better player vs. mm-obb collision

Lee Salzman 2013-06-04 00:03:49 +03:00
parent 6d974c991e
commit 43c30132ab
2 changed files with 102 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -765,7 +765,82 @@ static inline bool mmcollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, const extentity &e, con
return true;
bool mmcollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, octaentities &oc) // collide with a mapmodel
template<class E>
static bool fuzzycolliderect(physent *d, const vec &dir, float cutoff, const vec &o, const vec &center, const vec &radius, int yaw, int pitch, int roll)
vec bbcenter = center, bbradius = radius;
rotatebb(bbcenter, bbradius, yaw, pitch, roll);
if(fabs(d->o.x - bbcenter.x) > bbradius.x + d->radius || fabs(d->o.y - bbcenter.y) > bbradius.y + d->radius ||
d->o.z + d->aboveeye < bbcenter.z - bbradius.z || d->o.z - d->eyeheight > bbcenter.z + bbradius.z)
return true;
matrix3x3 orient;
if(roll < 0) roll = 360 + roll%360;
else if(roll >= 360) roll %= 360;
const vec2 &rot = sincos360[roll];
orient.rotate_around_y(rot.x, rot.y);
if(pitch < 0) pitch = 360 + pitch%360;
else if(pitch >= 360) pitch %= 360;
const vec2 &rot = sincos360[pitch];
orient.rotate_around_x(rot.x, -rot.y);
if(yaw < 0) yaw = 360 + yaw%360;
else if(yaw >= 360) yaw %= 360;
const vec2 &rot = sincos360[yaw];
orient.rotate_around_z(rot.x, -rot.y);
E entvol(d);
wall = vec(0, 0, 0);
float bestdist = -1e10f;
vec w;
float dist;
case 0: w = vec(orient.a).neg(); dist = center.x - radius.x; break;
case 1: w = orient.a; dist = -center.x - radius.x; break;
case 2: w = vec(orient.b).neg(); dist = center.y - radius.y; break;
case 3: w = orient.b; dist = -center.y - radius.y; break;
case 4: w = vec(orient.c).neg(); dist = center.z - radius.z; break;
case 5: w = orient.c; dist = -center.z - radius.z; break;
vec pw = entvol.supportpoint(vec(w).neg());
dist +=;
if(dist >= 0) return true;
if(dist <= bestdist) continue;
wall = vec(0, 0, 0);
bestdist = dist;
if( >= -cutoff*dir.magnitude()) continue;
if(d->type<ENT_CAMERA &&
dist < (dir.z*w.z < 0 ?
d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/(dir.z < 0 ? 3.0f : 4.0f) :
((dir.x*w.x < 0 || dir.y*w.y < 0) ? -d->radius : 0)))
wall = w;
inside = true;
return true;
return false;
bool mmcollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, float cutoff, octaentities &oc) // collide with a mapmodel
const vector<extentity *> &ents = entities::getents();
@ -781,13 +856,17 @@ bool mmcollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, octaentities &oc) // co
if(pitch || roll) rotatebb(center, radius, 0, pitch, roll);
//if(!mmcollide<mpr::EntCylinder, mpr::ModelEllipse>(d, dir, e, center, radius, yaw, pitch, roll)) return false;
if(pitch || roll) rotatebb(center, radius, 0, pitch, roll);
if(!ellipsecollide(d, dir, e.o, center, yaw, radius.x, radius.y, radius.z, radius.z)) return false;
//else if(!mmcollide<mpr::EntCylinder, mpr::ModelOBB>(d, dir, e, center, radius, yaw, pitch, roll)) return false;
else if(pitch || roll)
if(!fuzzycolliderect<mpr::EntCapsule>(d, dir, cutoff, e.o, center, radius, yaw, pitch, roll)) return false;
else if(!ellipserectcollide(d, dir, e.o, center, yaw, radius.x, radius.y, radius.z, radius.z)) return false;
@ -1097,7 +1176,7 @@ static inline bool octacollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, float cutoff, const i
loopoctabox(cor, size, bo, bs)
if(c[i].ext && c[i].ext->ents) if(!mmcollide(d, dir, *c[i].ext->ents)) return false;
if(c[i].ext && c[i].ext->ents) if(!mmcollide(d, dir, cutoff, *c[i].ext->ents)) return false;
ivec o(i, cor.x, cor.y, cor.z, size);
@ -1125,12 +1204,12 @@ static inline bool octacollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, float cutoff, const i
if(diff&~((1<<scale)-1) || uint(bo.x|bo.y|bo.z|(bo.x+bs.x)|(bo.y+bs.y)|(bo.z+bs.z)) >= uint(worldsize))
return octacollide(d, dir, cutoff, bo, bs, worldroot, ivec(0, 0, 0), worldsize>>1);
const cube *c = &worldroot[octastep(bo.x, bo.y, bo.z, scale)];
if(c->ext && c->ext->ents && !mmcollide(d, dir, *c->ext->ents)) return false;
if(c->ext && c->ext->ents && !mmcollide(d, dir, cutoff, *c->ext->ents)) return false;
while(c->children && !(diff&(1<<scale)))
c = &c->children[octastep(bo.x, bo.y, bo.z, scale)];
if(c->ext && c->ext->ents && !mmcollide(d, dir, *c->ext->ents)) return false;
if(c->ext && c->ext->ents && !mmcollide(d, dir, cutoff, *c->ext->ents)) return false;
if(c->children) return octacollide(d, dir, cutoff, bo, bs, c->children, ivec(bo).mask(~((2<<scale)-1)), 1<<scale);

