
530 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# This version uses the new nodes in mods in stampy_game
# and has extra blockdata orientation conversions for pistons, pumpkins, chests, buttons, etc. (in convdir)
# copy this to ~/.mcedit/filters/
# Minecraft to Minetest WE schematic MCEdit filter
# by sfan5
displayName = "-> Minetest WE schematic"
#Reference MC:
#Reference MT:
conversionTable = [
#blockid blockdata minetest-nodename
#blockdata -1 means ignore
#blockdata -2 means copy without change
#blockdata -3 means copy and convert the mc facedir value to mt facedir
#blockdata -4 is for stairs to support upside down ones
(1 , -1, "default:stone"),
(2 , -1, "default:dirt_with_grass"),
(3 , -1, "default:dirt"),
(4 , -1, "default:cobble"),
(5 , 3, "default:junglewood"),
(5 , -1, "default:wood"),
(6 , 3, "default:junglesapling"),
(6 , -1, "default:sapling"),
(7 , -1, "bedrock:bedrock"),
(8 , -1, "default:water_flowing"),
(9 , -1, "default:water_source"),
(10 , -1, "default:lava_flowing"),
(11 , -1, "default:lava_source"),
(12 , -1, "default:sand"),
(13 , -1, "default:gravel"),
(14 , -1, "default:stone_with_gold"),
(15 , -1, "default:stone_with_iron"),
(16 , -1, "default:stone_with_coal"),
(17 , 3, "default:jungletree"),
(17 , -1, "default:tree"),
(18 , 3, "default:jungleleaves"),
(18 , -1, "default:leaves"),
(19 , 0, "sponge:sponge_dry"),
(19 , 1, "sponge:sponge_wet"),
(20 , -1, "default:glass"),
(21 , -1, "default:stone_with_lapis"),
(22 , -1, "default:lapisblock"),
(24 , 1, "default:sandstonebrick"),
(24 , -1, "default:sandstone"),
(26 , -1, "wool:red"),
(30 , -1, "mobs:cobweb"),
(31 , 0, "default:dry_shrub"),
(31 , 1, "default:grass_4"),
(31 , 2, "default:grass_3"),
(31 , -1, "default:grass_1"),
(32 , -1, "default:dry_shrub"),
(35 , 0, "wool:white"),
(35 , 1, "wool:orange"),
(35 , 2, "wool:magenta"),
(35 , 3, "wool:light_blue"),
(35 , 4, "wool:yellow"),
(35 , 5, "wool:green"),
(35 , 6, "wool:pink"),
(35 , 7, "wool:dark_grey"),
(35 , 8, "wool:grey"),
(35 , 9, "wool:cyan"),
(35 , 10, "wool:violet"),
(35 , 11, "wool:blue"),
(35 , 12, "wool:brown"),
(35 , 13, "wool:dark_green"),
(35 , 14, "wool:red"),
(35 , 15, "wool:black"),
(37 , -1, "flowers:dandelion_yellow"),
(38 , -1, "flowers:rose"),
(41 , -1, "default:goldblock"),
(42 , -1, "default:steelblock"),
(43 , 0, "default:stonebrick"),
(43 , 1, "default:sandstone"),
(43 , 2, "default:wood"),
(43 , 3, "default:cobble"),
(43 , 4, "default:brick"),
(43 , 5, "default:stonebrick"),
(44 , 0, "stairs:slab_stone"),
(44 , 1, "stairs:slab_sandstone"),
(44 , 2, "stairs:slab_wood"),
(44 , 3, "stairs:slab_cobble"),
(44 , 4, "stairs:slab_brick"),
(44 , 5, "stairs:slab_stonebrick"),
(44 , 8, "stairs:slab_stoneupside_down"),
(44 , 9, "stairs:slab_sandstoneupside_down"),
(44 , 10, "stairs:slab_woodupside_down"),
(44 , 11, "stairs:slab_cobbleupside_down"),
(44 , 12, "stairs:slab_brickupside_down"),
(44 , 13, "stairs:slab_stonebrickupside_down"),
(45 , -1, "default:brick"),
