Mike Fährmann 0bb873757a
update PathFormat class
- change 'has_extension' from a simple flag/bool to a field that
  contains the original filename extension
- rename 'keywords' to 'kwdict' and some other stuff as well
- inline 'adjust_path()'
- put enumeration index before filename extension (#306)
2019-08-12 21:40:37 +02:00

133 lines
4.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Convert pixiv ugoira to webm"""
from .common import PostProcessor
from .. import util
import collections
import subprocess
import tempfile
import zipfile
import os
class UgoiraPP(PostProcessor):
def __init__(self, pathfmt, options):
self.extension = options.get("extension") or "webm"
self.args = options.get("ffmpeg-args") or ()
self.twopass = options.get("ffmpeg-twopass", False)
self.output = options.get("ffmpeg-output", True)
self.delete = not options.get("keep-files", False)
ffmpeg = options.get("ffmpeg-location")
self.ffmpeg = util.expand_path(ffmpeg) if ffmpeg else "ffmpeg"
rate = options.get("framerate", "auto")
if rate != "auto":
self.calculate_framerate = lambda _: (None, rate)
if options.get("libx264-prevent-odd", True):
# get last video-codec argument
vcodec = None
for index, arg in enumerate(self.args):
arg, _, stream = arg.partition(":")
if arg == "-vcodec" or arg in ("-c", "-codec") and (
not stream or stream.partition(":")[0] in ("v", "V")):
vcodec = self.args[index + 1]
# use filter if libx264/5 is explicitly or implicitly used
self.prevent_odd = (
vcodec in ("libx264", "libx265") or
not vcodec and self.extension.lower() in ("mp4", "mkv"))
self.prevent_odd = False
def prepare(self, pathfmt):
self._frames = None
if pathfmt.extension != "zip":
if "frames" in pathfmt.kwdict:
self._frames = pathfmt.kwdict["frames"]
elif "pixiv_ugoira_frame_data" in pathfmt.kwdict:
self._frames = pathfmt.kwdict["pixiv_ugoira_frame_data"]["data"]
if self.delete:
def run(self, pathfmt):
if not self._frames:
rate_in, rate_out = self.calculate_framerate(self._frames)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
# extract frames
with zipfile.ZipFile(pathfmt.temppath) as zfile:
# write ffconcat file
ffconcat = tempdir + "/ffconcat.txt"
with open(ffconcat, "w") as file:
file.write("ffconcat version 1.0\n")
for frame in self._frames:
file.write("file '{}'\n".format(frame["file"]))
file.write("duration {}\n".format(frame["delay"] / 1000))
if self.extension != "gif":
# repeat the last frame to prevent it from only being
# displayed for a very short amount of time
file.write("file '{}'\n".format(self._frames[-1]["file"]))
# collect command-line arguments
args = [self.ffmpeg]
if rate_in:
args += ["-r", str(rate_in)]
args += ["-i", ffconcat]
if rate_out:
args += ["-r", str(rate_out)]
if self.prevent_odd:
args += ["-vf", "crop=iw-mod(iw\\,2):ih-mod(ih\\,2)"]
if self.args:
args += self.args
self.log.debug("ffmpeg args: %s", args)
# invoke ffmpeg
if self.twopass:
if "-f" not in args:
args += ["-f", self.extension]
args += ["-passlogfile", tempdir + "/ffmpeg2pass", "-pass"]
self._exec(args + ["1", "-y", os.devnull])
self._exec(args + ["2", pathfmt.realpath])
if self.delete:
pathfmt.delete = True
def _exec(self, args):
out = None if self.output else subprocess.DEVNULL
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=out, stderr=out).wait()
def calculate_framerate(framelist):
counter = collections.Counter(frame["delay"] for frame in framelist)
fps = "1000/{}".format(min(counter))
return (fps, None) if len(counter) == 1 else (None, fps)
__postprocessor__ = UgoiraPP