2004-08-18 18:10:37 +00:00

517 lines
18 KiB

-- See Copyright Notice in license.html
TOTAL_ROWS = 40 --unused
-- checks for a value and throw an error if it is invalid.
function assert2 (expected, value, msg)
if not msg then
msg = ''
msg = msg..'\n'
return assert (value == expected,
msg.."wrong value (["..tostring(value).."] instead of "..
-- object test.
function test_object (obj, objmethods)
-- checking object type.
assert2 ("userdata", type(obj), "incorrect object type")
-- trying to get metatable.
assert2 ("LuaSQL: you're not allowed to get this metatable",
getmetatable(obj), "error permitting access to object's metatable")
-- trying to set metatable.
assert2 (false, pcall (setmetatable, ENV, {}))
-- checking existence of object's methods.
for i = 1, table.getn (objmethods) do
local method = obj[objmethods[i]]
assert2 ("function", type(method))
assert2 (false, pcall (method), "no 'self' parameter accepted")
return obj
ENV_OK = function (obj)
return test_object (obj, { "close", "connect", })
CONN_OK = function (obj)
return test_object (obj, { "close", "commit", "execute", "rollback", "setautocommit", })
CUR_OK = function (obj)
return test_object (obj, { "close", "fetch", "getcolnames", "getcoltypes", })
-- basic checking test.
function basic_test ()
-- Check environment object.
ENV = ENV_OK (luasql[driver] ())
assert2 (true, ENV:close(), "couldn't close environment")
-- trying to connect with a closed environment.
assert2 (false, pcall (ENV.connect, ENV, datasource, username, password),
"error connecting with a closed environment")
-- it is ok to close a closed object, but nil is returned instead of 1.
assert2 (false, ENV:close())
-- Reopen the environment.
ENV = ENV_OK (luasql[driver] ())
-- Check connection object.
local conn, err = ENV:connect (datasource, username, password)
assert (conn, (err or '').." ("..datasource..")")
CONN_OK (conn)
assert2 (true, conn:close(), "couldn't close connection")
-- trying to execute a statement with a closed connection.
assert2 (false, pcall (conn.execute, conn, "create table x (c char)"),
"error connecting with a closed environment")
-- it is ok to close a closed object, but nil is returned instead of 1.
assert2 (false, conn:close())
-- Check error situation.
assert2 (nil, ENV:connect ("/unknown-data-base"), "this should be an error")
-- force garbage collection
local a = {}
setmetatable(a, {__mode="v"})
a.ENV = ENV_OK (luasql[driver] ())
a.CONN = a.ENV:connect (datasource, username, password)
collectgarbage ()
collectgarbage ()
assert2(nil, a.ENV, "environment not collected")
assert2(nil, a.CONN, "connection not collected")
-- Build SQL command to create the test table.
function define_table (n)
local s = "create table t ("
for i = 1, n do
s = s.."f"..i.." varchar (30), "
s = string.sub (s, 1, -3)
if driver == "mysql" then
return s..") TYPE = InnoDB;"
return s..")"
-- Create a table with TOTAL_FIELDS character fields.
function create_table ()
-- Check SQL statements.
CONN = CONN_OK (ENV:connect (datasource, username, password))
-- Create t.
local cmd = define_table(TOTAL_FIELDS)
-- Postgres returns 0, while ODBC returns -1.
assert (CONN:execute (cmd))
-- Fetch 2 values.
function fetch2 ()
-- insert a record.
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("insert into t (f1, f2) values ('b', 'c')"))
-- retrieve data.
local cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select f1, f2, f3 from t"))
-- check data.
local f1, f2, f3 = cur:fetch()
assert2 ('b', f1)
assert2 ('c', f2)
assert2 (nil, f3)
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch())
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- insert a second record.
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("insert into t (f1, f2) values ('d', 'e')"))
cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select f1, f2, f3 from t order by f1"))
local f1, f2, f3 = cur:fetch()
assert2 ('b', f1, f2) -- f2 can be an error message
assert2 ('c', f2)
assert2 (nil, f3)
f1, f2, f3 = cur:fetch()
assert2 ('d', f1, f2) -- f2 can be an error message
assert2 ('e', f2)
assert2 (nil, f3)
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch())
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- remove records.
assert2 (2, CONN:execute ("delete from t where f1 in ('b', 'd')"))
-- Test fetch with a new table, reusing a table and with different
-- indexing.
function fetch_new_table ()
-- insert elements.
