Chris Robinson 58a9549a58 Handle the listener position separate from the rotation matrix
It's too unstable with larger vectors. Even when the source and listener
positions are the same, floating point precision can cause noticeable rounding
2021-05-25 14:08:16 -07:00

128 lines
3.9 KiB

#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <limits>
#include "alspan.h"
namespace alu {
template<typename T>
class VectorR {
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<T>::value, "Must use floating-point types");
alignas(16) std::array<T,4> mVals;
constexpr VectorR() noexcept = default;
constexpr VectorR(const VectorR&) noexcept = default;
constexpr VectorR(T a, T b, T c, T d) noexcept : mVals{{a, b, c, d}} { }
constexpr VectorR& operator=(const VectorR&) noexcept = default;
T& operator[](size_t idx) noexcept { return mVals[idx]; }
constexpr const T& operator[](size_t idx) const noexcept { return mVals[idx]; }
VectorR& operator+=(const VectorR &rhs) noexcept
mVals[0] += rhs.mVals[0];
mVals[1] += rhs.mVals[1];
mVals[2] += rhs.mVals[2];
mVals[3] += rhs.mVals[3];
return *this;
VectorR operator-(const VectorR &rhs) const noexcept
const VectorR ret{mVals[0] - rhs.mVals[0], mVals[1] - rhs.mVals[1],
mVals[2] - rhs.mVals[2], mVals[3] - rhs.mVals[3]};
return ret;
T normalize(T limit = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon())
limit = std::max(limit, std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon());
const T length_sqr{mVals[0]*mVals[0] + mVals[1]*mVals[1] + mVals[2]*mVals[2]};
if(length_sqr > limit*limit)
const T length{std::sqrt(length_sqr)};
T inv_length{T{1}/length};
mVals[0] *= inv_length;
mVals[1] *= inv_length;
mVals[2] *= inv_length;
return length;
mVals[0] = mVals[1] = mVals[2] = T{0};
return T{0};
constexpr VectorR cross_product(const alu::VectorR<T> &rhs) const
return VectorR{
(*this)[1]*rhs[2] - (*this)[2]*rhs[1],
(*this)[2]*rhs[0] - (*this)[0]*rhs[2],
(*this)[0]*rhs[1] - (*this)[1]*rhs[0],
constexpr T dot_product(const alu::VectorR<T> &rhs) const
{ return (*this)[0]*rhs[0] + (*this)[1]*rhs[1] + (*this)[2]*rhs[2]; }
using Vector = VectorR<float>;
template<typename T>
class MatrixR {
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<T>::value, "Must use floating-point types");
alignas(16) std::array<T,16> mVals;
constexpr MatrixR() noexcept = default;
constexpr MatrixR(const MatrixR&) noexcept = default;
constexpr MatrixR(T aa, T ab, T ac, T ad,
T ba, T bb, T bc, T bd,
T ca, T cb, T cc, T cd,
T da, T db, T dc, T dd) noexcept
: mVals{{aa,ab,ac,ad, ba,bb,bc,bd, ca,cb,cc,cd, da,db,dc,dd}}
{ }
constexpr MatrixR& operator=(const MatrixR&) noexcept = default;
auto operator[](size_t idx) noexcept { return al::span<T,4>{&mVals[idx*4], 4}; }
constexpr auto operator[](size_t idx) const noexcept
{ return al::span<const T,4>{&mVals[idx*4], 4}; }
static constexpr MatrixR Identity() noexcept
return MatrixR{
T{1}, T{0}, T{0}, T{0},
T{0}, T{1}, T{0}, T{0},
T{0}, T{0}, T{1}, T{0},
T{0}, T{0}, T{0}, T{1}};
using Matrix = MatrixR<float>;
template<typename T>
inline VectorR<T> operator*(const MatrixR<T> &mtx, const VectorR<T> &vec) noexcept
return VectorR<T>{
vec[0]*mtx[0][0] + vec[1]*mtx[1][0] + vec[2]*mtx[2][0] + vec[3]*mtx[3][0],
vec[0]*mtx[0][1] + vec[1]*mtx[1][1] + vec[2]*mtx[2][1] + vec[3]*mtx[3][1],
vec[0]*mtx[0][2] + vec[1]*mtx[1][2] + vec[2]*mtx[2][2] + vec[3]*mtx[3][2],
vec[0]*mtx[0][3] + vec[1]*mtx[1][3] + vec[2]*mtx[2][3] + vec[3]*mtx[3][3]};
template<typename U, typename T>
inline VectorR<U> cast_to(const VectorR<T> &vec) noexcept
return VectorR<U>{static_cast<U>(vec[0]), static_cast<U>(vec[1]),
static_cast<U>(vec[2]), static_cast<U>(vec[3])};
} // namespace alu
#endif /* COMMON_VECMAT_H */