Chris Robinson bf50f227b9 Use a busy-wait when synchronizing against the mixer
The mixer should have higher priority than any thread that can make AL calls,
so even on single-core systems, it shouldn't stall the mix. It will, however,
return back to the caller as soon as it can, while yielding will give up the
timeslice if there's any other thread waiting to process even if the mix is
almost done.
2020-03-16 01:05:14 -07:00

409 lines
11 KiB

#ifndef ALC_MAIN_H
#define ALC_MAIN_H
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include "AL/al.h"
#include "AL/alc.h"
#include "AL/alext.h"
#include "albyte.h"
#include "almalloc.h"
#include "alnumeric.h"
#include "alspan.h"
#include "ambidefs.h"
#include "atomic.h"
#include "devformat.h"
#include "filters/splitter.h"
#include "hrtf.h"
#include "inprogext.h"
#include "intrusive_ptr.h"
#include "vector.h"
class BFormatDec;
struct ALbuffer;
struct ALeffect;
struct ALfilter;
struct BackendBase;
struct Compressor;
struct EffectState;
struct Uhj2Encoder;
struct bs2b;
#define MIN_OUTPUT_RATE 8000
#define DEFAULT_UPDATE_SIZE 882 /* 20ms */
enum DeviceType {
enum RenderMode {
struct InputRemixMap {
struct TargetMix { Channel channel; float mix; };
Channel channel;
std::array<TargetMix,2> targets;
struct BufferSubList {
uint64_t FreeMask{~0_u64};
ALbuffer *Buffers{nullptr}; /* 64 */
BufferSubList() noexcept = default;
BufferSubList(const BufferSubList&) = delete;
BufferSubList(BufferSubList&& rhs) noexcept : FreeMask{rhs.FreeMask}, Buffers{rhs.Buffers}
{ rhs.FreeMask = ~0_u64; rhs.Buffers = nullptr; }
BufferSubList& operator=(const BufferSubList&) = delete;
BufferSubList& operator=(BufferSubList&& rhs) noexcept
{ std::swap(FreeMask, rhs.FreeMask); std::swap(Buffers, rhs.Buffers); return *this; }
struct EffectSubList {
uint64_t FreeMask{~0_u64};
ALeffect *Effects{nullptr}; /* 64 */
EffectSubList() noexcept = default;
EffectSubList(const EffectSubList&) = delete;
EffectSubList(EffectSubList&& rhs) noexcept : FreeMask{rhs.FreeMask}, Effects{rhs.Effects}
{ rhs.FreeMask = ~0_u64; rhs.Effects = nullptr; }
EffectSubList& operator=(const EffectSubList&) = delete;
EffectSubList& operator=(EffectSubList&& rhs) noexcept
{ std::swap(FreeMask, rhs.FreeMask); std::swap(Effects, rhs.Effects); return *this; }
struct FilterSubList {
uint64_t FreeMask{~0_u64};
ALfilter *Filters{nullptr}; /* 64 */
FilterSubList() noexcept = default;
FilterSubList(const FilterSubList&) = delete;
FilterSubList(FilterSubList&& rhs) noexcept : FreeMask{rhs.FreeMask}, Filters{rhs.Filters}
{ rhs.FreeMask = ~0_u64; rhs.Filters = nullptr; }
FilterSubList& operator=(const FilterSubList&) = delete;
FilterSubList& operator=(FilterSubList&& rhs) noexcept
{ std::swap(FreeMask, rhs.FreeMask); std::swap(Filters, rhs.Filters); return *this; }
/* Maximum delay in samples for speaker distance compensation. */
#define MAX_DELAY_LENGTH 1024
class DistanceComp {
struct DistData {
ALfloat Gain{1.0f};
ALuint Length{0u}; /* Valid range is [0...MAX_DELAY_LENGTH). */
ALfloat *Buffer{nullptr};
std::array<DistData,MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS> mChannels;
al::vector<ALfloat,16> mSamples;
void setSampleCount(size_t new_size) { mSamples.resize(new_size); }
void clear() noexcept
for(auto &chan : mChannels)
chan.Gain = 1.0f;
chan.Length = 0;
chan.Buffer = nullptr;
using SampleVecT = decltype(mSamples);
ALfloat *getSamples() noexcept { return; }
al::span<DistData,MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS> as_span() { return mChannels; }
struct BFChannelConfig {
ALfloat Scale;
ALuint Index;
/* Size for temporary storage of buffer data, in ALfloats. Larger values need
* more memory, while smaller values may need more iterations. The value needs
* to be a sensible size, however, as it constrains the max stepping value used
* for mixing, as well as the maximum number of samples per mixing iteration.
