2003-12-01 16:08:38 +00:00

520 lines
12 KiB

** LuaSQL, PostgreSQL driver
** Authors: Pedro Rabinovitch, Roberto Ierusalimschy, Carlos Cassino
** Tomas Guisasola, Eduardo Quintao
** See Copyright Notice in license.html
** $Id: ls_pg.c,v 1.16 2003/12/01 16:08:38 tomas Exp $
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <libpq-fe.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include "luasql.h"
#define LUASQL_ENVIRONMENT_PG "PostgreSQL environment"
#define LUASQL_CONNECTION_PG "PostgreSQL connection"
#define LUASQL_CURSOR_PG "PostgreSQL cursor"
typedef struct {
short closed;
} env_data;
typedef struct {
short closed;
int env; /* reference to environment */
int auto_commit; /* 0 for manual commit */
PGconn *pg_conn;
} conn_data;
typedef struct {
short closed;
int conn; /* reference to connection */
int numcols; /* number of columns */
int colnames, coltypes; /* reference to column information tables */
int curr_tuple; /* next tuple to be read */
PGresult *pg_res;
} cur_data;
typedef void (*creator) (lua_State *L, cur_data *cur);
LUASQL_API int luasql_libopen_postgres(lua_State *L);
** Check for valid environment.
static env_data *getenvironment (lua_State *L) {
env_data *env = (env_data *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, LUASQL_ENVIRONMENT_PG);
luaL_argcheck (L, env != NULL, 1, LUASQL_PREFIX"environment expected");
luaL_argcheck (L, !env->closed, 1, LUASQL_PREFIX"environment is closed");
return env;
** Check for valid connection.
static conn_data *getconnection (lua_State *L) {
conn_data *conn = (conn_data *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, LUASQL_CONNECTION_PG);
luaL_argcheck (L, conn != NULL, 1, LUASQL_PREFIX"connection expected");
luaL_argcheck (L, !conn->closed, 1, LUASQL_PREFIX"connection is closed");
return conn;
** Check for valid cursor.
static cur_data *getcursor (lua_State *L) {
cur_data *cur = (cur_data *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, LUASQL_CURSOR_PG);
luaL_argcheck (L, cur != NULL, 1, LUASQL_PREFIX"cursor expected");
luaL_argcheck (L, !cur->closed, 1, LUASQL_PREFIX"cursor is closed");
return cur;
** Push the value of #i field of #tuple row.
static void pushvalue (lua_State *L, PGresult *res, int tuple, int i) {
if (PQgetisnull (res, tuple, i-1))
lua_pushnil (L);
lua_pushstring (L, PQgetvalue (res, tuple, i-1));
** Get another row of the given cursor.
static int cur_fetch (lua_State *L) {
cur_data *cur = getcursor (L);
PGresult *res = cur->pg_res;
int tuple = cur->curr_tuple;
if (tuple >= PQntuples(cur->pg_res)) {
lua_pushnil(L); /* no more results */
return 1;
if (lua_istable (L, 2)) {
int i;
const char *opts = luaL_optstring (L, 3, "n");
if (strchr (opts, 'n') != NULL)
/* Copy values to numerical indices */
for (i = 1; i <= cur->numcols; i++) {
pushvalue (L, res, tuple, i);
lua_rawseti (L, 2, i);
if (strchr (opts, 'a') != NULL)
/* Copy values to alphanumerical indices */
for (i = 1; i <= cur->numcols; i++) {
lua_pushstring (L, PQfname (res, i-1));
pushvalue (L, res, tuple, i);
lua_rawset (L, 2);
lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
return 1; /* return table */
else {
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= cur->numcols; i++)
pushvalue (L, res, tuple, i);
