This is the start of a backend redesign. Currently, a wrapper object is used to avoid having to redo all the backends at once, but they should slowly be converted to derive from ALCbackend instead. The ALCbackend interface can change as needed.
920 lines
27 KiB
920 lines
27 KiB
#ifndef AL_MAIN_H
#define AL_MAIN_H
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef HAVE_FENV_H
#include <fenv.h>
#include "AL/al.h"
#include "AL/alc.h"
#include "AL/alext.h"
#define ALC_SOFT_HRTF 1
#define ALC_HRTF_SOFT 0x1992
/* KDevelop's parser doesn't recognize the C99-standard restrict keyword, but
* recent versions (at least 4.5.1) do recognize GCC's __restrict. */
#define restrict __restrict
/* KDevelop won't see the ALIGN macro from config.h when viewing files that
* don't include it directly (e.g. headers). */
#ifndef ALIGN
#define ALIGN(x)
#if defined(HAVE_STDINT_H)
#include <stdint.h>
typedef int64_t ALint64;
typedef uint64_t ALuint64;
#elif defined(HAVE___INT64)
typedef __int64 ALint64;
typedef unsigned __int64 ALuint64;
#elif (SIZEOF_LONG == 8)
typedef long ALint64;
typedef unsigned long ALuint64;
#elif (SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 8)
typedef long long ALint64;
typedef unsigned long long ALuint64;
typedef ptrdiff_t ALintptrEXT;
typedef ptrdiff_t ALsizeiptrEXT;
#ifndef U64
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define U64(x) ((ALuint64)(x##ui64))
#define U64(x) ((ALuint64)(x##ull))
#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 8
#define U64(x) ((ALuint64)(x##ul))
#ifndef UNUSED
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define UNUSED(x)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define UNUSED(x) UNUSED_##x __attribute__((unused))
#elif defined(__LCLINT__)
#define UNUSED(x) /*@unused@*/ x
#define UNUSED(x) x
#define PRINTF_STYLE(x, y) __attribute__((format(printf, (x), (y))))
#define PRINTF_STYLE(x, y)
static const union {
ALuint u;
ALubyte b[sizeof(ALuint)];
} EndianTest = { 1 };
#define IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN (EndianTest.b[0] == 1)
#define COUNTOF(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((x)[0]))
#define DERIVE_FROM_TYPE(t) t t##_parent
#define STATIC_CAST(to, obj) (&(obj)->to##_parent)
#define STATIC_UPCAST(to, from, obj) ((to*)((char*)(obj) - offsetof(to, from##_parent)))
#define GET_VTABLE1(T1) (&(T1##_vtable))
#define GET_VTABLE2(T1, T2) (&(T1##_##T2##_vtable))
#define SET_VTABLE1(T1, obj) ((obj)->vtbl = GET_VTABLE1(T1))
#define SET_VTABLE2(T1, T2, obj) (STATIC_CAST(T2, obj)->vtbl = GET_VTABLE2(T1, T2))
/* Helper to extract an argument list for VCALL. Not used directly. */
/* Call a "virtual" method on an object, with arguments. */
#define VCALL(obj, func, args) ((obj)->vtbl->func((obj), EXTRACT_VCALL_ARGS args))
/* Call a "virtual" method on an object, with no arguments. */
#define VCALL0(obj, func, args) ((obj)->vtbl->func((obj)))
#define VCALL_NOARGS(obj, func) ((obj)->vtbl->func((obj)))
#define DELETE_OBJ(obj) do { \
if((obj) != NULL) \
{ \
VCALL_NOARGS((obj),Destruct); \
VCALL_NOARGS((obj),Delete); \
} \
} while(0)
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
typedef DWORD pthread_key_t;
int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (*callback)(void*));
int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key);
void *pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key);
int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, void *val);
#define HAVE_DYNLOAD 1
void *LoadLib(const char *name);
void CloseLib(void *handle);
void *GetSymbol(void *handle, const char *name);
WCHAR *strdupW(const WCHAR *str);
typedef LONG pthread_once_t;
void pthread_once(pthread_once_t *once, void (*callback)(void));
static inline int sched_yield(void)
{ SwitchToThread(); return 0; }
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
typedef pthread_mutex_t CRITICAL_SECTION;
void InitializeCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION *cs);
void DeleteCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION *cs);
void EnterCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION *cs);
void LeaveCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION *cs);
ALuint timeGetTime(void);
void Sleep(ALuint t);
#if defined(HAVE_DLFCN_H)
#define HAVE_DYNLOAD 1
void *LoadLib(const char *name);
void CloseLib(void *handle);
void *GetSymbol(void *handle, const char *name);
typedef void *volatile XchgPtr;
