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var defaultSites =
2020-06-27 14:22:04 +02:00
"ABC.es": "abc.es",
"Adweek": "adweek.com",
2020-03-04 18:48:08 +01:00
"Aftonbladet": "aftonbladet.se",
2020-07-05 13:10:47 +02:00
"Algemeen Dagblad (+ regional)": "ad.nl",
2020-11-27 19:34:03 +01:00
"Alma Talent (Finland)": "###_fi_alma_talent",
2020-11-15 14:14:57 +01:00
"Alternatives Economiques": "alternatives-economiques.fr",
"American Affairs": "americanaffairsjournal.org",
"American Banker": "americanbanker.com",
2020-07-02 12:42:39 +02:00
"Atavist Magazine": "atavist.com",
2020-07-07 19:35:00 +02:00
"Australia News Corp": "###_au_news_corp",
"Australian Community Media (daily)": "###_au_comm_media",
"Australian Provincial Newspapers (daily) (opt-in)": "###_au_prov_news",
"Baltimore Sun": "baltimoresun.com",
"Barron's": "barrons.com",
2020-06-06 16:46:33 +02:00
"BBC History Extra": "historyextra.com",
"Belfast Telegraph (opt-in)": "belfasttelegraph.co.uk",
"Bloomberg": "bloomberg.com",
"Bloomberg Quint (free articles only)": "bloombergquint.com",
2020-07-09 20:08:48 +02:00
"Brisbane Times": "brisbanetimes.com.au",
"Business Insider": "businessinsider.com",
2020-07-04 13:33:09 +02:00
"Business Standard": "business-standard.com",
"Caixin Global": "caixinglobal.com",
"Challenges": "challenges.fr",
2020-07-25 09:06:28 +02:00
"Charlie Hebdo": "charliehebdo.fr",
"Chemical & Engineering News": "cen.acs.org",
"Chicago Tribune": "chicagotribune.com",
"Chronicle of Higher Education": "chronicle.com",
"Clarín": "clarin.com",
2020-09-13 17:27:57 +02:00
"Commentary Magazine": "commentarymagazine.com",
"CommonWealth Magazine Taiwan": "cw.com.tw",
"Corriere Della Sera": "corriere.it",
"Crain's Chicago Business": "chicagobusiness.com",
"Dagblad van het Noorden": "dvhn.nl",
"Dagens Nyheter": "dn.se",
"Daily Press": "dailypress.com",
"Dark Reading": "darkreading.com",
"De Tijd": "tijd.be",
"DeMorgen": "demorgen.be",
2020-10-26 22:21:02 +01:00
"Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten": "deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de",
2020-08-26 17:29:34 +02:00
"Diario Financiero": "df.cl",
2020-09-24 20:49:59 +02:00
"Die Zeit": "zeit.de",
"Digiday": "digiday.com",
2020-06-14 18:09:33 +02:00
"Discover Magazine": "discovermagazine.com",
2020-09-16 08:27:41 +02:00
"Domani": "editorialedomani.it",
2020-03-28 15:19:06 +01:00
"El Comercio": "elcomercio.pe",
"El Mercurio": "elmercurio.com",
2020-08-26 17:18:34 +02:00
"El Mercurio de Valparaíso": "mercuriovalpo.cl",
2020-05-25 21:01:15 +02:00
"El Mundo": "elmundo.es",
"El País": "elpais.com",
2020-11-23 18:12:13 +01:00
"El Periódico": "elperiodico.com",
"Encyclopedia Britannica": "britannica.com",
"Eureka Report": "eurekareport.com.au",
"Exame": "exame.abril.com.br",
"Financial News": "fnlondon.com",
2020-11-15 14:36:59 +01:00
"Financial Post": "financialpost.com",
"Financial Times": "ft.com",
2020-08-23 20:50:01 +02:00
"Financieele Dagblad (fd.nl)": "fd.nl",
"First Things": "firstthings.com",
"Folha de S. Paulo": "folha.uol.com.br",
2020-06-18 20:54:57 +02:00
"Follow the Money (ftm.nl)": "ftm.nl",
2020-10-21 19:53:49 +02:00
"Foreign Affairs": "foreignaffairs.com",
"Foreign Policy": "foreignpolicy.com",
"Fortune": "fortune.com",
"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung": "faz.net",
2020-11-07 10:43:21 +01:00
"Gazet van Antwerpen": "gva.be",
2020-10-25 09:47:19 +01:00
"GElocal.it": "gelocal.it",
"Gestión": "gestion.pe",
"Glassdoor": "glassdoor.com",
2020-05-15 16:04:31 +02:00
"Globes": "globes.co.il",
"Groene Amsterdammer": "groene.nl",
"Grupo Vocento (Spain, regional daily)": "###_es_grupo_vocento",
"Haaretz English": "haaretz.com",
"Haaretz": "haaretz.co.il",
"Handelsblatt": "handelsblatt.com",
2020-10-02 18:40:45 +02:00
"Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung": "haz.de",