return cur->numcols; /* return #numcols values */
** Close the cursor on top of the stack.
** Return 1
static int cur_close (lua_State *L) {
cur_data *cur = (cur_data *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, LUASQL_CURSOR_PG);
luaL_argcheck (L, cur != NULL, 1, LUASQL_PREFIX"cursor expected");
if (cur->closed)
return 0;
/* Nullify structure fields. */
cur->closed = 1;
luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cur->conn);
luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cur->colnames);
luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cur->coltypes);
lua_pushnumber(L, 1);
return 1;
** Get the internal database type of the given column.
static char *getcolumntype (PGconn *conn, PGresult *result, int i, char *buff) {
Oid codigo = PQftype (result, i);
char stmt[100];
PGresult *res;
sprintf (stmt, "select typname from pg_type where oid = %d", codigo);
res = PQexec(conn, stmt);
strcpy (buff, "undefined");
if (PQresultStatus (res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
if (PQntuples(res) > 0) {
char *name = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0);
if (strcmp (name, "bpchar")==0 || strcmp (name, "varchar")==0) {
int modifier = PQfmod (result, i) - 4;
sprintf (buff, "%.20s (%d)", name, modifier);
strncpy (buff, name, 20);
return buff;
** Creates the list of fields names and pushes it on top of the stack.
static void create_colnames (lua_State *L, cur_data *cur) {
PGresult *result = cur->pg_res;
int i;
lua_newtable (L);
for (i = 1; i <= cur->numcols; i++) {
lua_pushstring (L, PQfname (result, i-1));
lua_rawseti (L, -2, i);
** Creates the list of fields types and pushes it on top of the stack.
static void create_coltypes (lua_State *L, cur_data *cur) {
PGresult *result = cur->pg_res;
conn_data *conn;
char typename[100];
int i;
lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cur->conn);
if (!lua_isuserdata (L, -1))
luaL_error (L, LUASQL_PREFIX"invalid connection");
conn = (conn_data *)lua_touserdata (L, -1);
lua_newtable (L);
for (i = 1; i <= cur->numcols; i++) {
lua_pushstring(L, getcolumntype (conn->pg_conn, result, i-1, typename));
lua_rawseti (L, -2, i);
** Pushes a column information table on top of the stack.
** If the table isn't built yet, call the creator function and stores
** a reference to it on the cursor structure.
static void _pushtable (lua_State *L, cur_data *cur, size_t off, creator func) {
int *ref = (int *)((char *)cur + off);
if (*ref != LUA_NOREF)
lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, *ref);
else {
func (L, cur);
/* Stores a reference to it on the cursor structure */
lua_pushvalue (L, -1);
*ref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
#define pushtable(L,c,m,f) (_pushtable(L,c,offsetof(cur_data,m),f))
** Return the list of field names.
static int cur_getcolnames (lua_State *L) {
pushtable (L, getcursor(L), colnames, create_colnames);
return 1;
** Return the list of field types.
static int cur_getcoltypes (lua_State *L) {
pushtable (L, getcursor(L), coltypes, create_coltypes);
return 1;
** Push the number of rows.
static int cur_numrows (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber (L, PQntuples (getcursor(L)->pg_res));
return 1;
** Create a new Cursor object and push it on top of the stack.
static int create_cursor (lua_State *L, int conn, PGresult *result) {
cur_data *cur = (cur_data *)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(cur_data));
luasql_setmeta (L, LUASQL_CURSOR_PG);
/* fill in structure */
cur->closed = 0;
cur->conn = LUA_NOREF;
cur->numcols = PQnfields(result);
cur->colnames = LUA_NOREF;
cur->coltypes = LUA_NOREF;
cur->curr_tuple = 0;
cur->pg_res = result;
lua_pushvalue (L, conn);
cur->conn = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
return 1;
static void sql_commit(conn_data *conn) {
PQexec(conn->pg_conn, "COMMIT");
static void sql_begin(conn_data *conn) {
PQexec(conn->pg_conn, "BEGIN");
static void sql_rollback(conn_data *conn) {
PQexec(conn->pg_conn, "ROLLBACK");
** Close a Connection object.
static int conn_close (lua_State *L) {
conn_data *conn = (conn_data *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, LUASQL_CONNECTION_PG);
luaL_argcheck (L, conn != NULL, 1, LUASQL_PREFIX"connection expected");
if (conn->closed)
return 0;
/* Nullify structure fields. */
conn->closed = 1;
luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, conn->env);
lua_pushnumber(L, 1);
return 1;
