Block paywall-scripts like TinyPass/Piano (Economist, Spectator, Foreign Policy etc.) and Poool.fr (Challenges.fr). New seperate option for these scripts (or in future always by default?).
110 lines
4.3 KiB
110 lines
4.3 KiB
"Algemeen Dagblad": "ad.nl",
"American Banker": "americanbanker.com",
"Baltimore Sun": "baltimoresun.com",
"Barron's": "barrons.com",
"Bloomberg": "bloomberg.com",
"Bloomberg Quint": "bloombergquint.com",
"Business Insider": "businessinsider.com",
"Caixin Global": "caixinglobal.com",
"Chicago Tribune": "chicagotribune.com",
"Corriere Della Sera": "corriere.it",
"Crain's Chicago Business": "chicagobusiness.com",
"Dagens Nyheter (free articles only)": "dn.se",
"Daily Press": "dailypress.com",
"DeMorgen": "demorgen.be",
"Denver Post": "denverpost.com",
"Eindhovens Dagblad": "ed.nl",
"Encyclopedia Britannica": "britannica.com",
"ET Prime": "prime.economictimes.indiatimes.com",
"Examiner": "examiner.com.au",
"Financial News": "fnlondon.com",
"Financial Times": "ft.com",
"First Things": "firstthings.com",
"Foreign Policy": "foreignpolicy.com",
"Glassdoor": "glassdoor.com",
"Groene Amsterdammer": "groene.nl",
"Haaretz English": "haaretz.com",
"Haaretz": "haaretz.co.il",
"Handelsblatt": "handelsblatt.com",
"Harper's Magazine": "harpers.org",
"Hartford Courant": "courant.com",
"Harvard Business Review": "hbr.org",
"Inc.com": "inc.com",
"L'Echo": "lecho.be",
"La Nacion": "lanacion.com.ar",
"La Repubblica": "repubblica.it",
"La Tercera": "latercera.com",
"Le Devoir": "ledevoir.com",
"Le Monde": "lemonde.fr",
"Le Parisien": "leparisien.fr",
"Les Echos": "lesechos.fr",
"Loeb Classical Library": "loebclassics.com",
"London Review of Books": "lrb.co.uk",
"Los Angeles Business Journal": "labusinessjournal.com",
"Los Angeles Times": "latimes.com",
"Medium (all sites)": "medium.com",
"Mexico News Daily": "mexiconewsdaily.com",
"MIT Sloan Management Review": "sloanreview.mit.edu",
"MIT Technology Review": "technologyreview.com",
"National Post": "nationalpost.com",
"New York Magazine": "nymag.com",
"New Zealand Herald": "nzherald.co.nz",
"Nikkei Asian Review": "asia.nikkei.com",
"NRC Handelsblad": "nrc.nl",
"OrlandoSentinel": "orlandosentinel.com",
"Parool": "parool.nl",
"Quartz": "qz.com",
"Quora": "quora.com",
"San Diego Union Tribune": "sandiegouniontribune.com",
"San Francisco Chronicle": "sfchronicle.com",
"Scientific American (free articles only)": "scientificamerican.com",
"Scribd (documents only)": "scribd.com",
"SOFREP": "sofrep.com",
"Statista": "statista.com",
"SunSentinel": "sun-sentinel.com",
"Telegraaf": "telegraaf.nl",
"The Advocate": "theadvocate.com.au",
"The Age": "theage.com.au",
"The American Interest": "the-american-interest.com",
"The Atlantic": "theatlantic.com",
"The Australian Financial Review (javascript disabled)": "afr.com",
"The Australian": "theaustralian.com.au",
"The Boston Globe": "bostonglobe.com",
"The Business Journals": "bizjournals.com",
"The Canberra Times": "canberratimes.com.au",
"The Diplomat": "thediplomat.com",
"The Economist": "economist.com",
"The Globe and Mail (javascript disabled)": "theglobeandmail.com",
"The Hindu": "thehindu.com",
"The Irish Times (free articles only)": "irishtimes.com",
"The Japan Times": "japantimes.co.jp",
"The Marker": "themarker.com",
"The Mercury News": "mercurynews.com",
"The Morning Call": "mcall.com",
"The Nation": "thenation.com",
"The New Statesman": "newstatesman.com",
"The New York Times": "nytimes.com",
"The New Yorker": "newyorker.com",
"The News-Gazette": "news-gazette.com",
"The Philadelphia Inquirer": "inquirer.com",
"The Seattle Times": "seattletimes.com",
"The Spectator": "spectator.co.uk",
"The Sydney Morning Herald": "smh.com.au",
"The Telegraph": "telegraph.co.uk",
"The Times Literary Supplement": "the-tls.co.uk",
"The Times": "thetimes.co.uk",
"The Toronto Star (javascript disabled)": "thestar.com",
"The Wall Street Journal": "wsj.com",
"The Washington Post": "washingtonpost.com",
"Towards Data Science": "towardsdatascience.com",
"Trouw": "trouw.nl",
"Vanity Fair": "vanityfair.com",
"Volkskrant": "volkskrant.nl",
"Vrij Nederland": "vn.nl",
"Winston-Salem Journal": "journalnow.com",
"Wired": "wired.com",
"----- Block Paywall-scripts -----": "",
"Poool.fr": "assets.poool.fr",
"TinyPass/Piano": "tinypass.com"
} |