Fix for issue #90 - use custom strong to float conversion

Use custom strong to float conversion instead of the one from std
library to fix parsing floats with locales which use different number
format than specified by SVG.
Mikko Mononen 2017-06-30 18:16:26 +03:00
parent e41d60761f
commit 9b51689812
1 changed files with 65 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ static int nsvg__isspace(char c)
static int nsvg__isdigit(char c)
return strchr("0123456789", c) != 0;
return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
static int nsvg__isnum(char c)
@ -1075,6 +1075,66 @@ error:
// We roll our own string to float because the std library one uses locale and messes things up.
static double nsvg__atof(const char* s)
char* cur = (char*)s;
char* end = NULL;
double res = 0.0, sign = 1.0;
long long intPart = 0, fracPart = 0;
char hasIntPart = 0, hasFracPart = 0;
// Parse optional sign
if (*cur == '+') {
} else if (*cur == '-') {
sign = -1;
// Parse integer part
if (nsvg__isdigit(*cur)) {
// Parse digit sequence
intPart = (double)strtoll(cur, &end, 10);
if (cur != end) {
res = (double)intPart;
hasIntPart = 1;
cur = end;
// Parse fractional part.
if (*cur == '.') {
cur++; // Skip '.'
if (nsvg__isdigit(*cur)) {
// Parse digit sequence
fracPart = strtoll(cur, &end, 10);
if (cur != end) {
res += (double)fracPart / pow(10.0, (double)(end - cur)) * sign;
hasFracPart = 1;
cur = end;
// A valid number should have integer or fractional part.
if (!hasIntPart && !hasFracPart)
return 0.0;
// Parse optional exponent
if (*cur == 'e' || *cur == 'E') {
int expPart = 0;
cur++; // skip 'E'
expPart = strtol(cur, &end, 10); // Parse digit sequence with sign
if (cur != end) {
res *= pow(10.0, (double)expPart);
return res * sign;
static const char* nsvg__parseNumber(const char* s, char* it, const int size)
const int last = size-1;
@ -1434,7 +1494,7 @@ static int nsvg__parseTransformArgs(const char* str, float* args, int maxNa, int
if (*ptr == '-' || *ptr == '+' || *ptr == '.' || nsvg__isdigit(*ptr)) {
if (*na >= maxNa) return 0;
ptr = nsvg__parseNumber(ptr, it, 64);
args[(*na)++] = (float)atof(it);
args[(*na)++] = (float)nsvg__atof(it);
} else {
@ -2152,7 +2212,7 @@ static void nsvg__parsePath(NSVGparser* p, const char** attr)
if (!*item) break;
if (nsvg__isnum(item[0])) {
if (nargs < 10)
args[nargs++] = (float)atof(item);
args[nargs++] = (float)nsvg__atof(item);
if (nargs >= rargs) {
switch (cmd) {
case 'm':
@ -2409,7 +2469,7 @@ static void nsvg__parsePoly(NSVGparser* p, const char** attr, int closeFlag)
nargs = 0;
while (*s) {
s = nsvg__getNextPathItem(s, item);
args[nargs++] = (float)atof(item);
args[nargs++] = (float)nsvg__atof(item);
if (nargs >= 2) {
if (npts == 0)
nsvg__moveTo(p, args[0], args[1]);