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)) && !defined(__QNXNTO__)
typedef ALuint RefCount;
static inline RefCount IncrementRef(volatile RefCount *ptr)
{ return __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, 1); }
static inline RefCount DecrementRef(volatile RefCount *ptr)
{ return __sync_sub_and_fetch(ptr, 1); }
static inline int ExchangeInt(volatile int *ptr, int newval)
return __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, newval);
static inline void *ExchangePtr(XchgPtr *ptr, void *newval)
return __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, newval);
static inline ALboolean CompExchangeInt(volatile int *ptr, int oldval, int newval)
return __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(ptr, oldval, newval);
static inline ALboolean CompExchangePtr(XchgPtr *ptr, void *oldval, void *newval)
return __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(ptr, oldval, newval);
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
static inline int xaddl(volatile int *dest, int incr)
int ret;
__asm__ __volatile__("lock; xaddl %0,(%1)"
: "=r" (ret)
: "r" (dest), "0" (incr)
: "memory");
return ret;
typedef int RefCount;
static inline RefCount IncrementRef(volatile RefCount *ptr)
{ return xaddl(ptr, 1)+1; }
static inline RefCount DecrementRef(volatile RefCount *ptr)
{ return xaddl(ptr, -1)-1; }
static inline int ExchangeInt(volatile int *dest, int newval)
int ret;
__asm__ __volatile__("lock; xchgl %0,(%1)"
: "=r" (ret)
: "r" (dest), "0" (newval)
: "memory");
return ret;
static inline ALboolean CompExchangeInt(volatile int *dest, int oldval, int newval)
int ret;
__asm__ __volatile__("lock; cmpxchgl %2,(%1)"
: "=a" (ret)
: "r" (dest), "r" (newval), "0" (oldval)
: "memory");
return ret == oldval;
static inline void *ExchangePtr(XchgPtr *dest, void *newval)
void *ret;
__asm__ __volatile__(
#ifdef __i386__
"lock; xchgl %0,(%1)"
"lock; xchgq %0,(%1)"
: "=r" (ret)
: "r" (dest), "0" (newval)
: "memory"
return ret;
static inline ALboolean CompExchangePtr(XchgPtr *dest, void *oldval, void *newval)
void *ret;
__asm__ __volatile__(
#ifdef __i386__
"lock; cmpxchgl %2,(%1)"
"lock; cmpxchgq %2,(%1)"
: "=a" (ret)
: "r" (dest), "r" (newval), "0" (oldval)
: "memory"
return ret == oldval;
#elif defined(_WIN32)
typedef LONG RefCount;
static inline RefCount IncrementRef(volatile RefCount *ptr)
{ return InterlockedIncrement(ptr); }
static inline RefCount DecrementRef(volatile RefCount *ptr)
{ return InterlockedDecrement(ptr); }
extern ALbyte LONG_size_does_not_match_int[(sizeof(LONG)==sizeof(int))?1:-1];
static inline int ExchangeInt(volatile int *ptr, int newval)
union {
volatile int *i;
volatile LONG *l;
} u = { ptr };
return InterlockedExchange(u.l, newval);
static inline void *ExchangePtr(XchgPtr *ptr, void *newval)
return InterlockedExchangePointer(ptr, newval);
static inline ALboolean CompExchangeInt(volatile int *ptr, int oldval, int newval)
union {
volatile int *i;
volatile LONG *l;
} u = { ptr };
return InterlockedCompareExchange(u.l, newval, oldval) == oldval;
static inline ALboolean CompExchangePtr(XchgPtr *ptr, void *oldval, void *newval)
return InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(ptr, newval, oldval) == oldval;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
typedef int32_t RefCount;
static inline RefCount IncrementRef(volatile RefCount *ptr)
{ return OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier(ptr); }
static inline RefCount DecrementRef(volatile RefCount *ptr)
{ return OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier(ptr); }
static inline int ExchangeInt(volatile int *ptr, int newval)
/* Really? No regular old atomic swap? */
int oldval;
do {
oldval = *ptr;
} while(!OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(oldval, newval, ptr));
return oldval;
static inline void *ExchangePtr(XchgPtr *ptr, void *newval)
void *oldval;
do {
oldval = *ptr;
} while(!OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(oldval, newval, ptr));
return oldval;
static inline ALboolean CompExchangeInt(volatile int *ptr, int oldval, int newval)
return OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(oldval, newval, ptr);
static inline ALboolean CompExchangePtr(XchgPtr *ptr, void *oldval, void *newval)
return OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(oldval, newval, ptr);
#error "No atomic functions available on this platform!"