2015-04-28 12:19:04 -07:00
(46 , -1, "tnt:tnt"),
(47 , -1, "default:bookshelf"),
(48 , -1, "default:mossycobble"),
(49 , -1, "default:obsidian"),
(50 , 5, "torches:floor"),
(50 , -3, "torches:wall"),
(51 , -1, "fake_fire:fake_fire"),
(53 , -4, "stairs:stair_wood"),
(54 , -3, "default:chest"),
(56 , -1, "default:stone_with_diamond"),
(57 , -1, "default:diamondblock"),
(58 , -1, "crafting:workbench"),
(61 , -3, "default:furnace"),
(62 , -3, "default:furnace_active"),
(63 , -3, "signs:sign_yard"),
(64 , -1, "doors:door_wood_t_1"),
(65 , -3, "default:ladder"),
(66 , -1, "default:rail"),
(67 , -4, "stairs:stair_cobble"),
(68 , -3, "signs:sign_wall"),
(71 , -1, "doors:door_steel_t_1"),
(78 , -1, "default:snow"),
(79 , -1, "default:ice"),
(80 , -1, "default:snowblock"),
(81 , -1, "default:cactus"),
(82 , -1, "default:clay"),
(83 , -1, "default:papyrus"),
(84 , -1, "jdukebox:box"),
(85 , -1, "default:fence_wood"),
(86 , -3, "farming:pumpkin_face"),
(91 , -3, "farming:pumpkin_face_light"),
(92 , -1, "cake:cake"),
2015-10-18 14:39:30 -07:00
(95 , 0, "stained_glass:white"),
(95 , 1, "stained_glass:orange"),
(95 , 2, "stained_glass:magenta"),
(95 , 3, "stained_glass:light_blue"),
(95 , 4, "stained_glass:yellow"),
(95 , 5, "stained_glass:green"),
(95 , 6, "stained_glass:pink"),
(95 , 7, "stained_glass:dark_grey"),
(95 , 8, "stained_glass:grey"),
(95 , 9, "stained_glass:cyan"),
(95 , 10, "stained_glass:violet"),
(95 , 11, "stained_glass:blue"),
(95 , 12, "stained_glass:brown"),
(95 , 13, "stained_glass:dark_green"),
(95 , 14, "stained_glass:red"),
(95 , 15, "stained_glass:black"),
(96 , -3, "doors:trapdoor"),
(98 , -1, "default:stonebrick"),
(101 , -1, "xpanes:pane_iron"),
(102 , -1, "xpanes:pane_glass"),
(103 , -1, "crops:melon"),
(106 , -3, "moreblocks:rope"),
(107, -3, "gate:fencegate"),
(108, -4, "stairs:stair_brick"),
(109, -4, "stairs:stair_stonebrick"),
(110, -1, "default:dirt"),
2015-04-29 07:19:59 -07:00
(111 , -1, "lilypad:waterlily"),
2015-05-05 12:50:59 -07:00
(113 , -1, "nether:fence"),
(116 , -1, "wool:red"),
(117 , -1, "vessels:glass_bottle"),
(118 , -1, "mesecons_lightstone:lightstone_darkgray_off"),
(125, 3, "default:junglewood"),
(125, -1, "default:wood"),
(126, 3, "stairs:slab_junglewood"),
(126, -1, "stairs:slab_wood"),
2015-04-28 12:19:04 -07:00
(127, -1, "farming:cocoa_3"),
(128, -4, "stairs:stair_sandstone"),
(129, -1, "default:stone_with_emerald"),
2015-05-03 15:19:19 -07:00
(130, -3, "default:enderchest"),
(132, -1, "jungle:tripwire"),
(133, -1, "default:emeraldblock"),
(134, -4, "stairs:stair_wood"),
(135, -4, "stairs:stair_wood"),
(136, -4, "stairs:stair_junglewood"),
2015-05-05 11:27:21 -07:00
(139, 0, "default:wall_cobble"),
(139, 1, "default:wall_mossycobble"),
(140 , -1, "flowers:dandelion_yellow"),
(145 , -1, "itemframes:pedestal"),
2015-04-28 12:19:04 -07:00
(146 , -3, "default:chest"),
(149 , -1, "wool:pink"),
(155 , -1, "quartz:block"),
(156 , -3, "moreblocks:stairs_quartz"), # ???
