Explicitly convert to int in the aluF2I/S/B functions

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Chris Robinson 2015-09-07 03:27:25 -07:00
parent 5d8a1c11b5
commit d240077bc5

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@ -1153,27 +1153,34 @@ ALvoid CalcSourceParams(ALvoice *voice, const ALsource *ALSource, const ALCconte
static inline ALint aluF2I25(ALfloat val)
/* Specialized function to clamp to [-1, +1] with only one branch. This also
* converts NaN to 0. */
static inline ALfloat aluClampf(ALfloat val)
/* Clamp the value between -1 and +1. This handles that with only a single branch. */
if(fabsf(val) > 1.0f)
val = (ALfloat)((0.0f < val) - (val < 0.0f));
/* Convert to a signed integer, between -16777215 and +16777215. */
return fastf2i(val*16777215.0f);
if(fabsf(val) <= 1.0f) return val;
return (ALfloat)((0.0f < val) - (val < 0.0f));
static inline ALfloat aluF2F(ALfloat val)
{ return val; }
static inline ALint aluF2I(ALfloat val)
{ return aluF2I25(val)<<7; }
/* Floats only have a 24-bit mantissa, so [-16777215, +16777215] is the max
* integer range normalized floats can be safely converted to.
return fastf2i(aluClampf(val)*16777215.0f)<<7;
static inline ALuint aluF2UI(ALfloat val)
{ return aluF2I(val)+2147483648u; }
static inline ALshort aluF2S(ALfloat val)
{ return aluF2I25(val)>>9; }
{ return fastf2i(aluClampf(val)*32767.0f); }
static inline ALushort aluF2US(ALfloat val)
{ return aluF2S(val)+32768; }
static inline ALbyte aluF2B(ALfloat val)
{ return aluF2I25(val)>>17; }
{ return fastf2i(aluClampf(val)*127.0f); }
static inline ALubyte aluF2UB(ALfloat val)
{ return aluF2B(val)+128; }