This puts the base coefficients and the phase deltas next to each other. This improves caching, as the base and phase deltas are always used together while the scales are only used for the non-fast versions.
330 lines
12 KiB
330 lines
12 KiB
#include "config.h"
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include <limits>
#include "AL/al.h"
#include "AL/alc.h"
#include "alcmain.h"
#include "alu.h"
#include "hrtf.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "hrtfbase.h"
const ALfloat *Resample_<LerpTag,NEONTag>(const InterpState*, const ALfloat *RESTRICT src,
ALuint frac, ALuint increment, const al::span<float> dst)
const int32x4_t increment4 = vdupq_n_s32(static_cast<int>(increment*4));
const float32x4_t fracOne4 = vdupq_n_f32(1.0f/FRACTIONONE);
const int32x4_t fracMask4 = vdupq_n_s32(FRACTIONMASK);
alignas(16) ALuint pos_[4], frac_[4];
int32x4_t pos4, frac4;
InitPosArrays(frac, increment, frac_, pos_, 4);
frac4 = vld1q_s32(reinterpret_cast<int*>(frac_));
pos4 = vld1q_s32(reinterpret_cast<int*>(pos_));
auto dst_iter = dst.begin();
const auto aligned_end = (dst.size()&~3u) + dst_iter;
while(dst_iter != aligned_end)
const int pos0{vgetq_lane_s32(pos4, 0)};
const int pos1{vgetq_lane_s32(pos4, 1)};
const int pos2{vgetq_lane_s32(pos4, 2)};
const int pos3{vgetq_lane_s32(pos4, 3)};
const float32x4_t val1{src[pos0], src[pos1], src[pos2], src[pos3]};
const float32x4_t val2{src[pos0+1], src[pos1+1], src[pos2+1], src[pos3+1]};
/* val1 + (val2-val1)*mu */
const float32x4_t r0{vsubq_f32(val2, val1)};
const float32x4_t mu{vmulq_f32(vcvtq_f32_s32(frac4), fracOne4)};
const float32x4_t out{vmlaq_f32(val1, mu, r0)};
vst1q_f32(dst_iter, out);
dst_iter += 4;
frac4 = vaddq_s32(frac4, increment4);
pos4 = vaddq_s32(pos4, vshrq_n_s32(frac4, FRACTIONBITS));
frac4 = vandq_s32(frac4, fracMask4);
if(dst_iter != dst.end())
src += static_cast<ALuint>(vgetq_lane_s32(pos4, 0));
frac = static_cast<ALuint>(vgetq_lane_s32(frac4, 0));
do {
*(dst_iter++) = lerp(src[0], src[1], static_cast<float>(frac) * (1.0f/FRACTIONONE));
frac += increment;
src += frac>>FRACTIONBITS;
} while(dst_iter != dst.end());
return dst.begin();
const ALfloat *Resample_<BSincTag,NEONTag>(const InterpState *state, const ALfloat *RESTRICT src,
ALuint frac, ALuint increment, const al::span<float> dst)
const ALfloat *const filter{state->bsinc.filter};
const float32x4_t sf4{vdupq_n_f32(state->bsinc.sf)};
const size_t m{state->bsinc.m};
src -= state->bsinc.l;
for(float &out_sample : dst)
// Calculate the phase index and factor.
const ALuint pi{frac >> FRAC_PHASE_BITDIFF};
const ALfloat pf{static_cast<float>(frac & ((1<<FRAC_PHASE_BITDIFF)-1)) *
// Apply the scale and phase interpolated filter.
