
438 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

/* Please respect alphabetical order when adding a site in any list */
'use strict';
// Cookies from this list are blocked by default (obsolete)
// defaultSites are loaded from sites(_custom).json at installation extension
var defaultSites = {};
const restrictions = {
'': /.+barrons\.com\/articles\/.+/,
'': /.+prime\.economictimes\.indiatimes\.com\/news\/[0-9]{8}\/.+/,
'': /(.+wsj\.com\/articles\/.+|.+blogs\.wsj\.com\/.+)/
// Don't remove cookies before page load
// allow_cookies are completed with domains in sites(_custom).json (default allow/remove_cookies)
var allow_cookies = [
// Removes cookies after page load
// remove_cookies are completed with domains of sites(_custom).json (default allow/remove_cookies)
var remove_cookies = [
// select specific cookie(s) to hold from remove_cookies domains
const remove_cookies_select_hold = {
'': ['STYXKEY_nsversion'],
'': ['gdpr'],
'': ['wp_gdpr']
// select only specific cookie(s) to drop from remove_cookies domains
const remove_cookies_select_drop = {
'': ['temptationTrackingId'],
'': ['TID_ID'],
'': ['randomSplusId'],
'': ['temptationTrackingId'],
'': ['counter'],
'': ['articleViews']
// Override User-Agent with Googlebot
const use_google_bot = [
// block paywall-scripts individually
var blockedRegexes = {
'': /.+\.lightboxcdn\.com\/.+/,
'': /afr\.com\/assets\/vendorsReactRedux_client.+\.js/,
'': /meter\.bostonglobe\.com\/js\/.+/,
'': /(.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+|cdn\.onesignal\.com\/sdks\/.+\.js)/,
'': /.+\.poool\.fr\/.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+:\/\/.+\.tribdss\.com\//,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /(.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+|economist\.com\/_next\/static\/runtime\/main.+\.js)/,
'': /.+\.epimg\.net\/js\/.+\/noticia\.min\.js/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+\.folha\.uol\.com\.br\/paywall\/js\/.+\/publicidade\.ads\.js/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /haaretz\.co\.il\/htz\/js\/inter\.js/,
'': /haaretz\.com\/hdc\/web\/js\/minified\/header-scripts-int.js.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+\.repstatic\.it\/minify\/sites\/lastampa\/.+\/config\.cache\.php\?name=social_js/,
'': /.+\.swisspay\.ch\/.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+\.blueconic\.net\/.+/,
'': /.+cdn-au\.piano\.io\/api\/tinypass.+\.js/,
'': /nzherald\.co\.nz\/.+\/headjs\/.+\.js/,
'': /scripts\.repubblica\.it\/pw\/pw\.js.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /.+\.tinypass\.com\/.+/,
'': /theglobeandmail\.com\/pb\/resources\/scripts\/build\/chunk-bootstraps\/.+\.js/,
'': /thenation\.com\/.+\/paywall-script\.php/,
'': /.+\.poool\.fr\/.+/
const userAgentDesktop = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +"
const userAgentMobile = "Chrome/41.0.2272.96 Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible ; Googlebot/2.1 ; +"
var enabledSites = [];
function setDefaultOptions() {{
sites: defaultSites
}, function() {
chrome.tabs.create({ 'url': 'chrome://extensions/?options=' + });
// Get the enabled sites (from local storage) & add to allow/remove_cookies (if not already in one of these arrays){
sites: {}
}, function(items) {
var sites = items.sites;
enabledSites = Object.keys(items.sites).map(function(key) {
return items.sites[key];
enabledSites = enabledSites.filter(function(el) { return (el !== '###'); });
for (var domainIndex in enabledSites) {
var domainVar = enabledSites[domainIndex];
if (!allow_cookies.includes(domainVar) && !remove_cookies.includes(domainVar)) {
// Listen for changes to options, namespace) {
var key;
for (key in changes) {
var storageChange = changes[key];
if (key === 'sites') {
var sites = storageChange.newValue;
enabledSites = Object.keys(sites).map(function(key) {
return sites[key];
// Set and show default options on install
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function (details) {
if (details.reason == "install") {
const url_sites = chrome.runtime.getURL('sites.json');
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
response.json().then(json => {
var defaultSites_merge = {...defaultSites, ...json};
defaultSites = defaultSites_merge;
// add custom sites
const url_sites_custom = '';
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
response.json().then(json => {
var defaultSites_merge = {...defaultSites, ...json};
defaultSites = defaultSites_merge;
} else { setDefaultOptions(); }
} );
} else { setDefaultOptions(); }
} );
} else if (details.reason == "update") {
// User updated extension
// Disable javascript for these sites/general paywall-scripts
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(function(details) {
if (!isSiteEnabled(details)) {
return {cancel: true};
urls: ["*://**", "*://**", "*://**", "*://**"],
types: ["script"]
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener(function(details) {
var requestHeaders = details.requestHeaders;
var header_referer = '';
for (var n in requestHeaders) {
if (requestHeaders[n].name.toLowerCase() == 'referer') {
header_referer = requestHeaders[n].value;
// remove cookies for sites medium platform (mainfest.json needs in permissions: <all_urls>)
if (isSiteEnabled({url: ''}) && details.url.indexOf('') !== -1 && header_referer.indexOf('') === -1) {
var domainVar = new URL(header_referer).hostname;