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("insert into t (f1, f2, f3, f4) values ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')"))
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("insert into t (f1, f2, f3, f4) values ('f', 'g', 'h', 'i')"))
-- retrieve data using a new table.
local cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select f1, f2, f3, f4 from t order by f1"))
local row, err = cur:fetch{}
assert2 (type(row), "table", err)
assert2 ('a', row[1])
assert2 ('b', row[2])
assert2 ('c', row[3])
assert2 ('d', row[4])
assert2 (nil, row.f1)
assert2 (nil, row.f2)
assert2 (nil, row.f3)
assert2 (nil, row.f4)
row, err = cur:fetch{}
assert (type(row), "table", err)
assert2 ('f', row[1])
assert2 ('g', row[2])
assert2 ('h', row[3])
assert2 ('i', row[4])
assert2 (nil, row.f1)
assert2 (nil, row.f2)
assert2 (nil, row.f3)
assert2 (nil, row.f4)
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch())
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- retrieve data reusing the same table.
io.write ("reusing a table...")
cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select f1, f2, f3, f4 from t order by f1"))
local row, err = cur:fetch{}
assert (type(row), "table", err)
assert2 ('a', row[1])
assert2 ('b', row[2])
assert2 ('c', row[3])
assert2 ('d', row[4])
assert2 (nil, row.f1)
assert2 (nil, row.f2)
assert2 (nil, row.f3)
assert2 (nil, row.f4)
row, err = cur:fetch (row)
assert (type(row), "table", err)
assert2 ('f', row[1])
assert2 ('g', row[2])
assert2 ('h', row[3])
assert2 ('i', row[4])
assert2 (nil, row.f1)
assert2 (nil, row.f2)
assert2 (nil, row.f3)
assert2 (nil, row.f4)
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch{})
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- retrieve data reusing the same table with alphabetic indexes.
io.write ("with alpha keys...")
cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select f1, f2, f3, f4 from t order by f1"))
local row, err = cur:fetch ({}, "a")
assert (type(row), "table", err)
assert2 (nil, row[1])
assert2 (nil, row[2])
assert2 (nil, row[3])
assert2 (nil, row[4])
assert2 ('a', row.f1)
assert2 ('b', row.f2)
assert2 ('c', row.f3)
assert2 ('d', row.f4)
row, err = cur:fetch (row, "a")
assert2 (type(row), "table", err)
assert2 (nil, row[1])
assert2 (nil, row[2])
assert2 (nil, row[3])
assert2 (nil, row[4])
assert2 ('f', row.f1)
assert2 ('g', row.f2)
assert2 ('h', row.f3)
assert2 ('i', row.f4)
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch(row, "a"))
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- retrieve data reusing the same table with both indexes.
io.write ("with both keys...")
cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select f1, f2, f3, f4 from t order by f1"))
local row, err = cur:fetch ({}, "an")
assert (type(row), "table", err)
assert2 ('a', row[1])
assert2 ('b', row[2])
assert2 ('c', row[3])
assert2 ('d', row[4])
assert2 ('a', row.f1)
assert2 ('b', row.f2)
assert2 ('c', row.f3)
assert2 ('d', row.f4)
row, err = cur:fetch (row, "an")
assert (type(row), "table", err)
assert2 ('f', row[1])
assert2 ('g', row[2])
assert2 ('h', row[3])
assert2 ('i', row[4])
assert2 ('f', row.f1)
assert2 ('g', row.f2)
assert2 ('h', row.f3)
assert2 ('i', row.f4)
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch(row, "an"))
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- clean the table.
assert2 (2, CONN:execute ("delete from t where f1 in ('a', 'f')"))
-- Fetch many values
function fetch_many ()
-- insert values.
local fields, values = "f1", "'v1'"
for i = 2, TOTAL_FIELDS do
fields = string.format ("%s,f%d", fields, i)
values = string.format ("%s,'v%d'", values, i)
local cmd = string.format ("insert into t (%s) values (%s)",
fields, values)
assert2 (1, CONN:execute (cmd))
-- fetch values (without a table).
local cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select * from t where f1 = 'v1'"))
local row = { cur:fetch () }
assert2 ("string", type(row[1]), "error while trying to fetch many values (without a table)")
for i = 1, TOTAL_FIELDS do
assert2 ('v'..i, row[i])
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch (row))
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- fetch values (with a table and default indexing).
io.write ("with a table...")
local cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select * from t where f1 = 'v1'"))
local row = cur:fetch {}
assert2 ("string", type(row[1]), "error while trying to fetch many values (default indexing)")
for i = 1, TOTAL_FIELDS do
assert2 ('v'..i, row[i])
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch (row))
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- fetch values (with numbered indexes on a table).
io.write ("with numbered keys...")
local cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select * from t where f1 = 'v1'"))
local row = cur:fetch ({}, "n")
assert2 ("string", type(row[1]), "error while trying to fetch many values (numbered indexes)")
for i = 1, TOTAL_FIELDS do
assert2 ('v'..i, row[i])
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch (row))
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- fetch values (with alphanumeric indexes on a table).
io.write ("with alpha keys...")
local cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select * from t where f1 = 'v1'"))
local row = cur:fetch ({}, "a")
assert2 ("string", type(row.f1), "error while trying to fetch many values (alphanumeric indexes)")
for i = 1, TOTAL_FIELDS do
assert2 ('v'..i, row['f'..i])
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch (row))
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- fetch values (with both indexes on a table).
io.write ("with both keys...")
local cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select * from t where f1 = 'v1'"))
local row = cur:fetch ({}, "na")
assert2 ("string", type(row[1]), "error while trying to fetch many values (both indexes)")
assert2 ("string", type(row.f1), "error while trying to fetch many values (both indexes)")
for i = 1, TOTAL_FIELDS do
assert2 ('v'..i, row[i])
assert2 ('v'..i, row['f'..i])
assert2 (nil, cur:fetch (row))
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- clean the table.