View File

@ -662,29 +662,32 @@ struct matrix3x3
c = vec(0, 0, 1);
void rotate_around_x(float angle)
void rotate_around_x(float ck, float sk)
float ck = cosf(angle), sk = -sinf(angle);
sk = -sk;
a.rotate_around_x(ck, sk);
b.rotate_around_x(ck, sk);
c.rotate_around_x(ck, sk);
void rotate_around_x(float angle) { rotate_around_x(cosf(angle), sinf(angle)); }
void rotate_around_y(float angle)
void rotate_around_y(float ck, float sk)
float ck = cosf(angle), sk = -sinf(angle);
sk = -sk;
a.rotate_around_y(ck, sk);
b.rotate_around_y(ck, sk);
c.rotate_around_y(ck, sk);
void rotate_around_y(float angle) { rotate_around_x(cosf(angle), sinf(angle)); }
void rotate_around_z(float angle)
void rotate_around_z(float ck, float sk)
float ck = cosf(angle), sk = -sinf(angle);
sk = -sk;
a.rotate_around_z(ck, sk);
b.rotate_around_z(ck, sk);
c.rotate_around_z(ck, sk);
void rotate_around_z(float angle) { rotate_around_x(cosf(angle), sinf(angle)); }
vec transform(const vec2 &o) const { return vec(a.x*o.x + a.y*o.y, b.x*o.x + b.y*o.y, c.x*o.y + c.y*o.y); }
@ -844,29 +847,32 @@ struct matrix3x4
c = vec4(d.x*d.z*(1-ck)-d.y*sk, d.y*d.z*(1-ck)+d.x*sk, d.z*d.z*(1-ck)+ck, 0);
void rotate_around_x(float angle)
void rotate_around_x(float ck, float sk)
float ck = cosf(angle), sk = -sinf(angle);
sk = -sk;
a.rotate_around_x(ck, sk);
b.rotate_around_x(ck, sk);
c.rotate_around_x(ck, sk);
void rotate_around_x(float angle) { rotate_around_x(cosf(angle), sinf(angle)); }
void rotate_around_y(float angle)
void rotate_around_y(float ck, float sk)
float ck = cosf(angle), sk = -sinf(angle);
sk = -sk;
a.rotate_around_y(ck, sk);
b.rotate_around_y(ck, sk);
c.rotate_around_y(ck, sk);
void rotate_around_y(float angle) { rotate_around_x(cosf(angle), sinf(angle)); }
void rotate_around_z(float angle)
void rotate_around_z(float ck, float sk)
float ck = cosf(angle), sk = -sinf(angle);
sk = -sk;
a.rotate_around_z(ck, sk);
b.rotate_around_z(ck, sk);
c.rotate_around_z(ck, sk);
void rotate_around_z(float angle) { rotate_around_x(cosf(angle), sinf(angle)); }
vec transform(const vec &o) const { return vec(,,; }
vec transposedtransform(const vec &o) const