
126 lines
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/* *****************************************************************************
** Initial file written and documented by:
** Kevin Shepherd <> December 2007
** of Scarlet Line
/** \file gd_io_stream.h
\brief C++ standard library iostream specializations of gdIOCtx.
Note that all of the methods defined in this header are internal to the
libgd library, except for the constructors.
Only the constructors are needed by a user of the libgd API.
This file does not use or need gdpp.h, but if GD::Image is
used, then C++ coding becomes even simpler, and the classes below
become entirely hidden implementation details.
Example usage, convert png to gif:
#include <fstream>
#include "gd_io_stream.h"
std::ifstream in("image.png", std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
if (in.good())
istreamIOCtx _in_ctx(in);
gdImagePtr im_in = gdImageCreateFromPngCtx ( & _in_ctx);
std::ofstream out("image.gif", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary );
ostreamIOCtx _out_ctx(out);
gdImageGifCtx(im_in, & _out_ctx);
#ifndef _gd_io_stream_h
#define _gd_io_stream_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "gd.h"
#include <iostream>
/** Standard library input stream specialization of gdIOCtx
class BGD_EXPORT_DATA_IMPL istreamIOCtx : public gdIOCtx
typedef std::istream stream_type;
/** Construct an instance of this input stream specialization,
given an input stream.
For example:
std::ifstream in("image.png", std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
istreamIOCtx in_ctx(in);
istreamIOCtx(stream_type & __stream) {
init( & __stream);
static int Getbuf(gdIOCtxPtr ctx, void *buf, int size);
static int Putbuf(gdIOCtxPtr, const void *, int);
static void Putchar(gdIOCtxPtr, int);
static int Getchar(gdIOCtxPtr ctx);
static int Seek(gdIOCtxPtr ctx, const int pos);
static long Tell(gdIOCtxPtr ctx);
static void FreeCtx(gdIOCtxPtr ctx);
void init(stream_type * __stream) {
getC = Getchar;
putC = Putchar;
getBuf = Getbuf;
putBuf = Putbuf;
tell = Tell;
seek = Seek;
gd_free = FreeCtx;
_M_stream = __stream;
stream_type * _M_stream;
/** Allocate a new instance of the class
inline gdIOCtxPtr gdNewIstreamCtx(std::istream *__stream)
return new istreamIOCtx(* __stream);
/** Standard library output stream specialization of gdIOCtx
class BGD_EXPORT_DATA_IMPL ostreamIOCtx : public gdIOCtx
typedef std::ostream stream_type;
/** Construct an instance of this output stream specialization,
given an output stream.
For example:
std::ofstream out("image.gif", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary );
ostreamIOCtx out_ctx(out);
ostreamIOCtx(stream_type & __stream) {
init( & __stream);
static int Getbuf(gdIOCtxPtr, void *, int);
static int Putbuf(gdIOCtxPtr ctx, const void *buf, int size);
static int Getchar(gdIOCtxPtr);
static void Putchar(gdIOCtxPtr ctx, int a);
static int Seek(gdIOCtxPtr ctx, const int pos);
static long Tell(gdIOCtxPtr ctx);
static void FreeCtx(gdIOCtxPtr ctx);
void init(stream_type * __stream) {
getC = Getchar;
putC = Putchar;
getBuf = Getbuf;
putBuf = Putbuf;
tell = Tell;
seek = Seek;
gd_free = FreeCtx;
_M_stream = __stream;
stream_type * _M_stream;
/** Allocate a new instance of the class
inline gdIOCtxPtr gdNewOstreamCtx(std::ostream *__stream)
return new ostreamIOCtx(* __stream);
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* _gd_io_stream_h */