#define BUFFERSIZE 1024
using FloatBufferLine = std::array<float,BUFFERSIZE>;
/* Maximum number of samples to pad on the ends of a buffer for resampling.
* Note that the padding is symmetric (half at the beginning and half at the
* end)!
struct FrontStablizer {
static constexpr size_t DelayLength{256u};
alignas(16) float DelayBuf[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS][DelayLength];
BandSplitter LFilter, RFilter;
alignas(16) float LSplit[2][BUFFERSIZE];
alignas(16) float RSplit[2][BUFFERSIZE];
alignas(16) float TempBuf[BUFFERSIZE + DelayLength];
struct MixParams {
/* Coefficient channel mapping for mixing to the buffer. */
std::array<BFChannelConfig,MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS> AmbiMap{};
al::span<FloatBufferLine> Buffer;
struct RealMixParams {
al::span<const InputRemixMap> RemixMap;
std::array<ALuint,MaxChannels> ChannelIndex{};
al::span<FloatBufferLine> Buffer;
enum {
// Frequency was requested by the app or config file
// Channel configuration was requested by the config file
// Sample type was requested by the config file
// Specifies if the DSP is paused at user request
// Specifies if the device is currently running
struct ALCdevice : public al::intrusive_ref<ALCdevice> {
std::atomic<bool> Connected{true};
const DeviceType Type{};
ALuint Frequency{};
ALuint UpdateSize{};
ALuint BufferSize{};
DevFmtChannels FmtChans{};
DevFmtType FmtType{};
ALboolean IsHeadphones{AL_FALSE};
ALuint mAmbiOrder{0};
/* For DevFmtAmbi* output only, specifies the channel order and
* normalization.
AmbiLayout mAmbiLayout{AmbiLayout::Default};
AmbiNorm mAmbiScale{AmbiNorm::Default};
ALCenum LimiterState{ALC_DONT_CARE_SOFT};
std::string DeviceName;
// Device flags
al::bitfield<DeviceFlagsCount> Flags{};
std::string HrtfName;
al::vector<std::string> HrtfList;
ALCenum HrtfStatus{ALC_FALSE};
std::atomic<ALCenum> LastError{ALC_NO_ERROR};
// Maximum number of sources that can be created
ALuint SourcesMax{};
// Maximum number of slots that can be created
ALuint AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax{};
ALCuint NumMonoSources{};
ALCuint NumStereoSources{};
ALCuint NumAuxSends{};
// Map of Buffers for this device
std::mutex BufferLock;
al::vector<BufferSubList> BufferList;
// Map of Effects for this device
std::mutex EffectLock;
al::vector<EffectSubList> EffectList;
// Map of Filters for this device
std::mutex FilterLock;
al::vector<FilterSubList> FilterList;
/* Rendering mode. */
RenderMode mRenderMode{NormalRender};
/* The average speaker distance as determined by the ambdec configuration,
* HRTF data set, or the NFC-HOA reference delay. Only used for NFC.
ALfloat AvgSpeakerDist{0.0f};
ALuint SamplesDone{0u};
std::chrono::nanoseconds ClockBase{0};
std::chrono::nanoseconds FixedLatency{0};
/* Temp storage used for mixer processing. */
alignas(16) ALfloat SourceData[BUFFERSIZE + MAX_RESAMPLER_PADDING];
alignas(16) ALfloat ResampledData[BUFFERSIZE];
alignas(16) ALfloat FilteredData[BUFFERSIZE];
union {
alignas(16) ALfloat HrtfSourceData[BUFFERSIZE + HRTF_HISTORY_LENGTH];
alignas(16) ALfloat NfcSampleData[BUFFERSIZE];
/* Persistent storage for HRTF mixing. */
alignas(16) float2 HrtfAccumData[BUFFERSIZE + HRIR_LENGTH];
/* Mixing buffer used by the Dry mix and Real output. */
al::vector<FloatBufferLine, 16> MixBuffer;
/* The "dry" path corresponds to the main output. */
MixParams Dry;
ALuint NumChannelsPerOrder[MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1]{};
/* "Real" output, which will be written to the device buffer. May alias the
* dry buffer.
