2019-11-28 10:54:47 -08:00

121 lines
3.1 KiB

#ifndef MAKEMHR_H
#define MAKEMHR_H
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include "polyphase_resampler.h"
// The maximum path length used when processing filenames.
#define MAX_PATH_LEN (256)
// The limit to the number of 'distances' listed in the data set definition.
// Must be less than 256
#define MAX_FD_COUNT (16)
// The limits to the number of 'elevations' listed in the data set definition.
// Must be less than 256.
#define MIN_EV_COUNT (5)
#define MAX_EV_COUNT (181)
// The limits for each of the 'azimuths' listed in the data set definition.
// Must be less than 256.
#define MIN_AZ_COUNT (1)
#define MAX_AZ_COUNT (255)
// The limits for the 'distance' from source to listener for each field in
// the definition file.
#define MIN_DISTANCE (0.05)
#define MAX_DISTANCE (2.50)
// The limits for the sample 'rate' metric in the data set definition and for
// resampling.
#define MIN_RATE (32000)
#define MAX_RATE (96000)
// The limits for the HRIR 'points' metric in the data set definition.
#define MIN_POINTS (16)
#define MAX_POINTS (8192)
using uint = unsigned int;
/* Complex double type. */
using complex_d = std::complex<double>;
enum ChannelModeT : bool {
CM_AllowStereo = false,
CM_ForceMono = true
// Sample and channel type enum values.
enum SampleTypeT {
ST_S16 = 0,
ST_S24 = 1
// Certain iterations rely on these integer enum values.
enum ChannelTypeT {
CT_NONE = -1,
CT_MONO = 0,
// Structured HRIR storage for stereo azimuth pairs, elevations, and fields.
struct HrirAzT {
double mAzimuth{0.0};
uint mIndex{0u};
double mDelays[2]{0.0, 0.0};
double *mIrs[2]{nullptr, nullptr};
struct HrirEvT {
double mElevation{0.0};
uint mIrCount{0u};
uint mAzCount{0u};
HrirAzT *mAzs{nullptr};
struct HrirFdT {
double mDistance{0.0};
uint mIrCount{0u};
uint mEvCount{0u};
uint mEvStart{0u};
HrirEvT *mEvs{nullptr};
// The HRIR metrics and data set used when loading, processing, and storing
// the resulting HRTF.
struct HrirDataT {
uint mIrRate{0u};
SampleTypeT mSampleType{ST_S24};
ChannelTypeT mChannelType{CT_NONE};
uint mIrPoints{0u};
uint mFftSize{0u};
uint mIrSize{0u};
double mRadius{0.0};
uint mIrCount{0u};
uint mFdCount{0u};
std::vector<double> mHrirsBase;
std::vector<HrirEvT> mEvsBase;
std::vector<HrirAzT> mAzsBase;
std::vector<HrirFdT> mFds;
int PrepareHrirData(const uint fdCount, const double (&distances)[MAX_FD_COUNT], const uint (&evCounts)[MAX_FD_COUNT], const uint azCounts[MAX_FD_COUNT * MAX_EV_COUNT], HrirDataT *hData);
void MagnitudeResponse(const uint n, const complex_d *in, double *out);
void FftForward(const uint n, complex_d *inout);
void FftInverse(const uint n, complex_d *inout);
// Performs linear interpolation.
inline double Lerp(const double a, const double b, const double f)
{ return a + f * (b - a); }
#endif /* MAKEMHR_H */