116 lines
2.6 KiB
116 lines
2.6 KiB
#ifndef ALC_HRTF_H
#define ALC_HRTF_H
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "AL/al.h"
#include "almalloc.h"
#include "alspan.h"
#include "ambidefs.h"
#include "atomic.h"
#include "vector.h"
struct HrtfHandle;
#define HRIR_BITS (7)
struct HrtfEntry {
RefCount mRef;
ALuint sampleRate;
ALuint irSize;
struct Field {
ALfloat distance;
ALubyte evCount;
/* NOTE: Fields are stored *backwards*. field[0] is the farthest field, and
* field[fdCount-1] is the nearest.
ALuint fdCount;
const Field *field;
struct Elevation {
ALushort azCount;
ALushort irOffset;
Elevation *elev;
const ALfloat (*coeffs)[2];
const ALubyte (*delays)[2];
void IncRef();
void DecRef();
struct EnumeratedHrtf {
std::string name;
HrtfHandle *hrtf;
using float2 = std::array<float,2>;
using HrirArray = std::array<float2,HRIR_LENGTH>;
struct HrtfState {
alignas(16) std::array<ALfloat,HRTF_HISTORY_LENGTH> History;
struct HrtfFilter {
alignas(16) HrirArray Coeffs;
ALsizei Delay[2];
ALfloat Gain;
struct DirectHrtfState {
/* HRTF filter state for dry buffer content */
ALuint IrSize{0};
al::FlexArray<HrirArray,16> Coeffs;
DirectHrtfState(size_t numchans) : Coeffs{numchans} { }
static std::unique_ptr<DirectHrtfState> Create(size_t num_chans);
DEF_FAM_NEWDEL(DirectHrtfState, Coeffs)
struct ElevRadius { float value; };
struct AzimRadius { float value; };
struct AngularPoint {
ElevRadius Elev;
AzimRadius Azim;
al::vector<EnumeratedHrtf> EnumerateHrtf(const char *devname);
HrtfEntry *GetLoadedHrtf(HrtfHandle *handle);
void GetHrtfCoeffs(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, ALfloat elevation, ALfloat azimuth, ALfloat distance,
ALfloat spread, HrirArray &coeffs, ALsizei (&delays)[2]);
* Produces HRTF filter coefficients for decoding B-Format, given a set of
* virtual speaker positions, a matching decoding matrix, and per-order high-
* frequency gains for the decoder. The calculated impulse responses are
* ordered and scaled according to the matrix input.
void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state,
const al::span<const AngularPoint> AmbiPoints, const ALfloat (*AmbiMatrix)[MAX_AMBI_CHANNELS],
const ALfloat *AmbiOrderHFGain);
#endif /* ALC_HRTF_H */