typedef ALuint RefCount;
typedef struct {
volatile RefCount read_count;
volatile RefCount write_count;
volatile ALenum read_lock;
volatile ALenum read_entry_lock;
volatile ALenum write_lock;
} RWLock;
void RWLockInit(RWLock *lock);
void ReadLock(RWLock *lock);
void ReadUnlock(RWLock *lock);
void WriteLock(RWLock *lock);
void WriteUnlock(RWLock *lock);
typedef struct UIntMap {
struct {
ALuint key;
ALvoid *value;
} *array;
ALsizei size;
ALsizei maxsize;
ALsizei limit;
RWLock lock;
} UIntMap;
extern UIntMap TlsDestructor;
void InitUIntMap(UIntMap *map, ALsizei limit);
void ResetUIntMap(UIntMap *map);
ALenum InsertUIntMapEntry(UIntMap *map, ALuint key, ALvoid *value);
ALvoid *RemoveUIntMapKey(UIntMap *map, ALuint key);
ALvoid *LookupUIntMapKey(UIntMap *map, ALuint key);
static inline void LockUIntMapRead(UIntMap *map)
{ ReadLock(&map->lock); }
static inline void UnlockUIntMapRead(UIntMap *map)
{ ReadUnlock(&map->lock); }
static inline void LockUIntMapWrite(UIntMap *map)
{ WriteLock(&map->lock); }
static inline void UnlockUIntMapWrite(UIntMap *map)
{ WriteUnlock(&map->lock); }
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct Hrtf;
#define DEFAULT_OUTPUT_RATE (44100)
#define MIN_OUTPUT_RATE (8000)
// Find the next power-of-2 for non-power-of-2 numbers.
static inline ALuint NextPowerOf2(ALuint value)
if(value > 0)
value |= value>>1;
value |= value>>2;
value |= value>>4;
value |= value>>8;
value |= value>>16;
return value+1;
/* Fast float-to-int conversion. Assumes the FPU is already in round-to-zero
* mode. */
static inline ALint fastf2i(ALfloat f)
return lrintf(f);
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86)
ALint i;
__asm fld f
__asm fistp i
return i;
return (ALint)f;
/* Fast float-to-uint conversion. Assumes the FPU is already in round-to-zero
* mode. */
static inline ALuint fastf2u(ALfloat f)
{ return fastf2i(f); }
enum DevProbe {
typedef struct {
ALCenum (*OpenPlayback)(ALCdevice*, const ALCchar*);
void (*ClosePlayback)(ALCdevice*);
ALCboolean (*ResetPlayback)(ALCdevice*);
ALCboolean (*StartPlayback)(ALCdevice*);
void (*StopPlayback)(ALCdevice*);
ALCenum (*OpenCapture)(ALCdevice*, const ALCchar*);
void (*CloseCapture)(ALCdevice*);
void (*StartCapture)(ALCdevice*);
void (*StopCapture)(ALCdevice*);
ALCenum (*CaptureSamples)(ALCdevice*, void*, ALCuint);
ALCuint (*AvailableSamples)(ALCdevice*);
void (*Lock)(ALCdevice*);
void (*Unlock)(ALCdevice*);
ALint64 (*GetLatency)(ALCdevice*);
} BackendFuncs;
ALCboolean alc_alsa_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_alsa_deinit(void);
void alc_alsa_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_oss_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_oss_deinit(void);
void alc_oss_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_solaris_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_solaris_deinit(void);
void alc_solaris_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_sndio_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_sndio_deinit(void);
void alc_sndio_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alcMMDevApiInit(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alcMMDevApiDeinit(void);
void alcMMDevApiProbe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alcDSoundInit(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alcDSoundDeinit(void);
void alcDSoundProbe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alcWinMMInit(BackendFuncs *FuncList);
void alcWinMMDeinit(void);
void alcWinMMProbe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_pa_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_pa_deinit(void);
void alc_pa_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_wave_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_wave_deinit(void);
