The idea was to have less metadata clutter for most Tweets were
'author' and 'user' are the same (non-retweets), and only provide
a 'user' field.
The original Tweet author could be gotten with
{author[…]|user[…]}, but basically no one knows about that.
A 'keyarg=1' argument to the memcache decorator would have worked as
well, but keeping the user object in memory isn't useful for the vast
majority of use cases and only wastes space.
- remove useless clutter by creating new tweet-data dicts instead of
reusing the original Tweet objects
- rename fields to how they were named before
('id_str' -> 'tweet_id', etc.)
- only include 'author' if it would differ from 'user'
- restore 'archive_fmt'
Everything except logging in with username & password and TwitPic
embeds should be working again.
Metadata per Tweet is massively different than before (mostly raw API
responses - might need some cleaning up) and the default 'archive_fmt'
- twitter:
Don't test the whole kwdict, only the actual content, since the
keyword hash changes whenever that user changes his display name.
- khinsider:
Download host changed
* [twitter] Fix stop before real end
Fix for Makes sure that it really reached the end by checking that both "min_position" is null and "has_more_items" is false before stopping.
* [twitter] Fix stop before real end (update)
- update metadata structure
- combine all user… entries into their own dict
- let 'user' always specify the Timeline owner
- add 'author' entry that specifies the original Tweet author
- create directories per post (closes#491)
- fix username issues with /i/web/ URLs
This should allow video downloads when logged in without
'forward-cookies' disabled and from protected tweets.
youtube-dl still gets used to download HLS playlists, but the data
extraction part, which doesn't work with youtube-dl at the moment,
now gets handled by gallery-dl itself.
... for individual tweets.
To get a Tweet page with the old Twitter layout, an Internet
Explorer User-Agent (e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64;
Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko) as well as a Referer header
pointing to the page itself is required. The "app_shell_visited"
cookie appears to be optional at the moment, but that is what
a regular web browser would send.
Adds the functionality to download search results on Since twitter only allows downloading of up to 3,200 of a users most recent tweets, you will be unable to download old images from users with a lot of tweets. To bypass this, you can use the twitter search to get the tweets from the sections in time you were stopped at. An example search would be "from:user since:2015-01-01 until:2016-01-01 filter:images". The URL you would use will look something like this
The _tweets_from_api function had to be changed because it would not get the next page of results using the last "data-tweet-id". It would return the same JSON but with a "min_position" string added. Using this string for the "max_position" param from the second page onwards correctly returned the next pages. This change does not interfere with how the other extractors work as far as I know. The 2 regex patterns in the extractors had to be changed to not match the search URL.