(159 , 0, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_white"),
(159 , 1, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_orange"),
(159 , 2, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_magenta"),
(159 , 3, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_light_blue"),
(159 , 4, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_yellow"),
(159 , 5, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_green"),
(159 , 6, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_pink"),
(159 , 7, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_dark_grey"),
(159 , 8, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_grey"),
(159 , 9, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_cyan"),
(159 , 10, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_violet"),
(159 , 11, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_blue"),
(159 , 12, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_brown"),
(159 , 13, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_dark_green"),
(159 , 14, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_red"),
(159 , 15, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay_black"),
(165 , -1, "jumping:trampoline"),
(167 , -3, "doors:trapdoor"),
(169 , -1, "ocean:sea_lantern"),
(170 , -1, "farming:straw"),
(171 , 0, "carpet:white"),
(171 , 1, "carpet:orange"),
(171 , 2, "carpet:magenta"),
(171 , 3, "carpet:light_blue"),
(171 , 4, "carpet:yellow"),
(171 , 5, "carpet:green"),
(171 , 6, "carpet:pink"),
(171 , 7, "carpet:dark_grey"),
(171 , 8, "carpet:grey"),
(171 , 9, "carpet:cyan"),
(171 , 10, "carpet:violet"),
(171 , 11, "carpet:blue"),
(171 , 12, "carpet:brown"),
(171 , 13, "carpet:dark_green"),
(171 , 14, "carpet:red"),
(171 , 15, "carpet:black"),
(172 , -1, "hardenedclay:hardened_clay"),
(183, -3, "gate:fencegate"),
(184, -3, "gate:fencegate"),
(185, -3, "gate:fencegate"),
(186, -3, "gate:fencegate"),
(187, -3, "gate:fencegate"),
(188, -3, "default:fence_wood"),
(189, -3, "default:fence_wood"),
(190, -3, "default:fence_wood"),
(191, -3, "default:fence_wood"),
(192, -3, "default:fence_wood"),
(193 , -1, "doors:door_wood_t_1"),
(194 , -1, "doors:door_wood_t_1"),
(195 , -1, "doors:door_wood_t_1"),
(196 , -1, "doors:door_wood_t_1"),
(197 , -1, "doors:door_wood_t_1"),
#Mesecons section
# Reference:
(23 , -3, "moremesecons_dispenser:dispenser"),
(25 , -1, "mesecons_noteblock:noteblock", "mesecons"),
2015-10-18 14:39:30 -07:00
(27 , -1, "carts:powerrail"),
(28 , -1, "carts:detectorrail_off"),
(29 , -3, "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off", "mesecons"),
(33 , -3, "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off", "mesecons"),
(55 , -1, "default:mese"),
(69 , -3, "mesecons_walllever:wall_lever_off", "mesecons"),
(70 , -1, "mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_stone_off", "mesecons"),
(72 , -1, "mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_wood_off", "mesecons"),
(73 , -1, "default:stone_with_mese", "mesecons"),
(74 , -1, "default:stone_with_mese", "mesecons"),
(75 , -3, "mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_off", "mesecons"),
(76 , -3, "mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_on", "mesecons"),
(77 , -3, "mesecons_button:button_off", "mesecons"),
(93 , -3, "mesecons_delayer:delayer_off", "mesecons"),
(94 , -3, "mesecons_delayer:delayer_on", "mesecons"),
(123, -1, "mesecons_lightstone_red_off", "mesecons"),
(124, -1, "mesecons_lightstone_red_on", "mesecons"),
(137, -1, "mesecons_commandblock:commandblock_off", "mesecons"),
2015-05-01 05:19:21 -07:00
(143 , -3, "mesecons_button:button_wood_off", "mesecons"),
(151, -1, "mesecons_solarpanel:solar_panel_off", "mesecons"),
(152, -1, "default:mese", "mesecons"),
(154, -1, "hopper:hopper"),
(158, -3, "moremesecons_dispenser:dropper"),
#Nether section
# Reference:
(43 , 6, "nether:brick", "nether"),
(87 , -1, "nether:rack", "nether"),
(88 , -1, "nether:sand", "nether"),
(89 , -1, "nether:glowstone", "nether"),
(90 , -3, "nether:portal", "nether"),
(112, -1, "nether:brick", "nether"),
#Riesenpilz Section
# Reference:
(39 , -1, "riesenpilz:brown", "riesenpilz"),
(40 , -1, "riesenpilz:red", "riesenpilz"),
(99 , -3, "riesenpilz:head_brown", "riesenpilz"),
