
249 lines
6.9 KiB

// these default settings get executed whenever "config.cfg" is not available
// do not modify anything below, instead change settings in game, or add to autoexec.cfg
name "unnamed"
invmouse 0 // 1 for flightsim mode
sensitivity 3 // similar number to quake
fov 100 // 90 is default in other games
musicvol 60 // set higher if you want (max 255)
soundvol 255 // sounds average volume is actually set per sound, average 100
gamma 100 // set to your liking, 100 = default
fullbrightmodels 25 // make player models a bit easier to see
// console
consize 5 // console is 5 lines
miniconsize 5 // mini-console is 5 lines
miniconwidth 40 // mini-console is 40% of screen width
fullconsize 75 // full console is 75% of screen height
miniconfilter 0x300 // display chat and team chat in mini-console
confilter (&~ 0x2FFF $miniconfilter) // don't display other player frags or mini-console stuff in console
fullconfilter 0xFFFF // display all messages in full console
bind W forward
bind A left
bind S backward
bind D right
bind UP "forward"
bind DOWN "backward"
bind RIGHT "right"
bind LEFT "left"
// old style weapon binds
//bind 0 "weapon 0 1 2"
//bind 1 "weapon 1 2 4"
//bind 2 "weapon 2 1 4"
//bind 3 "weapon 3 4 2"
//bind 4 "weapon 4 3 2"
//bind 5 "weapon 5 3 1"
//bind 6 "weapon 6 2 4"
// new style weapon binds
bind 0 "setweapon FI"
bind 1 "setweapon SG"
bind 2 "setweapon CG"
bind 3 "setweapon RL"
bind 4 "setweapon RI"
bind 5 "setweapon GL"
bind 6 "setweapon PI"
bind 7 "setweapon FI"
bind SPACE "jump"
bind LSHIFT "crouch"
bind MOUSERIGHT "jump"
bind MOUSELEFT "attack"
bind MOUSEMIDDLE "weapon"
specbind MOUSELEFT "nextfollow"
specbind MOUSERIGHT "nextfollow -1"
specbind MOUSEMIDDLE "follow"
specbind SPACE "follow"
bind R dropflag
bind TAB "showscores"
bind T "saycommand"
bind Y "sayteamcommand"
bind BACKQUOTE "saycommand /"
bind SLASH "saycommand /"
bind I taunt
bind E edittoggle
bind LCTRL "allowspedit"
bind RCTRL "allowspedit"
bind KP_MINUS "conskip 5"
bind KP_PLUS "conskip -1000"
bindvarquiet F1 paused
bindvarquiet PAUSE paused
bind F11 "toggleconsole"
bind F12 "screenshot"
bind INSERT "addbot"
bind DELETE "delbot"
hudgun 1
// universal scrollwheel + modifier commands:
defaultmodifier = 0
modifier = $defaultmodifier
domodifier = [ modifier = $arg1; onrelease [ modifier = $defaultmodifier ] ]
universaldelta = [
do [delta_@(if $editing [ result edit ] [ result game ])_@modifier @arg1]
bind MOUSEWHEELUP [ universaldelta 1 ] // also used for editing, see below
bind MOUSEWHEELDOWN [ universaldelta -1 ]
delta_game_0 = [ if (= $arg1 1) [ weapon 2 3 5 4 1 6 0 ] [ weapon 4 1 6 2 3 5 0 ] ]
//zfov = 120
//delta_game_1 = [
// zfov = (+ $zfov (* $arg1 (div $zfov -5)))
// if (< $zfov 10) [ zfov = 10 ]
// if (> $zfov 120) [ zfov = 120 ]
// fov $zfov
//bind G [ domodifier 1 ]
bind G [ togglezoom ]
bind Z [ togglezoom ]
// Editing related bindings
editbind SPACE [ cancelsel ]
editbind MOUSELEFT [ if $blendpaintmode [paintblendmap] [editdrag] ]
editbind MOUSEMIDDLE [ selcorners ]
editbind MOUSERIGHT [ if $blendpaintmode [rotateblendbrush] [editextend] ]
editbind J [ gotosel ]
editbind KP_ENTER [ entselect insel ]
editbind N [ selentfindall ]
editbind LSHIFT [ editcut ]
editbindmod LCTRL [ passthrough ]
editbindmod LALT [ hmapedit ]
editbind DELETE [ editdel ]
editbind T [ saycommand ]
editbind X [ editflip ]
editbind C [ editcopy ]
editbind V [ editpaste ]
editbind Z [ undo; passthroughsel 0]
editbind U [ undo; passthroughsel 0]
editbind I [ redo ]
editbind H [ if $hmapedit [ editface 1 -1 ] [ hmapedit 1 ] ]
editbind O [ domodifier 15 ] // vSlot: offset H
editbind P [ domodifier 16 ] // vSlot: offset V
editbindvar 5 hidehud
editbindvar 6 entselsnap
editbindvar 7 outline
editbindvar 8 wireframe
bindvar 9 thirdperson
editbindvar 0 allfaces
editbind K calclight
editbindvar L fullbright
editbindvar M showmat
editbind PERIOD selentedit
editbind F2 showtexgui
editbind F3 [if (cleargui 1) [] [showentgui]]
editbind F4 [if (cleargui 1) [] [showgui mapmodels]]
editbind F5 savemap
editbind F6 [ notepad (mapcfgname) ]
editbind F9 [echo (getseltex) : (gettexname (getseltex))] // echo texture info
// commands below are used with scroll wheel (and universaldelta).