float32x4_t r4{vdupq_n_f32(0.0f)};
const float32x4_t pf4{vdupq_n_f32(pf)};
const float *fil{filter + m*pi*4};
const float *phd{fil + m};
const float *scd{phd + m};
const float *spd{scd + m};
size_t td{m >> 2};
size_t j{0u};
do {
/* f = ((fil + sf*scd) + pf*(phd + sf*spd)) */
const float32x4_t f4 = vmlaq_f32(
vmlaq_f32(vld1q_f32(fil), sf4, vld1q_f32(scd)),
pf4, vmlaq_f32(vld1q_f32(phd), sf4, vld1q_f32(spd)));
fil += 4; scd += 4; phd += 4; spd += 4;
/* r += f*src */
r4 = vmlaq_f32(r4, f4, vld1q_f32(&src[j]));
j += 4;
} while(--td);
r4 = vaddq_f32(r4, vrev64q_f32(r4));
out_sample = vget_lane_f32(vadd_f32(vget_low_f32(r4), vget_high_f32(r4)), 0);
frac += increment;
src += frac>>FRACTIONBITS;
return dst.begin();
const ALfloat *Resample_<FastBSincTag,NEONTag>(const InterpState *state,
const ALfloat *RESTRICT src, ALuint frac, ALuint increment, const al::span<float> dst)
const ALfloat *const filter{state->bsinc.filter};
const size_t m{state->bsinc.m};
src -= state->bsinc.l;
for(float &out_sample : dst)
// Calculate the phase index and factor.
const ALuint pi{frac >> FRAC_PHASE_BITDIFF};
const ALfloat pf{static_cast<float>(frac & ((1<<FRAC_PHASE_BITDIFF)-1)) *
// Apply the phase interpolated filter.
float32x4_t r4{vdupq_n_f32(0.0f)};
const float32x4_t pf4{vdupq_n_f32(pf)};
const float *fil{filter + m*pi*4};
const float *phd{fil + m};
size_t td{m >> 2};
size_t j{0u};
do {
/* f = fil + pf*phd */
const float32x4_t f4 = vmlaq_f32(vld1q_f32(fil), pf4, vld1q_f32(phd));
/* r += f*src */
r4 = vmlaq_f32(r4, f4, vld1q_f32(&src[j]));
fil += 4; phd += 4; j += 4;
} while(--td);
r4 = vaddq_f32(r4, vrev64q_f32(r4));
out_sample = vget_lane_f32(vadd_f32(vget_low_f32(r4), vget_high_f32(r4)), 0);
frac += increment;
src += frac>>FRACTIONBITS;
return dst.begin();
static inline void ApplyCoeffs(size_t /*Offset*/, float2 *RESTRICT Values, const ALuint IrSize,
const HrirArray &Coeffs, const ALfloat left, const ALfloat right)
ASSUME(IrSize >= 4);
float32x4_t leftright4;
float32x2_t leftright2 = vdup_n_f32(0.0);
leftright2 = vset_lane_f32(left, leftright2, 0);
leftright2 = vset_lane_f32(right, leftright2, 1);
leftright4 = vcombine_f32(leftright2, leftright2);
for(ALuint c{0};c < IrSize;c += 2)
float32x4_t vals = vld1q_f32(&Values[c][0]);
float32x4_t coefs = vld1q_f32(&Coeffs[c][0]);
vals = vmlaq_f32(vals, coefs, leftright4);
vst1q_f32(&Values[c][0], vals);
void MixHrtf_<NEONTag>(FloatBufferLine &LeftOut, FloatBufferLine &RightOut,
const ALfloat *InSamples, float2 *AccumSamples, const size_t OutPos, const ALuint IrSize,
MixHrtfFilter *hrtfparams, const size_t BufferSize)
MixHrtfBase<ApplyCoeffs>(LeftOut, RightOut, InSamples, AccumSamples, OutPos, IrSize,
hrtfparams, BufferSize);
void MixHrtfBlend_<NEONTag>(FloatBufferLine &LeftOut, FloatBufferLine &RightOut,
const ALfloat *InSamples, float2 *AccumSamples, const size_t OutPos, const ALuint IrSize,
const HrtfFilter *oldparams, MixHrtfFilter *newparams, const size_t BufferSize)
MixHrtfBlendBase<ApplyCoeffs>(LeftOut, RightOut, InSamples, AccumSamples, OutPos, IrSize,
oldparams, newparams, BufferSize);
void MixDirectHrtf_<NEONTag>(FloatBufferLine &LeftOut, FloatBufferLine &RightOut,
const al::span<const FloatBufferLine> InSamples, float2 *AccumSamples, DirectHrtfState *State,
const size_t BufferSize)