chrome.cookies.getAll({domain: domainVar}, function(cookies) {
for (var i=0; i<cookies.length; i++) {
chrome.cookies.remove({url: (cookies[i].secure ? "https://" : "http://") + cookies[i].domain + cookies[i].path, name: cookies[i].name});
// remove cookies for regional ADR sites of (mainfest.json needs in permissions: <all_urls>)
if (isSiteEnabled({url: ''})) {
const ad_region_domains = ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''];
var domainVar = new URL(details.url).hostname.replace('www.', '');
if (ad_region_domains.includes(domainVar)) {
chrome.cookies.getAll({domain: domainVar}, function(cookies) {
for (var i=0; i<cookies.length; i++) {
if (remove_cookies_select_drop[''].includes(cookies[i].name)){
chrome.cookies.remove({url: (cookies[i].secure ? "https://" : "http://") + cookies[i].domain + cookies[i].path, name: cookies[i].name});
// check for blocked regular expression: domain enabled, match regex, block on an internal or external regex
for (var domain in blockedRegexes) {
if ((isSiteEnabled({url: '.'+ domain}) || isSiteEnabled({url: header_referer})) && details.url.match(blockedRegexes[domain])) {
if (details.url.indexOf(domain) !== -1 || header_referer.indexOf(domain) !== -1) {
// allow BG paywall-script to set cookies in homepage/sections (else no article-text)
if (details.url.indexOf('') !== -1 && (header_referer === ''
|| header_referer.indexOf('/?p1=BGHeader_') !== -1 || header_referer.indexOf('/?p1=BGMenu_') !== -1)) {
chrome.webRequest.handlerBehaviorChanged(function () {});
} else if (header_referer.indexOf('') !== -1 && !(header_referer.indexOf('/article-') !== -1)) {
chrome.webRequest.handlerBehaviorChanged(function () {});
return { cancel: true };
if (!isSiteEnabled(details)) {
var tabId = details.tabId;
var useUserAgentMobile = false;
var setReferer = false;
// if referer exists, set it to google
requestHeaders = (requestHeader) {
if ( === 'Referer') {
if (details.url.indexOf("") !== -1) {
// this fixes images not being loaded on main page
// referrer has to be * otherwise returns 403
requestHeader.value = '';
} else if (details.url.indexOf("") !== -1 || details.url.indexOf("") !== -1) {
requestHeader.value = '';
} else {
requestHeader.value = '';
setReferer = true;
if ( === 'User-Agent') {
useUserAgentMobile = requestHeader.value.toLowerCase().includes("mobile");
return requestHeader;
// otherwise add it
if (!setReferer) {
if (details.url.indexOf("") !== -1 || details.url.indexOf("") !== -1) {
name: 'Referer',
value: ''
} else {
name: 'Referer',
value: ''
// override User-Agent to use Googlebot
var useGoogleBot = use_google_bot.filter(function(item) {
return typeof item == 'string' && details.url.indexOf(item) > -1;
}).length > 0;
if (useGoogleBot) {
"name": "User-Agent",
"value": useUserAgentMobile ? userAgentMobile : userAgentDesktop
"name": "X-Forwarded-For",
"value": ""
// remove cookies before page load
requestHeaders = {
for (var siteIndex in allow_cookies) {
if (details.url.indexOf(allow_cookies[siteIndex]) !== -1) {
return requestHeader;
if ( === 'Cookie') {
requestHeader.value = '';
return requestHeader;
if (tabId !== -1) {
// run contentScript inside tab
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {
file: 'contentScript.js',
runAt: 'document_start'
}, function(res) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError || res[0]) {
return { requestHeaders: requestHeaders };
}, {
urls: ['<all_urls>']
}, ['blocking', 'requestHeaders', 'extraHeaders']);
// remove cookies after page load
chrome.webRequest.onCompleted.addListener(function(details) {
for (var domainIndex in remove_cookies) {
var domainVar = remove_cookies[domainIndex];
if (!enabledSites.includes(domainVar) || details.url.indexOf(domainVar) === -1) {
continue; // don't remove cookies
chrome.cookies.getAll({domain: domainVar}, function(cookies) {
for (var i=0; i<cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie_domain = cookies[i].domain;
var rc_domain = cookie_domain.replace(/^(\.?www\.|\.)/, '');
// hold specific cookie(s) from remove_cookies domains
if ((rc_domain in remove_cookies_select_hold) && remove_cookies_select_hold[rc_domain].includes(cookies[i].name)) {
continue; // don't remove specific cookie
// drop only specific cookie(s) from remove_cookies domains
if ((rc_domain in remove_cookies_select_drop) && !(remove_cookies_select_drop[rc_domain].includes(cookies[i].name))) {
continue; // only remove specific cookie
chrome.cookies.remove({url: (cookies[i].secure ? "https://" : "http://") + cookies[i].domain + cookies[i].path, name: cookies[i].name});
}, {
urls: ["<all_urls>"]
function isSiteEnabled(details) {
var isEnabled = enabledSites.some(function(enabledSite) {
var useSite = (details.url.indexOf("." + enabledSite) !== -1 || details.url.indexOf("/" + enabledSite) !== -1);
if (enabledSite in restrictions) {
return useSite && details.url.match(restrictions[enabledSite]);
return useSite;
return isEnabled;
function getParameterByName(name, url) {
if (!url) url = window.location.href;
name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&');
var regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)'),
results = regex.exec(url);
if (!results) return null;
if (!results[2]) return '';
return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
function stripQueryStringAndHashFromPath(url) {
return url.split("?")[0].split("#")[0];