
427 lines
13 KiB

-- Parameters
local YWATER = 1 -- Normally set this to world's water level
-- Particles are timed to disappear at this y
-- Particles are not spawned for players below this y
-- Rain sound is not played for players below this y
local YMIN = -48 -- Normally set this to deepest ocean
local YMAX = 120 -- Normally set this to cloud level
-- Weather does not occur for players outside this y range
local PRECTIM = 5 -- Precipitation noise 'spread'
-- Time scale for precipitation variation, in minutes
local PRECTHR = 0.2 -- Precipitation noise threshold, -1 to 1:
-- -1 = precipitation all the time
-- 0 = precipitation half the time
-- 1 = no precipitation
local FLAKLPOS = 32 -- Snowflake light-tested positions per 0.5s cycle
-- Maximum number of snowflakes spawned per 0.5s
local DROPLPOS = 64 -- Raindrop light-tested positions per 0.5s cycle
local DROPPPOS = 2 -- Number of raindrops spawned per light-tested position
local RAINGAIN = 0.2 -- Rain sound volume
local NISVAL = 39 -- Overcast sky RGB value at night (brightness)
local DASVAL = 159 -- Overcast sky RGB value in daytime (brightness)
local FLAKRAD = 16 -- Radius in which flakes are created
local DROPRAD = 16 -- Radius in which drops are created
local SB_INTERVAL = 2 -- Overcast skybox update interval, [1,2,…)
local FREEZE_STEP = 1 -- Rain/snow transition step size (in heat/humid units)
local DRY_STEP = 1 -- Dry desert transition step size (in heat/humid units)
local CLOUD_STEP = 1 -- Cloud density step size (in percent)
-- Precipitation noise
local np_prec = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x = PRECTIM, y = PRECTIM, z = PRECTIM},
seed = 813,
octaves = 1,
persist = 0,
lacunarity = 2.0,
flags = "defaults"
-- Enabling debug adds a HUD to display snowdrift state
local debug = false
-- Valleys mapgen support (also must match world parameters)
local altitude_chill = false
local altitude_dry = false
local alt_chill_dist = 90
-- Snow/rain transition
local freeze_pt = 35 -- valleys with altitude_* seems to like 32
local freeze_step = FREEZE_STEP
-- Desert transition
local dry_step = DRY_STEP
-- Cloud density change step (in hundredths)
local cl_step = CLOUD_STEP
-- End parameters
-- Do files
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("snowdrift") .. "/debug.lua")
-- Some stuff
local difsval = DASVAL - NISVAL
local grad = 14 / 95
local yint = 1496 / 95
local yint_offset = dry_step * 93.9849250811 -- 95 * sqrt(95^2/(95^2+14^2))
-- Initialise noise objects to nil
local nobj_prec = nil
-- Player tables
local rain_level = {}
local handles = {}
local skybox = {} -- true/false. To not turn off skyboxes of other mods
-- Globalstep function
local timer = 0
local cloud_state = {}
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
cloud_state[player_name] = { prlev=0, setval=44 }
timer = timer + dtime
if timer < 0.5 then
timer = 0
for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
local ppos = player:getpos()
-- Point just above player head, to ensure precipitation when swimming
local pposy = math.floor(ppos.y) + 2
if pposy >= YMIN and pposy <= YMAX then
--TODO Predict player position? Only horizontally
--local ppos = vector.add(player:getpos(),
--vector.multiply(player:get_player_velocity(), ?))
local pposx = math.floor(ppos.x)
local pposz = math.floor(ppos.z)
local ppos = {x = pposx, y = pposy, z = pposz}
-- Precipitation noise function
local nobj_prec = nobj_prec or minetest.get_perlin(np_prec)
local nval_temp = minetest.get_heat(ppos)
local nval_humid = minetest.get_humidity(ppos)
local nval_prec = nobj_prec:get2d({x = os.clock() / 60, y = 0})
-- valleys mapgen adjustments to temp and humidity based on elevation
local elev = pposy - 2
while elev > 0 and minetest.get_node({x=pposx, y=elev, z=pposz}).name == "air" do
elev = elev - 1
if altitude_chill then
nval_temp = nval_temp - (20 * elev / alt_chill_dist)
if altitude_dry then
nval_humid = nval_humid - (10 * elev / alt_chill_dist)
-- Biome system: Frozen biomes below heat 35,
-- deserts below line 14 * t - 95 * h = -1496
-- h = (14 * t + 1496) / 95
-- h = 14/95 * t + 1496/95
-- where 14/95 is gradient and 1496/95 is y intersection
-- h - 14/95 t = 1496/95 y intersection
-- so area above line is
-- h - 14/95 t > 1496/95
--local freeze = nval_temp < 35
--local precip = nval_prec > PRECTHR and
-- nval_humid - grad * nval_temp > yint
local precip = nval_prec > PRECTHR
-- Create transition between precipitation levels
-- (0 = dry, to 4 = full precip)
-- Uses parallel desert lines spaced dry_step apart.
