
luk3yx 2019-01-19 20:28:18 +13:00
parent 390f33644a
commit bd01d79dd3
2 changed files with 141 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ the base.
A miniirc-based relay bot. Edit the networks list before using.
Made for IRC channels with lots of Minetest servers, where only Minetest servers
are voiced, and will allow IRC users to run `.players` to get a list of players
on all the servers without flooding the channel (as badly as requesting a player
list from every server). Currently not cross-channel and will ignore devoices.
# miniirc
A simple IRC client framework.

134 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# Minetest player tracker
# © 2018 by luk3yx
import miniirc, os, time
# Create the IRC object
_irc = miniirc.IRC(
'', 6697, 'trackr', ['#Edgy1'],
realname = 'Minetest player tracker',
ns_identity = 'username password',
auto_connect = False
servers = {}
admins = {'invalid/your-hostmask-here'}
cooldown = 15
# Odd/even
plural = lambda n : '' if n == 1 else 's'
# Handle PRIVMSGs
last_list = 0
def _handle_privmsg(irc, hostmask, args):
global last_list
nick = hostmask[0]
msg = args[-1][1:]
# Check for join/leave/connected players messages
if nick in servers:
if args[-1].startswith(':***'):
n = args[-1].split(' ', 3)
if len(n) <= 2:
if n[2] == 'joined':
elif n[2] == 'left' and n[1] in servers[nick]:
elif args[-1].startswith(':Connected players: '):
servers[nick] = set(args[-1][20:].replace(' ', '').split(','))
if '' in servers[nick]:
# Check for MT players
if msg.startswith('<'):
n = msg.split(' ', 1)
if len(n) > 1 and n[0].endswith('>') and n[0][1].isalnum():
nick = '{}@{}'.format(n[0][1:-1], nick)
msg = n[1].strip()
# Check for the players command
if msg == '.players':
t = time.time()
if t <= last_list + cooldown:
irc.msg(args[0], nick + ': You can only run \2.players\2 once',
'every \2{} seconds\2.'.format(cooldown))
last_list = t
# Get the player list
total = 0
tplayers = 0
for server in servers:
if len(servers[server]) > 0:
total += 1
tplayers += len(servers[server])
players = list(servers[server])
irc.msg(args[0], 'Players on \2{}\2: {}'.format(server,
', '.join(players)))
last_list += 0.5
inactive = len(servers) - total
irc.msg(args[0], ('Total: \2{} player{}\2 across \2{} active server{}\2'
' (and {} inactive server{}).').format(tplayers, plural(tplayers),
total, plural(total), inactive, plural(inactive)))
elif hostmask[-1] in admins and msg == (irc.nick + ': die'):
irc.disconnect(hostmask[0] +
' ordered me to die- wait, why did I listen?')
# Add a server
def add_server(irc, server):
if type(server) != str:
server = server[0]
if server not in servers:
servers[server] = set()
irc.msg(server, 'players - If you are a human, report this to luk3yx.')
# Handle WHO replies
def _handle_who(irc, hostmask, args):
nick, status = args[-3:-1]
if '+' in status:
add_server(irc, nick)
# Hadle MODEs - This is primitive but should work
def _handle_mode(irc, hostmask, args):
if len(args) < 3 or not args[0].startswith('#'):
if args[1] == '+v':
add_server(irc, args[2])
elif args[1].startswith('+') and 'v' in args[1]:
# Don't bother handling this and just send a WHO
irc.quote('WHO', args[0])
# Handle JOIN of this bot
def _handle_join(irc, hostmask, args):
if hostmask[0].lower() == irc.nick.lower():
irc.quote('WHO', args[0])
# Handle PARTs and QUITs from MT servers
@miniirc.Handler('PART', 'QUIT')
def _handle_quit(irc, hostmask, args):
if hostmask[0] in servers:
del servers[hostmask[0]]
# Handle KICKs
def _handle_kick(irc, hostmask, args):
if args[-2] in servers:
del servers[args[-2]]
_irc.persist = True