void alc_wave_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_pulse_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_pulse_deinit(void);
void alc_pulse_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_ca_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_ca_deinit(void);
void alc_ca_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_opensl_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_opensl_deinit(void);
void alc_opensl_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_qsa_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_qsa_deinit(void);
void alc_qsa_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_null_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_null_deinit(void);
void alc_null_probe(enum DevProbe type);
ALCboolean alc_loopback_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
void alc_loopback_deinit(void);
void alc_loopback_probe(enum DevProbe type);
struct ALCbackend;
enum DistanceModel {
InverseDistance = AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE,
LinearDistance = AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE,
ExponentDistance = AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE,
DisableDistance = AL_NONE,
DefaultDistanceModel = InverseDistanceClamped
enum Resampler {
enum Channel {
FrontLeft = 0,
/* Device formats */
enum DevFmtType {
DevFmtTypeDefault = DevFmtFloat
enum DevFmtChannels {
/* Similar to 5.1, except using the side channels instead of back */
DevFmtX51Side = 0x80000000,
DevFmtChannelsDefault = DevFmtStereo
ALuint BytesFromDevFmt(enum DevFmtType type);
ALuint ChannelsFromDevFmt(enum DevFmtChannels chans);
static inline ALuint FrameSizeFromDevFmt(enum DevFmtChannels chans,
enum DevFmtType type)
return ChannelsFromDevFmt(chans) * BytesFromDevFmt(type);
extern const struct EffectList {
const char *name;
int type;
const char *ename;
ALenum val;
} EffectList[];
enum DeviceType {
/* Size for temporary storage of buffer data, in ALfloats. Larger values need
* more memory, while smaller values may need more iterations. The value needs
* to be a sensible size, however, as it constrains the max stepping value used
* for mixing, as well as the maximum number of samples per mixing iteration.
#define BUFFERSIZE (2048u)
struct ALCdevice_struct
volatile RefCount ref;
ALCboolean Connected;
enum DeviceType Type;
ALuint Frequency;
ALuint UpdateSize;
ALuint NumUpdates;
enum DevFmtChannels FmtChans;
enum DevFmtType FmtType;
ALCchar *DeviceName;
volatile ALCenum LastError;
// Maximum number of sources that can be created
ALuint MaxNoOfSources;
// Maximum number of slots that can be created
ALuint AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax;
ALCuint NumMonoSources;
ALCuint NumStereoSources;
ALuint NumAuxSends;
// Map of Buffers for this device
UIntMap BufferMap;
// Map of Effects for this device
UIntMap EffectMap;
// Map of Filters for this device
UIntMap FilterMap;
/* HRTF filter tables */
const struct Hrtf *Hrtf;
// Stereo-to-binaural filter
struct bs2b *Bs2b;
ALCint Bs2bLevel;
// Device flags
ALuint Flags;
ALuint ChannelOffsets[MaxChannels];
enum Channel Speaker2Chan[MaxChannels];
ALfloat SpeakerAngle[MaxChannels];
ALuint NumChan;
/* Temp storage used for mixing. +1 for the predictive sample. */
ALIGN(16) ALfloat SampleData1[BUFFERSIZE+1];
ALIGN(16) ALfloat SampleData2[BUFFERSIZE+1];
// Dry path buffer mix
ALIGN(16) ALfloat DryBuffer[MaxChannels][BUFFERSIZE];
ALIGN(16) ALfloat ClickRemoval[MaxChannels];
ALIGN(16) ALfloat PendingClicks[MaxChannels];
/* Default effect slot */
struct ALeffectslot *DefaultSlot;
// Contexts created on this device
ALCcontext *volatile ContextList;
struct ALCbackend *Backend;
BackendFuncs *Funcs;
void *ExtraData; // For the backend's use