RealMixParams RealOut;
/* HRTF state and info */
std::unique_ptr<DirectHrtfState> mHrtfState;
al::intrusive_ptr<HrtfStore> mHrtf;
/* Ambisonic-to-UHJ encoder */
std::unique_ptr<Uhj2Encoder> Uhj_Encoder;
/* Ambisonic decoder for speakers */
std::unique_ptr<BFormatDec> AmbiDecoder;
/* Stereo-to-binaural filter */
std::unique_ptr<bs2b> Bs2b;
using PostProc = void(ALCdevice::*)(const size_t SamplesToDo);
PostProc PostProcess{nullptr};
std::unique_ptr<FrontStablizer> Stablizer;
std::unique_ptr<Compressor> Limiter;
/* Delay buffers used to compensate for speaker distances. */
DistanceComp ChannelDelay;
/* Dithering control. */
ALfloat DitherDepth{0.0f};
ALuint DitherSeed{0u};
/* Running count of the mixer invocations, in 31.1 fixed point. This
* actually increments *twice* when mixing, first at the start and then at
* the end, so the bottom bit indicates if the device is currently mixing
* and the upper bits indicates how many mixes have been done.
RefCount MixCount{0u};
// Contexts created on this device
std::atomic<al::FlexArray<ALCcontext*>*> mContexts{nullptr};
/* This lock protects the device state (format, update size, etc) from
* being from being changed in multiple threads, or being accessed while
* being changed. It's also used to serialize calls to the backend.
std::mutex StateLock;
std::unique_ptr<BackendBase> Backend;
ALCdevice(DeviceType type);
ALCdevice(const ALCdevice&) = delete;
ALCdevice& operator=(const ALCdevice&) = delete;
ALuint bytesFromFmt() const noexcept { return BytesFromDevFmt(FmtType); }
ALuint channelsFromFmt() const noexcept { return ChannelsFromDevFmt(FmtChans, mAmbiOrder); }
ALuint frameSizeFromFmt() const noexcept { return bytesFromFmt() * channelsFromFmt(); }
ALuint waitForMix() const noexcept
ALuint refcount;
while((refcount=MixCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire))&1) {
return refcount;
void ProcessHrtf(const size_t SamplesToDo);
void ProcessAmbiDec(const size_t SamplesToDo);
void ProcessUhj(const size_t SamplesToDo);
void ProcessBs2b(const size_t SamplesToDo);
inline void postProcess(const size_t SamplesToDo)
{ if LIKELY(PostProcess) (this->*PostProcess)(SamplesToDo); }
/* Must be less than 15 characters (16 including terminating null) for
* compatibility with pthread_setname_np limitations. */
#define MIXER_THREAD_NAME "alsoft-mixer"
#define RECORD_THREAD_NAME "alsoft-record"
extern ALint RTPrioLevel;
void SetRTPriority(void);
void SetDefaultChannelOrder(ALCdevice *device);
void SetDefaultWFXChannelOrder(ALCdevice *device);
const ALCchar *DevFmtTypeString(DevFmtType type) noexcept;
const ALCchar *DevFmtChannelsString(DevFmtChannels chans) noexcept;
* GetChannelIdxByName
* Returns the index for the given channel name (e.g. FrontCenter), or
* INVALID_CHANNEL_INDEX if it doesn't exist.
inline ALuint GetChannelIdxByName(const RealMixParams &real, Channel chan) noexcept
{ return real.ChannelIndex[chan]; }
al::vector<std::string> SearchDataFiles(const char *match, const char *subdir);