The GLFW library path and link flags may differ between Linux
distributions. This makes the build system use the GLFW pkgconfig file,
which hides such differences.
- added debug configs for the lib
- added more data for font stash text iterator (ptr to current and next
position in string, code point)
- renamed nvgVertMetrics() to nvgTextMetrics()
- added nvgTextGlyphPositions() which returns glyph x position for the
- added nvgTextBreakLines breaks a text into multiple rows based on
newlines and max row width
- tweaked tessellation tolerance
- moved demo stuff to separate file
- created two separate examples for gl2 and gl3
- initial stab at OGL 3.2 core profile back-end (currently twice as
slows as 2.0)
- API change: glBeginFrame() takes view witdth and height as input
- added FPS counter to demo