** Execute an SQL statement.
** Return a Cursor object if the statement is a query, otherwise
** return the number of tuples affected by the statement.
static int conn_execute (lua_State *L) {
conn_data *conn = getconnection (L);
const char *statement = luaL_checkstring (L, 2);
PGresult *res = PQexec(conn->pg_conn, statement);
if (res && PQresultStatus(res)==PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
/* no tuples returned */
lua_pushnumber(L, atof(PQcmdTuples(res)));
return 1;
else if (res && PQresultStatus(res)==PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
/* tuples returned */
return create_cursor (L, 1, res);
/* error */
return luasql_faildirect(L, PQerrorMessage(conn->pg_conn));
** Commit the current transaction.
static int conn_commit (lua_State *L) {
conn_data *conn = getconnection (L);
if (conn->auto_commit == 0)
return 0;
** Rollback the current transaction.
static int conn_rollback (lua_State *L) {
conn_data *conn = getconnection (L);
if (conn->auto_commit == 0)
return 0;
** Set "auto commit" property of the connection.
** If 'true', then rollback current transaction.
** If 'false', then start a new transaction.
static int conn_setautocommit (lua_State *L) {
conn_data *conn = getconnection (L);
if (lua_toboolean (L, 2)) {
conn->auto_commit = 1;
sql_rollback(conn); /* Undo active transaction. */
else {
conn->auto_commit = 0;
return 0;
** Create a new Connection object and push it on top of the stack.
static int create_connection (lua_State *L, int env, PGconn *const pg_conn) {
conn_data *conn = (conn_data *)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(conn_data));
luasql_setmeta (L, LUASQL_CONNECTION_PG);
/* fill in structure */
conn->closed = 0;
conn->env = LUA_NOREF;
conn->auto_commit = 1;
conn->pg_conn = pg_conn;
lua_pushvalue (L, env);
conn->env = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
return 1;
static void notice_processor (void *arg, const char *message) {
(void)arg; (void)message;
/* arg == NULL */
** Connects to a data source.
** This driver provides two ways to connect to a data source:
** (1) giving the connection parameters as a set of pairs separated
** by whitespaces in a string (first method parameter)
** (2) giving one string for each connection parameter, said
** datasource, username, password, host and port.
static int env_connect (lua_State *L) {
const char *sourcename = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
PGconn *conn;
getenvironment (L); /* validate environment */
if ((lua_gettop (L) == 2) && (strchr (sourcename, '=') != NULL))
conn = PQconnectdb (luaL_check_string(L, 2));
else {
const char *username = luaL_optstring(L, 3, NULL);
const char *password = luaL_optstring(L, 4, NULL);
const char *pghost = luaL_optstring(L, 5, NULL);
const char *pgport = luaL_optstring(L, 6, NULL);
conn = PQsetdbLogin(pghost, pgport, NULL, NULL,
sourcename, username, password);
if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
return luasql_faildirect(L, LUASQL_PREFIX"Error connecting to database.");
PQsetNoticeProcessor(conn, notice_processor, NULL);
return create_connection(L, 1, conn);
** Close environment object.
static int env_close (lua_State *L) {
env_data *env = (env_data *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, LUASQL_ENVIRONMENT_PG);
luaL_argcheck (L, env != NULL, 1, LUASQL_PREFIX"environment expected");
if (env->closed)
return 0;
env->closed = 1;
lua_pushnumber (L, 1);
return 1;
** Create metatables for each class of object.
static void create_metatables (lua_State *L) {
struct luaL_reg environment_methods[] = {
{"close", env_close},
{"connect", env_connect},
struct luaL_reg connection_methods[] = {
{"close", conn_close},
{"execute", conn_execute},
{"commit", conn_commit},
{"rollback", conn_rollback},
{"setautocommit", conn_setautocommit},
struct luaL_reg cursor_methods[] = {
{"close", cur_close},
{"getcolnames", cur_getcolnames},
{"getcoltypes", cur_getcoltypes},
{"fetch", cur_fetch},
{"numrows", cur_numrows},
luasql_createmeta (L, LUASQL_ENVIRONMENT_PG, environment_methods);
luasql_createmeta (L, LUASQL_CONNECTION_PG, connection_methods);
luasql_createmeta (L, LUASQL_CURSOR_PG, cursor_methods);
** Creates an Environment and returns it.
static int create_environment (lua_State *L) {
env_data *env = (env_data *)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(env_data));
luasql_setmeta (L, LUASQL_ENVIRONMENT_PG);
/* fill in structure */
env->closed = 0;
return 1;
** Creates the metatables for the objects and registers the
** driver open method.
LUASQL_API int luasql_libopen_postgres (lua_State *L) {
luasql_getlibtable (L);
lua_pushstring(L, "postgres");
lua_pushcfunction(L, create_environment);
lua_settable(L, -3);
create_metatables (L);
return 0;