Add link to the new miniirc repo.

luk3yx 2018-10-28 11:24:14 +13:00
parent ffb016b3d3
commit a50cd6f163
1 changed files with 3 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -6,73 +6,7 @@ A stupidly simple IRC bot to interact with stdin.
A simple IRC client framework.
## Parameters
The miniirc framework is now on a [separate repo](/luk3yx/miniirc), and can be
installed via pip with `sudo -H pip3 install miniirc`.
irc = miniirc.IRC(ip, port, nick, channels = None, *, ssl = None, ident = None, realname = None, persist = True, debug = False, ns_identity = None, auto_connect = True, ircv3_caps = set(), verify_ssl = True)
| Parameter | Description |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ip` | The IP/hostname of the IRC server to connect to. |
| `port` | The port to connect to. |
| `nick` | The nickname of the bot. |
| `channels` | The channels to join on connect. |
| `ssl` | Enable SSL. If `None`, SSL is disabled unless the port is `6697`. |
| `ident` | The ident to use, defaults to `nick`. |
| `realname` | The realname to use, defaults to `nick` as well. |
| `persist` | Whether to automatically reconnect. |
| `debug` | Enables debug mode, prints all IRC messages. |
| `ns_identity` | The NickServ account to use (`<user> <password>`). |
| `auto_connect`| Runs `.connect()` straight away. |
| `ircv3_caps` | A set() of IRCv3 capabilities to request. SASL is auto-added if `ns_identity` is specified. |
| `verify_ssl` | Verifies SSL certificates. Disabling this is not recommended. If you have trouble with SSL certificate verification, try running `pip3 install certifi` first. |
## Functions
| Function | Description |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| `connect()` | Connects to the IRC server if not already connected. |
| `ctcp(target, *msg, reply=False)` | Sends a `CTCP` request or reply to `target`. |
| `debug(...)` | Debug, calls `print(...)` if debug mode is on. |
| `disconnect(msg = ..., *, auto_reconnect = False)`| Disconnects from the IRC server. `auto_reconnect` will be overriden by `self.persist` if set to `True`. |
| `Hander(...)` | An event handler, see [Handlers](#handlers) for more info.|
| `main()` | Starts the main loop in a thread if not already running. |
| `me(target, *msg)` | Sends a `/me` (`CTCP ACTION`) to `target`. |
| `msg(target, *msg)` | Sends a `PRIVMSG` to `target`. |
| `notice(target, *msg)` | Sends a `NOTICE` to `target`. |
| `quote(*msg, force=None)` | Sends a raw message to IRC, use `force=True` to send while disconnected. |
## Handlers
Handlers are `@-rules` called in their own thread when their respective IRC event(s) is/are received. Handlers may be global (`@miniirc.handler`) or local (`@miniirc.IRC().handler`) to a certain IRC connection. New handlers are not added to existing IRC connections automatically, either define handlers before you initialise the `miniirc.IRC` object or add them as local handlers.
The basic syntax for a handler is as followed, where `*events` is a list of events (`PRIVMSG`, `NOTICE`, etc) are called.
import miniirc
def handler(irc, hostmask, args):
# irc: An 'IRC' object.
# hostmask: A 'hostmask' object.
# args: A list containing the arguments sent to the command.
# Everything following the first `:` in the command
# is put into one item (args[-1]).
### Hostmask object
Hostmasks are tuples with the format `('user', 'ident', 'hostname')`. If `ident` and `hostname` aren't sent from the server, they will be filled in with the previous value. If a command is received without a hostmask, all the `hostmask` parameters will be set to the name of the command.
### Example
import miniirc
@miniirc.Handler('PRIVMSG', 'NOTICE')
def handler(irc, hostmask, args):
print(hostmask[0], 'sent a message to', args[0], 'with content', args[1])
This will print a line whenever the bot gets a `PRIVMSG` or `NOTICE`.
Eventually, the `` file in this repo will disappear entirely.