ALCdevice *volatile next;
#define ALCdevice_OpenCapture(a,b) ((a)->Funcs->OpenCapture((a), (b)))
#define ALCdevice_CloseCapture(a) ((a)->Funcs->CloseCapture((a)))
#define ALCdevice_StartCapture(a) ((a)->Funcs->StartCapture((a)))
#define ALCdevice_StopCapture(a) ((a)->Funcs->StopCapture((a)))
#define ALCdevice_CaptureSamples(a,b,c) ((a)->Funcs->CaptureSamples((a), (b), (c)))
#define ALCdevice_AvailableSamples(a) ((a)->Funcs->AvailableSamples((a)))
#define ALCdevice_Lock(a) ((a)->Funcs->Lock((a)))
#define ALCdevice_Unlock(a) ((a)->Funcs->Unlock((a)))
// Frequency was requested by the app or config file
// Channel configuration was requested by the config file
// Sample type was requested by the config file
// HRTF was requested by the app
#define DEVICE_HRTF_REQUEST (1<<4)
// Stereo sources cover 120-degree angles around +/-90
#define DEVICE_WIDE_STEREO (1<<16)
// Specifies if the device is currently running
#define DEVICE_RUNNING (1<<31)
/* Invalid channel offset */
#define INVALID_OFFSET (~0u)
/* Must be less than 15 characters (16 including terminating null) for
* compatibility with pthread_setname_np limitations. */
#define MIXER_THREAD_NAME "alsoft-mixer"
ALint64 alcGetLatency(ALCdevice *device);
static inline struct ALbuffer *LookupBuffer(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id)
{ return (struct ALbuffer*)LookupUIntMapKey(&device->BufferMap, id); }
static inline struct ALeffect *LookupEffect(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id)
{ return (struct ALeffect*)LookupUIntMapKey(&device->EffectMap, id); }
static inline struct ALfilter *LookupFilter(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id)
{ return (struct ALfilter*)LookupUIntMapKey(&device->FilterMap, id); }
static inline struct ALbuffer *RemoveBuffer(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id)
{ return (struct ALbuffer*)RemoveUIntMapKey(&device->BufferMap, id); }
static inline struct ALeffect *RemoveEffect(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id)
{ return (struct ALeffect*)RemoveUIntMapKey(&device->EffectMap, id); }
static inline struct ALfilter *RemoveFilter(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id)
{ return (struct ALfilter*)RemoveUIntMapKey(&device->FilterMap, id); }
struct ALCcontext_struct
volatile RefCount ref;
struct ALlistener *Listener;
UIntMap SourceMap;
UIntMap EffectSlotMap;
volatile ALenum LastError;
volatile ALenum UpdateSources;
volatile enum DistanceModel DistanceModel;
volatile ALboolean SourceDistanceModel;
volatile ALfloat DopplerFactor;
volatile ALfloat DopplerVelocity;
volatile ALfloat SpeedOfSound;
volatile ALenum DeferUpdates;
struct ALsource **ActiveSources;
ALsizei ActiveSourceCount;
ALsizei MaxActiveSources;
struct ALeffectslot **ActiveEffectSlots;
ALsizei ActiveEffectSlotCount;
ALsizei MaxActiveEffectSlots;
ALCdevice *Device;
const ALCchar *ExtensionList;
ALCcontext *volatile next;
static inline struct ALsource *LookupSource(ALCcontext *context, ALuint id)
{ return (struct ALsource*)LookupUIntMapKey(&context->SourceMap, id); }
static inline struct ALeffectslot *LookupEffectSlot(ALCcontext *context, ALuint id)
{ return (struct ALeffectslot*)LookupUIntMapKey(&context->EffectSlotMap, id); }
static inline struct ALsource *RemoveSource(ALCcontext *context, ALuint id)
{ return (struct ALsource*)RemoveUIntMapKey(&context->SourceMap, id); }
static inline struct ALeffectslot *RemoveEffectSlot(ALCcontext *context, ALuint id)
{ return (struct ALeffectslot*)RemoveUIntMapKey(&context->EffectSlotMap, id); }
ALCcontext *GetContextRef(void);
void ALCcontext_IncRef(ALCcontext *context);
void ALCcontext_DecRef(ALCcontext *context);
void AppendAllDevicesList(const ALCchar *name);
void AppendCaptureDeviceList(const ALCchar *name);
