143 lines
3.8 KiB
143 lines
3.8 KiB
#include "alMain.h"
#include "alEffect.h"
#include "almalloc.h"
#include "atomic.h"
struct ALeffectslot;
struct EffectState {
RefCount mRef{1u};
ALfloat (*mOutBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE]{nullptr};
ALsizei mOutChannels{0};
virtual ~EffectState() = default;
virtual ALboolean deviceUpdate(ALCdevice *device) = 0;
virtual void update(const ALCcontext *context, const ALeffectslot *slot, const ALeffectProps *props) = 0;
virtual void process(ALsizei samplesToDo, const ALfloat (*RESTRICT samplesIn)[BUFFERSIZE], ALfloat (*RESTRICT samplesOut)[BUFFERSIZE], ALsizei numChannels) = 0;
void IncRef() noexcept;
void DecRef() noexcept;
struct EffectStateFactory {
virtual ~EffectStateFactory() { }
virtual EffectState *create() = 0;
struct ALeffectslotArray {
ALsizei count;
struct ALeffectslot *slot[];
struct ALeffectslotProps {
ALfloat Gain;
ALboolean AuxSendAuto;
ALenum Type;
ALeffectProps Props;
EffectState *State;
ATOMIC(struct ALeffectslotProps*) next;
struct ALeffectslot {
ALfloat Gain{1.0f};
ALboolean AuxSendAuto{AL_TRUE};
struct {
ALeffectProps Props{};
EffectState *State{nullptr};
} Effect;
std::atomic_flag PropsClean{true};
RefCount ref{0u};
ATOMIC(struct ALeffectslotProps*) Update{nullptr};
struct {
ALfloat Gain{1.0f};
ALboolean AuxSendAuto{AL_TRUE};
ALenum EffectType{AL_EFFECT_NULL};
ALeffectProps EffectProps{};
EffectState *mEffectState{nullptr};
ALfloat RoomRolloff{0.0f}; /* Added to the source's room rolloff, not multiplied. */
ALfloat DecayTime{0.0f};
ALfloat DecayLFRatio{0.0f};
ALfloat DecayHFRatio{0.0f};
ALboolean DecayHFLimit{AL_FALSE};
ALfloat AirAbsorptionGainHF{1.0f};
} Params;
/* Self ID */
ALuint id{};
ALsizei NumChannels{};
/* Wet buffer configuration is ACN channel order with N3D scaling:
* * Channel 0 is the unattenuated mono signal.
* * Channel 1 is OpenAL -X * sqrt(3)
* * Channel 2 is OpenAL Y * sqrt(3)
* * Channel 3 is OpenAL -Z * sqrt(3)
* Consequently, effects that only want to work with mono input can use
* channel 0 by itself. Effects that want multichannel can process the
* ambisonics signal and make a B-Format source pan for first-order device
* output (FOAOut).
alignas(16) ALfloat WetBuffer[MAX_EFFECT_CHANNELS][BUFFERSIZE];
ALeffectslot() = default;
ALeffectslot(const ALeffectslot&) = delete;
ALeffectslot& operator=(const ALeffectslot&) = delete;
ALenum InitEffectSlot(ALeffectslot *slot);
void UpdateEffectSlotProps(ALeffectslot *slot, ALCcontext *context);
void UpdateAllEffectSlotProps(ALCcontext *context);
EffectStateFactory *NullStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *ReverbStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *AutowahStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *ChorusStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *CompressorStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *DistortionStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *EchoStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *EqualizerStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *FlangerStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *FshifterStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *ModulatorStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *PshifterStateFactory_getFactory(void);
EffectStateFactory *DedicatedStateFactory_getFactory(void);
ALenum InitializeEffect(ALCcontext *Context, ALeffectslot *EffectSlot, ALeffect *effect);