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# Contributing to Atom
:+1::tada: First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! :tada::+1:
#### Table Of Contents
[What should I know before I get started?](#what-should-i-know-before-i-get-started)
* [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct)
* [Repositories](#Repositories)
[How Can I Contribute?](#how-can-i-contribute)
* [Reporting Bugs](#reporting-bugs)
* [Suggesting Enhancements](#suggesting-enhancements)
* [Your First Code Contribution](#your-first-code-contribution)
* [Pull Requests](#pull-requests)
* [Git Commit Messages](#git-commit-messages)
* [CoffeeScript Styleguide](#coffeescript-styleguide)
* [Specs Styleguide](#specs-styleguide)
* [Documentation Styleguide](#documentation-styleguide)
## What should I know before I get started?
### Code of Conduct
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant [code of conduct](
By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
Please report unacceptable behavior to [](
### Repositories
* [The main libGD repository]( for the library and utilities released as part of libgd
* [The libgd website repository]( for the website
* [The Pango support for libgd repository]( for the for libGD Pango support
## How Can I Contribute?
### Reporting Bugs
This section guides you through submitting a bug report for Atom. Following these guidelines helps maintainers and the community understand your report :pencil:, reproduce the behavior :computer: :computer:, and find related reports :mag_right:.
Before creating bug reports, please check [this list](#before-submitting-a-bug-report) as you might find out that you don't need to create one. When you are creating a bug report, please [include as many details as possible](#how-do-i-submit-a-good-bug-report). If you'd like, you can use [this template](#template-for-submitting-bug-reports) to structure the information.
#### Before Submitting A Bug Report
* **Determine [which repository the problem should be reported in](#atom-and-packages)**.
* **Perform a [cursory search](** to see if the problem has already been reported. If it has, add a comment to the existing issue instead of opening a new one.
#### How Do I Submit A (Good) Bug Report?
For security related bugs, github does not support private issues, that's why we have to handle security issues outside the issues tracker for now. Please drop a mail to [](
Bugs are tracked as [GitHub issues]( After you've determined [which repository](#repositories) your bug is related to, create an issue on that repository and provide the following information.
Explain the problem and include additional details to help maintainers reproduce the problem:
* **Use a clear and descriptive title** for the issue to identify the problem.
* **Describe the exact steps which reproduce the problem** in as many details as possible.
* **Provide specific examples to demonstrate the steps**. Include links to files or GitHub projects, or copy/pasteable workable example (for example see [this simple test case](, which you use in those examples. If you're providing snippets in the issue, use [Markdown code blocks](
* **Describe the behavior you observed after following the steps** and point out what exactly is the problem with that behavior.
* **Explain which behavior you expected to see instead and why.**
* **Include images, expected and result images** which show you following the described steps and clearly demonstrate the problem.
* **If you're reporting that libGD crashed**, include a crash report with a stack trace from the operating system. Include the crash report in the issue in a [code block](, a [file attachment](, or put it in a [gist]( and provide link to that gist.