"Harper's Magazine": "harpers.org",
"Hartford Courant": "courant.com",
"Harvard Business Review": "hbr.org",
"Harvard Business Review Taiwan": "hbrtaiwan.com",
"Helsingin Sanomat": "hs.fi",
2020-02-25 23:18:39 +01:00
"Humo.be": "humo.be",
2020-06-27 13:48:59 +02:00
"Il Fatto Quotidiano": "ilfattoquotidiano.it",
2020-05-24 09:46:47 +02:00
"Il Manifesto": "ilmanifesto.it",
"Il Messaggero (+ regional)": "ilmessaggero.it",
2020-10-20 16:59:44 +02:00
"Il Resto del Carlino": "ilrestodelcarlino.it",
2020-06-27 13:48:59 +02:00
"Inc.com": "inc.com",
2020-06-20 09:42:45 +02:00
"Inkl": "inkl.com",
"Intelligent Investor": "intelligentinvestor.com.au",
"Irish Independent (opt-in)": "independent.ie",
2020-06-26 19:56:23 +02:00
"Knack.be": "knack.be",
2020-10-22 19:59:25 +02:00
"Kurier.at": "kurier.at",
"L'Écho": "lecho.be",
2020-03-27 15:20:28 +01:00
"L'Opinion": "lopinion.fr",
2020-10-23 18:14:41 +02:00
"L'Orient-Le Jour": "lorientlejour.com",
2020-11-26 20:17:44 +01:00
"La Croix": "la-croix.com",
2020-03-21 14:33:05 +00:00
"La Dépêche": "ladepeche.fr",
2020-11-12 19:26:21 +01:00
"La Estrella de Valparaíso": "estrellavalpo.cl",
"La Nación": "lanacion.com.ar",
"La Repubblica": "repubblica.it",
2020-07-25 09:41:58 +02:00
"La Segunda": "lasegunda.com",
"La Stampa": "lastampa.it",
"La Tercera": "latercera.com",
"Le Devoir": "ledevoir.com",
"Le Journal du Dimanche": "lejdd.fr",
2020-05-02 09:15:33 +02:00
"Le Journal du Net": "journaldunet.com",
"Le Parisien": "leparisien.fr",
2020-04-04 19:36:19 +02:00
"Le Scienze": "lescienze.it",
"Le Soir": "lesoir.be",
"Leeuwarder Courant": "lc.nl",
2020-10-02 18:40:45 +02:00
"Leipziger Volkszeitung": "lvz.de",
"Les Échos": "lesechos.fr",
"Libération (free articles only)": "liberation.fr",
2020-08-21 09:40:30 +02:00
"LimesOnline": "limesonline.com",
2020-03-28 18:49:43 +01:00
"LiveMint": "livemint.com",
"Loeb Classical Library": "loebclassics.com",
"London Review of Books": "lrb.co.uk",
"Los Angeles Business Journal": "labusinessjournal.com",
"Los Angeles Times": "latimes.com",
2020-11-08 09:54:51 +01:00
"MarketWatch (free articles only)": "marketwatch.com",
"Medium (all sites)": "medium.com",
"Mexico News Daily": "mexiconewsdaily.com",
"Miami Herald": "miamiherald.com",
"MIT Sloan Management Review": "sloanreview.mit.edu",
"MIT Technology Review": "technologyreview.com",
"Modern Healthcare": "modernhealthcare.com",
2020-06-17 16:44:53 +02:00
"National Geographic USA": "nationalgeographic.com",
"Mountain View Voice": "mv-voice.com",
"National Post": "nationalpost.com",
"National Review": "nationalreview.com",
2020-07-02 12:42:39 +02:00
"Nautilus": "nautil.us",
"Neue Ruhr Zeitung": "nrz.de",
2020-03-27 15:20:28 +01:00
"Neue Zürcher Zeitung": "nzz.ch",
"New York Magazine (+ Grub Street, The Cut & Vulture)": "nymag.com",
"New Zealand Herald": "nzherald.co.nz",
2020-06-29 20:00:38 +02:00
"Newsweek": "newsweek.com",
"Nikkei Asian Review": "asia.nikkei.com",
2020-09-12 15:40:21 +02:00
"NK News (free articles only)": "nknews.org",
2020-08-02 12:34:48 +02:00
"Noordhollands Dagblad": "noordhollandsdagblad.nl",
"NRC Handelsblad": "nrc.nl",
"O Estado de S. Paulo": "estadao.com.br",
"O Globo": "globo.com",
"Orange County Register": "ocregister.com",
"Orlando Sentinel": "orlandosentinel.com",
"Palo Alto Online": "paloaltoonline.com",
"Parool": "parool.nl",
2020-04-11 20:23:52 +02:00
"Philosophy Now": "philosophynow.org",
"Pittsburgh Post Gazette": "post-gazette.com",
2020-06-28 17:41:12 +02:00
"Quartz (free articles only)": "qz.com",
"Quora": "quora.com",
2020-10-16 18:41:13 +02:00
"Quotidiano.net": "quotidiano.net",
2020-06-14 18:36:51 +02:00
"Republic.ru": "republic.ru",
2020-09-26 21:19:21 +02:00
"Rolling Stone": "rollingstone.com",
2020-11-15 14:49:31 +01:00
"Sächsische Zeitung": "saechsische.de",
"San Diego Union Tribune": "sandiegouniontribune.com",
"San Francisco Chronicle": "sfchronicle.com",