local heat_humid = 190*nval_humid - 28*nval_temp
local pr_maxlev
if heat_humid <= 2992 - 3 * yint_offset then
pr_maxlev = 0
elseif heat_humid <= 2992 - yint_offset then
pr_maxlev = 1
elseif heat_humid <= 2992 + yint_offset then
pr_maxlev = 2
elseif heat_humid <= 2992 + 3 * yint_offset then
pr_maxlev = 3
pr_maxlev = 4
-- define cloud density threshholds for each precip level
local pr_to_cl = function(i)
local table = { [0]=50, [1]=60, [2]=70, [3]=90, [4]=100 }
return table[i]
-- define non-precip cloud density based on local humidity
local hum_den = nval_humid * 0.4 + 20 -- cden = 20% - 60%
-- aliases for cloud state variables
local pr_level = cloud_state[player_name].prlev
local cl_setval = cloud_state[player_name].setval
if precip then -- increase or continue precip, unless pr_maxlev dropped
if pr_level < pr_maxlev then
if cl_setval < pr_to_cl(pr_level + 1) then
cloud_state[player_name].setval = cl_setval + cl_step
cloud_state[player_name].prlev = pr_level + 1 -- bump to next state
elseif pr_level > pr_maxlev then -- entered dryer region
if cl_setval > pr_to_cl(pr_level - 1) then
cloud_state[player_name].setval = cl_setval - cl_step
cloud_state[player_name].prlev = pr_level - 1 -- drop state down
else -- gradually stop precip across the board
if pr_level > 0 then
if cl_setval > pr_to_cl(pr_level - 1) and cl_setval > hum_den then
cloud_state[player_name].setval = cl_setval - cl_step
cloud_state[player_name].prlev = pr_level - 1 -- drop state down
else -- precip is done, gradually transition to non-precip cloud density
if cl_setval > hum_den + 1 then
cloud_state[player_name].setval = cl_setval - cl_step
elseif cl_setval < hum_den - 1 then
cloud_state[player_name].setval = cl_setval + cl_step
-- update aliases, in case either changed
pr_level = cloud_state[player_name].prlev
cl_setval = cloud_state[player_name].setval
-- clouds during precip max of precip value or humid-based value
-- no precip just uses humid-based value
-- local cur_den
local cloud_table = {}
if pr_level > 0 then -- still have precip falling
cloud_table.density = math.max(cl_setval, hum_den) * 0.01
cloud_table.density = cl_setval * 0.01
-- Create blending transition between all snow (freeze=0)
-- and all rain (freeze=4).
-- Uses freeze_pt and freeze_step to define.
local freeze
if nval_temp >= freeze_pt + 1.5*freeze_step then
freeze = 4
elseif nval_temp <= freeze_pt - 1.5*freeze_step then
freeze = 0
freeze = math.ceil((nval_temp - freeze_pt + 1.5*freeze_step)/freeze_step)
-- Set sky
if pr_level == 4 then
-- check sky brightness
local sval
local time = minetest.get_timeofday()
if time >= 0.5 then
time = 1 - time
-- Sky brightness transitions:
-- First transition (24000 -) 4500, (1 -) 0.1875
-- Last transition (24000 -) 5750, (1 -) 0.2396
if time <= 0.1875 then
sval = NISVAL
elseif time >= 0.2396 then
sval = DASVAL
sval = math.floor(NISVAL +
((time - 0.1875) / 0.0521) * difsval)
-- Set overcast sky only during max precip and if normal
if not skybox[player_name] or math.abs(skybox[player_name] - sval) >= SB_INTERVAL then
player:set_sky({r = sval, g = sval, b = sval + 16, a = 255},
"plain", {}, false)
skybox[player_name] = sval
--minetest.debug("changing skybox, sval = "..sval)
elseif pr_level ~= 4 and skybox[player_name] then
-- Set normal sky only if skybox
player:set_sky({}, "regular", {}, true)
skybox[player_name] = nil
-- Stop looping sound.