MixDirectHrtfBase<ApplyCoeffs>(LeftOut, RightOut, InSamples, AccumSamples, State, BufferSize);
void Mix_<NEONTag>(const al::span<const float> InSamples, const al::span<FloatBufferLine> OutBuffer,
float *CurrentGains, const float *TargetGains, const size_t Counter, const size_t OutPos)
const ALfloat delta{(Counter > 0) ? 1.0f / static_cast<ALfloat>(Counter) : 0.0f};
const bool reached_target{InSamples.size() >= Counter};
const auto min_end = reached_target ? InSamples.begin() + Counter : InSamples.end();
const auto aligned_end = minz(static_cast<uintptr_t>(min_end-InSamples.begin()+3) & ~3u,
InSamples.size()) + InSamples.begin();
for(FloatBufferLine &output : OutBuffer)
ALfloat *RESTRICT dst{al::assume_aligned<16>(output.data()+OutPos)};
ALfloat gain{*CurrentGains};
const ALfloat diff{*TargetGains - gain};
auto in_iter = InSamples.begin();
if(std::fabs(diff) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
const ALfloat step{diff * delta};
ALfloat step_count{0.0f};
/* Mix with applying gain steps in aligned multiples of 4. */
if(ptrdiff_t todo{(min_end-in_iter) >> 2})
const float32x4_t four4{vdupq_n_f32(4.0f)};
const float32x4_t step4{vdupq_n_f32(step)};
const float32x4_t gain4{vdupq_n_f32(gain)};
float32x4_t step_count4{vsetq_lane_f32(0.0f,
vsetq_lane_f32(3.0f, vdupq_n_f32(0.0f), 3),
2), 1), 0
do {
const float32x4_t val4 = vld1q_f32(in_iter);
float32x4_t dry4 = vld1q_f32(dst);
dry4 = vmlaq_f32(dry4, val4, vmlaq_f32(gain4, step4, step_count4));
step_count4 = vaddq_f32(step_count4, four4);
vst1q_f32(dst, dry4);
in_iter += 4; dst += 4;
} while(--todo);
/* NOTE: step_count4 now represents the next four counts after
* the last four mixed samples, so the lowest element
* represents the next step count to apply.
step_count = vgetq_lane_f32(step_count4, 0);
/* Mix with applying left over gain steps that aren't aligned multiples of 4. */
while(in_iter != min_end)
*(dst++) += *(in_iter++) * (gain + step*step_count);
step_count += 1.0f;
gain = *TargetGains;
gain += step*step_count;
*CurrentGains = gain;
/* Mix until pos is aligned with 4 or the mix is done. */
while(in_iter != aligned_end)
*(dst++) += *(in_iter++) * gain;
if(!(std::fabs(gain) > GAIN_SILENCE_THRESHOLD))
if(ptrdiff_t todo{(InSamples.end()-in_iter) >> 2})
const float32x4_t gain4 = vdupq_n_f32(gain);
do {
const float32x4_t val4 = vld1q_f32(in_iter);
float32x4_t dry4 = vld1q_f32(dst);
dry4 = vmlaq_f32(dry4, val4, gain4);
vst1q_f32(dst, dry4);
in_iter += 4; dst += 4;
} while(--todo);
while(in_iter != InSamples.end())
*(dst++) += *(in_iter++) * gain;
void MixRow_<NEONTag>(const al::span<float> OutBuffer, const al::span<const float> Gains,
const float *InSamples, const size_t InStride)
for(const ALfloat gain : Gains)
const ALfloat *RESTRICT input{InSamples};
InSamples += InStride;
if(!(std::fabs(gain) > GAIN_SILENCE_THRESHOLD))
auto out_iter = OutBuffer.begin();
if(size_t todo{OutBuffer.size() >> 2})
const float32x4_t gain4{vdupq_n_f32(gain)};
do {
const float32x4_t val4 = vld1q_f32(input);
float32x4_t dry4 = vld1q_f32(out_iter);
dry4 = vmlaq_f32(dry4, val4, gain4);
vst1q_f32(out_iter, dry4);
out_iter += 4; input += 4;
} while(--todo);
auto do_mix = [gain](const float cur, const float src) noexcept -> float
{ return cur + src*gain; };
std::transform(out_iter, OutBuffer.end(), input, out_iter, do_mix);