164 lines
5.2 KiB
164 lines
5.2 KiB
#include "config.h"
#include "biquad.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include "opthelpers.h"
template<typename Real>
void BiquadFilterR<Real>::setParams(BiquadType type, Real f0norm, Real gain, Real rcpQ)
// Limit gain to -100dB
assert(gain > 0.00001f);
const Real w0{al::MathDefs<Real>::Tau() * f0norm};
const Real sin_w0{std::sin(w0)};
const Real cos_w0{std::cos(w0)};
const Real alpha{sin_w0/2.0f * rcpQ};
Real sqrtgain_alpha_2;
Real a[3]{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
Real b[3]{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
/* Calculate filter coefficients depending on filter type */
case BiquadType::HighShelf:
sqrtgain_alpha_2 = 2.0f * std::sqrt(gain) * alpha;
b[0] = gain*((gain+1.0f) + (gain-1.0f)*cos_w0 + sqrtgain_alpha_2);
b[1] = -2.0f*gain*((gain-1.0f) + (gain+1.0f)*cos_w0 );
b[2] = gain*((gain+1.0f) + (gain-1.0f)*cos_w0 - sqrtgain_alpha_2);
a[0] = (gain+1.0f) - (gain-1.0f)*cos_w0 + sqrtgain_alpha_2;
a[1] = 2.0f* ((gain-1.0f) - (gain+1.0f)*cos_w0 );
a[2] = (gain+1.0f) - (gain-1.0f)*cos_w0 - sqrtgain_alpha_2;
case BiquadType::LowShelf:
sqrtgain_alpha_2 = 2.0f * std::sqrt(gain) * alpha;
b[0] = gain*((gain+1.0f) - (gain-1.0f)*cos_w0 + sqrtgain_alpha_2);
b[1] = 2.0f*gain*((gain-1.0f) - (gain+1.0f)*cos_w0 );
b[2] = gain*((gain+1.0f) - (gain-1.0f)*cos_w0 - sqrtgain_alpha_2);
a[0] = (gain+1.0f) + (gain-1.0f)*cos_w0 + sqrtgain_alpha_2;
a[1] = -2.0f* ((gain-1.0f) + (gain+1.0f)*cos_w0 );
a[2] = (gain+1.0f) + (gain-1.0f)*cos_w0 - sqrtgain_alpha_2;
case BiquadType::Peaking:
b[0] = 1.0f + alpha * gain;
b[1] = -2.0f * cos_w0;
b[2] = 1.0f - alpha * gain;
a[0] = 1.0f + alpha / gain;
a[1] = -2.0f * cos_w0;
a[2] = 1.0f - alpha / gain;
case BiquadType::LowPass:
b[0] = (1.0f - cos_w0) / 2.0f;
b[1] = 1.0f - cos_w0;
b[2] = (1.0f - cos_w0) / 2.0f;
a[0] = 1.0f + alpha;
a[1] = -2.0f * cos_w0;
a[2] = 1.0f - alpha;
case BiquadType::HighPass:
b[0] = (1.0f + cos_w0) / 2.0f;
b[1] = -(1.0f + cos_w0);
b[2] = (1.0f + cos_w0) / 2.0f;
a[0] = 1.0f + alpha;
a[1] = -2.0f * cos_w0;
a[2] = 1.0f - alpha;
case BiquadType::BandPass:
b[0] = alpha;
b[1] = 0.0f;
b[2] = -alpha;
a[0] = 1.0f + alpha;
a[1] = -2.0f * cos_w0;
a[2] = 1.0f - alpha;
mA1 = a[1] / a[0];
mA2 = a[2] / a[0];
mB0 = b[0] / a[0];
mB1 = b[1] / a[0];
mB2 = b[2] / a[0];
template<typename Real>
void BiquadFilterR<Real>::process(const al::span<const Real> src, Real *dst)
const Real b0{mB0};
const Real b1{mB1};
const Real b2{mB2};
const Real a1{mA1};
const Real a2{mA2};
Real z1{mZ1};
Real z2{mZ2};
/* Processing loop is Transposed Direct Form II. This requires less storage
* compared to Direct Form I (only two delay components, instead of a four-
* sample history; the last two inputs and outputs), and works better for
* floating-point which favors summing similarly-sized values while being
* less bothered by overflow.
* See: http://www.earlevel.com/main/2003/02/28/biquads/
auto proc_sample = [b0,b1,b2,a1,a2,&z1,&z2](Real input) noexcept -> Real
const Real output{input*b0 + z1};
z1 = input*b1 - output*a1 + z2;
z2 = input*b2 - output*a2;
return output;
std::transform(src.cbegin(), src.cend(), dst, proc_sample);
mZ1 = z1;
mZ2 = z2;
template<typename Real>
void BiquadFilterR<Real>::dualProcess(BiquadFilterR &other, const al::span<const Real> src,
Real *dst)
const Real b00{mB0};
const Real b01{mB1};
const Real b02{mB2};
const Real a01{mA1};
const Real a02{mA2};
const Real b10{other.mB0};
const Real b11{other.mB1};
const Real b12{other.mB2};
const Real a11{other.mA1};
const Real a12{other.mA2};
Real z01{mZ1};
Real z02{mZ2};
Real z11{other.mZ1};
Real z12{other.mZ2};
auto proc_sample = [b00,b01,b02,a01,a02,b10,b11,b12,a11,a12,&z01,&z02,&z11,&z12](Real input) noexcept -> Real
const Real tmpout{input*b00 + z01};
z01 = input*b01 - tmpout*a01 + z02;
z02 = input*b02 - tmpout*a02;
input = tmpout;
const Real output{input*b10 + z11};
z11 = input*b11 - output*a11 + z12;
z12 = input*b12 - output*a12;
return output;
std::transform(src.cbegin(), src.cend(), dst, proc_sample);
mZ1 = z01;
mZ2 = z02;
other.mZ1 = z11;
other.mZ2 = z12;
template class BiquadFilterR<float>;
template class BiquadFilterR<double>;