(100, -3, "riesenpilz:head_brown", "riesenpilz"),
inputs = (
("Output filename", "string"),
("Enabled Mods", "label"),
("Mesecons", ("False", "True")),
("Nether", ("False", "True")),
("Riesenpilz", ("False", "True")),
def mc2mtFacedir(blockdata):
# x+ = 2
# x- = 3
# z+ = 1
# z- = 0
# x+ = 3
# x- = 1
# z+ = 0
# z- = 2
tbl = {
3: 2,
1: 3,
0: 1,
2: 0,
return tbl.get(blockdata, 0)
def stairsdir(blockdata):
tbl = {
3: 2,
1: 1,
0: 3,
2: 0,
return tbl.get(blockdata, 0)
def convdir(name, blockdata):
# x+ = 2
# x- = 3
# z+ = 1
# z- = 0
# x+ = 3
# x- = 1
# z+ = 0
# z- = 2
tbl = {
3: 2,
1: 3,
0: 1,
2: 0,
torch = { # wallmounted
1: 2,
2: 3,
3: 5,
4: 4,
5: 1,
trap = { # facedir
0: 0,
1: 2,
2: 3,
3: 1,
lad = { # wallmounted
2: 4,
3: 5,
4: 3,
5: 2,
chest = { # facedir
2: 0,
3: 2,
4: 3,
5: 1,
signw = {
2: 0,
3: 2,
4: 3,
5: 1,
dela = { # facedir
0: 1,
1: 2,
2: 3,
3: 0,
but = { # facedir
0: 0,
1: 1,
2: 3,
3: 2,
4: 0,
5: 0,
pump = {
3: 1,
1: 3,
0: 2,
2: 0,
out = name, tbl.get(blockdata, 0)
if "torch" in name:
out = name, torch.get(blockdata, 0)
elif "gate" in name:
2015-04-26 11:22:42 -07:00
if blockdata & 4:
name = name + "_open"
out = name, pump.get(blockdata & 3, 0)
elif "trapdoor" in name:
d = blockdata & 3
if blockdata & 8:
name = name + "_top"
if blockdata & 4:
name = name + "_open"
out = name, trap.get(d, 0)
elif "piston" in name:
d = blockdata & 7
if d == 1:
out = name.replace(":piston", ":piston_up"), 0
elif d == 0:
out = name.replace(":piston", ":piston_down"), 0
out = name, signw.get(d, 0)
elif "delayer" in name:
d = blockdata & 3
v = blockdata >> 2
name = name + "_%u" % (v+1)
out = name, dela.get(d, 0)
elif "button" in name or "lever" in name:
out = name, but.get(blockdata & 7, 0)
elif "ladder" in name:
out = name, lad.get(blockdata, 0)
elif "chest" in name or "furnace" in name:
out = name, chest.get(blockdata, 0)
elif "moreblocks:rope" in name:
if blockdata & 1:
out = name, 4
if blockdata & 2:
out = name, 2
if blockdata & 4:
out = name, 5
if blockdata & 8:
out = name, 3
elif "pumpkin" in name:
out = name, pump.get(blockdata, 0)
elif "signs:sign_wall" in name:
out = name, signw.get(blockdata, 0)
elif "signs:sign_yard" in name:
if blockdata < 3 or blockdata > 13:
out = name, 2
if blockdata > 2 and blockdata < 6:
out = name, 3
if blockdata > 5 and blockdata < 10:
out = name, 0
if blockdata > 9 and blockdata < 14:
out = name, 1
elif "dispenser" in name:
out = name, signw.get(blockdata, 0)
return out
def mc2mtstairs(tpl):
if tpl[1] >= 4:
return (tpl[0] + "upside_down", stairsdir(tpl[1] - 4))
return (tpl[0], stairsdir(tpl[1]))
def findConversion(blockid, blockdata, mods):
if blockid == 0:
return None
for cnv in conversionTable:
if blockid != cnv[0]:
# comment out == always assume mods are available...
#if len(cnv) >= 4:
# if mods.get(cnv[3], False) == False:
# continue
if cnv[1] == -1:
return (cnv[2], 0)
elif cnv[1] == -2:
return (cnv[2], blockdata)
elif cnv[1] == -3:
#return (cnv[2], mc2mtFacedir(blockdata))
return convdir(cnv[2], blockdata)
print("dirfail", cnv[2], blockdata)
elif cnv[1] == -4:
return mc2mtstairs((cnv[2], blockdata))
elif cnv[1] != blockdata:
return (cnv[2], 0)
return None
def perform(level, box, options):
f = open(options["Output filename"] + ".we", 'w')
origin = (
box.minx + int((box.maxx - box.minx) / 2),
box.miny + int((box.maxy - box.miny) / 2),
box.minz + int((box.maxz - box.minz) / 2),
mods = {}
for arg in options.keys():
if options[arg] == "True":
mods[arg.lower()] = True
ign = [175,28,36,34,131,52,97] # do not report these blocks as missing
notfound = []
for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
print(x, box.maxx, "%u%% done" % (100*(x-box.minx)/(box.maxx-box.minx)))
for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
c = findConversion(level.blockAt(x, y, z), level.blockDataAt(x, y, z), mods)
if c == None:
if level.blockAt(x, y, z) > 0 and level.blockAt(x, y, z) not in ign:
tt = "%i %i" % (level.blockAt(x, y, z), level.blockDataAt(x, y, z))
print("***", tt)
if tt not in notfound:
calcpos = (x - origin[0], y - origin[1], origin[2] - z)
fmttpl = calcpos + (c[0], level.blockLightAt(x, y, z), c[1])
f.write("%d %d %d %s %d %d\n" % fmttpl)
print("unknown blocks:", notfound)