, post):
text.nameext_from_url(url, post)
post["num"] += 1
parts = post["name"].split("_")
post["hash"] = parts[1] if parts[1] != "inline" else parts[2]
except IndexError:
# filename doesn't follow the usual pattern (#129)
post["hash"] = post["name"]
return Message.Url, url, post
def _prepare_avatar(url, post, blog):
text.nameext_from_url(url, post)
post["num"] = 1
post["blog"] = blog
post["reblogged"] = False
post["type"] = post["id"] = post["hash"] = "avatar"
return Message.Url, url, post
def _skip_reblog(self, _):
return not self.reblogs
def _skip_reblog_same_blog(self, post):
return self.blog != post["reblogged_root_uuid"]
class TumblrUserExtractor(TumblrExtractor):
"""Extractor for all images from a tumblr-user"""
subcategory = "user"
pattern = [BASE_PATTERN + r"(?:/page/\d+|/archive)?/?$"]
test = [
("http://demo.tumblr.com/", {
"pattern": r"https://\d+\.media\.tumblr\.com"
"count": 1,
"options": (("posts", "photo"),),
("http://demo.tumblr.com/", {
"pattern": (r"https?://(?:$|"
"count": 3,
"options": (("posts", "all"), ("external", True))
("https://mikf123-hidden.tumblr.com/", { # dashbord-only
"count": 2,
"keyword": {"tags": ["test", "hidden"]},
("https://mikf123-private.tumblr.com/", { # password protected
"count": 2,
"keyword": {"tags": ["test", "private"]},
("https://mikf123-private-hidden.tumblr.com/", { # both
"count": 2,
"keyword": {"tags": ["test", "private", "hidden"]},
("https://demo.tumblr.com/page/2", None),
("https://demo.tumblr.com/archive", None),
("tumblr:http://www.b-authentique.com/", None),
("tumblr:www.b-authentique.com", None),
def posts(self):
return self.api.posts(self.blog, {})
class TumblrPostExtractor(TumblrExtractor):
"""Extractor for images from a single post on tumblr"""
subcategory = "post"
pattern = [BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?:post|image)/(\d+)"]
test = [
("http://demo.tumblr.com/post/459265350", {
"pattern": (r"https://\d+\.media\.tumblr\.com"
"count": 1,
("https://mikf123.tumblr.com/post/167770226574/text-post", {
"count": 2,
("https://mikf123.tumblr.com/post/181022561719/quote-post", {
"count": 1,
("https://mikf123.tumblr.com/post/167623351559/link-post", {
"count": 2,
("https://muyanna.tumblr.com/post/180692431632/answer-post", {
"count": 1,
("https://mikf123.tumblr.com/post/167633596145/video-post", {
"count": 2,
("https://mikf123.tumblr.com/post/167770026604/audio-post", {
"count": 2,
("https://mikf123.tumblr.com/post/172687798174/photo-post", {
"count": 4,
("https://mikf123.tumblr.com/post/181022380064/chat-post", {
"count": 0,
("http://demo.tumblr.com/image/459265350", None),
def __init__(self, match):
TumblrExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.post_id = match.group(3)
self.reblogs = True
def posts(self):
return self.api.posts(self.blog, {"id": self.post_id})
def _setup_posttypes():
class TumblrTagExtractor(TumblrExtractor):
"""Extractor for images from a tumblr-user by tag"""
subcategory = "tag"
pattern = [BASE_PATTERN + r"/tagged/([^/?&#]+)"]
test = [("http://demo.tumblr.com/tagged/Times%20Square", {
"pattern": (r"https://\d+\.media\.tumblr\.com/tumblr_[^/_]+_1280.jpg"),
"count": 1,
def __init__(self, match):
TumblrExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.tag = text.unquote(match.group(3))
def posts(self):
return self.api.posts(self.blog, {"tag": self.tag})
class TumblrLikesExtractor(TumblrExtractor):
"""Extractor for images from a tumblr-user's liked posts"""
subcategory = "likes"
directory_fmt = ["{category}", "{name}", "likes"]
archive_fmt = "f_{blog[name]}_{id}_{num}"
pattern = [BASE_PATTERN + r"/likes"]
test = [("http://mikf123.tumblr.com/likes", {
"count": 1,
def posts(self):
return self.api.likes(self.blog)
class TumblrAPI(oauth.OAuth1API):
"""Minimal interface for the Tumblr API v2"""
API_KEY = "O3hU2tMi5e4Qs5t3vezEi6L0qRORJ5y9oUpSGsrWu8iA3UCc3B"
API_SECRET = "sFdsK3PDdP2QpYMRAoq0oDnw0sFS24XigXmdfnaeNZpJpqAn03"
def __init__(self, extractor):
oauth.OAuth1API.__init__(self, extractor)
self.posts_type = None
def info(self, blog):
"""Return general information about a blog"""
if blog not in self.BLOG_CACHE:
self.BLOG_CACHE[blog] = self._call(blog, "info", {})["blog"]
return self.BLOG_CACHE[blog]
def avatar(self, blog, size="512"):
"""Retrieve a blog avatar"""
params = {"size": size}
data = self._call(blog, "avatar", params, allow_redirects=False)
return data["avatar_url"]
def posts(self, blog, params):
"""Retrieve published posts"""
params.update({"offset": 0, "limit": 50, "reblog_info": "true"})
if self.posts_type:
params["type"] = self.posts_type
while True:
data = self._call(blog, "posts", params)
self.BLOG_CACHE[blog] = data["blog"]
yield from data["posts"]
params["offset"] += params["limit"]
if params["offset"] >= data["total_posts"]:
def likes(self, blog):
"""Retrieve liked posts"""
params = {"limit": 50}
while True:
posts = self._call(blog, "likes", params)["liked_posts"]
if not posts:
yield from posts
params["before"] = posts[-1]["liked_timestamp"]
def _call(self, blog, endpoint, params, **kwargs):
if self.api_key:
params["api_key"] = self.api_key
url = "https://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/{}/{}".format(
blog, endpoint)
response = self.request(url, params=params, **kwargs)
data = response.json()
status = data["meta"]["status"]
if 200 <= status < 400:
return data["response"]
elif status == 403:
raise exception.AuthorizationError()
elif status == 404:
raise exception.NotFoundError("user or post")
elif status == 429:
# daily rate limit
if response.headers.get("x-ratelimit-perday-remaining") == "0":
reset = response.headers.get("x-ratelimit-perday-reset")
"Daily API rate limit exceeded: aborting; "
"rate limit will reset at %s",
raise exception.StopExtraction()
# hourly rate limit
reset = response.headers.get("x-ratelimit-perhour-reset")
if reset:
"Hourly API rate limit exceeded; "
"waiting until %s for rate limit reset",
time.sleep(int(reset) + 1)
return self._call(blog, endpoint, params)
raise exception.StopExtraction()
def _to_time(reset):
reset_time = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=int(reset))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return "?"
return reset_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")