void ALCdevice_LockDefault(ALCdevice *device);
void ALCdevice_UnlockDefault(ALCdevice *device);
ALint64 ALCdevice_GetLatencyDefault(ALCdevice *device);
static inline void LockContext(ALCcontext *context)
{ ALCdevice_Lock(context->Device); }
static inline void UnlockContext(ALCcontext *context)
{ ALCdevice_Unlock(context->Device); }
void *al_malloc(size_t alignment, size_t size);
void *al_calloc(size_t alignment, size_t size);
void al_free(void *ptr);
typedef struct {
#ifdef HAVE_FENV_H
int state;
#ifdef HAVE_SSE
int sse_state;
} FPUCtl;
void SetMixerFPUMode(FPUCtl *ctl);
void RestoreFPUMode(const FPUCtl *ctl);
typedef struct RingBuffer RingBuffer;
RingBuffer *CreateRingBuffer(ALsizei frame_size, ALsizei length);
void DestroyRingBuffer(RingBuffer *ring);
ALsizei RingBufferSize(RingBuffer *ring);
void WriteRingBuffer(RingBuffer *ring, const ALubyte *data, ALsizei len);
void ReadRingBuffer(RingBuffer *ring, ALubyte *data, ALsizei len);
void ReadALConfig(void);
void FreeALConfig(void);
int ConfigValueExists(const char *blockName, const char *keyName);
const char *GetConfigValue(const char *blockName, const char *keyName, const char *def);
int GetConfigValueBool(const char *blockName, const char *keyName, int def);
int ConfigValueStr(const char *blockName, const char *keyName, const char **ret);
int ConfigValueInt(const char *blockName, const char *keyName, int *ret);
int ConfigValueUInt(const char *blockName, const char *keyName, unsigned int *ret);
int ConfigValueFloat(const char *blockName, const char *keyName, float *ret);
void SetRTPriority(void);
void SetDefaultChannelOrder(ALCdevice *device);
void SetDefaultWFXChannelOrder(ALCdevice *device);
const ALCchar *DevFmtTypeString(enum DevFmtType type);
const ALCchar *DevFmtChannelsString(enum DevFmtChannels chans);
#define HRIR_BITS (7)
#define HRTFDELAY_BITS (20)
const struct Hrtf *GetHrtf(ALCdevice *device);
void FindHrtfFormat(const ALCdevice *device, enum DevFmtChannels *chans, ALCuint *srate);
void FreeHrtfs(void);
ALuint GetHrtfIrSize(const struct Hrtf *Hrtf);
ALfloat CalcHrtfDelta(ALfloat oldGain, ALfloat newGain, const ALfloat olddir[3], const ALfloat newdir[3]);
void GetLerpedHrtfCoeffs(const struct Hrtf *Hrtf, ALfloat elevation, ALfloat azimuth, ALfloat gain, ALfloat (*coeffs)[2], ALuint *delays);
ALuint GetMovingHrtfCoeffs(const struct Hrtf *Hrtf, ALfloat elevation, ALfloat azimuth, ALfloat gain, ALfloat delta, ALint counter, ALfloat (*coeffs)[2], ALuint *delays, ALfloat (*coeffStep)[2], ALint *delayStep);
void al_print(const char *type, const char *func, const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_STYLE(3,4);
#define AL_PRINT(T, ...) al_print((T), __FUNCTION__, __VA_ARGS__)
extern FILE *LogFile;
enum LogLevel {
extern enum LogLevel LogLevel;
#define TRACEREF(...) do { \
if(LogLevel >= LogRef) \
AL_PRINT("(--)", __VA_ARGS__); \
} while(0)
#define TRACE(...) do { \
if(LogLevel >= LogTrace) \
AL_PRINT("(II)", __VA_ARGS__); \
} while(0)
#define WARN(...) do { \
if(LogLevel >= LogWarning) \
AL_PRINT("(WW)", __VA_ARGS__); \
} while(0)
#define ERR(...) do { \
if(LogLevel >= LogError) \
AL_PRINT("(EE)", __VA_ARGS__); \
} while(0)
extern ALint RTPrioLevel;
extern ALuint CPUCapFlags;
enum {
CPU_CAP_SSE = 1<<0,
CPU_CAP_SSE2 = 1<<1,
CPU_CAP_NEON = 1<<2,
void FillCPUCaps(ALuint capfilter);
#define SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN(ctx, err) do { \
alSetError((ctx), (err)); \
return; \
} while(0)
#define SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(ctx, err, val) do { \
alSetError((ctx), (err)); \
return (val); \
} while(0)
#define SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(ctx, err, lbl) do { \
alSetError((ctx), (err)); \
goto lbl; \
} while(0)
#ifdef __cplusplus