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("delete from t where f1 = 'v1'"))
function rollback ()
CONN:setautocommit (false) -- == begin transaction
-- insert a record and commit the operation.
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("insert into t (f1) values ('a')"))
local cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select count(*) from t"))
assert2 (1, tonumber (cur:fetch ()), "Insert failed")
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
CONN:commit ()
-- insert a record and roll back the operation.
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("insert into t (f1) values ('b')"))
local cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select count(*) from t"))
assert2 (2, tonumber (cur:fetch ()), "Insert failed")
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
CONN:rollback ()
-- check resulting table with one record.
cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select count(*) from t"))
assert2 (1, tonumber(cur:fetch()), "Rollback failed")
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- delete a record and roll back the operation.
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("delete from t where f1 = 'a'"))
cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select count(*) from t"))
assert2 (0, tonumber(cur:fetch()))
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
CONN:rollback ()
-- check resulting table with one record.
cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select count(*) from t"))
assert2 (1, tonumber(cur:fetch()), "Rollback failed")
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- insert a second record and turn on the auto-commit mode.
-- this will produce a rollback on PostgreSQL and a commit on ODBC.
-- what to do?
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("insert into t (f1) values ('b')"))
cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select count(*) from t"))
assert2 (2, tonumber (cur:fetch ()), "Insert failed")
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
CONN:setautocommit (true)
-- check resulting table with one record.
cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select count(*) from t"))
assert2 (1, tonumber(cur:fetch()), "Rollback failed")
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- clean the table.
if driver == "sqlite" then
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("delete from t where 1"))
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("delete from t"))
CONN:commit ()
CONN:setautocommit (true)
-- check resulting table with no records.
cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select count(*) from t"))
assert2 (0, tonumber(cur:fetch()), "Rollback failed")
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- Get column names and types.
function column_info ()
-- insert elements.
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("insert into t (f1, f2, f3, f4) values ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')"))
local cur = CUR_OK (CONN:execute ("select f1,f2,f3,f4 from t"))
-- get column information.
local names, types = cur:getcolnames(), cur:getcoltypes()
assert2 ("table", type(names), "getcolnames failed")
assert2 ("table", type(types), "getcoltypes failed")
assert2 (4, table.getn(names), "incorrect column names table")
assert2 (4, table.getn(types), "incorrect column types table")
for i = 1, table.getn(names) do
assert2 ("f"..i, names[i], "incorrect column names table")
local type_i = string.gsub(types[i], "%s+", "")
assert (type_i == "varchar(30)" or type_i == "string" or type_i == "string(30)", "incorrect column types table")
-- check if the tables are being reused.
local n2, t2 = cur:getcolnames(), cur:getcoltypes()
assert2 (names, n2, "getcolnames is rebuilding the table")
assert2 (types, t2, "getcoltypes is rebuilding the table")
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
assert2 (false, cur:close())
-- clean the table.
assert2 (1, CONN:execute ("delete from t where f1 = 'a'"))
function check_close()
-- an object with references to it can't be closed
local cmd = "select * from t"
local cur = CUR_OK(CONN:execute (cmd))
--assert2 (false, pcall (CONN.close, CONN), "open cursor could not prevent connection close")
assert2 (true, cur:close(), "couldn't close cursor")
-- force garbage collection
local a = {}
setmetatable(a, {__mode="v"})
a.CONN = ENV:connect (datasource, username, password)
cur = CUR_OK(a.CONN:execute (cmd))
collectgarbage ()
collectgarbage ()
a.cur = cur
cur = nil
collectgarbage ()
assert2(nil, a.cur, "cursor not collected")
collectgarbage ()
assert2(nil, a.CONN, "connection not collected")
function drop_table ()
-- Postgres retorna 0, enquanto ODBC retorna -1.
assert (CONN:execute ("drop table t"))
function close_conn ()
assert (true, CONN:close())
assert (true, ENV:close())
tests = {
{ "basic checking", basic_test },
{ "create table", create_table },
{ "fetch two values", fetch2 },
{ "fetch new table", fetch_new_table },
{ "fetch many", fetch_many },
{ "rollback", rollback },
{ "get column information", column_info },
{ "close objects", check_close },
{ "drop table", drop_table },
{ "close connection", close_conn },
-- Main
if type(arg[1]) ~= "string" then
print (string.format ("Usage %s <driver> [<data source> [, <user> [, <password>]]]", arg[0]))
driver = arg[1]
datasource = arg[2] or "luasql-test"
username = arg[3] or nil
password = arg[4] or nil
require (driver)
assert (luasql, "no luasql table")
for i = 1, table.getn (tests) do
local t = tests[i]
io.write (t[1].." ...")
t[2] ()
io.write (" OK !\n")