Note that the actual type name is ALCcontext_struct, because of how it's
defined in AL/alc.h (ALCcontext is just an alias to struct ALCcontext_struct).
The context state properties are less likely to change compared to the listener
state, and future changes may prefer more infrequent updates to the context
Note that this puts the MetersPerUnit in as a context state, even though it's
handled through the listener functions. Considering the infrequency that it's
updated at (generally set just once for the context's lifetime), it makes more
sense to put it there than with the more frequently updated listener
properties. The aforementioned future changes would also prefer MetersPerUnit
to not be updated unnecessarily.
This uses a separate container to provide the relevant properties to the
internal update method, using atomic pointer swaps. A free-list is used to
avoid having too many individual containers.
This allows the mixer to update the internal listener properties without
requiring the lock to protect against async updates. It also allows concurrent
read access to the user-facing property values, even the multi-value ones (e.g.
the vectors).
This helps the stability of transforms to local space for sources that are at
or near the listener. With a single-precision matrix, even FLT_EPSILON might
not be enough to detect matching positions.