"Science & Vie": "science-et-vie.com",
2020-05-02 09:02:47 +02:00
"Sciences et Avenir": "sciencesetavenir.fr",
"Scientific American (free articles only)": "scientificamerican.com",
"Scribd (documents only)": "scribd.com",
2020-02-26 23:11:34 +01:00
"Seeking Alpha": "seekingalpha.com",
2020-06-26 18:54:24 +02:00
"Slader": "slader.com",
2020-10-11 14:43:07 +02:00
"Slate": "slate.com",
"SOFREP": "sofrep.com",
2020-08-21 09:02:12 +02:00
"South China Morning Post": "scmp.com",
2020-09-14 21:49:53 +02:00
"Star Tribune": "startribune.com",
"Statista": "statista.com",
2020-09-26 17:27:14 +02:00
"Stock News": "stocknews.com",
"Süddeutsche Zeitung": "sueddeutsche.de",
"SunSentinel": "sun-sentinel.com",
"Tech in Asia": "techinasia.com",
"Telegraaf": "telegraaf.nl",
"The Age": "theage.com.au",
"The American Interest": "the-american-interest.com",
"The Atlantic": "theatlantic.com",
"The Australian Financial Review": "afr.com",
"The Boston Globe (opt-in)": "bostonglobe.com",
"The Business Journals": "bizjournals.com",
"The Christian Science Monitor": "csmonitor.com",
"The Daily Beast (free articles only)": "thedailybeast.com",
"The Denver Post": "denverpost.com",
"The Diplomat": "thediplomat.com",
"The Economist": "economist.com",
2020-09-05 16:58:57 +02:00
"The Fresno Bee": "fresnobee.com",
"The Globe and Mail": "theglobeandmail.com",
"The Hindu": "thehindu.com",
2020-11-25 17:27:58 +01:00
"The Hindu BusinessLine": "thehindubusinessline.com",
"The Irish Times": "irishtimes.com",
"The Japan Times": "japantimes.co.jp",
2020-10-21 08:18:18 +02:00
"The Logic": "thelogic.co",
"The Marker": "themarker.com",
"The Mercury News": "mercurynews.com",
"The Morning Call": "mcall.com",
"The Nation": "thenation.com",
2020-03-23 17:50:50 +01:00
"The New Republic": "newrepublic.com",
"The New Statesman": "newstatesman.com",
2020-10-19 17:06:31 +02:00
"The New York Review of Books": "nybooks.com",
"The New York Times": "nytimes.com",
"The New Yorker": "newyorker.com",
"The News-Gazette": "news-gazette.com",
"The Philadelphia Inquirer": "inquirer.com",
"The Sacramento Bee": "sacbee.com",
"The Saturday Paper": "thesaturdaypaper.com.au",
"The Seattle Times": "seattletimes.com",
"The Spectator": "spectator.co.uk",
"The Spectator Australia": "spectator.com.au",
"The Sydney Morning Herald": "smh.com.au",
"The Telegraph": "telegraph.co.uk",
"The Times": "thetimes.co.uk",
"The Times Literary Supplement": "the-tls.co.uk",
"The Toronto Star": "thestar.com",
"The Wall Street Journal (not Chinese)": "wsj.com",
"The Washington Post": "washingtonpost.com",
2020-10-15 17:10:49 +02:00
"The West Australian (+ regional)": "thewest.com.au",
2020-09-25 14:57:45 +02:00
"Times Higher Education": "timeshighereducation.com",
"Towards Data Science": "towardsdatascience.com",
"Trouw": "trouw.nl",
"Valeurs Actuelles": "valeursactuelles.com",
"Vanity Fair": "vanityfair.com",
2020-09-19 18:10:29 +02:00
"Variety": "variety.com",
"Volkskrant": "volkskrant.nl",
"WAtoday": "watoday.com.au",
2020-09-28 20:43:11 +02:00
"Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung": "waz.de",
"Westfalenpost": "wp.de",
"Westfälische Rundschau": "wr.de",
"Winston-Salem Journal": "journalnow.com",
"Wired": "wired.com",
2020-10-27 17:02:36 +01:00
"WirtschaftsWoche": "wiwo.de",
"World Politics Review": "worldpoliticsreview.com",
"* Block Paywall-scripts (opt-in to custom sites to enable also for non-listed sites)": "###",
"Amp-access": "cdn.ampproject.org",
"BlueConic": "blueconic.net",
"Cxense": "cxense.com",
2020-07-15 19:11:48 +02:00
"Evolok": "evolok.net",
"MatherAnalytics": "matheranalytics.com",
"OneCount": "onecount.net",
"Pelcro": "pelcro.com",
"Piano.io": "piano.io",
"Poool.fr": "poool.fr",
"Qiota": "qiota.com",
"TinyPass": "tinypass.com",
"TribDss": "tribdss.com",
"* BPC settings": "###",
"Show options on update": "#options_on_update"