-- Stop sound if head below water level.
if freeze == 0 or pr_level == 0 or pposy < YWATER then
if handles[player_name] then
handles[player_name] = nil
-- Display debug HUD
if debug then
local tenths = function(x)
return math.floor(10 * x + .5) / 10
player:hud_change(snowdrift_debug[player_name].id, "text",
tenths(nval_temp)..'°, '..tenths(nval_humid)..
'%, alt='..elev..', frz='..freeze..
', prlev='..pr_level..' / '..pr_maxlev..
', clden='..cl_setval/100 ..' '..
snowdrift_disp_biomes(nval_temp, nval_humid, elev, 2.5))
-- Particles and sounds.
-- Only if head above water level.
if pr_level > 0 and pposy >= YWATER then
if freeze <= 3 then
-- Snowfall particles
for lpos = 1, ((4-freeze)/4)*(pr_level/4)*FLAKLPOS do
local lposx = pposx - FLAKRAD +
math.random(0, FLAKRAD * 2)
local lposz = pposz - FLAKRAD +
math.random(0, FLAKRAD * 2)
if minetest.get_node_light(
{x = lposx, y = pposy + 10, z = lposz},
0.5) == 15 then
-- Any position above light-tested position is also
-- light level 15.
-- Spawn Y randomised to avoid particles falling
-- in separated layers.
-- Random range = speed * cycle time
local spawny = pposy + 10 + math.random(0, 10) / 10
local extime = math.min((spawny - YWATER) / 2, 10)
pos = {x = lposx, y = spawny, z = lposz},
velocity = {x = 0, y = -2.0, z = 0},
acceleration = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0},
expirationtime = extime,
size = 2.8,
collisiondetection = true,
collision_removal = true,
vertical = false,
texture = "snowdrift_snowflake" ..
math.random(1, 12) .. ".png",
playername = player:get_player_name()
if freeze >= 1 then
-- Rainfall particles
for lpos = 1, (freeze/4)*(pr_level/4)*DROPLPOS do
local lposx = pposx - DROPRAD +
math.random(0, DROPRAD * 2)
local lposz = pposz - DROPRAD +
math.random(0, DROPRAD * 2)
if minetest.get_node_light(
{x = lposx, y = pposy + 10, z = lposz},
0.5) == 15 then
for drop = 1, DROPPPOS do
local spawny = pposy + 10 + math.random(0, 60) / 10
local extime = math.min((spawny - YWATER) / 12, 2)
local spawnx = lposx - 0.4 + math.random(0, 8) / 10
local spawnz = lposz - 0.4 + math.random(0, 8) / 10
pos = {x = spawnx, y = spawny, z = spawnz},
velocity = {x = 0.0, y = -12.0, z = 0.0},
acceleration = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0},
expirationtime = extime,
size = 2.8,
collisiondetection = true,
collision_removal = true,
vertical = true,
texture = "snowdrift_raindrop.png",
playername = player:get_player_name()
-- Start looping sound
-- if not handles[player_name] then
if not handles[player_name] then -- new sound
local handle = minetest.sound_play(
to_player = player_name,
gain = RAINGAIN * (freeze * pr_level / 16),
loop = true,
if handle then
handles[player_name] = handle
rain_level[player_name] = freeze*pr_level
elseif rain_level[player_name] ~= freeze * pr_level then -- volume change
local handle = minetest.sound_play(
to_player = player_name,
gain = RAINGAIN * (freeze * pr_level / 16),
loop = true,
if handle then
handles[player_name] = handle
rain_level[player_name] = freeze*pr_level
-- Player outside y limits.
-- Stop sound if playing.
if handles[player_name] then
handles[player_name] = nil
-- Set normal sky if skybox
if skybox[player_name] then
player:set_sky({}, "regular", {}, true)
skybox[player_name] = nil
-- On leaveplayer function
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
if rain_level[player_name] then
rain_level[player_name] = nil
-- Stop sound if playing and remove handle
if handles[player_name] then
handles[player_name] = nil
-- Remove skybox bool if necessary
if skybox[player_name] then
skybox[player_name] = nil
if cloud_state[player_name] then
cloud_state[player_name] = nil