https://im.vsco.co/ URLs redirect to the appropriate CDN server and occasionally insert a '/1200x1600/' into the image path, limiting image dimensions. This commit constructs redirect targets out of the given im,vsco.co URLs without sending extra HTTP requests and without any "builtin" resolution restrictions.
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209 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for https://vsco.co/"""
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import text
import json
BASE_PATTERN = r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?vsco\.co/([^/]+)"
class VscoExtractor(Extractor):
"""Base class for vsco extractors"""
category = "vsco"
root = "https://vsco.co"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{user}")
filename_fmt = "{id}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{id}"
def __init__(self, match):
Extractor.__init__(self, match)
self.user = match.group(1).lower()
def items(self):
yield Message.Version, 1
yield Message.Directory, {"user": self.user}
for img in self.images():
if img["is_video"]:
url = "https://" + img["video_url"]
base = img["responsive_url"].partition("/")[2]
cdn, _, path = base.partition("/")
if cdn.startswith("aws"):
url = "https://image-{}.vsco.co/{}".format(cdn, path)
elif cdn.isdecimal():
url = "https://image.vsco.co/" + base
url = "https://" + img["responsive_url"]
data = text.nameext_from_url(url, {
"id" : img["_id"],
"user" : self.user,
"grid" : img["grid_name"],
"meta" : img.get("image_meta") or {},
"tags" : [tag["text"] for tag in img.get("tags") or ()],
"date" : text.parse_timestamp(img["upload_date"] // 1000),
"video" : img["is_video"],
"width" : img["width"],
"height": img["height"],
"description": img["description"],
yield Message.Url, url, data
def images(self):
"""Return an iterable with all relevant image objects"""
def _extract_preload_state(self, url):
page = self.request(url, notfound=self.subcategory).text
return json.loads(text.extract(page, "__PRELOADED_STATE__ = ", "<")[0])
def _pagination(self, url, params, token, key, extra):
headers = {
"Referer" : "{}/{}".format(self.root, self.user),
"Authorization" : "Bearer " + token,
"X-Client-Platform": "web",
"X-Client-Build" : "1",
yield from map(self._transform_media, extra)
while True:
data = self.request(url, params=params, headers=headers).json()
medias = data.get(key)
if not medias:
if "cursor" in params:
for media in medias:
yield media[media["type"]]
cursor = data.get("next_cursor")
if not cursor:
params["cursor"] = cursor
yield from medias
params["page"] += 1
def _transform_media(media):
media["_id"] = media["id"]
media["is_video"] = media["isVideo"]
media["grid_name"] = media["gridName"]
media["upload_date"] = media["uploadDate"]
media["responsive_url"] = media["responsiveUrl"]
media["video_url"] = media.get("videoUrl")
media["image_meta"] = media.get("imageMeta")
return media
class VscoUserExtractor(VscoExtractor):
"""Extractor for images from a user on vsco.co"""
subcategory = "user"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"(?:/images(?:/\d+)?)?/?(?:$|[?#])"
test = (
("https://vsco.co/missuri/images/1", {
"pattern": r"https://image(-aws.+)?\.vsco\.co/[0-9a-f/]+/vsco\w+",
"range": "1-80",
"count": 80,
def images(self):
url = "{}/{}/images/1".format(self.root, self.user)
data = self._extract_preload_state(url)
tkn = data["users"]["currentUser"]["tkn"]
sid = str(data["sites"]["siteByUsername"][self.user]["site"]["id"])
site = data["medias"]["bySiteId"][sid]
url = "{}/api/3.0/medias/profile".format(self.root)
params = {
"site_id" : sid,
"limit" : "14",
"show_only": "0",
"cursor" : site["nextCursor"],
return self._pagination(url, params, tkn, "media", (
for media in site["medias"]
class VscoCollectionExtractor(VscoExtractor):
"""Extractor for images from a collection on vsco.co"""
subcategory = "collection"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{user}", "collection")
archive_fmt = "c_{user}_{id}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/collection/"
test = ("https://vsco.co/vsco/collection/1", {
"pattern": r"https://image(-aws.+)?\.vsco\.co/[0-9a-f/]+/vsco\w+\.\w+",
"range": "1-80",
"count": 80,
def images(self):
url = "{}/{}/collection/1".format(self.root, self.user)
data = self._extract_preload_state(url)
tkn = data["users"]["currentUser"]["tkn"]
cid = (data["sites"]["siteByUsername"][self.user]
url = "{}/api/2.0/collections/{}/medias".format(self.root, cid)
params = {"page": 2, "size": "20"}
return self._pagination(url, params, tkn, "medias", (
for mid in data
class VscoImageExtractor(VscoExtractor):
"""Extractor for individual images on vsco.co"""
subcategory = "image"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/media/([0-9a-fA-F]+)"
test = (
("https://vsco.co/erenyildiz/media/5d34b93ef632433030707ce2", {
"url": "a45f9712325b42742324b330c348b72477996031",
"content": "1394d070828d82078035f19a92f404557b56b83f",
"keyword": {
"id" : "5d34b93ef632433030707ce2",
"user" : "erenyildiz",
"grid" : "erenyildiz",
"meta" : dict,
"tags" : list,
"date" : "type:datetime",
"video" : False,
"width" : 1537,
"height": 1537,
"description": "re:Ni seviyorum. #vsco #vscox #vscochallenges",
("https://vsco.co/jimenalazof/media/5b4feec558f6c45c18c040fd", {
"url": "08e7eef3301756ce81206c0b47c1e9373756a74a",
"content": "e739f058d726ee42c51c180a505747972a7dfa47",
"keyword": {"video" : True},
def __init__(self, match):
VscoExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.media_id = match.group(2)
def images(self):
url = "{}/{}/media/{}".format(self.root, self.user, self.media_id)
data = self._extract_preload_state(url)
media = data["medias"]["byId"].popitem()[1]["media"]
return (self._transform_media(media),)