// if you have no scroll wheel or don't want to use it,
// you can either change the binds of universaldelta
// ex: bind MOUSEWHEELUP [ universaldelta 1 ]
// bind MOUSEWHEELDOWN [ universaldelta -1 ]
// can be changed to:
// bind PAGEUP [ universaldelta 1 ]
// bind PAGEDOWN [ universaldelta -1 ]
// so that the PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN key act just like a scroll wheel
// or you can rebind all the commands to seperate keys
// ex: bind T [ domodifier 6 ]
// can be changed to:
// bind HOME [ edittex 1 ]
// bind END [ edittex -1 ]
editbind G [ domodifier 1 ] // domodifier 1 -> executes delta_edit_1
editbind F [ domodifier 2 ] // etc...
editbind Q [ domodifier 3 ]
editbind R [ domodifier 4 ]
editbind Y [ domodifier 6 ]
editbind B [ domodifier 9 ]
editbind COMMA [ domodifier 10; onrelease entautoview ]
delta_edit_0 = [
if $blendpaintmode [
scrollblendbrush $arg1
] [
editfacewentpush $arg1 1 // Fill and Empty cube
delta_edit_1 = [ nodebug [ gridpower (+ $arg1 $gridpower) ] ]
delta_edit_2 = [ editfacewentpush $arg1 0 ] // push face/corners selected
delta_edit_3 = [ editfacewentpush $arg1 2 ] // push corner pointed at by cursor
delta_edit_4 = [ if $blendpaintmode [rotateblendbrush $arg1] [editrotate $arg1] ] // rotate 90 degrees
delta_edit_5 = [ entproperty 0 $arg1 ] // and the others
delta_edit_6 = [ edittex $arg1 ] // change textures
delta_edit_9 = [ selectbrush $arg1 ] // change heightmap brushes
delta_edit_10 = [ entautoview $arg1 ]
editbind 1 [ domodifier 11 ]
editbind 2 [ domodifier 12 ]
editbind 3 [ domodifier 13 ]
editbind 4 [ domodifier 14 ]
delta_edit_11 = [ entproperty 0 (* $arg1 $multiplier) ]
delta_edit_12 = [ entproperty 1 (* $arg1 $multiplier) ]
delta_edit_13 = [ entproperty 2 (* $arg1 $multiplier) ]
delta_edit_14 = [ entproperty 3 (* $arg1 $multiplier) ]
delta_edit_15 = [ vdelta [voffset (* $arg1 $multiplier2) 0] ] // vSlot: offset H
delta_edit_16 = [ vdelta [voffset 0 (* $arg1 $multiplier2)] ] // vSlot: offset V
delta_edit_17 = [ vdelta [vrotate $arg1] ] // vSlot: rotate
delta_edit_18 = [ vdelta [vscale (if (< $arg1 0) 0.5 2)] ] // vSlot: scale
//editbind LALT [multiplier = 10;onrelease [multiplier = 1]]
//editbind RALT [multiplier2 = 32;onrelease [multiplier2 = 16]]
multiplier = 1
multiplier2 = 16
//Blendmap Painting
editbind KP0 [setblendpaintmode 0]
editbind KP1 [setblendpaintmode 1]
editbind KP2 [setblendpaintmode 2]
editbind KP3 [setblendpaintmode 3]
editbind KP4 [setblendpaintmode 4]
editbind KP5 [setblendpaintmode 5]
editbind KP8 [scrollblendbrush -1]
editbind KP9 [scrollblendbrush 1]